
Heard it’s been getting rapid updates though so that’s always encouraging. Maybe in 3-6 months it’ll be super refined. Keen to give this one a go once I wrap up Pathfinder

Kaldo, avatar

I heard that inventory management and transferring items between party members is a chore, which is a shame since it's something that PF games have already solved - shared inventory space for all party members. It makes it so much more convenient and fun to use than the mess DOS games had.


I haven’t noticed it being an issue. When you loot an item you can send it to a specific character and if you want to move lots of things you can hit tab, see the whole party and drag and drop items from inventory to inventory. Maybe it gets worse later on, I’m only 20 hours in.


I’ve been playing on “console” (SteamDeck) so I know the UI is different but the issue I’ve found is that there are three different “inventory” options and two different “loot” options, and each behaves a little differently.

For example if I loot a corpse, you’re right I can send to a specific party member. However if I loot a chest, that has to go to me.

Similarly when I the character sheet inventory view I can sort by certain methods and then L3(?) to exit that menu. If I’m selling something it’s still (L3?) to open that menu, but B to exit it. Also the sorting options aren’t the same. Also switching between characters during a trade event is one button. However switching on the character sheet is three buttons. There is also a third lesser used “put in device” menu with even fewer sorting options and you can’t switch characters.

The game is excellent and you can get used to these things but I do sometimes have to spend time just sorting things.

  • you can hit tab to see all inventories and drag/drop
  • you can right click anything to send to camp or to any party member
  • you can have as many containers as you want for your gear

Inventory management is the easiest of any RPG and doesn’t rely on 3rd party tools to manage (e.g. Destiny’s abysmal design, or lack of I should say)


One QoL improvement I’ve not seen here is a better journal system. When I can’t further a quest line even something vague like ‘Continue your journey so learn more’ would be great. I have spent time on some quests hunting down a person to discover the quest can only be completed in the next act multiple times now.


This was an issue I had with DOS2 as well. It was at the point I literally wrote stuff down in a notebook so that I could keep track of the side quests and what the last step was. Eventually they did overhaul the journal in that game to be a lot more useful though.


Loving the game, do agree though that it starts to get a bit muddled and confusing - at times it feels like I’m not really sure which quests I’m doing, why I’m doing it or what I’m trying to achieve – very realistic to real life in that regard but it can feel a bit of a chore


I kind of stopped paying attention to side quests. In a lot of RPGs, I feel like they’re discrete, separate errands, and usually contained within the area where they’re given. BG3 side quests seem a lot more integrated, in the sense that I’ll often just happen along the next step in one as I pursue main quest. If not, then it may be because the next step is in the next Act. And some of them seem to be mutually exclusive.

Maybe because it’s my first play through, but I’m now in ‘if it happens, it happens’ mode, and I’m confident that there are enough opportunities for me to make different choices to have a substantially different experience next time.


*I don’t know who I am

I don’t know where I am

All I know

Is I must kill*

You have tested: The Dark Urge. Congratulations!


One qol improvement I’d like to see is faster team roster selection. Like every time you leave camp, you should get to select which companions will go with you (similar to many other CRPGs). Right now I find myself not using certain companions as often, mostly because I don’t want to go run around my camp for a minute rearranging my squad. It should be a simple drag and drop interface.

FarceMultiplier, avatar

I never change my group because Gale and Laz’ael are annoying as hell.


How dare you badmouth Laezel you Tskva!

Pyr_Pressure, (edited )

I do quite like it, but there are definitely small quality of life improvements that were missed in the initial launch. For example the mini-map, which rotates on movement and I find it annoying to navigate. There is a way to stop the rotation, but then there is no indicator on it to display which direction your camera is facing and is still difficult to navigate.

Just small things like that here and there that I’ve noticed.


I have the cardinal directions marked on my mini map though they can be hard to notice. I find the enemy opertinity attacks are very hard to see and should ask for a promt before just happening


You can actually have the game ask for opportunity attacks. If you open your character tab (or party view), up at the top, there’s a tab for “Reactions”. You can set it to automatically take opportunity attacks or ask before.


I think he means when you’re moving through their range and they can take an opportunity attack on you. I dont find the arrow hard to see but if you do miss it it doesn’t confirm that you want to move through an enemy’s melee range. It does cancel the movement afterward though without ending your turn or anything


That has pissed me off so much because I keep forgetting to make sure that damned arrow isn’t there before I click. And then sometimes my mouse moves ever so slightly when I do click that it was enough of a shift to change the pathway close enough for it to appear.


Im refering to enemy attacks on the player


Yes I see the cardinal directions, but if I’m looking at my main map trying to figure out where to go, and planning in my head “okay I need to take a left and then a right and then another right…” Then exit out, look at my mini map, I either have to align it back so north points up top to get my bearings or if it’s fixed I have to move my characters forward to see which direction the camera is facing so I don’t mix up my lefts and rights.


Ah I see yes, I find myself constantly trying to click on the map to simply put my camera at that location to avoid that problem but baldur’s gate 3 doeant work like the old games where that was an option and so I just resort to constantly checking the map at every junktion

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