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ISolox, w This is Microsoft’s new disc-less Xbox Series X design with a new gyro controller

Another only digital console: ew.

Gyro in an Xbox controller: W


I wish they’d make the drive an optional add-on that you could buy later if you decide that digital only isn’t for you, instead of using it as product segmentation. But that would be pro-consumer, so not gonna happen.


They should make it HD DVD drive compatible 😁

insomniac, avatar

Or at the very least let us convert our disc licenses to digital.


That’s problematic because you can resell disks. I suppose they could sign disks independently and then only allow one digital owner, but then you’d need a formal process every time you resell, or worse, disallow reselling, and the cost for producing disks would go away up (not to mention returns would be a headache).


Fuck no.

I’m not getting an external disc drive. It will only end in tears.

I’m going all PC, Nintendo, or PS5 if Xbox goes all-digital.

I thought the selling point of consoles was supposed to be second hand games being cheap


Another benefit of having an external disk drive is that you can replace it if yours goes bad. I’m not sure what’s going to “end in tears,” it would work just like any other USB device, you plug it in and the console could load games from it.

But yeah, an all digital console makes no sense to me, unless it’s an interesting form factor like a handheld or an arcade cabinet. So the only console I have is a Switch, and everything else is on PC.


I was all for physical copies for years. And I get why people still would be because they have massive collections. But honestly now I’ve got the disc drive ps5 version and it hasn’t been used at all. Granted I only play like 3 or 4 games at a time for a long time, but every game I’ve bought has been digital.

Plus, your point of being able to replace the drive is huge (to me atleast) because every console I’ve had the drive went first; they were also super out of warranty. So I get why people want built in drives but it’s just one less port that’s going to breaks that also less and less people are going to want or need.

Lastly cause im like weighting a thesis or something haha but I bought a 4tb external hard drive that’s plugged in the back of the ps5 that holds everything I could want if the internet went dark. And I can throw that in the microwave incase of a solar storm so


Will that drive still work on the PS6? Will it work in 20 years? Can you buy more games after a Sony has shutdown the digital store? Can you sell your digital purchases if you don’t want them anymore?

Those are the kinds of problems physical media solves.

I buy digital media on my PC and physical media on my consoles, because PC games aren’t hardware specific whereas console games are.


I fear more and more games will become like BG3, digitally exclusive. I asked for it for my birthday and was told the game didn’t exist for PS5. I was confused, as I most certainly have been reading reviews, then I found out it’s only digital and thats why no one saw a copy.


Yeah, it’s too bad they don’t have a physical release, but it is DRM-free on PC, so game preservation is totally not an issue.


Ps5s next model is reportedly going the external disc drive route

TheOlympian, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield avatar

Y'all know there is no "removing" the pronouns for this mod right? All these do is remove he and she and default to they.

So I guess what I'm saying is I'm glad you're working so hard to remove the antiquated gender binary from your own personal fantasy future game. What a fantastic show of support for the trans and enby community! 😂


It removes "pronoun choice", which isn't a thing that exists in the real world, anyway. You can't choose your pronoun. Your biology and the rules of English grammar dictate it.

TheOneCurly, avatar


hal_5700X, w Alternative sources for the No Pronouns mod for Starfield avatar

I still don’t see the big deal about the pronoun mods. You have the power to use it or not. Also banning the mods only helped it. Streisand effect, everyone.

Rebels_Droppin, w Respawn added a new game mode to Titanfall 2 today, just called "???" The description is "Your rockets will blot out the sun" (reference to 300/Battle of Thermopylae) avatar

Anyone able to try it out? Not at home at the moment to try myself but curious as to what it is.

nanoUFO, (edited ) avatar

You basically get the energy rocket launcher and the two teams fight each other till they run out of spawn tickets. You can’t switch the primary out for another and no AI or Titans from what I saw. Also it’s 2x XP. I’m not that fond of it tbh maybe I just suck.

bionicjoey, w DC Comics adamant The Wolf Among Us' source material is not in the public domain, as its creator calls them 'thugs and conmen' and insists it is

If there’s an ownership dispute between the creator of the thing and the people who sell it, I’m always gonna side with the person who created the thing. Publishers are a cancer.

JokeDeity, w Diablo 4 Twitch viewership continues to drop as Diablo 3 overtakes it

Diablo 3 was incredibly boring to me, I played the beta for 4 and felt like they doubled down on everything that made 3 boring and uninteresting so I never looked back. I had a lot of fun with the remaster of 2, however. Blizzard, like almost all companies these days, is run by business majors who don’t care one iota about the products they’re making.

4am, w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email

If Microsoft acquired Nintendo I will give up on all video games forever.

Like yeah Nintendo is a big bad capitalist company but, just, no. I can’t think of a better way to make gaming worse.


Microsoft would make the company a lot more retail friendly.

End Nintendos fake scarcity selling tactics.

HarkMahlberg, (edited ) avatar

Forget fake scarcity, the REAL scarcity of pre-acquisition Nintendo games and consoles would skyrocket. Microsoft is only consumer-friendly now because they're still in the phase of acquiring a critical mass of content and users. Once they have both, and everything is on Game Pass, they'll jack up the price as high as they want knowing you'd lose access to all your games if you don't pay.


Yup, there’s a reason I don’t consider getting GamePass or any other subscription service.

philluminati, (edited )

Nintendo has an incredible brand for easy child friendly and safe gaming experiences. It‘a products are about as retail friendly as you can possibly get. It’s trustworthy. You just buy them off the shelf and slot the cartridges into the unit.

Microsoft is famous for anti-consumer practices, poor UI design, expensive licensing, abandoning products like their Phone, Zune.


And Nintendo loves to make trash consoles, making them insanely simple to emulate. Microsoft has decades of cyber security experience and would probably lock that right down.

(no of fence to Nintendo consoles, if anything its what made them interesting)

InEnduringGrowStrong, w Meta is shutting down three Oculus games without explanation avatar

I can’t understand people trusting Meta in any shape or form.

InEnduringGrowStrong, w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email avatar

Archive link if you don’t wanna deal with ads and whatnot:…/microsoft-nintendo-acquisition-…

Also, Firefox supports ublock Origin on Android (no clue about iThings, but probably everything is reskinned safari in apple land).
Pi-hole is also an option and while it isn’t perfect, it can block many ads at the network/dns level for devices that can’t support adblockers.
prepares shotgun while eyeing new smart tv suspiciously

DannyMac, w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email avatar

The gaming world’s response to MS buying Nintendo would make the whole Unity debacle look like a mild inconvenience in comparison… and that’s what I predict for the US, not to mention how Japan would respond to this.

Pxtl, w Diablo 4 Twitch viewership continues to drop as Diablo 3 overtakes it avatar

I’ve no interest in the Diablo series, but am I the only one who hates streaming as a measurement of success? It’s like the gaming media equivalent to when journalists report on Xitter hashtags… it’s just the easiest, dumbest metric available.

nanoUFO, (edited ) avatar

Probably because companies do their best to hide most metrics of purchases and players. Remember when some smart fella used the hyper accurate steam achievements to be able to derive how many people owned a game? Steam patched that out and now the best metric is based on number of review scores but that depends on the game, genre and score rating etc…


Diablo is on, not steam. There’s no way to see player count, and viewer count does typically corelate to player counts. It’s not one-to-one, but it isn’t useless.

NOT_RICK, (edited ) w Microsoft's next-generation Xbox pitched as a "cloud hybrid" console avatar

Adorably all digital

Adorable, really?

NOT_RICK, w Xbox Game Pass made $230 million revenue in one month, most users pay for full subscriptions avatar

Anyone not using Eneba to get three month Xbox live gold cards is missing out. Converts to 50 days of gamepass for less than 9 dollars.

NOT_RICK, w Meta is shutting down three Oculus games without explanation avatar

Further validating my decision to stay very far away from zuccVR

ThunderingJerboa, avatar

I mean it has a place in the market. Even though facebook sucks, they are the leaders/pushers of VR at the moment. No new person wants to spend 1000+ dollars on something they may end up hating especially with the rumors around the quest 3 lite. Like meta makes up about 60% of the market-share of those who take part in the steam hardware survey.


Very weird way to try and put a positive spin on a monopoly

ThunderingJerboa, avatar

So does Pixmax, HTC, Valve, or Pico no longer exist? VR is facing issues with adoption. I'm sorry but to the VR snobs even though I love VR having people argue you can't experience it unless you spend close to a grand on something that many people's feelings towards it are take it or leave it is a bit too much for most consumers. Meta is problematic with buying up so many of the vr game makers but at the end of the day these companies chose to sell themselves and lets be honest here the VR market isn't hot right now and prior it was fucking worse.


Yk a monopoly can stilll have competition and be a monopoly right?

And like by definition buying up all the competition is monopolistic, no matter if the companies wanna sell or not, they were influenced by the size of meta (and their financial backing), which gave them an unfair advantage against the competition. Entirely unrelated to hardware or software, both of which are dogshit in comparison - they were able to take a market share cause they can undercut all the competitors, exactly why their headsets are cheap.

Cmon man have like a single thought for yourself that ain’t propaganda

ThunderingJerboa, avatar

The irony of saying "Cmon man have like a single thought for yourself that ain’t propaganda" while just defaulting to "FaCeBoOk BaD" is peak. I already made mention of how facebook or whatever they are called is shit but you have to be braindead to see before meta entered the scene, VR was dead in the water. So yeah they tried to establish their little stupid metaverse thing and it thankfully failed. You aren't even addressing my point of no consumer wants to pay 1000 fucking bucks on something they likely hate. Most consumers drop off hard on VR. So cheap headsets are a net good thing for VR, even though the cunts who make them are dick heads.

Game devs aren't just going to be developing games if there is no fucking audience to play/buy them. So yeah many of those devs got bought out since Meta was the only one handing money out for VR related tech/games. It was a devil's bargin as shown with Echo VR and many others but I can't fault the devs since getting food on the table pretty fucking important than sticking with the values of some idiot VR snobs who think the only way VR should work is via pc connection on a pc that is valued in the 1k to 2k range on top of the previously mentioned VR headset that can set you back another 1k to 2k. Like I have the opportunity to have a pc in that range and I see how the quest 2 is very inferior to many other headsets but you have to be a fucking moron to invest thousands on something you will play with for a fucking week. So I'm thankful Meta (who is likely spying on its users) gave me an opportunity to try out VR at a "decent" price so now I know I'm into it and can invest further into the industry but nah. You stick with your idiotic groupthink of "MeTa BaD" when I will say I'm glad exist since people can take advantage of this deal and see if they want to further invest in the medium. I can't wait for they to die out but I ain't looking a gift horse in the mouth when they are ones who are the only pushers of VR right now. Apple doesn't give a shit about gaming and while Sony pushes out a pretty damn good headset, they don't let you use them on PC where most of the enthusiasts are. Console players don't want to spend the price of the console they are playing on to possibly play a handful of games with little support afterwards.

conciselyverbose, (edited )

Their position in the market is a big part of a reason the market is dogshit.

They came in, bought everything, turned it into a fucking disaster, and are now poised to abandon it.


You nailed it. Exactly.

ThunderingJerboa, avatar

Sucks they bought up most things but those devs chose that option and I can't fault them since lets be honest here, VR market is utter garbage, there is very little money in it. I don't like meta, they fucking suck but the quest series has basically provided the option of the common person to actually try vr. Not many people want to spend close to 1k to 2k on a thing they will maybe fucking hate. I wouldn't say they are the sole reason its dogshit but the reality is people need an entry point headset. The market wasn't providing that and now that it does, people can finally get into VR even though it may lead to technical downgrades since the market is targeting those users.

Hell even though the PSVR 2 is a fantastic headset, most console gamers aren't going to spend more money on a peripheral than they actually spend on the console they are playing it on. Hell I would love Sony to give the drivers to PSVR 2 to pc players since shit a bang for your buck for specs but that ain't happening.


I don’t like Meta for a lot of reasons but without them VR would probably be fucking dead by now. Yes, Zucks Metaverse is absolute garbage but the stuff Reality Labs is doing thanks to Metas funding is absolutely amazing.

I gave up on VR for years after buying a Rift in 2017 because it was a janky, horrible to set up, tethered, nausea inducing mess that i paid what, 700 bucks for?

Recently got a used Quest 2 for 200 bucks and it’s fucking amazing. Completely wireless, hand tracking, much better clarity and i can stay in VR for hours without feeling sick.

I wish they would push high quality content a bit more like they used to instead of their shitty Horizon stuff but if it wasn’t for the millions of headsets they sold, no one would be able to develop shit right now for VR.

To say they ruined VR is absolutely delusional imo, sorry.


You got it for $200 because you're paying with your privacy. It's an absolute dumpster fire of a deal that's not remotely worth it. They could pay you $100/hour to play it and requiring an account with them, in and of itself, makes it the worst possible theoretical version of VR.

Facebook is absolutely the reason VR is fucking terrible. Their involvement, in and of itself, completely destroyed the community, many of whom abandoned the space entirely when they took away viable options to replace with privacy invading crimes against humanity. Turning enthusiasts from advocates into activists against their product is the reason there's no money left.


I’m not paying anything, my Quest runs completely offline. I use a separate router for streaming and the Quest is mac address blocked in my main router (just to be sure). ALVR is side loaded onto the Quest so i can play Steam VR games without the need for the Oculus app on my PC at all. It’s not that hard to do if you care about your privacy.

I’m not exactly sure which community they “completely destroyed” but your whole reasoning for that sounds extremely subjective to me. Facebook controls 90% of the VR market, followed by Pico with 4.5%, which is basically a Chinese reverse engineered Quest with ports of Quest games.

Without FB there is no VR market and there is no scenario where Oculus could have managed to sell a similar amount of headsets if Facebook hadn’t bought them.

That being said, i sincerely hope Facebook loses this race and I am pretty terrified of the future when it comes to VR.

NOT_RICK, w Respawn added a new game mode to Titanfall 2 today, just called "???" The description is "Your rockets will blot out the sun" (reference to 300/Battle of Thermopylae) avatar

My personal #1 game from last gen. Can’t wait to boot it up tonight

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