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3L54, w Marble It Up! Ultra Is Here!

This is amazing especially for a free update.

rikudou, w Take-Two shuts down the AI-powered story mod for GTA 5 avatar

How the fuck are they allowed to do that?

nanoUFO, avatar

lawyers and 0 ethics or morals

rikudou, avatar

That’s not surprising, I was asking how does the law allow them to do so.

nanoUFO, avatar

If they don’t use anything from GTA 5 in their mod I doubt so but high powered lawyers are scary and you don’t need to even have a valid case to sue someone. It’s the same thing nintendo does it’s their ip so they get their lawyers to send out dmca’s and threats and people cave.

conciselyverbose, (edited ) w Take-Two shuts down the AI-powered story mod for GTA 5

I thought this was going to be "they added new lines to the main characters using AI to fake their voices" and that would have been reasonable.

But I see no mention of that. It looks like someone just made a story that you can play in their world and they're being douchebags again.

ThunderingJerboa, (edited ) avatar

I mean even then, its odd but I don't see a problem if modders aren't selling the mod as a "expansion" to users. Ai voices are iffy but they can bring so much cool things to the modding scene. The biggest problem is when large corporations like Rockstar/Take two/etc start using them to replace actual voice actors. A modder isn't going to have the money to pay an A list voice actor to voice act in their mod

Edit: I do think it does cross a bit of a line if said mod is a sex mod but realistically that isn't a logical difference between that and a normal mod but it does feel like its crossing a line.


I'm in other topics arguing that training on copyrighted content is not infringement in any way, but I think using someone's likeness is different and probably not legal, because there are separate laws there.

You can usually get away with it if you have deniability, but I don't think straight up adding lines to characters gives you any way to argue that.

ThunderingJerboa, avatar

Its iffy isn't it? Like we have to remember video game mods are a whole can of worms and they are plainly in a gray area for many regions. Say for instance you have a mod where you have a party member who was modded in who was something like John Wick, Indiana Jones, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Macho man Randy Savage, etc. Some of these mods would likely rip audio from other source material or they can be impersonation but you are taking someone's "likeness" in a similar fashion. Is it just a step too far because we are copying a voice? I'm 100% for modding but we have to be aware it is on pretty shakey ground. Its also hard since some voice actors do have a ton of range and would it really count as "stealing" someone's likeness if you are copying a voice of a character they have played but you aren't copying their regular speaking voice

I understand why people fear AI but I just think when its being used by hobbyists its a bit different compared to a company doing it especially when the hobbyist isn't doing it for commercial gain. Like the recent outrage about a fan animation of scooby doo using AI voices where an actual voice actor sent a hate mob and trying to blacklist the person for daring to have a shoestring budget and make a silly non serious fan episode of scooby doo.

Edit: It seems crazy to see someone dismiss a person's hard work just because 1 element isn't up to snuff. I don't agree with people hating the concept of "AI art" but this person did a full 10 minute 3d rendered retro style felt/puppet animation but the voice acting is the massive hang up and seeing their work dismisses because of it is infuriating.


Yes, those are also illegal. The character belongs to someone. TakeTwo has no rights to tell you not to use Luke Skywalker. Disney does.


If they are not making money on the mod, it’s possible you might be able to get away under a fair use argument, especially if the character skills were some sort of parody.

Although that’s definitely not a legal battle I would want against Disney’s lawyers.

ThunderingJerboa, avatar

That is quite the fucking interesting take. I guess props for being consistent but those style of mods are typically seen as one of the best type of mods. Massive overhauls that bring one game into another universe take a ton of work and have worked as a basis to work from. Hell Total Warhammer may not have existed without the Call of Warhammer from Medieval 2. I just fundamentally think the world is a far better place when fans who aren't making money can work on projects that would never get the go ahead to continue in a commercial setting.

Naz, w Starfield will be nearly 140GB on PC (Microsoft Store) and 126.1GB on Xbox Series X / S

I’m so glad the prices on M.2s have dropped. Picked up a 2TB Samsung 850 Pro for his under $100 earlier this year.

SkullHex2, (edited ) w Fallout 4 GOTY is now available DRM-free on GOG avatar


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  • conciselyverbose, (edited )

    I'm not sure the actual answer to that.

    There are some games that aren't DRM free on Steam that do go on GOG and remove the DRM. In some cases (unfortunately) the GOG version doesn't get consistently updated like the Steam version.

    It's kind of a habit for people telling you about GOG deals or promos to mention that it's DRM free whether the Steam version has DRM or not, because DRM free is the primary selling point of the store. (They also sometimes include hacks/patches to deal with compatibility with modern systems that aren't always on the Steam version.) It isn't necessarily meant to imply that any other versions have DRM (though in a lot of cases they do).

    rikudou, avatar

    90% of the time Steam games do have DRM. Especially the AAA titles.


    At some level, even a "DRM Free" game like The Witcher could still be argued as having DRM since you need to authenticate your purchase with steam to download it.


    But you need to do the same on GOG, no? So that’s kind of a silly argument imo.

    Once it’s downloaded, you can copy the game directory somewhere else and never need to download it again.


    Pretty close to the same at least. The main distinction would be that the Steam version still requires a copy of Steam to be running and logged in on the computer you copy it to, which at least means Steam has to have been online once ever to get the account logged in before using offline mode. GOG has offline installers that can be backed up and used without any client.

    For the vast majority of use cases, it’s a pretty minor difference, but one way in which it might be significant is that the GOG installers will never stop working, but if one day years down the road Steam were to shut down, the Steam version could only run on computers that could be running offline-mode Steam. There’d probably be ways to break that simple bit of DRM, but a legal offline installer is a very nice bonus for things like archival sites or research applications.

    It’s the kind of thing that even if you’re not choosing to use it, it’s nice that it exists, and hopefully it can continue to.


    I don’t think you do need Steam running. If it’s truly DRM-free, just copy the game directory to a new machine and the game will run. Don’t launch through Steam, launch it directly from the game directory.

    I’ve run games directly without Steam running on a handful of occasions, such as when someone else is using my Steam account (e.g. my kids on my other computer) and I want to play a game. I could probably play in offline mode I guess, but running it directly isn’t that hard.

    It’s not an installer, but I don’t need an installer when I already have all the game files in one directory.

    HollowNotion, w Baldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix 4 Rolled Back, Making Some Saves Inaccessible

    Fyi, the fixed update has been released.


    Luckily I didn’t lose too much progress lol I already replayed the part I was on and then some


    I lost 18 minutes of progress. I continued from my old save at around 1705

    After a few hours, I closed the game and saw the update had come out at 1712

    Oh well, still has fun replaying those segments


    lol, I lost nothing because the release/roll back happened during work hour yesterday, then before I even get to play again the fixed update rolled out. XD

    SpeziSuchtel, w Take-Two shuts down the AI-powered story mod for GTA 5 avatar

    Wow, and thats why I don’t trust them with FiveM. They will run it into the ground so people can float back to their shitty version of GTA Online


    Really sad. GTA Online in principle sounds so cool, but it's such a shitty execution. I'm sure if modded servers were encouraged I'd find something to my liking but the way this rotten piece of shit company treats modders is just despicable, and always has been.


    You say "shitty"; they say "lucrative".

    A lot of stuff is Iike that. Ultimate Team in Madden or FIFA, without the monetization, could potentially be one hell of a game mode (though also maybe hard to balance). The idea of being able to build out a team to your personal preferences and play style and match up against others head to head is awesome.

    But "fuck you, we want users dropping $10k on their team", so we can't have nice things.


    I believe my last time playing FIFA was on the PSX. I vaguely heard something about loot box style booster packs to get players I think? Imagine Nintendo would do that with Pokemon, and all the good & rare ones would be super rare, but you could of course buy packs for real money. 🎰


    That's basically what ultimate team is in practice.

    If it had no cash involved and was either tuned to a level where a normal person could build a team that was competitive at the high end in a month or so (since it is, ultimately, an annual game) or you just had a budget and could sign who you wanted (based on "market value" that was set based on overall rating and position or that fluctuated with how many people had a guy on their roster), it could be awesome.

    But yeah, it's basically a card game (that I think also has cards expire, though I don't play it at all) that's designed to milk whales for cash. And they replaced a lot of the normal Madden tournaments you could win money playing to use this nonsense mode instead.

    The only semi-saving grace is that it's mostly self contained. There are obnoxious ads for it, and other game modes haven't seen the development work they should because they spend most of the non-engine work on that nonsense, but you can still just play online head to head of a great football sim if you tune out the nonsense.

    It's super scummy and I would love to see legal involvement shut it all down. Lootboxes are unregulated gambling and in sports games specifically they're very obviously targeting kids.


    I lied. One more obnoxious probable side effect: FIFA has new anticheat that's Windows only and I'm guessing the new Madden might also.


    Yeah. I already don't do trading card games because of this. Having an expiration date on the cards sounds even dumber. Kinda sad how everything nowadays has to get milked into oblivion. Really kills the fun of many games, but unfortunately people still buy into it. Reminds me also how "micro" transactions ended up ruining the mmorpg genre. Everything is just so over-commercialized nowadays (same for the internet).


    So I think it was "games played" "contracts" and there were ways to earn extensions through normal play when I briefly played the single player part a while back. I recognized the giant trap for what it was and bailed and am not sure the current state, but if it did exist and is scummy and makes them more money, I'd be surprised if they walked it back.

    simple, w The Crackpet Show: Happy Tree Friends Edition - Announcement Trailer (New Episode and The Game)

    Oh god no, I never expected to see this cartoon ever again

    nanoUFO, avatar

    It doesn’t bring back cozy memories from your childhood?

    Kaldo, w Baldur's Gate 3 review - a critical success, with critical failures avatar

    I heard that inventory management and transferring items between party members is a chore, which is a shame since it's something that PF games have already solved - shared inventory space for all party members. It makes it so much more convenient and fun to use than the mess DOS games had.


    I haven’t noticed it being an issue. When you loot an item you can send it to a specific character and if you want to move lots of things you can hit tab, see the whole party and drag and drop items from inventory to inventory. Maybe it gets worse later on, I’m only 20 hours in.


    I’ve been playing on “console” (SteamDeck) so I know the UI is different but the issue I’ve found is that there are three different “inventory” options and two different “loot” options, and each behaves a little differently.

    For example if I loot a corpse, you’re right I can send to a specific party member. However if I loot a chest, that has to go to me.

    Similarly when I the character sheet inventory view I can sort by certain methods and then L3(?) to exit that menu. If I’m selling something it’s still (L3?) to open that menu, but B to exit it. Also the sorting options aren’t the same. Also switching between characters during a trade event is one button. However switching on the character sheet is three buttons. There is also a third lesser used “put in device” menu with even fewer sorting options and you can’t switch characters.

    The game is excellent and you can get used to these things but I do sometimes have to spend time just sorting things.

    • you can hit tab to see all inventories and drag/drop
    • you can right click anything to send to camp or to any party member
    • you can have as many containers as you want for your gear

    Inventory management is the easiest of any RPG and doesn’t rely on 3rd party tools to manage (e.g. Destiny’s abysmal design, or lack of I should say)

    MySNsucks923, w Vampire Survivors co-op and new game engine upgrade is live

    It blows my mind that this game is as popular as it is.


    The developer worked designing slots for the gambling industry before.

    Part his game mechanics are really addictive as they are similar to how people gets addicted to gambling (lootboxes, coins, spins, colorful lights, win animations, sounds similar to slots machines).

    Kaldo, avatar

    It's a fun cheap game when you have 20 minutes to kill with no added bs in forms of ads, microtransactions or fomo ¯*(ツ)*/¯


    I am no complaining. I have played the game for many hours, and also many of the million clones that came afterwards.


    20 minutes to kill

    It’s been 80 hours since I started the game how could you


    It’s surprisingly fun. Nothing too hard or challenging really, just a fun simple time killer.

    TWeaK, w Vampire Survivors co-op and new game engine upgrade is live

    Woop, remote play together also. So you can play with anyone else on Steam, the game runs on your PC and they connect in.

    kakes, w Vampire Survivors co-op and new game engine upgrade is live

    Ngl I wasn’t all that interested in this game, but with local coop mode? The idea of just chillin with my wife on the couch watching numbers go up together does have an appeal to it.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    It’s more than watching numbers go up, it’s absolutely more than a clicker because positioning, upgrade path, and when to use abilities are very important


    True. I’ve watched streamers play it, and I’m being overly reductive, but I guess what I mean is that it seems like a good game to zone out to and just get into that “flow” state.

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    It is 100% a flow game

    Kaldo, avatar

    There are abilities you can use now?

    NOT_RICK, avatar

    I worded that poorly, I meant when you pick up one time use power ups like the exp magnet or the enemy freeze.

    iod, w Vampire Survivors co-op and new game engine upgrade is live avatar

    So happy they migrated to the new engine. Previously i was getting single digit fps near the 25 minute mark and now it’s smooth :)


    As a developer I am absolutely amazed how far he took PhaserJS.

    weirdo_from_space, w Skull and Bones - Official Closed Beta Trailer

    The game is not dead, it’s undead, wavering towards the finish line so it could be put out of it’s misery.

    Targox, avatar

    It’s been 10 years in development and as far as I understand it, you can get off the ship at certain sports but most of the time you’re basically just playing as a ship while at sea, not a pirate sailing a ship. I say you’re right, this game will be DOA with a game like Sea of Thieves around.


    As soon as I remembered this was Ubisoft, I had zero interest. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this perspective either, so yeah, probably gonna be DOA.

    Pxtl, w where do yall go for your gaming coverage/pods? avatar

    Games are entertainment, and so I get my news coverage from people who I find entertaining. This means I’ll take biased, opinionated ranting if it’s funny-enough. So mostly Yahtzee.

    I get my Serious News about municipal politics.


    100%, personality goes a lot way.

    which is why im so partial to the current incarnation of giant bomb. i didn’t follow them in theur bigger days so i had no preconceived notion of what GB should be, i just followed jeff grubb to it when he moved there from gamesbeat. super charistmatic dude, funny as hell, great takes, goes out of his way to help signal boost other games media people.

    the chemistry the gb crew has is magic and they all have great and distinct tastes in games. plus they do stupid shows like blight club where they pick awful games for each other to beat like bubsy 3d, sonic 06, robocop for xbox and heckle each other/ laugh at each other’s misfortunes

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