!deleted6348 avatar



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!deleted6348 avatar

Like game streaming, vs streaming cloud data, because the data is already based in azure.

!deleted6348 avatar

Okay so after reading the article, that 150MB/s statement is doing a LOT of heavy lifting.

So first off, that was the fastest they recorded. So they just took that times an hour and said “Whoa if it stayed that sustained for the whole hour it’d be 81GB!!”. Bam, clickbait title achieved. Ad revenue pleeeease

Now, for actual data, it looks like in rural areas it’s about 10mbps and in cities about 100. I’ll just throw it out there, why wpukdnt you want it to stream back as fast as possible?

This is like the same stupid RAM argument. I WANT you to use as much as you can! What is the point of paying for the pipe if you don’t use everything you can?! There is no reason they shouldn’t push it through faster. It’s not more data, it’s not a constant stream of 150MB/s like the garbage title claims, it peaks at 150MB/s. So good. I’m paying for gigabit, use the full pipe. When I’m playing a game that is my number one priority, give it to me as fast as you can.

!deleted6348 avatar

Sure, you can turn off data streaming too. It also allows you to cache the data, just like fs2020. My point is that the article makes it about the speed and makes some arbitrary data points. Your data examples are more accurate than theirs. They only presented a worst case scenario, not what will actually happen

!deleted6348 avatar

None of these are the same comparison. There is no “wasting” Internet speed.

The comparison would be better to turning on the faucet halfway to fill your cup slower. What’s the point. You’re using the same amount of water. Just open it all the way and fill your cup.

The cup doesn’t keep overflowing with data. You’re downloading files, once those files are done downloading it’s done. It’s not like it “forgets” and accidentally downloads the whole internet. What a weird way of thinking the internet works

!deleted6348 avatar

It’s the entire planet, in higher than high def. Every tree, every polygon. We’re not talking on the TB scale, this is on the PB scale. Everything from Azure maps.

!deleted6348 avatar

Seeing how the game isn’t out yet and we don’t know what the settings are, I’m not going to agree with this non-article that it’s always streaming that much data. FS2020 had different settings that you could put in, caching levels, caps, and more. I highly doubt it’s constantly streaming that much.

As for RAM, disagree. In the case of games, it makes no sense to keep reading and writing from disk when there is ram available. Store it in RAM so it can be accessed quickly. The key is if the application releases RAM when the OS requests it to be released, or there is pressure. If I’m playing a game with 4k textures I 100% would rather have as many of them loaded into RAM when playing to make a smoother experience than constantly hitting my disk, which is on the thousands of times slower. I have 64GB just sitting there, I want them to use it.

!deleted6348 avatar

Okay I feel like you’re just being glib now. You can fly down to any detail, you can fly down to your own city, fly past your house. You can land on your own street if you want to. It’s the entire globe. You’re not constantly at 30k feet, you can go down and fly around San Francisco, or the Grand Canyon.

!deleted6348 avatar

Yes… that’s why they have a slider bar for what resolution you want your terrain at? In FS2020 it was a zero to 400 fidelity scale. You’re arguing that the top of the line shouldn’t be top of the line, when there are so many settings that can be tweaked to the user’s preference. An overwhelming number of settings. FS2020 came with presets for what Azure Maps fidelity you wanted if you didn’t want fine tuned controls.

!deleted6348 avatar

Correct. FS2020 had many different settings. You could have sweet ultrahd graphics streamed from azure, or you could do many lower qualities, or even pure offline as well. I’m guessing this will have similar options. Which is why I think this article is clickbait. Yes, it can stream that much from Azure - that doesn’t mean it’s required to.

!deleted6348 avatar

Nice job! No matter how big I make the floors they always seem too small for what I needed.

Join us over at !satisfactory if you like, and of course welcome to cross-post!

!deleted6348 avatar

Then you build up stators to help comp for that, then you build some skywalks between the two… one of my favorite things is building cyberpunk style cities as the factory grows

Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time angielski

Starfield steam page for the DLC currently shows eight user review score of 41%, making this one of the worst Bethesda DLC’s released of all time. This is so horribly, shockingly bad for Bethesda, because it shows as a gaming company, they are no longer capable of delivering a really good gaming experience as they had in the...

!deleted6348 avatar

Remember when Cyberpunk fucked up their release. They knew they fucked up and owed it to the gamers. They told their board and stockholders to hold off, and that they needed to rebuild trust with their users before they could make line go up.

So they took their time, they redid many of the mechanics that people didn’t like, the fixed all of the bugs, and then they released Phantom Liberty - one of the best expansions I have ever seen in gaming history. Good enough where it could have been a game on it’s own.

That is how you rebuild trust with the community. You tell your stockholders to shut the fuck up and let you do what you do best. If they don’t trust you to do that, then fuck em, they can sell their stock, why are they holding stock in a company they don’t trust?

!deleted6348 avatar

It’s pretty legit. It stands on it’s own, and they also improved the base game quite a bit. I’d suggest it for sure

!deleted6348 avatar

I fully expect them to say it’s getting “review bombed” now, which is the current industry redefining of a term to make it come off as “It’s not us, it’s the stupid gamer’s fault”

!deleted6348 avatar

I don’t know why anyone decided that that engine was the right way to go. The number one thing that killed the game for me was the endless loading screens. Constantly. Whenever I started feeling immersed, a new loading screen would pop up and it ruined it for me. We have engines left and right that don’t need to do this anymore, but starfield, the game that’s trying to base itself to be a realistic exploration game, decided that endless loading screens were still the best way to go

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh trust me, I had a decent time playing it. I played through it 100%, did all the side stuff, did the base building - everything. But, I still felt annoyed and bored a good chunk of the time. The game was fine. But it was only fine. I wouldn’t say it was revolutionary or anything Bethesda said, it was just… fine.

!deleted6348 avatar

Personally I think it’s worth it, it’s one of the few games I happily would pay full price for again. They did a full redemption arc, their game is now up there as one of my favorites of all time, next to Witcher 3 and RDR2. I think they deserve my money. What I really think is that Cyberpunk deserves 60. How the fuck can Assassin’s Creed think that they’re on the same level (or higher) than that?

!deleted6348 avatar

I know! Red engine honestly is pretty great once they got the bugs worked out, I’m sad they’re leaving it. It was extremely immersive, and there’s definitely something about it that feels different.

!deleted6348 avatar

Funny thing is that shipbuilding also felt annoying to me. There were so many arbitrary restrictions that I felt like I couldn’t actually make the ship I wanted, it always felt the same

!deleted6348 avatar

Fully agree with you for that last bit (and the rest but especially your spoiler). Such a waste.

!deleted6348 avatar

Man that sounds awesome, but also the composer for inquisition did a great job and I’m a bit disappointed they’re not coming back. So, maybe it’ll be great?

!deleted6348 avatar

I’ll say DA2 and Dragon Age Inquisition both have story modes, where combat definitely takes a backseat - way more so than Origins. The story only gets better too, and with DA4 coming out next month…

!deleted6348 avatar

Note here how little handholding there is. This is a great puzzle because there is no handholding. Note in this scene specifically that we are not handholding. Now let’s go ahead and describe handholding…

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh whoops I accidentally built an entire ad portal and placed it onto the main page and oh no I accidentally passed it through multiple levels of code review QA and approval, then crap I deployed it to the test environment then prod

!deleted6348 avatar

Them just retconning Cortana was such a letdown. Honestly while 5 wasn’t great, it did set up infinite to be really really good. Then they went with a really boring alternative.

!deleted6348 avatar

You can really tell that campaign took a back seat in the game. A shame because the open world was honestly a lot of fun, it was just empty and hollow because of such of a lame story. You could have been jumping between worlds fighting Cortana for the survival of the human race. Instead… we’re lost on a ring again, and we’re fighting a brute guy we don’t care about, while desperate for any actual story about what the hell happened

PS5 Homescreen Now Replaces Unique Video Game Art With Annoying Ads You Can’t Turn Off (www.ign.com) angielski

Wow, this is awful. Some people reported that these ads are also very petty and not necessarily related to the game, like apparently Elden Ring shows an ad for a licensed mousepad when you hover over the game now…...

scrubbles, (edited )
!deleted6348 avatar

The good thing is that Linux is officially becoming a market space that they have to pay attention to or lose money. Not because of us, but steam deck normalized it. 4% of users doesn’t sound like a lot, but to a company who is desperate enough to put ads everywhere just to make a few pennies, well, it may be worth it now

!deleted6348 avatar

As far as Gabe succession plans go, that’s a great good way to do it. You would need the majority of the employees’s shares to change something radically… That might actually work

!deleted6348 avatar

Guillemot said the same thing in a subsequent trading update call with analysts.

So stockholders demanded it lol

!deleted6348 avatar

If there’s anything I know, it’s that gamers all have a problem with aloys appearance, positive or negative.

!deleted6348 avatar

Jesus fuck no, it’s a valid graph. It shows the relative trend over time and the sudden change. It may show less of a change if it was zero based, but a drastic change that is well off the normal trend is important to visualize. Also like, all exchanges have a toggle to flip to the zero based.

!deleted6348 avatar

The stock is tanking. 20% is a huge drop for any massive company. Do you know how much money disappeared overnight because of this? From my very rough calculations, Ubisoft just lost about 300 million dollars because of this drop. That’s more than any fine they’ve had.

The worst day in Stock Market history was Black Thursday, the beginning of the Great Recession. The market only dropped 11% that day. (Somebody call me out if I got those numbers slightly wrong, that’s from Wikipedia). These are massive numbers, that I don’t think you fully appreciate or understand. The stock market usually deals in single digit or more likely fractional amounts of change. Double digit changes are a huge deal.

!deleted6348 avatar

Nah in this case this is real. The board is investigating the executive leadership, two separate entities. It’s like corporate investigating stores management, in a way. This could mean executives getting fired

Assassin's Creed Shadows delayed to February 14, 2025, abandoning season pass strategy, Steam launch day 1, and more (staticctf.ubisoft.com) angielski

They seem to be very caught off guard by Star Wars: Outlaws’ underperformance, and after investor pressure, are trying to massively course correct. This is what happens when you vote with your dollars!

!deleted6348 avatar

Same here. Their thing with removing the crew though made me finally give up on Ubisoft. I could deal with the stupid pricing given that I at least got 50 hours out of a game, had an okayish story, and was a time occupier. Removing games so I can’t play them again? Fuuuuck that. Cost is all of a sudden a massive issue for me, I’m not going to pay 60 bucks for what is essentially a rental. I’ll wait and pay rental prices for it if they’re just going to yank it as soon as it’s not profitable.

!deleted6348 avatar

Freaking said it literally yesterday that they’d force it down, and literally yesterday someone said “there’s no way no company has taken down a mod like that”. Modders are well and good but they’re people, and whether it was the modder directly or nexus, it was only a matter of time before Sony lawyers sent a cease and desist.

I blame the news outlets for making it public and screaming from the rooftops that they were bypassing it.

So anyone have a copy saved?

!deleted6348 avatar

and whether it was the modder directly or nexus, it was only a matter of time before Sony lawyers sent a cease and desist.

!deleted6348 avatar

and it’s not a new concept that it’s begging corporations to threaten legal action for things they don’t like

!deleted6348 avatar

Lol dude I’m not outraged. I’m honestly very unsurprised by their actions. I’m annoyed that people are so shocked that it happened - literally a day after it made all the gaming blogs with headlines essentially saying “Look you can give the finger to Sony with this one little mod”. Everyone laughed and said FU to Sony, and then the dev even said something stupid like “I promise never to take it down”.

Then of course So ya lawyers came in and threatened the guy. Of course they did. I am zero percent shocked they did. So he had the choice of spending 6 figures fighting them in court, or take it down. I don’t blame him at all. I eyeroll at everyone who so publicly flaunted it yesterday when it should have been a quiet passing around.

!deleted6348 avatar

It should just be a port - but that doesn’t sell copies.

!deleted6348 avatar

Ugh that makes it even worse

!deleted6348 avatar

Until he’s sued and has to choose between losing their house and livelihood or maintaining it

!deleted6348 avatar

God I hate when something good comes around that flaunts a rule and people make it a huge fucking deal and then are all shocked pikachu when the company is mad about it. If there’s something like this keep it fucking quiet you rubes. Share the github quietly, or just upvote it on NexusMods. Don’t go plastering it everywhere.

Yuzu got shut down because it got plastered everywhere, they essentially normalized privacy. Of course Nintendo was going to take them down. If you basically plaster it on their front door you’re begging them to take action.

!deleted6348 avatar

Yeah of course - just have fun paying your own lawyer 6 figures to prove that in court while their team of lawyers try to convince a judge that it is illegal.

!deleted6348 avatar

Okay well I’m not going to sit here and argue semantics. People have been sued by corporations before just for mods, that has happened a lot. All I was doing was simply pointing out that what they are doing is noble, but that we should never trust a corporation to not take the hammer out and try to destroy it, and keeping it quiet helps keep it out of their sphere for a while longer.

!deleted6348 avatar

What you need to know

Nothing. There’s too much stuff coming out about Veilguard. I don’t need to know how combat works, I don’t need to know every detail about my companions, I don’t need to know the maps. I’ll find out when I play it ffs

!deleted6348 avatar

Nah, 2 generations minimum. Rereleasing the game so the next generation can still play it is one thing, but this is weird.

!deleted6348 avatar

It’s literally the exact reason for the QUIT HAVING FUN meme. So you think it’s a rip off, so you’re disappointed with it. Fine, don’t buy it. But other people are having fun, and they can enjoy it just as much as you don’t.

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