True, I do dislike when gamers just unilaterally say “this game is bad”, because it’s such an opinion. Is it bad, or do you just not like it? Maybe other people do like it
You’re going way off point of what I originally said, and I’m not having an argument here about rich vs poor or class systems. All I said was that a higher quality game earned a higher price than a lower quality game. Anything else you want to assume or believe is your own, but it’s separate from my statement.
That mission was one of the best in all of Halo. Where you really feel how dire and ruined everything is. Mixed with running around actual civilian places contrasted to the numerous forerunner built, bunkers, or nature locations or the other games and it really hits home.
(Outskirts and New Mom asa got close, but with the graphics of the time and mostly being outside it didn’t quite hit the same)
Which is why looking at some of those games I kind of get why games need to charge more. Definitely not keeping up with inflation. However, I also see a much broader range in those games, and if they want game prices to go up then they also need to understand price ranges for quality.
Something like RDR2, true masterpiece, I would go to 100. Maybe 120. That game is perfect, no flaws, and several hundred hours of gameplay.
Assassin’s creed could stick at 60. Very much a mid game, gets a mid price.
and if they let me buy it license free I would. However between the options of buying a license to play a game whenever I want vs renting it for 1 month, I’ll take the license.
Eh. That’s not a big of a loss as you’re making it out to be. I purposely buy my games, I want to own them. (Asterisk with licensing and all). Point being that I don’t agree with Ubisoft that we need to get used to Games as a Service. I don’t want to rent my games. Even mid tier games, I want to own them.
That’s a huge problem I have with the franchise though! It’s been their cash cow so every game has some sort of riff on the whole future story bit, but they can’t commit to any of it and there’s no end in sight. So I refuse to get attached to their overarching story because I have no confidence that it will every complete!
The two scenarios that will play out are (and I’m not saying which one is likely, just these are the only two):
Assassins’ Creed continues to be huge -> They will never end the overarching story and it will keep trickling in
Assassin’s Creed dies out -> They won’t know it until their last one bombs so bad that the suits never make another, leaving it open
For me it’s the arrogance. It’s the calling of themselves “AAAA” gaming and trying to push base prices of games past $100 and then making bland boring games. They think they’re amazing. This is their reality check. Their games are what I play when I have nothing, and I mean nothing else to play