Cyberpunk 2077, RDR2 still wasn’t that long ago, Dragon Age Veilguard was actually a success convincing even EA, Star Wars Jedi series, the list goes on. It just has to be a good story, you can’t just slap some boring ass story in there.
Well they just started playing, I’ll let her know it might be changing. The UI and engine are just exactly the same, so they have pretty low hopes so far for it getting better.
Any overlay is going to add some level of performance degradation, it’s just how much is noticeable or acceptable. Claiming it doesn’t do anything seems more like this comes from the marketing teams vs the technical teams
Fucking preach. Entire problem with Ubisoft is their “formulas”. Zero risk, zero creativity. Boring games that all are the same. SO just started playing ac mirage and it looks and plays exactly like Valhalla. Which was exactly like Odyssey. Which was exactly like Origins.
Then they’re all like “why are people bored with our games?!?!!”
She aged naturally! Ugh, she was my hot sexy daughter in Witcher 3! Why would they… Have her grow up?! /s
Only thing I’m hesitant about is the actor, but I’m willing to give her a shot. Minor thing.
I doubt CDPR went into this without knowing how incels would react, and knowing they’ll still buy it. After CP2077 with the whole customize genitals issue (that I’m sure most people had forgotten about), I don’t think CDPR cares. They’re Polish, I hope they laugh at our stupid ass “culture war” bullshit
Which to that I’d say women have been able to “get behind male protagonists” for decades now.
I think choice is fun, for some games, but some games like the Witcher tell a specific narrative, and it makes sense that they are tailored for a specific character, and I think we all know the sort of abuse that Ciri is going to see in the world of the Witcher.
I think of any gender has trouble “identifying” with a character of another gender that’s 100% a them issue, they need to figure out why they have such a problem with it, because that says more about them then it does game makers. (I know not you, the original person).
Seriously all it says to me is that you’re insecure with yourself if you can’t even play a fictional fantasy game as a woman.
Ha, one of the first times I saw someone playing as a woman (in third person) I asked why and he joked and said “dude why would I want to stare at a man’s ass for 60 hours?”. Not a bad argument tbh…
Exactly lol, it has nothing to do with some weird gender thing. It’s a role playing game. You’re playing as a role. Even in Skyrim the role you’re playing (even if you choose a white male human) is someone living in Skyrim, a fictional place fighting dragons and draugr. So I think gender is one of the smallest differences.
God forbid you play a different perspective and see what it’s like.
Female V in cyberpunk is one of the best gaming experiences. You feel being catcalled and hit on directly - and you beat the ever loving shit out of them for doing it.