That’s a huge problem I have with the franchise though! It’s been their cash cow so every game has some sort of riff on the whole future story bit, but they can’t commit to any of it and there’s no end in sight. So I refuse to get attached to their overarching story because I have no confidence that it will every complete!
The two scenarios that will play out are (and I’m not saying which one is likely, just these are the only two):
Assassins’ Creed continues to be huge -> They will never end the overarching story and it will keep trickling in
Assassin’s Creed dies out -> They won’t know it until their last one bombs so bad that the suits never make another, leaving it open
For me it’s the arrogance. It’s the calling of themselves “AAAA” gaming and trying to push base prices of games past $100 and then making bland boring games. They think they’re amazing. This is their reality check. Their games are what I play when I have nothing, and I mean nothing else to play
Unfortunately it’s pure capitalism. No matter what company got paid. They don’t care about it users got the card they wanted, or even if the scalers make a profit or go bust, they already got paid.
I would never expect anything day 1, ever. Scalpers ruined day 1. And though I would be surprised if they were out of stock a week later. Unlike Nvidia they actually want to sell cards.
Good then, glad you’ve made it through, but obviously stay frosty. Those execs will cut every engineer as long as they still look good. Be ready for anything
I’m very sorry man, I’ve been through that, and I have friends that have been cut at unity before. They treat their workers terribly.
Focus on getting better first, just process it for a bit. When you’re ready to start looking, the market is warm right now. I’m more than happy to help review resumes.
Your disclaimer is what I really like tbh. We’re all just random people online with our own opinions, why would anyone take our word for if something is fun?
I hate questions like this. How would anyone but you know if it’s fun? Fun is completely subjective. Some people didn’t have fun in Veilguard. I had a lot of fun in Veilguard. Was Veilguard A good game? Now that’s a bit different question.
Things can be both not good but also fun. Among Us isn’t going to win game awards for narrative, but it was fun as hell to play.
Only way to tell if it’s fun is to go and play it, and return it if you don’t like it. Stop letting other people tell you if you’re having fun or not. Just, go enjoy things
In Halo they’ve given up on moderating unranked. Unranked is where ranked people to to “practice” now, you can see their shitty clans running around and 360 no scoping all of us just trying to chill. Inevitably every game is crazy one sided, they high five and move on, and we get swamped 50-13
I’d like to see how they measured success. Was it to break even? Well from what point? Including the time that it was supposed to be a live service game? Through the committees and executives shutting down ideas? It was in the top 10 for games on Steam that week and had generally favorable reviews. If that didn’t match their plan, that’s on them.