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rmean, w Nintendo has filed a patent for ‘smart fluid’ joysticks, perhaps to eliminate drift | VGC

This problem is already solved, but I guess Nintendo prefers some propietary solution.

slimerancher, avatar

Maybe because of all those “Patented” points. It’s possible Nintendo doesn’t want to be 100% dependent on them and want an in-house solution to their problem.


They probably don’t want to use that particular design anyway. I’ve run into a good number of headaches with those joysticks. Not bad enough for me to pull them back out, but certainly enough to be annoying.


What type of problems?


I’ve encountered two noticeable issues while using these. The first is probably just shit tier QA, but the second could be that or a design flaw. I haven’t taken the time to tear one apart and reverse engineer it, so I can’t say for sure what the cause is. Anywho, about a third of my sticks will wig out and send complete garbage data when they are pushed to their maximum on one axis. Sometimes it is the X, sometimes it is the Y. Either way it makes the impossible to use and I actually did remove those and replace them. Of the remaining sticks a number of them will depress the under stick button if pushed all the way in one direction. It’s pretty easy to avoid this and it rarely matters so these ones I left alone and didn’t bother to count how many displayed the behavior.


I was hoping hall effects could be the solution. Maybe best that can be hoped for is ones that can be popped out for easy replacement like the dualsense edge.

Wodge, avatar

I have swapped out my Switch analogues with these, and they’re great, I also did it with my Ayn Odin, and the 2nd set had slightly stronger magnets, that caused some touch screen issues, so I swapped out my switch analogues with the odin ones. So I’m gonna guess that the next Nintendo console will be another portable, and they probably don’t want the issues of magnets near screens.

KotActually, w Mario Kart Tour Will Receive No New Content After October's 'Battle Tour', Says Nintendo avatar

This game had a shockingly good run. Obviously it’s still going to be around with repeat tours and all that, but the fact it got as many new updates as it did is pretty impressive

YourAverageKirbyFan, w Nintendo reportedly showed a demo of the ‘Switch 2’ console at Gamescom which included visuals comparable to the PS5 and Xbox Series X.

With DLSS 3.5 I see it

experiencersinternational, w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09 avatar

Obviously Splatoon 3, I’m going all out for Team Shiver!

Might play some Super Mario Odyssey in between since I recently completed it.

slimerancher, avatar

When Big Man was first shown, it felt like he was the fan favourite, but since then it seems like Shiver is people’s favourite. What do you think?

experiencersinternational, avatar

To be honest, I’m kinda expecting Big Man to be the favourite still, there’s a lot of Big Man players.

I’m thankful that I’ve only had 2 mirror matches so far and neither of the other teams are rare to find

slimerancher, avatar

Well, I am sure all of them have their fans, it’s just the impression I got from different posts on reddit.

Anyways, good luck with the splatfest!

Grangle1, w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09

Still working on preparing for the “final push” in TotK, didn’t play a whole lot again this week. When you only have around 25 shrines to go, finding them on a map that big without a guide can get really tedious, especially when most of the ones I’m finding now are in caves. They really like putting them in caves in this game, I’m noticing.

I may also start up one of the strategy RPGs I bought in Steam’s little strategy game sale the other week. I bought a bundle that includes Symphony of War, Dark Deity and Tyrant’s Blessing. Not sure which to try first, though. I had Symphony of War and Dark Deity on my wishlist already, but Tyrant’s Blessing also seems interesting.

slimerancher, avatar

Oh yeah, that can be tough. The ones in the caves gave me trouble too, but I didn’t do all th shrines, so it wasn’t that big of an issue. Good luck!

I haven’t heard of any of these strategy RPGs, though if they are PC only, it makes sense. Will check them out.

macwood, w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09

I grabbed Death’s Door on a whim for $8 and I’m blown away. It has so much charm, the music and atmosphere are amazing and it feels great to play. If you like the old top-down Zelda games, don’t sleep on this one.

slimerancher, avatar

I have heard great things about the game. It’s on my backlog, but with all the games I am playing don’t want to start another one before finishing at least one or two of these.

Peekystar, w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09 avatar

Having gotten it in the Steam Summer Sale, I'm on the verge of achievement completion for Hades - just reached the epilogue of the story after my 100th run, so I only need to get the last Cthonic Companion to get my last achievement.

On the side of the future, I've been thinking of replaying New Super Mario Bros. 2 for a few weeks now. Not because of Wonder's fairly imminent release; I just feel like revisiting the game again. Pretty sure I never even saw all the game's levels despite getting through the post-game World Star when I first played through the game, so that's probably a goal I could aim for if and when I finally decide to start this replay.

slimerancher, avatar

Wow, 100th run, and achievement completion, good luck!

With such a huge backlog I don’t often return to older games, but I can understand going back and clearing everything. Have fun!

JowlesMcGee, w "Blockbuster Sale" on the Nintendo eShop avatar

Quite a few really good deals here! Some thoughts/recommendations:

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. This is a very good price for the game, so much so I'm tempted to buy it again after losing my PS4 copy. I haven't played it on the Switch but I've heard the performance is fine, with a little slowdown during combat sections. The game is 70% visual novel with light adventure game puzzle solving, 30% tactical combat. I loved both parts, and think the story is great overall.

Immortals Fenyx Rising. For the price, the game is absolutely worth it. It's an Ubisoft take on Breath of the Wild, with a Greek Mythology focus for the story. The humor can be a little hit or miss, but I thought the combat was better than Breath of the Wild and I remember enjoying the puzzles and exploration more, on the whole. Breath of the Wild has higher highs than this game, but Immortals was a more consistent enjoyment for me.

Civilization 6. I haven't played the switch port, but the game is overall really good. It's a turn based strategy game where you pick a real life civilization and then develop them over the course of millennia. The late game tends to be a little same-y (if you've made it that far you're likely doing fine in game), and the difficulty settings give the AI more advantages without really making them smarter, but I've put over 100 hours on the game on PC because there's a ton of repairability.

Pheonix Weight Ace Attorney Trilogy and Great Ace Attorney. The pheonix wright games are basically visual novels where you play as an attorney trying to prove his clients' innocence. The original trilogy largely holds up and can still be enjoyed by newcomers, but the Great Ace Attorney has a lot of quality of life improvements that probably make it the easier entry to start with. The Great Ace Attorney is also set 100-200 years before the original trilogy, so you can play either without needing the other.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole and The Stick of Truth. If you like South Park, these games are worth the price. Some people prefer the combat in the first game, but I recall really liking the combat in the second as well. I also think the story did a better job of being it's own thing in the second, whereas in the first game it felt like it was referencing the show too often without being original often enough. Either game is worth picking up though, especially if you like the humor of the show.

Ys VIII. A surprise hit for me after impulse buying years ago. It's an action jrpg where the action is very arcade-y (in a good way). The story starts out about a group of people getting shipwrecked on a deserted island. Part of the fun in the early game was finding the castaways and building up your little base on the island. The story eventually develops into something really ridiculous, but by the time it got there I was along for the ride. Worth a try for jrpg fans.

Persona 4 Golden. Another good jrpg, this one is about a highschooler who has moved to a small town from the big city and tries to settle in. At the same time, murders start happening throughout the town, and the main character and his friend get roped into solving the mystery. The game is LONG, as a warning, but generally managed to keep my attention the whole way through. Personally, while I still enjoyed the game overall, I do have to say that as someone under the LGBTQ umbrella, some parts of the game bother me. One of the first characters you get is constantly homophobic, to the point I constantly hated him (some people theorized he's in the closet, but even if that was the original plan with the character, all we get in game is his constant homophobia). There are two other characters who in theory should be LGBTQ, but the game never commits to their Identities, so they're in their weird space where it's so easy to read them that way, but the actual text of the game would imply it's nothing. Also, romance is a decently big side story to the game, but you can only romance women (which might not be a negative for most, but bothered me). Overall though, I still enjoyed my time with the game and think it's worth playing.

AER: Memories of Old. A game where you fly around and discover secrets of the past. I played this years ago on PC, but remember enjoying it. Not much more to say, other than at the price it's worth a shot if the trailers at all look interesting.

Battlechef Brigade. A fun match up of 2D hack and slash gameplay with match 3 puzzle solving. The art is really cute too. The story is interesting, but I seem to recall it falling a bit flat for me near the end. Still, the price is absolutely worth it.


The South Park games load so slowly on switch I found them unplayable.

The bits I played were phenomenal. I just don’t have the patience for long load times anymore


If you haven’t tried them out recently I’d definitely recommend another go.

No switch port will ever run as well as it would on other current-gen gaming hardware, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much it has improved.

Fractured but whole used to have the WORST loading times at the start of a battle, or when fast traveling. Now they load within a couple seconds. Animations seem a bit smoother as well.

It took them long enough, but I’m glad it’s finally had some TLC. :)


Thanks for the heads up! It has at least six months since I tried playing Fractured.


+1 for 13 sentinels. Absolutely incredible story. I’m about 1/3 of the way through it right now and holy crap, I’m blown away at how well they are executing such a complex story.

Supa, w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09

Playing Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. It’s sad, though. I’ve noticed my urge to play the game slowly drop more and more once I realized how much of the map, weapons, and music is borrowed from BotW. Sometimes, it feels like I’m just playing BotW 2.0 instead of a proper sequel. Still, I keep making progress.

Replaying Paper Mario TTYD. I really love this RPG and the Paper Mario series as a whole. Really hope we get a proper RPG for the next game in the series, with partners, badges and all that stuff.

I’m also replaying Mirror’s Edge. One of my favorite games, thanks to the setting and soundtrack. It still looks beautiful, despite it coming out in 2008.

slimerancher, avatar

Thankfully I have very short memory, and I played BOTW on launch, so didn’t had any issue with that. Maybe you should take a break, and come back to it later?

Well, whatever new Paper Mario we get, it will be on Switch 2. Let’s see what they do that with it.

Mirror’s Edged is that parkour game, right? Where you are running around on rooftops?


I only played BotW back in 2021, so that’s why I remember so much haha. I guess a break wouldn’t hurt.

Yeah, Mirror’s Edge is that first person parkour game. If you haven’t played it yet, I definitely recommend giving it a shot. I love how the levels flow, and I find myself getting a lot better every time I run through the game.

slimerancher, avatar

I have always wanted to play Mirror’s Edge, but for some reason never got around to it. Will see if it I can find it somewhere cheap.

turkalino, avatar

it feels like I’m just playing BotW 2.0 instead of a proper sequel

Really? Sure, they carried over some assets and the shape of the overworld map is the same… but most of the stuff ON the map, the chasm map, the sky map, cave systems, new abilities, a crafting system that makes the durability mechanic suck less, new characters, new ways of earning korok seeds, the president hudson puzzles, the shrines are all different (and overall more difficult, thankfully) … there’s so much new, unique stuff in this game that it’s sometimes overwhelming to me, and I 100%ed BOTW twice. I think you’re over-fixating on the fact that the games have the same engine.


Yeah but some of that stuff doesn’t really do anything for me. The depths are alright, the sky map is too empty, with most of the islands looking nearly the exact same, the caves all have the same look. The abilities are cool, crafting is cool, new characters are nice. I hate everything about korok seeds, and the Hudson puzzles can easily be cheesed to the point that you can use the same solution for almost all of them.

turkalino, avatar

Ah, well then it sounds like a lot of the new stuff just doesn’t go along with your tastes/play style. Nothing wrong with that. Meanwhile, I can’t help but explore every square inch, so the Korok seeds are a nice bonus for that; and I’m an engineer so I like coming up with crazy alternative solutions to the Hudson puzzles and shrines

SandLight, (edited )

I agree. I played the heck out of it and really got my money’s worth, but much of that time spent playing I couldn’t help but feel it would have been better if

A) I hadn’t played BotW

B) I had skipped most of the side questing (except for the sky which was the best parts of the game imo) and just powered through the main story beats.

I felt like I had done all the sky content in my first 1/4 of the game except for the [Spoiler Area] which was a real shame.

picandocodigo, w Known leaker Pyro says F-Zero will feature in September 2023 Nintendo Direct avatar

Same user has hinted at some Donkey Kong news?

KotActually, avatar

My guess is that it might be some DK stuff coming in the next Mario Kart DLC But I’m hoping it’s more! I know there has been rumor of a DK game being done by Nintendo EPD…

xyzzy, w Gargoyles Remastered – Announce Trailer

OK but here’s the thing about Gargoyles. They’re all running around in loincloths. Can’t they afford pants

slimerancher, avatar

Well, they don’t work much, just just sit around building all day. Of course they can’t afford pants.

Phelpssan, (edited ) w What are you playing this weekend? 2023-09-09 avatar

Finished Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury!

Needed a break from story-focused games so I decided to pick this one.

Considering it’s originally a WiiU game it’s surprising how well 3D World fits in the Switch - the ~5min levels are very friendly to short playing sessions, so you can just pick it up and get a couple stars whenever you stop for a coffee break. I only played it casually until I finished the main story with ~210 stars, but will probably to back go it from time to time to get the remaining stars and the work on the post-game content.

Also had a ton of fun with Bowser’s Fury, which I think has more in common with Odyssey than 3D World due to its more open-world nature. It’s fairly short and not as polished as the usual Mario games, in particular when talking about the camera work, but definitely worth playing.

Started Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg!

I don’t think I’ve mentioned this on Lemmy before, but I’m a huge fan of the Atelier games, having finished all that were released in the west. For those unfamiliar with the series, it’s a long-running JRPG franchise centered around slice-of-life stories, with a huge focus on crafting - I’ve spend countless hours in these games just playing in the workshop trying to get the perfect bomb, or optimizing iron ingots to make stronger gear.

This one is a remake of the very first game in the series, from 1997. It’s a fairly simple game compared to the recent entries, but has the same relaxing feel, and the remade visuals are adorable, looks like they tried to keep the same “chibi” look as the original PS1 version.

Like most of the older games in the series, this one features a time limit - you have 5 years to complete assignments, explore the world and make friends, at which point you get an ending based on your achievements. Exploring, crafting and battling constantly move the clock forward, making “time” one of the resources you have to manage. This mechanic was always divisive and has been largely abandoned in recent entries of the series, but it’s never really bothered me.

The main thing preventing me from recommending this game is the price tag - at its core it’s a 25-year-old game, and while the improved graphics and QOL changes are quite good, it’s fairly short (I expect to finish it in 10h or so), and it’s too simple in both story and mechanics to justify the $50 they are asking on the eShop. That being said, if there’s a good sale it might be a fun game to pick up.

slimerancher, avatar

I have come to realise I like 3D Mario games much more than 2D ones. If they want to make different style of Mario games, I would choose 3D game and then instead of 2D Mario I would go with 3D world style games. Though, there are chances Wonder will change my mind.

I have been following Atelier games for quite a while now, but haven’t played any yet. Though Atelier Ryza is on very top of my wishlist.

I was also interested in playing the Marie Remake, but I didn’t know it has time limits. How forgiving are these limits? And what do you suggest I play first Marie Remake or Ryza?

Phelpssan, (edited ) avatar

How forgiving are these limits?

On Marie they are very, very forgiving. I have more than one year left with Marie at almost max level, max knowledge and reputation, only one item left to craft (the Philosopher’s stone, which requires an item that I can only get in one specific day later this year), already killed two special bosses, already made an Elixir to cure Schea… I haven’t checked the ending requirements but I’m pretty sure I already fulfill some of them.

Generally speaking from my experience with Atelier the time limits are only a problem in two situations:

  • You want to 100% the games, in particular if you don’t want to use a guide or go into NG+
  • You are playing Atelier Totori

Time limits in Totori are rough, the only game I had to reload an earlier save because I ran out of time and could not get at least a “good” ending. It’s still one of my favorite games in the series though.

Worth mentioning that Marie also does have an “unlimited” mode you can choose at the beginning, but given how forvinging the limit is it’s probably not necessary.

And what do you suggest I play first Marie Remake or Ryza?

Between those two, Ryza.

Marie is cute and fun game, but it’s lacking in depth compared to other entries in the series. If it was $20 it could be an interesting entry point to the series, but for $10 more than what they’re asking for that game you can get a far more complete experience by going with one of the recent games like Ryza or Sophie 2.

slimerancher, avatar

Thanks for your feedback! May start it once I am done with DQ XI.

ShittyRedditWasBetter, w Nintendo reportedly showed a demo of the ‘Switch 2’ console at Gamescom which included visuals comparable to the PS5 and Xbox Series X.


semperverus, w Super Adventure Hand - Release Date Trailer avatar

That name is uncomfortably close to ArenaNet’s Super Adventure Box (a whole game within another game)

Anomalous_Llama, w Nintendo reportedly showed a demo of the ‘Switch 2’ console at Gamescom which included visuals comparable to the PS5 and Xbox Series X.

My expectations for the switch successor are reasonable I think

Backwards compatible with the Switch

performance boost when docked (I’d be perfectly happy with solid 1080p 60fps)

Mobile performance of 720p 60fps (lower detail settings than docked)

And I dunno just get a modern fucking friend/online system or at the very least let me integrate discord lol

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