Pyr_Pressure, I can see why they no longer call it a planet, what’s the cutoff for asteroid size?
johannesvanderwhales, It is still a dwarf planet. Basically when it hits hydrostatic equilibrium, i.e. when it’s round, it is considered a dwarf planet. More here
Burn_The_Right, So… Does this mean Australia is no longer a continent?
Murdoc, angielski Dwarf continent
Buddahriffic, If that photo was taken right before impact, none of the continents will remain continents because it’s all about to melt and we might have another moon when everything settles down and we evolve back from scratch over the next several billion years.
Burn_The_Right, The only survivors would be Australia’s infamous Magma Spiders.
P00ptart, Just in time to get baked by the sun!
lolcatnip, angielski Or does it mean Australia is a planet?
Burn_The_Right, I’m sure the rest of the world would agree!
jol, Australia would have to round up its edges and clear it’s orbit of little islands before being called a planet.
Iheartcheese, ![]()
Mostly just a cunt
faceula, Sand Mass?
Landless2029, Seems like it amounts to a gas giant down under.
Zozano, angielski ![]()
It never was. The concept of Australis is part of spherical world order.
Do you really think a Platypus is a real animal? A mammal that let’s eggs and has bioluminescent fur. Get the fuck outta here.
abcd, angielski Is Neil deGrasse Tyson hiding somewhere in Australia?!
Zozano, angielski ![]()
I saw him in my mates house the other day kissing a mirror? He said he is the only person he can kiss in the mirror or something.
Freefall, In future news; Donald X Musk III, worlds first quintillionare, decided to alter Pluto’s orbit to collide with Mars “Becauth it would be thoo cool!”.
Etterra, That’s awesome. And to think, it’s only slightly less inhospitable in Australia!
captain_aggravated, angielski ![]()
Meanwhile, Australia is down there like “WTF mate?”
milicent_bystandr, Nah, no one likes lives in that part of Australia. Pluto sitting there just means drivers from Perth to Sydney have to take a little detour.
captain_aggravated, angielski ![]()
I mean, I’m pretty sure you’d be able to see it from everywhere in Australia, so I bet many of them would be like “WTF?” But they’ll be dead soon. Fuckin’ kangaroos.
TonyOstrich, Fucking kangaroos
MonkderVierte, TIL australia has hydrostatic equilibrium.
lugal, Still, the surface area is much bigger. Pluto is a real continent
Uebercomplicated, Discreetly insulting both Australia and Pluto in one sentence! Absolutely love this; will share it with all my Australia and Plutonian friends! If Earth gets attacked, it’s not my fault, but yours :'P
NigelFrobisher, If Australia attacks Earth you’ll know you’ve been attacked.
zerofk, Australians can’t attack Earth, they’d fall right up into the sky without some reverse-reverse-gravity system.
niktemadur, I’m digging the way the map shows Tasmania as part of the continental plate.
Piemanding, Is it on purpose or is it because of ocean depth?
niktemadur, The light blue part is shallow and when it’s underwater, they call it “continental shelf”.
Tasmania and mainland Australia are connected by the same, shared continental shelf.
x4740N, Pluto is still a sphere, this is an unfair comparison because Pluto hasn’t been unwrapped
UnderpantsWeevil, angielski ![]()
It’s actually 4π*(0.5*(length-of-australia))^2 bigger than that.
doctordevice, Fun fact: the surface area of Pluto is only about 4% larger than Russia.
RandomVideos, So thats why Russia wanted to expand
NigelFrobisher, Pluto unboxing video.
Zier, angielski ![]()
As a former Plutonian, I can confirm it's small, that's why we immigrated to Earth. And fucking cold!
samus12345, angielski ![]()
Zier, angielski ![]()
Stop posting pictures of my family, they are very shy!!!
grrgyle, No way!
cosmicrose, angielski ![]()
This picture is inaccurate, Pluto is actually much farther away.
mindbleach, Telephoto shot, using a 1e50 mm lens.
Swedneck, ![]()
if anyone wants to do the math, how far away from the sun would the camera have needed to be to take such a photo?
mindbleach, Apparent scale is inverse linear, i.e., proportional to 1 / distance. If we want the apparent scale of two objects to be about 90% accurate to their actual relative scale, their relative distances to the camera can’t be more than 10% different. Pluto being 40-ish astronomical from Earth, you’d want to shoot from about 400 AU. Voyager I should be in prime position circa 2140.
lolcatnip, angielski Probably not necessary to use a lens so long it can reach distant galaxies!
sirico, angielski ![]()
No it’s just really small
lemonmelon, What is this, a planet for ants?!
dodgy_bagel, It’s a close-up shot; the planet in this photo is actually much bigger than Australia.
Klear, Then again it could be super close and the size of a potato.
dodgy_bagel, Potatoes aren’t usually blue
Klear, They are if they are moving towards you really fast!
dodgy_bagel, Imagine hitting that fast ball
mindbleach, Extremely venomous ants.
Dudewitbow, introscene for the next mecha anime confirmed
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