Motortown: Behind the Wheel. The driving feels fantastic, it has just the right amount of RP-ability to be present, but not forced, and it can be high speed or high chill, your choice. I seriously recommend it.
I was doing it for the Legendary edition to be fair. I dunno if that makes a difference at all. I ended up just sticking with a couple of basic community patches, staying in casual outfits on the Citadel and such in ME1, and upscaled cutscenes. Anything more than that was just way too fuckin confusing.
Oh and adding back the same sex romance options in ME1 and 2. I had no idea that was an option but my gay ass is super happy to be able to romance Kaiden throughout all 3 games now. Time for a break from Cortez, my beloved.
Some games lend themselves better to modding. Some are much more complicated to mod. Some games need a mod manager to do conflict checks and some games can just have mods piled on top of each other endlessly without issues.
Mods within certain game engines can pretty much be moved between games ofln the same engine often with very little adjustment.
I would say in modern modding it is usually fairly straightforward, but some games and some older mods definitely require some deep computer fuckery.
Stick to things you’re comfortable with and skip the ones you aren’t.
It also depends where you get the mod from as different sites offers different amount of help. On some sites you need to download, un zip, drag and drop files in different places and change files both in the mod and outside it, and other sites you just press a button and your good to go. Even when it is the same or similar mods.
Hell yeah. 90% of my game time has been Isaac. Finally motivated to go for dead god with the new update. I got all marks for the non tainted characters last week :)
I decided to not even bother with a significant number of mods because they just seemed mind numbingly confusing to set up.
I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering if I’m missing some trick or something.
I think you made the right choice here.
There’s no quality control in modding communities so I’d say the effort the developer puts into the install instructions is going to be a reasonable indicator of the quality of the mod itself.
Well the one that I was thinking of specifically in that moment came with a wiki and a youtube guide on how to set it. I just balked. Like some fuckery sure, but that is just obscene.
There’s one historical movie scene that comes to mind for me when I think about Sid Meier’s Civilization 7, and it’s not a flashy arena fight in Gladiator or mission control cheering as we safely bring Apollo 13 back home. It’s Leo DiCaprio as Howard Hughes in The Aviator, running his hand along an airplane fuselage and insisting that he doesn’t want to see any rivets.
Nearing the end of the non-DLC portion of Pokemon Scarlet. I’m trying to finish my Pokedex before I jump to the DLC here and just have a little bit more focused breeding/leveling up the babies before I’m all set. I forgot how much fun a mainline Pokemon game is as it’s taken up a lot of free time as I get towards the end. I do think this has been one of the better entries and the technical issues, while present, are nowhere near game breaking from what I’ve experienced.
The open world was a little daunting at first. They give you three “quest lines” you can follow right out of the gate and I was initially stuck trying to figure out where to go and what to do, especially since two of the quest lines are literally in two different directions. The region is basically a big circle/clock face. You start at 6:00 and the first things you can do when the game opens up are at 4:00 and 8:00. Once I got the hang of the travel down it was a lot easier to do, but they throw a lot at you to start.
Anyone know if it will have cross platform play? My brother is going to get it on ps5, but I would rather get it for Mac… unless we will be unable to play together.
Really? Because there are plenty of reviews that captured the state of that game at release, and they’re generally better at articulating it than the guy who has 1000 hours in a game and calls it “literally unplayable” in a Steam review.
Individual Steam reviews may be trash but the average rating is valuable and usually pretty reliable. The biggest downside of the system is that it isn’t quick to “respond” to updates but the separate “Recent” rating helps a lot.
The point you’re responding to is that C:S 2 was praised by reviewers at launch despite it having TONS of issues and missing features. The Steam ratings were a way more accurate picture of the game.
Especially in a game like Civ. it’s hard to know how people feel about it until a week or so later. I remember when Civ 6 was said to be the best game in the series on release, but after spending some time with it, it was lacking. Reviews like these are more of a first impressions.
Unless my friends, who have put a lot of hours into both Civ 5 and 6, unanimously recommend 7 to me, I have no intention of getting it.
I’m both satisfied enough with what I already own, and not sold on the new one yet. Not to mention that it’ll inevitably be a vehicle for more dlc and expansion packs
No one’s said anything about hating it. For me, it’s primarily a co-op game, and if they’re not going to switch to it, it’s better for me to save the cash, and put it towards something else
I kind of don’t (yet) get the stealth / thievery mechanics. I broke into a place, stole something for a quest, and although not getting any indication of someone noticing me, I got a ridiculously high bounty.
That’s the kind of things I disliked in the first game. You kill a thieve in the middle of a forest and still get bad reputation…