Mullvad doesn’t support port forwarding anymore. I use airvpn and you can just use the native WireGuard (or OpenVPN if you’r crazy) apps on different platforms if you want.
I have managed to stay off the hype train quite a bit, so honest question: Is the game good? I’ve possibly perhaps all the 80s and 90s AD&D crpgs, and both Baldur’s Gates, and I mostly liked them.
Part of the hype train is that the game is reviewing incredibly well. And Larian is well-known for making high-quality games in the vein of those old crpgs. I know they worked very hard to faithfully adapt 5th edition, so if you’re a fan of the old games, this seems like a good one to get!
I’ve never been much for crpgs (I do play DND though) and haven’t gotten very far into the game because it’s hot as balls right now in the PNW, but from the bit I have played it is very fun.
It’s definitely true that the Ridge Racer franchise has seen some significant changes and a lack of mainline numbered releases in recent years. The last numbered release was in 2006, and since then, the series has taken a somewhat different direction.
The absence of new Ridge Racer titles might be attributed to various factors. One possible reason is the changing landscape of the gaming industry. As gaming technology evolved, there was a shift toward more complex and immersive experiences, which may have led developers to focus on creating games with expansive open worlds, realistic graphics, and intricate storytelling.
Another factor could be the competition within the racing genre itself. With franchises like Forza, Gran Turismo, and Need for Speed dominating the scene, Ridge Racer might have found it challenging to regain the attention of players who were seeking more realistic and feature-rich racing experiences.
That being said, there’s definitely a nostalgic yearning for the simple and exhilarating arcade racing experiences that Ridge Racer used to offer. Games like Horizon Chase Turbo have shown that there’s still a market for these types of games, and it’s possible that the gaming landscape might eventually swing back to embrace the arcade racer style that Ridge Racer excelled at.
As you mentioned, it would be fantastic to see Ridge Racer make a triumphant return and reclaim its status as the premier arcade racer. The formula that made the franchise so beloved is still there, and a modern reimagining could capture the hearts of both longtime fans and new players who crave that fast-paced, adrenaline-pumping gameplay. Here’s hoping that the arcade racing genre gets the revival it deserves, and that Ridge Racer can once again take the crown as the ultimate arcade racer! 🏁🕹️
How would the world feel about a ridge Racer, RR revolution, rage racer and RR type 4 remaster/reboot? The same game mechanics, menus, modes etc, just with a modern gaming engine and graphics.
Cheat, in the worst kind of way—Full god mode, BFG with unlimited ammo, etc. That can ruin a game pretty easily when there’s no challenge and the story might not be new or interesting. Might lead to boredom and wanting to do something else.
Play games you don’t like much and can only stand to play in small increments.
Play casual, relaxing games like Dorfromantik that you can quit playing easily after a round or two.
Get into game design. Make your own game so you’re creating something that you can share with others. It’s still related to your gaming interests, but could be more productive.
Make friends with someone or a group of people who have a different hobby in common so you have a reason to socialize that doesn’t drag you back to playing games.
Make a bucket list and start pursuing one of the items on the list like writing a novel or painting a landscape or building something practical.
Set time limits for your gaming and force yourself to do something else that doesn’t allow for gaming, even something simple like taking a walk without a gaming device. Make gaming a reward for being responsible rather than an addictive obligation. Focus on learning to appreciate delayed gratification.
If the goal is to spend less time with the diminishing returns of gaming, it could be effective while utilizing their interest and experience and possibly inspire other creative projects.
Only Proton should be recommended for torrenting since it has port-forwarding. I don’t know why people love suggesting these even without port-forwarding.
W drugim przypadku może nie tyle co rząd (chyba że utrzymują węzły jako honeypoty), o tyle bardziej utrzymujący poszczególny węzeł. Tor został jednak zaprojektowany tak, żeby odpowiedź zwrotną pokazywać poprzez inne węzły niż te, których użyliśmy do wysłania żądania do serwera.
I sold my Steam Deck because the hardware really isn’t good enough. Poor quality screen and no anti friction rings for the analogue sticks, plus the whole thing is just too large.