helenslunch, do gaming w Can somebody explain why game makers don't start their own companies together? avatar

what’s holding back gamedevs from banding together to either unionize or start their own companies

Same thing as any other business: money.

llii, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

Daxter on PSP and Diablo IV.

Thassodar, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

Just got access to Baldur’s Gate 3 through family share. Reminds me of Neverwinter Nights from the early 2000s, but I haven’t played a game like it since (unless you include Dragon Age).

Also getting back into Binding of Isaac and Slay the Spire.

adonkeystomple, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

I’ve been playing a lot of The Finals and been really enjoying it.

FeelThePower, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

Modded run of fallout New Vegas at the moment. Probably gonna get the fallout 4 season pass as well.

jwaters42, do gaming w Is the Nitro Deck worth it for the Switch?

I have one. I like it, I find it much more comfortable than joycons in handheld mode, and the buttons are more like a pro controller (compared with joycons and grips like the Satisfye). It feels more stable than the Hori Split Pad since it goes beneath and behind the screen, but it does add a bit more bulk. My only complaints are that the LED is on by default (you can turn it off but will turn back on after waking from sleep), and the release button can be a bit hard to slide.

FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th
!deleted7243 avatar

I’m about 1/3 of the way through Jedi Fallen Order.

It’s a lot of fun.

I’ve also been in VR a lot this week, watching The Faceless Lady in the creepy cabin on Meta Horizon, and last night I went to a Doja Cat concert in VR too.

CharlesReed, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

After 3.5 weeks and 140 hours, I finally finished Lies of P. The optional final boss was giving me so much trouble that it took me three days to get to a place where I was lucky enough to beat it. I told myself I wasn't going to play new game+ anytime soon, but towards the end of the week I ended up starting another round, so I guess I'm technically still working on this game.

Since I finally finished Lies of P (for the first time), I did a little cathartic rip and tearing with Doom '16. After all the trouble I had, it was very nice annihilating enemies with one BFG shot.

I've played Close to the Sun before on PC and liked it a lot, and it was on GamePass so I decided to play again. But it either wasn't as good as I remember or is just a bad console port. I'm leaning towards just being a bad port, because I like the story, and I like the characters (even though I have my very strong stance that an only child wrote this), but there was a lot of jankiness and jerkiness that was not present on the PC. Still finished it though, since it's not a very long game.

saigot, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

Helldivers with friends have been fun, don’t think I’ll ever play with randos tho.

I picked “the swindle” back up with the intent of 100%, just got to win in 1 life, which is challenging but easier than I expected since you start making huge amounts of cash as your win streak increases. Highly recommend this game it’s got a lot of replability for what is a fairly simple game.

I also started “chronoark” it’s a deck builder roguelike. Story seems a little too verbose at times and I think I may have to ramp the difficulty a bit (I got a fun meta cut scene for winning my first run and breaking the story) which might be why I feel like I’m spending more time in story than playing. Still having fun so far.

AnEilifintChorcra, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

I caved into my urges and started playing Baldurs Gate 3 again, this time as a dark urge

I finished it for the first time a few weeks ago and have wanted to do nothing but play it again but I never replay games like ever. I held out for as long as I could but no other game was calling to me like BG3

I never understood how people could keep replaying games, I always thought the new game+ concept was pointless but now I get it, now I understand why people have put thousands of hours into Skyrim

I nearly never even bothered to try BG3 because I’ve never played anything with turn based mechanics and I know nothing about D&D but now its all I want to play, I’m worried I’ll never want to play anything else again lol


I’m like you, I never replay games but I’ve made exceptions for BG3 and LoP last year, well worth it!


I played a resist durge and I get the feeling I saw like at least 80% of the game. I might do a murder hobo illithid run at some point, where I drag all my origin companions to the dark side. But another 100 hour run just to see the remaining 20%… I don’t know, seems like work.

Moonguide, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

Squad, Rimworld, WH40K: Rogue Trader, Another Crab’s Treasure, and Valheim and Baldur’s Gate 3 with friends.

Poopfeast420, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th avatar

Still World of Warcraft and won't be stopping for a while. I'm mostly finished with the gazillion different campaigns of the Dragonflight expansion, although as I said before, I've skipped all quest text and cutscenes, so I have no idea what the story is. Then, I've run through a few dungeons, some with friends, but it's kinda meh right now. Lastly, I've spent a lot of time doing Pet Battle related stuff. I'm doing the different dailies, so I can get the currency to buy more pets, or went back to old expansions to unlock some zones I've never been to, to capture missing pets. There are a couple of hundreds I'm missing, although I'll have to look up how to get many of them, since it's not just finding them in the wild or going to a vendor.

eya, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th avatar

Abiotic Factor, highly recommend you check it out.

Bartsbigbugbag, do games w Favourite controllers

For 3D games:

  • Xbox Series X controller with added ExtremeRate back paddle kit.

For PC games:

  • og Steam controller

Most of the time I use the Dualsense Edge though, because I rarely use controller on pc and almost never turn on my Xbox.

I play most of my 2d games on purpose built retro handhelds, so there’s no real separate controller to speak of, but I do love pretty much all of them in different ways.

skulblaka, avatar

I really wanted to like the OG steam controller but the touchpad-joystick-analogue makes it basically impossible to play any of the games I’d want a controller for. It’s a great controller for using on things that aren’t really intended for controller. Want to play an FPS leaning back in your chair? It’s great for that. Want to play Hades? I’m gonna pass and plug in my dualshock instead.

I actually revisited it recently and gave it a second shot after getting used to the steam deck pads, but unfortunately it’s still not really doing it for me personally.

pfm, do zapytajszmer w Macie jakieś protipy przy używaniu emailowych grup dyskusyjnych ~~list mailingowych~~?

Co rozumiesz przez listy mailingowe? Mailowe grupy dyskusyjne?

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Ja myślę że chodzi o rozsyłanie newsletterów


Tak, grupy dyskusyjne. Tak to się nazywa? :P


Jest to określenie wieloznaczne, ponieważ może odnosić się do grup dyskusyjnych realizowanych poprzez maile (np. GNU Mailman), do mailowego marketingu, lub do newsletterów.

wacpan, avatar

Kontekst historyczny jest taki, iż oryginalnie grupy dyskusyjne były obsługiwane przez protokół NNTP ( ) – z których najbardziej znanym i uniwersalnym wdrożeniem był/jest Usenet ( ) – rozsądny, zdecentralizowany protokół, także z edycją (supersede) i wycofywaniem (cancel) postów. Wymaga dedykowanego klienta, np. slrn lub Pan. Listy mailingowe były natomiast rozsyłane e-mailem. Google stworzyło interfejs webowy do Usenetu oraz własnych grup a`la forum zwało się “grupy [dyskusyjne]”. Oba podejścia nie są bardzo efektywne zasobowo, gdyż typowo klienty cytują cały post/mail na który się odpowiada, choćbyśmy odnosiłx się do jednej linijki tekstu. Z tego powodu Google zaczęło pracować nad “reinvent the wheel” – protokołem/ekosystemem Google Wave, uogólnieniem ponad listami/grupami/forami i chatami ( ).

wacpan, avatar

Tutaj rys historyczny Usenetu (i też Internetu w Bolandzie) – dla Wolnościowcx gorzkie, gdyż pokazuje, iż nie można po prostu udostępnić szerokiej społeczności jakiegoś forum:… .

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