0thr, do zapytajszmer w Zapomniałem hasła do telefonu: jak zrzucić dane na kompa?


Trochę poszperałem w internecie i znalazłem stary artykuł jak ktoś rozwiązał dokładnie taki sam problem co masz i opisał cały proces krok po kroku.

Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem…

0thr, do gry w Dread Delusion

Tak, 14 Maja została wydana wersja 1.0

A co do pozyskania gry za darmo to na pewno w torrentach już są seederzy udostępniający tą grę.

Megaman_EXE, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th

I’ve been streaming Lies of P the past week and I think I’ll start the Paper Mario Remake once I’m done that :)

I’ve also been trying to 100% we love katamari reroll. Not sure if I want to even attempt the 1 million roses part though. It seems far less fun than I thought it would be

pfm, do zapytajszmer w Zapomniałem hasła do telefonu: jak zrzucić dane na kompa?

A możesz podłączyć telefon przez USB do komputera?

!deleted2556 avatar

Tak, ale nie mogę odblokować klawiatury na telefonie, żeby kliknąć “transfer danych”.


zgaduję, że nie ustawiałeś debugowania usb w opcjach programistycznych, bo byś mógł na komputerze zainstalować adb i przez kabel skopiować dane z telefonu bez odblokowywania ekranu

Corr, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th

Just started animal well myself. Seems extremely solid so far. Excited to see what else the game has in store. Also has me excited to see what else big mode releases in the future if this is the bar of what they’ll publish.

Daze, do games w Shoot em ups & run n' guns

I really like Gunlocked, which is a more short-form and arcadey roguelite shmup

MajorHavoc, do games w Shoot em ups & run n' guns

Sunset Riders is a great run and gun.

NutWrench, do games w UK petition of "Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state" just got thrown back to the Government avatar

Aren’t game purchases enforceable contracts? i.e. “I give you money. You give me game that works.” ? (I’m avoiding words like “good” because that’s subjective and it gets into a whole different discussion)

Legendsofanus, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th

I was playing Rise of the Tomb Raider pretty much non-stop, a lot of fun. Gorgeous game and runs really well on my potato but…hehe Epic Games did something and now ROTR along with a lot of other games just appear as “OS Unsupported” in my library :) and after a little searching on the other site turns out everyone is having the same issue.

Oh well, atleast Epic Games gave away DRM free versions of those games so I can still play my copy

Poopfeast420, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 19th avatar

I've been playing the World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria mode since it came out. It's fun, but extremely grindy at max level. I really hope Blizzard improves the balancing, since right now it feels like you gotta decide between spending the special currency on cosmetics and mounts or upgrading your gear. I chose a druid, just for the flexibility of potentially playing every role, but am currently Balance, which I never really played before.

C4d, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th

Sniper Elite 5. I played V2 way back and fancied an updated experience. Going reasonably well so far and that x-ray cam experience remains gnarly.

LordJer, do gaming w Is the Nitro Deck worth it for the Switch?

My wife got me one for Christmas. I like it. My hands are big so the standard joycons feel too small. My only issue is the d-pad isn’t in the best spot. But all in all it’s a comfy grip.

redditReallySucks, do gaming w Why do mobile games suck nowadays? avatar

The good ones are mostly pc ports (dead cells, stardew vally)

K4mpfie, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th avatar

Trying my hardest to get Legoland, a 2000s game to run on Wine. Now it only crashes when you don’t skip a cut scene or when you try to open the map

Kerb, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of May 12th avatar

i recently dusted of titanquest (diablo clone)
and even kinda got tqvault to run on linux (not very well though)

i also played a lot of streetfighter 6

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