blinkfink182, do games w Junk Store: BIG update on what is next

Genuine question, what does this provide over something like Heroic? It seems like the ability to extend to other stores with extensions?

bjoern_tantau, avatar

It’s the integration into the Steam interface. So you could manage all your games through one interface.

It could have compatibility with everything in Steam, including achievements. But as long as it’s closed source I won’t touch it.


Got it. Thanks!

AceFuzzLord, do games w What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists?

I still do it from time to time because I like playing them on original hardware, but Sonic 1&2 on Genesis/Mega Drive. The Origins Plus versions may not be 100% accurate gameplay with regards to movement/moveset, but anniversary mode’s retry special stages is real nice when half of the time I get screwed in those. Especially 2’s special stages where I feel I feel like I’m constantly getting screwed over by my favorite character/sidekick being incompetent at the special stages.

Just recently got the 3rd game (still need & Knuckles to complete the set) and while not being able to retry special stages is an issue, I can at least reset the game without having to worry about needing to replay the whole entire game over from the start. So it gets a pass because all I gotta do is replay a stage.

MyNameIsAtticus, avatar

2’s special stages genuinely got my nerves when i played the OG cartridge. It felt like Tails was more of a nuisance then an aid sometimes lol

ZephyrXero, do games w Upscaling is actually good (as an option)

I’m fine with the concept of upscaling tech. DLSS 4 with the transformer model looks excellent. And FSR 4 is looking pretty damn decent as well. The earlier attempts weren’t as good. Ideally it would be acting more like DLAA, but 8.3 million pixels is a lot to render (4K). And if 8K is going to be a thing one day, it makes even more sense there.

I think too many people focus on the now and can’t imagine what things will be in the future as they progress.

Now frame generation, that one I feel less optimistic about. Especially when I see people using it for 60fps or less. It should really only ever be used at 80fps or higher, where the lag is less of a problem. But one day inferred frames, where it only looks at the prior frames and does not wait for the next frame, might make it a better experience.

Lastly, it’s NVidia and AMD’s marketing departments fault for having them all conflated. DLFG & FFG is what the frame gen tools should have been called, rather than shoehorning them under their super sampling and super resolution branding.

JakobFel, do games w What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? avatar

Do the original version of Doom and Doom 2 count? The relatively recent, re-released duology is objectively superior. Also, OpenRCT2 makes classic RCT and RCT2 feel incomplete at best, and outright horrible to play at worst.

hobbsc, avatar

things like dsda improve the game so much. It’s hard to go back to the original game files.


I actually really like OG Dooms just as much as the new ones. I didn’t play either until just a few years ago so no nostalgia. They are very different and so I don’t feel like they step on each other’s toes too much.


Also OG doom is good if you get bored while opening your fridge because if your fridge door has a screen, it can handle playing OG doom and pass the time it takes waiting for the door to finish opening.


I agree. Doom 1 and doom 2 are like exactly the same fun level as Doom Eternal, just in a different way.
Tbh I didn’t like “Doom (2016)” that much. I’m sure when it came out it was amazing considering doom 3 was the most recent thing, but I played Doom Eternal first and compared to the FUN of eternal, it just doesn’t stand up to the “rip that guy in half then latch on that demon with a flaming chain on my double barreled shotgun so I can use a Lazer balista to shoot that other demons head off while in midair to go chainsaw the flying meatballs eyesocket” of Doom Eternal


Wow yeah, I can say that going from Eternal to 2016 is the “wrong order” since the sequel really _ really_ ups the tempo and ferocity of its predecessor.

I think I prefer 2016 overall, because I’m just like mentally too slow to fully enjoy Eternal. I don’t have those reflexes anymore lol


I love that there’s 30 years of free mods to play as well. People just basically never stopped playing doom, which I think is a beautiful thing.


They aren’t even similar


re-released duology is objectively superior

do you mean the “doom 1 + doom 2” on steam? because if so, oh boy are you gonna love gzdoom

JakobFel, avatar

I’ve known of gzdoom for ages but haven’t gotten around to trying it. I just really like how that duology Steam release because it’s just “pick up and go” with modern resolutions, tweaks and that incredible soundtrack remake.

Firipu, do games w Junk Store: BIG update on what is next avatar

If it’s a one time payment and it works well enough, chances are big I’ll get it.

If it’s a subscription, I wish you the very best, but it won’t be for me.

Unfortunately the explanation seems to point towards the latter :(

LunarLoony, do games w What are some old games that are hard to revisit, because a more modern and superior version exists? avatar

I would love to experience X-COM UFO Defense, but the only X-COMs I’ve played to any extent are the two “modern” Firaxis games. Going back to the originals is a real effort, especially without having the manual to hand.


If the originals are too difficult to sink your teeth it, you can start with Xenonauts.


OG XCOM has a really rough learning curve for sure. It is easy to understand the fundamentals of but it takes a lot longer to get it well enough to really enjoy. Once you do learn it I feel like it is different enough from new XCOM that you can enjoy both. I love new and old xcoms a ton.


Old XCOM also likes to bend you over and fuck you over a lot. And that’s the way we liked it!


I will say that new XCOM can be good at that too. It really is the most important part and I’m glad they didn’t leave it out of the remake!


Ah yes. Land Skyranger, open door, sectoid throws grenade into Skyranger. Evac with one survivor. Good times.

cecilkorik, avatar

OpenXcom is a fantastic reimplementation of the original, and has some even more fantastic mods. I agree if you’ve never played it before and aren’t too familiar with old school “Nintendo-hard” games, it can be extremely challenging even on the lowest difficulty. Fun fact, the original had a broken difficulty selection and reset to the “easiest” difficulty after reloading any save game, so most people never truly experienced a full run at any difficulty above “easiest”, so that’s just naturally perceived as the way the game was meant to be balanced. Don’t be ashamed of playing on the easiest difficulty or using “cheat” mods if that’s what makes it playable for you. There’s nobody to judge you but yourself and what matters is that you’re having fun. And it is a ridiculously fun and replayable game, to me at least.

CarbonatedPastaSauce, do gaming w Oh boy 3AM!

So here’s what you do. Retire. I play video games as long as I want. I sleep whenever I want for as long as want. It’s pretty great.

tetris11, avatar

So many idiots don’t know this one secret. It’s like they have to work to pay for basic needs or something stupid like that.


I know! I worked and slaved for 30 years only to find out they were right all along!

BuboScandiacus, do games w Junk Store: BIG update on what is next

Heroic launcher stonks

Joke aside, if it won’t be subscription based and will be better than heroic I’ll probably pay

anindefinitearticle, do gaming w Oh boy 3AM!

Well, if you wake up at midnight with five hours of sleep in you, then you’ve got a few hours to yourself before sneaking in the last three before the day starts.

Lumidaub, (edited ) do games w Ubi, it's $70 and people are vary of your mile wide puddles that drop 75% in price after half a year avatar

There is a lot of highly critical discourse around the Last Samurai. Not current, because it’s not a current movie, but saying that it’s “okay” suggests you they haven’t looked for criticism.

Also, weary.

Edit: clarity.

Edit2: I have since been made aware by @SkunkWorkz of a different perspective that makes a lot more sense, see comments below.


Yup, Last Samourai is 22 years old. Back then a lot of social issues have not been widely discussed.

Lumidaub, avatar

And even then, there were people who were uncomfortable with a narrative of some heroic white dude coming in to save the exotic natives. Just wasn’t a very popular opinion.

Deceptichum, avatar

Save the natives?

Doesn’t the movie end with them all dying?

Lumidaub, avatar

That’s presumably the beginnings of an awareness of why that narrative is problematic. And also of the importance of historic accuracy. His role in the narrative was that of a saviour though. (Also, he survives.)


Yeah but it was the other side of the spectrum. It weren’t right wing racist who were mad but SJWs who didn’t see the movie and don’t understand that the word Samurai in the title is plural not singular.

Lumidaub, avatar

Oh you’re saying that this is about right wingers who think the Last Samurai is okay (while Ass Creed isn’t).

… That… makes sense. Huh. I hadn’t seen it that way.


It was the main reason why I never ended up watching that film.


Lol as good as the production looked even as a white dude I kind of cracked up at Tommy in that role.

The Last Shogun appears to have the same thing going but idk I havn’t watched it yet.


I’m not sure if The Last Shogun is something different, but if you’re referring to the Shogun series recently adapted by FX, I can say having watched it that it features a main character who fancies himself a superior white savior, but ultimately leads to realizing how completely out of his depth he is.

But it’s like the Memoir of a Geisha problem: since the original work was written by a white dude anyways, how much value does it have as a cultural work?

Tattorack, avatar

I thought so too in the beginning. But the English character in that series is more of a… Useful tool that gets used. He has no agency and he never realises it throughout the entire series.


I recall quite a bit of people taking issue with it. Goes back further with carradine in kung fu. Plenty didn't but same with assasins creed.


In 2003? What are you talking about? The only thing we weren’t talking about by then was trans-rights.

The uncomfortable racism was noted.


I think it’s wary, not weary. Could go either way, I guess.

Almacca, do gaming w Tetris avatar

Except for Willis.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

By now the new way to play it is to reach higher and higher levels while not triggering any crashes.

Viri4thus, do games w Ubi, it's $70 and people are vary of your mile wide puddles that drop 75% in price after half a year

That’s some grade A vintage racism right there.

Almacca, do gaming w I'm doing my part (unfortunately) avatar

I bought a Steam Deck ostensibly to help me get through my backlog. What happened was that I bought more games specifically to play on it.

Varyk, do games w Day 252 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots

what a great game, good call

CosmoNova, do games w Ubi, it's $70 and people are vary of your mile wide puddles that drop 75% in price after half a year

Headline makes it sound Uni posted this, but it doesn‘t look like it.

zecg, avatar

I was misinformed by an Azerbaijani home electronics swap meet board

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