Raglesnarf, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

my friends play it.

TheDonkerZ, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2? avatar

I feel as if the “lack of clear path forward” is a bit over an overreaction from the community.

They dropped Lightfall, and people feel burned, saying they’ll stop playing after Final Shape because Bungie never learns. Add the 2 layoffs into the pot, and the player hemorrhage isn’t about the path forward. This is just the first time the players haven’t known the 3 year plan in a long time.

Bungie is still announcing plans at the same rate they used to, the only difference from pre-TFS is they gave the community the names of 3 expansions ahead of time back then.Now all we have are leaks from some twitter accounts and the title of the next year of content.

AFAIK, they are talking about what “Codename Frontiers” is either today or tomorrow. So yeah, no future plans is not really the issue. They have been saying for a long time there will be more D2. The reason people haven’t wanted to play is everything else surrounding the the game (Bungie layoffs, etc).

Source: 3500+ hours of D2, and the ability to read and retain information. A seemingly rare trait in the D2 community.


I feel as if the “lack of clear path forward” is a bit over an overreaction from the community.

I don’t think it’s an overreaction considering the fact that they have been building up to the end of this story for about a decade now, it was the grand finale of everything in the entire game’s overarching dialogue, and frankly, no one even considered what would come after that other than the release of Destiny 3 if there even would be one

Bungie is still announcing plans at the same rate they used to

This is just the first time the players haven’t known the 3 year plan in a long time.

Now all we have are leaks from some twitter accounts and the title of the next year of content.

You’re contradicting yourself. You’re saying that they are still announcing things at the rate that they used to, but players don’t know what’s going on, and all we have are leaks from Twitter accounts. How does that make any logical sense? We have no idea what’s going on, but we also know exactly what’s coming, but we also don’t because it’s just leaks and rumors… ummm

TheDonkerZ, avatar

Destiny 3: They have said several times over the years that making a Destiny 3 would not make sense, so there were no plans. Only thing that ever mentioned there was work happening on a D3 were leak accounts.

Considering it an overreaction is a bit subjective I suppose, but since what said was they are announcing things at the same rate, save for pre-TFS, all we had were the names of upcoming expansions… I don’t see how I’m contracting myself. Unless you mean the leaks, which should always be taken with a grain of salt if you are to believe them.

I say it is an overreaction because, sure, they had a decade long story, but more than half of that was by the seat of their pants, *constantly * needing to stop moving forward and needling to fix core elements of this game. Curse of Osiris infamously almost killed D2, and without the Go Fast update and Forsaken returning everything people loved from D1… Game would’ve died.

I implore you to look back on Forsaken and see that it was just… Fixing D2. The campaign, while having some incredibly memorable story beats, was just… Not good. A bulk of the campaign consisted of Lost Sector like missions in the world that had you killing most of the Barons, with some bigger set piece missions spriklnkled in there.

All I’m trying to say is the only difference between now and then is that we had expansion names up front. Otherwise, about 6 months out, we would get our reveal, and them more info from there as we got closer. If anything, they are talking about Frontiers ahead of schedule. Usually wouldn’t expect anything until like… November/December.

They are in damage control mode, trying to push update son content faster, but with less staff to do it. I imagine it’s hell in Bungie HQ for the devs. Fuck their leadership though.

WolfLink, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

Are there aspects of the game that still offer value or enjoyment

I like the core D2 experience as much as I always have. The gunplay is great, the abilities and build crafting is great, the vibes and graphics and soundtrack are excellent.

The current season is kinda eh but they always put the weakest season they have lined up first because it launches at the same time as the campaign. The current season is more substantial than previous first seasons though, which is good since they are doing 3 seasons per year instead of 4 this time.

The main plot line is finished but there are still sub-plots that need to be resolved. Xivu is not fully defeated. We need to come to a more long-term arrangement with Savathun. (The Xivu-Savathun plot is going to be touched on later this year). Some sort of Vex alliance is long overdue. With the bigger threats out of the way, it would be neat to help the Eliksni and Cabal retake their home planets. Clovis could be a full villain any time now. Plus they are trying to sow the seeds for the new plots down the line with their “traveler/witness demise led to magic seeds being shot into space”. Plus they should answer more details about the fallout after the events of TFS.

All that being said, the main reason I’m still playing is simply because I bought the campaign + season pass combo just like I did for the past 5 years, and I intend to play the content I paid for. However there is a good chance I won’t pay for next year’s pass. There is a lot of potential left in the Destiny IP but the current state of Bungie will have to prove they can still tap into it.

It’s also worth mentioning that I’ve definitely been playing less of it lately than I used to.

FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 8th
!deleted7243 avatar

Mostly Neverwinter Nights.

We’ve had more active players on the server I DM for, so I’ve been popping in more often to run quests and ambience for all the newbies.

morbidcactus, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

My partner and I gave up destiny before witchqueen dropped, played pretty consistently since house of wolves with a pause just before forsaken until shadow keep. Absolutely loved the core mechanics and the PvP is some of my favourite, but it just felt so stale, barely any new maps, sunsetting old ones, lack of committing to ideas (4v4 was actually solid, some of the maps do not play well in 6s, 3s are fine though), rotating gamemode playlists like d1 had (for 6s I find control annoying after a while, 3s I liked relic in d1, mix in elimination and I’d be good)

It’s a shame because as I said, core mechanics rock, slug shorties and hand cannons feel amazing, and fusion rifles are legitimately awesome as well. I have really solid memories of doing stupid things with stuff like the Le Monarque and No Land Beyond. Wasn’t a huge fan of some metas but had some fun times with the games.

bitwolf, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

I would still play it… If they allowed Linux gamers

eramseth, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

Because it’s fun and I have friends I play it with.

The thing with destiny is that there are somewhat diminishing returns in terms of time invested vs in-game advancements.

The min-maxing and endless search for God rolls and the best builds can push you that extra 10% or so over the gen-pop player base who doesn’t spend 20hrs a week on the game.

But gen-pop and casual can still approach end game content without feeling like a total noob.

That said, there is still end game content that is geared towards “power users”… master nightfall, master raids, etc.

Also, as a D1 year 1 player who actually kinda gets what’s going on, story-wise, it’s great. But admittedly comprehending the story is very difficult given where they drop you in if you just started the game.

I will also applaud Bungie for making adjustments over the years. For sure it’s a lot less addictive than it used to be, and less of a grind. Or maybe its as much as a grind as you want it to be. The changes over the years have made the core game more approachable while they still held some high-level end game stuff for the die-hards. They tried to do the same with the story and it kinda works a little.

Also, for me, the raids are really great. Haven’t really experienced that sort of game play, teamwork, puzzle solving, and requirement for perseverance and gaming skill anywhere else. they’re just plain fun, especially if you have a good group to play with.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2? avatar

because they enjoy it?

therealjcdenton, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

There is no competitor, and no other game offers the same raid experience as d2

KingThrillgore, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2? avatar

The same reason people use ketamine. It feels good.

wacpan, do cyberbezpieczenstwo w CD/DVD nieznanego pochodzenia avatar

O rety – zważywszy, że większość sprzętu konsumenckiego jest jakoś dziurawa – lousy engineering, designed to break lub kontrola nad światem, zależnie od poziomu stresu – jakieś marginalne zagrożenie istnieje. Ale z biblioteki?

Pewnie niewyczerpująca i może nieaktualna już na dziś lista zagrożeń + mitygacji malware’u na optyku:
a) prosty – rozsiewałby się przez jakiś mechanizm autorun; pod Windowsami: plik autorun.inf – wyłączyć autoodtwarzanie/Windę :-),
b) lepszy – przez atak na system plików lub może codec audio/wideo/DVD – odpalać w wirtualce,
c) najlepszy – przez atak na firmware napędu(/kontroler szyny?) – odpalać na dedykowanym/spisanym na straty kompie.

!deleted621 avatar

Serio w tych czasach ktoś by się bawił w malware na napęd optyczny?

wacpan, avatar

Po Czarnych Protestach '20 r. znalazłem na przystanku(!) wypaloną płytę CD z dziwnymi podpisami – zob. zał. Nie miałem gdzie odtworzyć, więc skitrałem do kartonu. Pytanie @lemmur momentalnie o niej przypomniało: markerem: “Atak na Urząd Miasta”)

Po wyborach 15.X.'23 r. z kolei takie vlepki się pojawiły na mieście:


Co na płycie? Pewnie jakieś video.

wacpan, avatar

Szczerze, do teraz nie odtworzyłem (mordęga z podłączaniem DVD-ROMu), acz przypuszczam, że tak.

harcesz, do cyberbezpieczenstwo w CD/DVD nieznanego pochodzenia
!deleted269 avatar

Jeśli nie używasz windowsa to szansa jakiegokolwiek zagrożenia jest mniejsza od tego, że promieniowanie kosmiczne skieruje twoją przeglądarkę na złą domenę.

kinkles, do games w Is overwatch 2 really that bad? avatar

It’s a decent game but a terrible one if you are comparing it to the original Overwatch.


It’s a decent game but a terrible one if you are comparing it to the original Overwatch.

I’m just genuinely curious why/how it’s still getting updates and people are playing it with the way it’s talked about, they make it sound like the worst game ever

kinkles, avatar

Because despite the bitching it still has a very respectable user base, at least purely looking at the Steam stats:

Voyajer, avatar

Do we know it’s average playerbase back when it was still overwatch?


No pretty sure it was exclusive

Fubarberry, (edited ) avatar

That’s honestly not that good, when games like CS2 are regularly pulling 2million+.

According to 3rd party websites (that may not have accurate estimates), Overwatch 1 had between 600k-1mil peak concurrent players through a lot of 2020/2021. One of those same websites now says that OW2 had about 140k peak players today when combining all players on all platforms. So it would seem there’s been a huge drop in players.

rigatti, avatar

Keep in mind that a large portion of players don’t have it installed on Steam and use the launcher instead (like me).

Fubarberry, avatar

Right, that’s why the collective play amount is ~140k when the steam daily is only ~30k

rigatti, avatar

Ah, if only I could read more than one sentence at a time…


Also, the game is on consoles too with crossplay


CS2 is top of the pile, there is very little that can fairly be compared to it.

Fubarberry, avatar

I think Overwatch 1 at it’s peak could be compared to CS2.


In my opinion, anyone saying OW2 is worse than the original is saying this for personal reasons and not trying to be objective. OW2 is, in my experience, much more balanced than OW1. Many of the more frustrating aspects of the game have been fixed or removed, and most of the characters added since OW1 seem fun to play and not frustrating to play against.

There are very many valid criticisms one can make of Blizzard. The history of being a shitty workplace, the objectively awful decision to make OW2 a sequel, the treatment of Jeff Kaplan by execs, the monetization, and probably more. None of those criticisms (except monetization to a limited degree) have anything to do with whether or not OW2 is a bad game or not.

But I’m speculating since the person you responded to has not elaborated on any of their views.


I agree with you. Even though they’re still not the kind of game so would play regularly, Overwatch 1 was extremely annoying to play with all the stuns, freezes and more. Overwatch 2 toned down and removed most of these which made it actually somewhat enjoyable.


Ehh I disagree, I played consistently ow1 for years and ow2 just wasn’t as good.

I mainly missed tank synergies. Without it the game just wasn’t the same. The other tank changes were just insane too. And I preferred the full 6v6 experience.

Then they had to go an monetize the shit out of it, when I already paid for the game! The last straw was either paying for new characters or grinding like hell.


The tank and 6v6/5v5 has been heavily discussed, recently devs made a long devblog about it. I can kinda see where you’re coming from, I think, but between balance/queue times/the average player (of which there tends to be more of when you’re with 5 others instead of just 4) it seems to me like 1 tank works better in practice even though it struggles when compared to the ideal world+nostalgia goggles.

I was very pleasently surprised not disappointed by the monetization, like uncompleted weekly (battle pass -primary method of profression) challenges carry over, so in theory you can do all weekliesduring the last week if a battle pass. also aren’t the new heroes available if you play just a few matches?


I honestly though I would get used to it, like the forced 2-2-2 comps which I initially disliked, but I never did. It just made the game feel like too much more like a pure fps. And it not feeling like that was what made it unique.

In my experience all the que times were fine as 2-2-2 even when queued as duo dps


I don’t mean to be a dick but without giving actual reasons all you’re saying is “I preferred ow1”, which is kind of what my original comment was referring to. Tank synergies is definitely something that was lost with ow1, rein/zarya and dive comps were very fun and definitely something I miss. But it was also a major source of balance issues and player frustration.

Two tank team composition was a consistent balance issue and severely restricted the design of tank heroes. Sigma is a really fun and interesting hero, but when he was added overwatch entered a prolonged two shield meta which was incredibly boring. The devs added a cool hero, and he made the game worse. Not only did he make the game worse, but there was no obvious or easy solution, because sigma wasn’t the problem, two shields was the problem. In my opinion that exemplifies how bad of an issue the game was facing and justifies the changes made.

There’s nothing wrong with preferring ow1 but the person I responded to called it “a terrible game compared to the original” which is just blatantly incorrect in my opinion.


He did give reasons. Can’t you read?


Why? I played OW from beta, stopped playing after all the shitty workplace accusations came out, then played again for 10 or so hours last month.

I didn’t play much competitive (in my recent sessions) but the game seemed like it was in a pretty solid place. The only “major” issue I can think of is that the tank role is incredibly important, which creates a bit of a toxic environment where people are scared to play tank because they get flamed if the team gets rolled. But I think the downsides are worth the benefits, with tank being so important it’s become the core that the rest of the game balances around. Healers have more agency and dealing damage/contributing to elims is a vital part of the role. A lot of the frustrating/cheesy aspects of the game have been removed, scattershot, damage-doomfist, mercy 5-man-res, goats, double shield.

Again, I took a long break from the game, but before that I clocked a lot of hours in competitive. Personally the game feels about as balanced and enjoyable as it’s ever been.

Obviously the monetization is gross and that entire side of the game sucks now but that’s an entirely different conversation.

helenslunch, do games w Is overwatch 2 really that bad? avatar

Look at Reddit, Twitter, Discord, Facebook, etc. Consumers cry and complain but they almost never leave. That always leads to perpetually-increasing exploitation.

So yes, its that bad, and no, its not on death’s door.

rockerface, do games w Is overwatch 2 really that bad?

It’s not that bad. The vocal minority likes to cry


I agree. I was a die-hard ow1 fan and quit because of the absolute disgrace that was the transition from OW1 -> OW2. I have every reason to hate OW2 but I don’t because it’s a fine game and improves on OW1 in every way that is important to me (gameplay and balance).


Yeah, the OW2 launch was a disaster, but saying the game now is worse than OW1 was is just rose tinted glasses

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