My monitor dynamically adjusts it’s refresh rate to match what my GPU is spitting out within reason. Anything above 40ish is fine, though competitive stuff does benefit from more. Below that even if my monitor is matching frame to fame I definitely notice.
@penquin oh! Well in that case I used to be a 1080p 60Hz monitor kinda guy, and about a year ago I had to upgrade to dual 1440p 165Hz monitors.
While I can definitely feel the difference, 60 FPS is barely noticeable, and even 30 FPS is acceptable.
I grew up with slower machines so sub-30 was fairly normal, even older consoles targeted 30 and faltered below that, so at this point I'll take anything above what's acceptable for film
So far, all my mentality/generation folks. <3
I just don’t care about FPS, as long as 25 or higher. Once you get to the 20ish, you start seeing the jitter.
@penquin like, I can tell the difference under 60, and I can tell it gets choppy under like, 40? But I probably don't make a comment about the "lag" or framerate dropping until it's below 20-30
100%. I can absolutely tell, but I just don’t care. I’m here for the fun. Playing God of war with my son and fighting all these bosses and getting into it and yelling is just way too much fun to worry about FPS.
@penquin sometimes it's even more exciting overcoming the FPS drops, especially when I can tell why it's happening and/or if it's only temporary/rare. I've definitely caused my fair share during some overly modded Doom setups
I’m old enough that I remember when 28FPS @ 320x200 was considered a target, and my vision isn’t as hot as it used to be. So long as I’m not noticing any obvious issues, I don’t really care enough to check.
Imagine Little Mac training animation with his coach.
He trains by roaming the city, confronting street gangs, fleeing dangerous dogs and finding training rooms to recruit opponents to qualify for the real fights…
Splatoon. You could definitely come up with plenty of cool movement abilities to unlock. And in general I just want to see the IP explored in all kinds of directions. If the franchise had debuted a generation earlier, I keep imagining what kind of straight-to-handheld companion title it would've gotten.
My first thoughts were Final Fantasy because you have all the enemies you need. And they’ve already branched out into monster catching and Souls-like. So might as well.
My second thought was X-men because the Genesis games were already kinda built for that.
Yeah, I didn’t consider that. The game would probably have to design the map in a way that keeps all the characters relatively nearby, or introduce a mechanic for them to converge more seamlessly, like maybe having save rooms that teleport all of them together or something.
I’m just picturing big chambers like Super Metroid, and the characters moving around testing things to see what happens, then putting it together. (Maybe a zoom out button, or the map screen being relatively detailed.) So it could be very similar to the original, just “more”. You’d just need a few sets of puzzles in every chamber, for when they backtrack and revisit areas. Mind you I’m not saying it’s easy to “just” design good levels and puzzles, especially in such a large scale, just that it’s easy for me to imagine it being fun.