I feel like there's been a glut of clickbait articles being submitted lately. It would be nice if these posts could be taken down and allow the user to resubmit it with a more accurate title?
“Niezbyt miły prezent pod choinkę otrzymały tysiące Policjantów. Zapowiadane i zapisane w odpowiednich przepisach podwyżki stanęły właśnie pod znakiem zapytania” — brzmi fragment oficjalnego komunikatu Niezależny Samorządny Związek Zawodowy Policjantów....
Halfway through the pristine miniseries that precedes the most incisive show about post-9/11 America you realize this is your Battlestar Galactica now. Not the bubblegum, brightly lit ’70s classic, but this, the gritty, claustrophobic, white-knuckle reboot that looks nothing like the original boot....
Celebrating 19 years on this Christmas Eve, Garry's Mod, the physics sandbox game by Facepunch Studios, has been a beacon of creativity since its December 24, 2004 release.
For the past few days, I've patched up a few minor errors that there was never time for. I also took a short break from coding, but I'm still working on planning the federation. I'm trying to spend a bit more time with my family and recharge for the upcoming week.
I use a dual shock 4 via Bluetooth on my PC (Windows) and I’m tired about the workarounds required to have it working all the time. Sometimes it needs steam open, sometimes instead having steam open will confuse the game, and so on. And by default the light is off when connected so I never know if it’s o, off, low battery. I...
In a landmark decision, a British judge has sentenced 18-year-old hacker Arion Kurtaj, the mastermind behind the leak of Grand Theft Auto VI footage, to indefinite detention in a secure hospital.
Embark on a journey into the heart of a post-apocalyptic America with Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition. Released in 2008 and hailed as one of the most acclaimed games of its time, this edition offers an unparalleled experience of survival, choice, and consequence. Brace yourself for a gripping ad
— Wprowadziliśmy pracę zdalną w Polskiej Agencji Prasowej dla wszystkich pracowników. Potrwa do odwołania — przekazał naszej redakcji w sobotę przed południem prezes PAP Marek Błoński. Zapewnił jednocześnie, że on, jak i cały zarząd podejmują decyzje i pracują normalnie, po prostu nie ma potrzeby, żeby w...