
ICastFist, do games w This should be illegal
@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Can any owner of this game tell me whether it is online only or not? Or what uses it has for an internet connection? Because back in mah dayTM© that’d be the kind of thing you’d download once and, even if the online service died, you’d still have a working program/game afterwards.


Why would they want you to have a working program? How does that help sell you more stuff?

Steeve, do games w FTC fails to redact Microsoft document, revealing an old Bethesda release schedule

Dishonored 3? Yes please

Behaviorbabe, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 18-09-2023

Crab champions and classic wow


Crab champions is great. I love Noisestorm’s music.

dx1, (edited ) do games w This should be illegal

Archival is extremely important and one of the side effects of copyright schemes is that they limit its viability. The less access people have, the more likely some work becomes lost forever. I’ve seen it a few times already, with recent work, but in one or two hundred years we’re talking about libraries of art that could have been preserved but are just gone.

Closed source software, that’s actually distributed to people, has all kinds of problems beyond that too. Tons has been written about that, but from an artistic perspective, I think the biggest loss is that people can’t legally expand the original work. Giant franchises with a central cultural presence get walled off and usually just go through a huge creative decline, which is crazy because there’s millions of people preoccupied with the concepts from the franchise who are barred from using them to express themselves. With software in specific, if it’s open source you can modify it, fix it, expand it, maintain it, whatever - there’s all these great resources they could use, but we won’t let them.


Pirates keep many things alive. 🏴‍☠️🦜


It’s pretty insane. At first I thought damn, from now on our culture will be so thoroughly documented that future historians will struggle to parse it all, but now I can’t trust anything to last for 5 years and I can’t have copies of it, either.

Piracy shmiracy, some random dude’s homegrown server is not an archive, and anything that fails without electricity to power it is not a copy.


Archival projects like ours !2009scape

Annoyed_Crabby, do games w FTC fails to redact Microsoft document, revealing an old Bethesda release schedule

Es6 2024 2026? Doubt it.

BigVault, do games w FTC fails to redact Microsoft document, revealing an old Bethesda release schedule
@BigVault@kbin.social avatar

Fallout 3 remaster?
Yes please.

Blackmist, (edited ) do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 18-09-2023

Baldur’s Gate PS5. Co-op.

Currently takes about 6 seconds to swap between characters. Every time. Every turn. Click, clunk, click, clunk.

Playing really thoroughly, we’re up to 60 hours, level 7, and just starting Act 2.

It’s bad design that part of Act 1 is behind the exact same prompt as the end of Act 1. I nearly missed a whole zone there, as well as an awesome weapon.

Transcriptionist, do games w This should be illegal

Image Transcription:

A message from Meta Quest with a picture of quadrupedal orange alien with purple spots down its spine and large green eyes named Bogo from the Oculus Quest experience of the same name. Below the image is the text:

“Hi Kolorafa,

We are reaching out to let you know that Bogo will no longer be supported as of Friday, March 15, 2024. You may continue to wave at, pet, and feed Bogo on your Quest device until 11:59 PM PT on that date.

We admit we’ve gotten attached to the little guy too! There’s still time to grab that just-slightly-out-of-reach fruit one last time. Bogo will appreciate it. And so will we. 🐾 🎆


The Meta Quest team”

[I am a human, if I’ve made a mistake please let me know. Please consider providing alt-text for ease of use. Thank you. 💜]

FastWarfarin, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 18-09-2023
@FastWarfarin@lemmy.world avatar

I’m playing ghost recon breakpoint these days, fun game

HKayn, do games w This should be illegal
@HKayn@dormi.zone avatar

Why should a developer be forced to forfeit their source code just because they don’t want to sell their game any longer?

If people focused on DRM-free games instead, this wouldn’t be an issue in the first place.

S491, do games w This should be illegal

Is this made in unity?


Wouldn’t be surprised.

Partner found out about the unity crap when a bunch of steam library games published updates about changes in development, at least one of which stated they’re transitioning from free to paid

Seasoned_Greetings, do games w This should be illegal

This is the natural progression of the games-as-a-service model. Any game that relies on online support of some kind just to function will eventually cease like this.

Is it stupid that a vr game about a pet relies on online support to function? Absolutely. But it is what it is. Buy more offline games.


That’s why for the game I develop, players can request a copy of their save file and we have a singleplayer mode you can download and host yourself.

It’s not the most convenient thing, but players use it, and it’s future-proof!


You are a god among men


This is also the reason I’m all open source. Not just games, but seeing someone abandon a program hurts. Or just wanting to make a change on your own to suit your needs. I don’t have any big fancy programs, but I at least put my code openly on github.com for that reason. Both my “big” ones are just me using another program and realizing I could make something that worked better for me. At like 100x the time investment, but programming is fun.

@Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Looking at the retro computer scene should make anyone a diehard open source fanatic, it’s god awful how much retro stuff relies on a single guy happening to find an old disc in their basement and upload it to the internet, and a lot of the time that never happened and so the software is just lost forever and the only way hardware can be used is by people writing their own software completely from scratch and sharing it with others.

And of course if they then don’t make it open source that’s extra fun.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

God bless the 8-bit guy and his dream come true, Commander X16.

@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar

drg is technically game as a service right? it works fully offline are relies on local save files and steam networking for lobbies


game that doubles as a service? beats me.

DRG is also a unicorn of a game

KpntAutismus, do games w This should be illegal

you will own nothing and you will be happy.


It was a free 'game' that was little more than a tutorial 🤷‍♂️


No it’s the great cleansing where… checks notes… billionaires crush the working classes by taking away their free virtual pets?

@brawleryukon@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not like it’s never happened to paid full games before.

cries in Battleborn

citrusface, (edited )

Don’t you fucking dare say that name. I have never in my life seen a game with so much promise be self fucked so hards by it’s own devs that it kills the game in its tracks.




@JustZ@lemmy.world avatar

Ever hear of SOCOM?


So why do they need to remove it?


Because paying for the servers to keep the game online cost more money than what they make out of it.


What servers? It probably stores a few KB of data per player.


And that isn’t making them money, so they scrap it.


Because Zuck’s dreams of a post-life in his metaverse are crumbling.

DrSleepless, do games w This should be illegal

You don’t own things anymore, you just lease them


And if you can’t own anything by paying, is game piracy even theft anymore?


I believe the founder and first queen of Carthage said that if we don’t learn to circumvent that, we deserve nothing more than we get. She went on to claim that nothing we have is truly ours.

Is it just me or was that Phoenician quite a bit ahead of her time?

Mojojojo1993, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 18-09-2023

Ac Odyssey. Hopefully finish it soon. Been good but a bit of a long slog. How would I know which quest is just a standard fetch or which one is worth it.


That game is unbelievably long, especially it you do the dlcs

@harmonea@kbin.social avatar

I love AC. Or... did.

AC Odyssey was the first one in the entire series I couldn't push myself to finish. I used to love just bumping around eliminating every single map icon, but Odyssey was way, way too big, and having my zen ruined by bounty hunters all the time was exhausting.

I heard Valhalla was even worse. It was the first one I skipped after playing each one since the original (even some of the 2D ones).


Yeah. I beat Odyssey completely. Absolutely loved it. I’m a huge fan or Norse mythology so I thought Valhalla would just totally captivate me but… I got bored! It was just too much. Started to feel incredibly repetitive.

all-knight-party, (edited )
@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

You can just pay off your bounties instantly at any time from the map screen, and I've always had so much money in that game that I've never had to deal with a bounty hunter unless I wanted to, and I don't even sell any gear, I dismantle it all.

If you're a compulsionary completionist then the game is probably too big, but they make it as friendly as they can to not have to complete the world. Unique gear drops only seem to come from unique Cultist leaders or checking vendors, and there's no achievements for completing all map markers, it's just supplemental content for XP and some gear or if you just really want to do it, there's no huge cost to just moving on to actual quest content if you want.

They don't tell you when you've completed a whole region for a reason, to disincentivize completing it all unless you're a madman. I'm doing world completion just because I like grinding the game, but it's been two years in the making with big breaks in between, and if you ever feel like your gear or levels are behind the curve and you have to grind, the difficulty settings can be changed and can be set as forgiving as you like, they actually alter the level scaling and RPG aspects.

I think it's a great game worth playing, but you do need to be ready to tell yourself when enough is enough because they give you too much for weirdos like me that just wanna experience it all over a really long... Odyssey.

@harmonea@kbin.social avatar

I'm glad you had fun with it. Do accept that my inability to have fun with it doesn't negate any of the enjoyment you got out of it. Respectfully, something this long instructing me of all the ways I must have played it wrong if I didn't enjoy it as much as you comes off as a little condescending. I'm sure it wasn't your intent, but like... I know I have the option to put it down or skip things. I know I can pay off bounties. I was there, these systems and ideas are not hard to find. But for me, the fact that I'm allowed to skip engaging with a system or put it down before I see all the devs put there for me to see is the opposite of a selling point.

For me, it's like I ordered a meal at a favorite restaurant, the plate came out with portions three times larger than expected and gorgeously plated but with so little seasoning I couldn't stomach it. Saying "you don't have to eat it all" and "there's salt on the table" doesn't make it a good meal.

We find different things fun, and that's okay. May we both have a good time with Mirage.

all-knight-party, (edited )
@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

Sorry, my intent was not to sound condescending, I was erring on the side that you weren't aware of the ways you could get around those issues in order to enjoy the parts you wanted to. Your criticisms are definitely valid, I would agree that even needing to know about the workarounds sort of proves that what was included wasn't an entirely cohesive and tight product to begin with, the way I played is not necessarily right or wrong, and neither is yours, it's just how I was able to mine the most enjoyment out of what was there.

My main idea is to not let someone see your comment and assume that that's how the game is and there's not another way to enjoy it or any clear ways to identify where content you'd want to play begins and ends, I was able to figure out and selective play the parts I enjoy, but even still there is content in that game that I skip because it's, definitively, not fun. Even still, it's become one of my favorite games of all time, but no one game is for everyone, thanks for the mature discussion, sincerely!


Yeah I haven’t needed to grind at all. Only time I dropped the difficulty level was with the poison boar. My gear stresses me out. I want the perks but then I hold onto it for like 10 levels.

Money has only been an issue as I wanted to upgrade ship and legendary tier is stupidly expensive. I’m sure by the time I finish the main quest I’ll have enough cash

@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

Once you get the perks you want you totally can hold onto it. Every ten levels all of your perk and major attack stat bonuses on gear get more powerful, (but there's no stat bonus to upgrading before the 10 level threshold at all) even when you upgrade the same old gear you had, but it happens at the "first" level of each ten, so not at level 20, instead it's 21, 31, 41, etc.

Basically I've had the "same" gear for like 30 or 40 levels, now, just every time I hit the new stat range I go and upgrade all of it. It costs a shitload of gold, but aside from ship upgrades I don't have another major gold sink, so it's worth it to me, my perk loadout is extremely optimized for assassin damage, which is important for me since I'm basically playing it as an open world stealth game where I only fight if I get caught, I can one shot anyone I want, no exaggeration (using critical assassination when necessary).

The final ship upgrades are very expensive, yeah, just seems like they give you something to grind for if you get that far


Ah bugger. So if I hold onto everything until 62 I can upgrade everything

all-knight-party, (edited )
@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

It's not always the best option, like if you wanna save your gold for the ship upgrades it'll eat a big chunk out of that, but you could totally keep your gear perks that way if you really like them, you can upgrade at 61, don't have to wait for 62


Right I’ve got you. I’m sure I’ll recoup my losses eventually


I really enjoyed it. Beautiful scenery to explore but it is annoying with bounty hunters. There’s just too many quests. I think Valhalla was actually better in this regard. Honestly all games are repetitive. Most RPGs have a lot of fetch quests or something similar.

It’s not too bad of the game is 40 hours or so. It really grinds you down if it’s so big with millions of exactly the same quests. Each island each city.

@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

The quests you get from the quest boards, especially the ones with the hourglass icons can be pretty much blanket ignored. Otherwise you can tell when talking to the quest giver if Alexios/Kassandra accepts the quest generically and doesn't respond to anything the giver says very specifically other than "I'll take care of it" or things like that.

I love the shit out of that game, have been world exploring and only doing the unique side quests.


Fantastic news. I’ve not really used any of the boards. Too many quests already

@all-knight-party@kbin.cafe avatar

The ones that aren't timed (don't have the hourglass icons) are worth picking up because they're all just like "kill 20 Athenians", "sink 5 ships", basically shit you're already doing, so you just swing by, pick them up, and keep playing like you already were and randomly one will pop and you'll get fat XP for doing what you were doing already anyway, but that's only if you want the extra XP, it's totally unnecessary


Yeah I did a few when I just started but it was time consuming. Might try again if I need xp

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