gk99, do gaming w Lords of the Fallen: Developers worry about abundance of Soulslike games

LOTF is unique in that it’ll supposedly have co-op that isn’t ass, so that’s a pretty good selling point.

ampersandrew, avatar

And yet they'll still have invasions. Is it so much to ask to take that formula, with co-op that works from a damn menu, without invasions?

ChaoticEntropy, do games w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

If you need $600m to make a genre defining game over the course of decades, maybe it isn’t worth it.



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  • all-knight-party, avatar

    I'm ready for Starfield Citizen.


    600$ million for TWO games. Cyberpunk cost 200$ mill and didn’t even work on official release.

    Squadron 42 is the primary development focus.

    Star citizen is built by a small portion of staff using leftover parts from SQ42.

    When SQ42 is finished, star citizen will be tho main focus.

    Pika, do games w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

    I supported it but, I stopped playing, not enough to do. Graphics are insane but, little to no actual content aside from ships that you need to pay real money for. The constant dB resets prevent me from ever really grinding the game, what’s the point of it will just reset next major update. I personally think the game is going to flop due to this.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    I don't think it's possible for the game to flop anymore if we're going off money made. In terms of them making money after they fully "release", well... I don't know if it will ever actually "release".


    I haven’t played the game but is it true that the ships cost real money? Do you also have to pay for the base game?


    You purchase the base game which comes with a starter ship. In the game, you can do missions or do cargo trading to earn in-game money which you can use to buy ships.

    You can absolutely use real world cash to purchase additional ships, which funds the development of the game. You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Almost all the ships can be purchased with in-game currency.

    The main plus point for purchasing ships with real money is they are acvound bound and will stay with you after a database reset.


    So the devs are insentivised to keep it in a perpetual alpha stage, wiping users game progress every couple months.


    Well, not all the gameplay loops have been fully fleshed out yet which is why it is still in the alpha stage. Database resets happen as festures are added.

    I don’t know if i will go so far as to say they are incentivised to keep it in alpha.


    Same for me. Although I really enjoy just low flying on the planets and enjoy the scenery but what made me quit is the insane amount of bugs. Sometimes it’s nigh impossible to even get from the down area to the ship it out of the hangar. Once it’s running, it’s incredible but the lack of reliability is just to frustrating.

    WintLizard, (edited ) do games w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

    Is this article written by AI? It has all sorts of strange errors and repeated words. Like the sentence at the end of this paragraph. I know it is popular to call out everything as AI right now but this article is suspicous.


    AI has gotten to the point where it probably wouldn’t make these mistakes.

    Sanctus, avatar

    You’ve never seen ChatGPT break I assume. It can.


    Never ask it for advice on anything technical. It is confidently incorrect about a LOT of things.

    Sanctus, avatar

    Its great with programming


    It’s not “great”, but it’s slightly helpful sometimes.

    Sanctus, avatar

    You know its weird, here people are downvoting me for agreeing its great. On another post I’m being downvoted for saying its okay. Y’all just don’t know and thats okay. If you know what you need and you are just unfamiliar with a library, ChatGPT can explain it fine if your prompt is concise.

    If you have no idea what you are doing and know nothing about programming, its not going to help you. I am currently using it to assist with small tasks using Excel.Interop and it basically spat out a working program for me to tweak. Don’t really know what to tell you about that but I can post it to GitHub I guess.

    Its fine with programming so long as you know to take it with a grain of salt and give it detailed prompts. Like for instance, if you don’t specify it usually defaults to Row 1 when dealing with ranges, thats fine, because I know what row I need.


    Okay. 🙂


    I heard somebody say that it’s like a talented intern. Can produce good results, but you have to verify them yourself first before you use them.

    Sanctus, avatar

    I mean you have to verify it as much as any answer on Stack Overflow. Lets not act like dudes haven’t been ripping code from there and just flying with it.


    Never ask it for advice period. It is always confident because that's the most believable way to present information on the internet. It is usually wrong because it is not actually intelligent.


    AI was at that point few months back. The quality is getting worse with each week now


    Came in to criticise the writing too. Got AI or at least bad translation vibes. Really hard to follow.


    There is a wierd amount of generative-learning articles on game/tech Lemmy. I keep seeing these articles from publications that I’ve never heard of and I get excited because “Oo new people in the space” then halfway through the article I feel duped.

    magnetosphere, do games w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

    Woah. I got Gary Oldman confused with Alan Rickman. Rickman died back in 2016… and the article STILL made sense.

    That alone makes me think they’ve spent way too long on the goddam game.

    wolfshadowheart, do gaming w Starfield has the best release in the history of Bethesda, surpassing Skyrim avatar

    I've been enjoying the game quite a bit, honestly. There are some shortcomings, namely the menu navigation can be cumbersome to learn since hotkeys bring you between some menus but not all. But after a couple days I've gotten most of them sorted - in space you can select the objective marker and fly to it in space, no menu required and it's not full fast travel.

    Right now, my biggest persisting issue is simply that quests aren't categorized by planet and so it's a lot of menu swapping to get between them and plot out a the most efficient route between galaxies. However, technically that doesn't matter very much because grav-jumping has a lenient distance for the quests but it still feels nice and so I'd appreciate a better sorting system.

    Quests are visible through the mission menu (hotkey L) and on the planetary map's (hotkey M) settlement/outpost locations in small subtext when you go to the planet in the map. For the mission menu, there's a key to show on map but it's a little time consuming, and for the planetary map it's nice to see there's a quest there but it's not optimal for planning out the order of your quests.

    Aside from all that map/menu shenanigans though, which again by now (~4 days with 2d 10h in save time) I've honestly gotten mostly used to, the game feels pretty solid. With RayTracing on a 5800x3D and a 10GB 3080 with a variable refresh rate I've found the framerate to be acceptable, large areas will slow down the framerate but responsiveness is still fine. I've yet to come across a combat scenario where frames dip. Smaller to medium areas all run phenomenally.

    In the total time I've played I've come across 1 quest with somewhat bugged logic. Without spoilers, there's a hidden-ish settlement that has a leader and residents who can turn against you. If you kill any of the residents, the rest of the friendly AI will eventually turn on you, making the quest on console likely to be completely bugged. However on PC this is solved with console command to turn that faction's bounty ID reset to 0. I believe in efforts to solve this I also caused some crashing, as a couple times the game crashed around the remedies. But, I completed the quest as I wanted to with overall less than 30 minutes of bug-troubleshooting. This could very well be fixed as part of the day 1 patch as well, we shall see.

    Other than that instance of the quest bugging and the game crashing, the game entirely before then was bug free. An AI pathing issue here and there, one instance of an NPC I was talking to starting to float to the ceiling mid conversation. And since the completion of that semi-bugged quest there have been no lingering effects so far it seems, no crashing and the remaining people and area seems fine.

    All in all, I've been pleasantly surprised with the game. The quests are interesting and pretty well varied, the faction interactions are abundant and not very limiting but lots of potential for alternative style playthoughs regardless of what you level into. Not sure if there's a level cap but theoretically you can fill out your perk skills quite far. However the traits and factions you align yourself with give you a lot of different options and could bring lots of replay value. (Brief example, there is a religious group that attacks non-sensically. You can start as one of these, and I'm assuming learn the sense of their attacks.) I am a space scoundrel who is wanted with parents, I'm a corporate espionage agent, undercover CIA agent who is tasked with taking down a space pirate faction, and I became a space ranger amidst all this. Honestly, it's sick.

    There's a few varied actions that are locked behind perks, similarly you could go the entire game without building an outpost or using the ship builder. I'd suggest seeing which locked skills you may be interested in, but otherwise the outposts feels like a decent iteration of FO4 (which I wasn't huge on). So far, outposts are OK, I don't need them but I can see value in them. The idea of building a home is more fun which can also be done. Ship building is actually tons of fun, but that's something I'm also interested in. I found a ship that I love, I upgraded it and then expanded upon it and damn, it's rewarding. It did take some time to build, but it was time I enjoyed and on PC there were some quirks but they were minimal and I adapted to them quickly.

    It's a fun game with some a few minor menu-flow that can add up to feel more annoying than they might actually be. I've gotten used to it by now though.

    wolfshadowheart, avatar

    P.S. thoroughly inspect your first housing situation, you can't miss the residence at the Lodge but you can miss the infinite storage space safe tucked away in the far left corner. Anyone complaining about storage didn't quite look hard enough! I also am a collector but I've been adamantly avoiding the misc. items in this game, only going for everything else. Inventory management really isn't that bad. Plethora of 150kg followers who are affected by equipped items (say, +50kg -40% resource weight modifiers) plus ship cargo and upgrades and weapon/armor displays... Overencumberment also scales, so if you're +5 over it's almost nothing if you're +100 or more over your stamina drains quickly. As someone who was genuinely annoyed in FO4 and set inv weight often in Skyrim, I genuinely haven't felt the need to in Starfield. It gives you every opportunity to hoard so you can sell store and display to your hearts content. I should probably start leaving weapons behind, I have 300k credits...

    Pxtl, do games w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

    I mean who would ever suspect that the man who wrote and directed the Wing Commander movie could be incompetent?


    Shocked I am, really shocked!

    Itty53, (edited ) do gaming w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

    "you guys screw me out of thirteen or fourteen more Kickstarter funding rounds and I'll take my business elsewhere!"

    • SC funders
    Prox, do games w Donkey Kong and F-Zero could be in the next Nintendo Direct

    I really, really doubt that we will see an F-Zero game on the (current) Switch. The series has always been used to test/prove out some new tech that Nintendo wants to build into other, bigger games (mostly Mario Kart but not exclusively). We’re too far into the Switch’s lifecyle for that, unless maybe Nintendo wants to learn more into something like online functionality (yeah, right).

    war, do games w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

    Everyone who donated even one cent to this project is a fucking idiot.

    Neato, do gaming w Switch 2: Graphics similar to PS5 and Xbox Series at Gamescom avatar

    The Matrix Awakens ran on the console presented by Nintendo with “graphics comparable to current generation consoles from Sony and Microsoft” , citing that medium. The demo included “advanced” ray tracing and used Nvidia’s artificial intelligence upscaling technology, the well-known DLSS .

    So Nintendo didn't share specs. And they saw a handheld Unreal 5 demo that they thought looked as good as ps5/xbsx. But it was also running DLSS so it might have running at significantly lower resolutions.

    But on a handheld screen that's harder to tell. And Nintendo are masters of making games running at low resolutions and levels of detail look like they are a lot better. So there's zero chance it's actually as capable as a PS5 but there is a decent chance they can run Nintendo games that would appear to be. So maybe TOTK at 4k@60 with higher resolution textures? Honestly that'd be plenty.

    StarServal, avatar

    What they think they saw, if comparable to PS5, was probably a “Cloud Edition” game.

    joelfromaus, do gaming w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying avatar

    This was such a hopeful game at one point. The re-emerging of the space sim genre in a way that would be more approachable than EVE or the X series. It’s kind of sad to see it go the way it has; on the one hand there are hints of what could be a great product and on the other most likely through fault of poor management and prioritising revenue raising, it will probably never be fully completed.

    I’m still interested in seeing where Star Citizen goes but I think it’s already a far cry from the product that was pitched in the original Kickstarter.

    ripcord, avatar

    It will never be even half completed. The list of features they'd promised for "release" versus what they are on track to complete in the next several years is astounding.

    They don't even have the foundations set for 75% of the features to be done. After 12 years.


    I bought the game in 2013, refunded it in 2017. When i bought the game was because i wanted a spacesim and star citizen was basically my perfect game. I expected the game to be out by late 2016 or 2017, at least the singleplayer story.

    Even now, i am still hopeful. I refunded because at that point they didnt need my money and it was ridiculous how the game was still nowhere near release. Also the game run like shit and the fun factor was too low, it was too much of a simulator.

    I dont think it is a complete scam. It is obvious there has been an insane amount of effort gone into this game. Maybe part of the funds have been abused but they have been developing this game for over 10 years with 500+ devs and that is really expensive.


    Thing is, considering when it started I'm pretty sure it must already be old without even being in beta.

    There's no way a game that began development eleven fucking years ago is based on a tech still relevant in 2023.

    TheBlue22, do games w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying

    This game won’t ever come out. At this point, the devs just steal money and see how much they can get away with.


    I said the same thing years ago. At this point it’s Duke Nukem Forever level vaporware.


    Well Duke Nukem Forever actually released.


    Right. But in which state?


    Full gold release? I’m not defending that pile of trash but it got an official release, that’s more that Star Citizen will ever get.

    xcxcb, do games w Star Citizen reaches $600 million raised but the game future is really worrying

    I think it will fully come out in at least a perpetual alpha mode like 7 Days to Die one day.

    I also think it will probably flop.

    ivanafterall, do games w Google confirms testing a technology to allow us to play games on YouTube

    I can already feel this one starting toward the Google graveyard before it's even launched.


    Google did this previously with a snake game you could play…which they killed.

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