LordBelphegor, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts

do CEOs think AI is gonna fill in? lol

nanoUFO, avatar

They don’t care about the quality as long as it’s passable most of these people are underpaid anyway. AAA setting the bar lower and lower is nothing new.

CIWS-30, do gaming w Destiny 2 players are pre-ordering and cancelling The Final Shape just to get an exotic gun

Honestly, given how toxic Destiny 2's monetization can be, along with its FOMO, I'm not surprised. That + the grind was why I quit. It got tiring and repetitive, especially the buy to play seasons.

man_in_space, do games w Rockstar Games' vice president of writing leaves after 16 years avatar

Maybe now they will move past milking GTA V?


Or they might stick the their guns and only milk GTA V


GTA Online could have been so great, but instead it feels like they put no effort into doing anything but selling new DLC. The missions are boring and unrewarding, the motivation to work with others is nil, there is no good teaming system, it’s incredibly complicated to start any business and the guide is lacking to the point where there might as well not have been a guide at all. Then if you say fuck it, I am going to attempt this all on my own someone comes up and frags you with a rocket launcher 3 seconds into attempting to pick a lock.

So frustrating. It could have been the coolest game ever and it’s just a pile of shit.

Polydextrous, do games w Rockstar Games' vice president of writing leaves after 16 years

That’s troubling. I’ve been playing the shit out of both GTA V and RDR 2 because they have the two best campaigns I’ve ever played. Especially RDR2. It was unique in its trajectory, in its beats…I really hope the follow ups, (however many years down the road those might be) won’t be affected too much by this. The writing made those games what they are.

I haven’t played baldurs gate, but I’ve been seeing a lot about it, mostly positive. Interesting, the news about that company. Being successful doesn’t usually call for a massive shakeup. But that’s capitalism for you. Fuck the workers, squeeze more out of those you keep. Classic.


As someone who has a very small selection of games they like, play God of War. I never played any of them before the 2018 game and I loved it. I start it again and play through like once a year to 100%. Only game I ever 100%ed.

Loved RDR and GTA but not much else has kept my interest anyway close to GoW except maybe Hitman.


Speculating but they’ve probably already wrapped up all the writing for GTA VI and planned to move on after that. Imagine with Houser leaving we’ll see a few more vets as they finish up their roles for VI.


RDR2 is the only character driven AAA game I’ve ever seen. I don’t think another one even exists. It was a masterpiece of a story.

circuitfarmer, avatar

RDR2 straight up fucked me up. I’ve never had such an emotional response to a game as that one.

And (maybe foolishly), I didn’t expect it. I walked right into the end of that storyline and got my ass handed to me.


When you walk into the drunk guys home for his money and kill him, but his son goes “pa, pa, pa…” I know it’s a video game, but I wasn’t expecting that. It was one of those moments where i can never forget. I felt like I actually hurt a person in my mind and kept thinking about it, still do. Absolutely the best game that brings you into the fold as a player.


What about Larian?


I dunno, I’m not a huge gamer. I’ve had just FIFA and gta v on my console for years happily. Rdr2 is a newer purchase for me and I love it. But I don’t really like fantasy games, so I’m not really larian’s audience.

I like shooting and driving and open worlds. And soccer. I put off getting rdr2 for so long because I couldn’t drive. I regret writing it off because I was definitely wrong about it


Oh I thought you were saying they had some similar senior staff depart the company after bg3 released


I was saying I’ve been hearing good things about BG3 and saw they fired a lot of people to “streamline” the company. I was just deriding capitalism for that insane mindset


I don’t see anything about Larian letting go of people after bg3 release


In related news, as part of its recently publicised cutbacks, BioWare has “let go of” Lukas Kristjanson, the lead writer behind Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, and the writer of the first three Dragon Age games, Mary Kirby.

Oh it wasn’t Larian, that name was mentioned to me so I just assumed from the quote above without rereading. I dunno the connection between larian and BioWare, but they’re obviously releasing games together? Or sharing titles?


Gotcha, so Baldurs gate 1 and 2 were released by bioware it 1998 and 2000 respectively, the lead writer for those games was let go by bioware recently, Larian is a completely separate company that got the IP rights to do BG3 👍 I can see where the confusion came in lo Edit: More context in the development section of's_Gate_3


You can “drive” a horse in RDR2 lol


GTA V? Really? I absolutely hated the story in that, and I hated the characters. Here are some of my issues with it:


  • interesting epilogue, but otherwise pretty much no character arc
  • really wanted to see him try to take on the Los Santos gangs (DLC!)


  • largely just does whatever Michael says
  • wanted to start a dealership, but he kinda gives up once he makes it big (DLC!)


  • arc was okay, but he didn’t seem like a good fit for main character, especially when Franklin gets the ending

All in all, I felt like the three character perspective was largely a distraction from the lack of actual storytelling. SA and IV didn’t have that, so they actually had a meandering plot with some character development to round it all out.

I haven’t finished RDR2 (it’s so long!), but I really loved RDR and heard that story for RDR2 is even better.


I mean, I’d argue that GTA V didn’t have the most emotional storytelling, but it wasn’t a character driven game like RDR2. The characters had the stories they did because they each opened up different avenues into different types of crimes. They didn’t focus on it. The characters were all insufferable. But that doesn’t mean the writing for the story itself wasn’t good. Yeah, the characters all kinda sucked, but the storytelling propelled the tension and wasn’t just some lame bullshit that felt like it needed to be there. The characters don’t develop that much, but the backstory was great, the intrigue and the vastness of the word made it great. That’s all writing. But you’re right, it couldn’t stand alone as a character driven story.

RDR2 on the other hand is a character driven story at its heart. You definitely need to play it because it’s incredibly well done. If you’re looking for good storytelling, emotional connections to the characters’ trajectories, and a great fuckin game, RDR2 is where you wanna be.


I’m not expecting RDR-levels of storytelling or anything, and the original RDR is way better than any of the GTAs in terms of storytelling and characters. However, GTA V felt like such a downgrade from previous entries.

GTA V starts out strong, with a fun heist sequence, which gets the player excited for more. And then the next thing we see is Michael at marriage counseling, and then we meet Franklin, who seems ready to take up Michael’s mantle. Then we see Trevor, who is now running drugs in the rural area, which is also pretty exciting. At the start, I was excited to see all three develop their individual storylines, with Franklin just getting into the underground, Trevor establishing himself as a drug kingpin, and Michael getting his last heist in.

But instead of that, Trevor and Franklin kind of give up on their arcs and they just focus on helping Michael with the heist. Why? Why doesn’t Trevor try to take over the drug trade in Los Santos? Why doesn’t Franklin try to start his own dealership? Or at least steal cars as side content? If they’re really interested in heists, why is there only about five of them? Why can’t I go do more after finishing the main storyline? What about Las Venturas, doing heists there would be a ton of fun!

To me, the storytelling really dragged once Trevor came to Los Santos, which was more than half of the game. In fact, I dropped it and came back about three times (restarting twice) because it was so uninteresting, until I finally forced myself to speed through the story just so I could cross it off my list so I wouldn’t feel the need to come back. I didn’t have the same problem with either GTA SA or GTA IV, and I even finished GTA IV after GTA V (played off and on on console before GTA V, then bought and played through on PC).

And the world felt small to me. I know it was physically bigger than every other GTA game, but it felt so much smaller than GTA SA, which was able to fit three cities and a rural area and still make them feel far apart (GTA V just had one city and a rural area), and it felt similar to GTA IV. I didn’t feel any desire to explore like I did with SA. The backstory was interesting, but I think it just highlighted how disappointing the rest of the story was.

In fact, I even like GTA III more than GTA V. It’s pretty janky to play today, but it still has that OG charm to it.

So I honestly don’t understand why it’s so loved. Nothing about it really stood out to me aside from the graphics and performance of the engine. I didn’t like the driving as much as IV (controversial take), the humor felt bland to me, and I didn’t find any of the side characters particularly interesting, except maybe Lamar, and he also largely gave up on his arc.

So GTA V is by far my least favorite of the series, so much so that I’m not looking forward to GTA VI.

Silverseren, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts

Well, surely this is a good look for future game prospects and their level of writing quality. Surely...

Chozo, (edited ) do games w Destiny 2 players are pre-ordering and cancelling The Final Shape just to get an exotic gun

This is some pretty trash reporting, which is odd considering that Eurogamer usually isn't this bad. But their source for this is a Twitter thread from Luckyy10P? The dude is widely known as the biggest clown in the Destiny community, and every piece of "news" he covers is greatly exaggerated drama that only like three players ever complained about, but he presents as some massive community-wide issue.

Nobody's buying and then cancelling their $100 preorders just to keep one of the most mid guns that Bungie has ever released. Tessellation is not that good of a gun. Maybe it will be good when the catalyst is released in The Final Shape (though you won't be able to even get the catalyst without owning the expansion), but right now pretty much every trusted Destiny community member is confirming that the gun serves little to no real purpose in the current sandbox.

If Eurogamer wants to cover nonsense from Luckyy, they should be inquiring about his child support payments.

GreenMario, do games w Destiny 2 players are pre-ordering and cancelling The Final Shape just to get an exotic gun

On one hand, 😂

The other, aren’t they just gonna delete that gun from your inventory? A simple check if expansion == owned is all they gotta do?


Bungie 100% can remove the gun from people's inventories, but they won't. They're usually pretty hands-off on stuff like this, because your inventory is accessible cross-platform, but your purchased expansions are not. So they'll leave the gun in your inventory because they know that the possibility exists that some people may change their minds on their original purchase and re-buy the expansion for a different platform.


Huh. Loophole. Well I’ll be 🤣

DagonPie, avatar

Ive done this a couple times and you get to keep all the pre order bonuses.

Pistcow, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts

How hard is it to write “pick a color”?


Depends on how much you get to crunch.

RxBrad, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts avatar

Would Mass Effect Andromeda’s writers be considered senior staff at this point?

UrPartnerInCrime, (edited )

That’s what I was wondering. This may not be a terrible decison.

Edit: because I didn’t read I was wrong


From the article:

As part of its recently publicised cutbacks, BioWare has “let go of” Lukas Kristjanson, the lead writer behind Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2, and the writer of the first three Dragon Age games, Mary Kirby.




I didn’t even think they had anyone from the BG era still there.

Imagine having the same job for 23 years and then going “fuck you bye”.

circuitfarmer, avatar

There is no social contract anymore.


I wouldn’t mind it, typically that level of service comes with redundancy pay. Depends where he was based, if he was working in the US then he’d probably be left high and dry, because US employment is shit.


Could’ve been a mutual decision. They may have taken the hot because they were already thinking of leaving at some point anyway. That sort of thing happens sometimes.


Lol I don’t even have to imagine that. It’s funny you point out 23 years because that’s exactly how long I worked at my previous job before moving on in 2022.


Dude could be getting a severance package over a year long at this point, I don’t know if that’s a “fuck you bye”


The good ending.


The fuck? Hope he gets hired at Larian.

aggelalex, do games w Destiny 2 players are pre-ordering and cancelling The Final Shape just to get an exotic gun


Companies that put extra unnecessary incentives to preorders only to never actually deliver something good on those orders deserve this, if not worse.


Seriously. Lightfall was such utter schlock it turned me off to the game entirely.


Same, I admit I fell for it, but I’m not making that mistake again.

all-knight-party, avatar

I quit playing when they started sunsetting planets, what was disliked about Lightfall?


A lot of things, but most of them stem from the expansion being very clearly rushed to release. The narrative was also incomplete, and Bungie had to add a bunch of supplemental lore to the seasonal missions instead of putting them in the main campaign where it belongs.

Traditionally, Bungie keeps the seasonal storyline separated from the campaign story, because they're technically separate purchases the player has to make, so it makes sense to keep those stories apart from each other, so that a player who only buys the expansions but not the season passes won't be missing out on any narrative threads that they haven't already invested time and money into.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case with Lightfall. The campaign didn't finish telling the story, and spent about half of the campaign time sending the player on a search for a MacGuffin that the game never properly explains, and the other half was spent awkwardly learning how to use the new Strand subclass. Except all the campaign missions where you get to experiment with Strand gave you a super-boosted version of the subclass which isn't available in normal play, so players were disappointed with how Strand performed in the endgame when it felt so overpowered during the campaign. A lot of the unanswered questions from the Lightfall campaign got explained in seasonal cutscenes, instead.

Now, granted, the seasonal and campaign stories are part of the same over-arching plot, so it's expected for there to be some overlap. But it's not supposed to go to the point where you literally can't understand the point of what you did during the campaign until 3 months after the campaign was released, and only if you also bought the season pass. They introduced "The Veil" in the Lightfall campaign, and it was never made clear to the player what it actually was or what it meant as far as the story goes, until some Season of the Deep cutscenes came out.

There's also the issue of Strand being completely reworked from whatever "poison" subclass it was originally going to be, and there's a lot of evidence from the Witch Queen campaign that suggests that the subclass was originally going to be poison (some unredacted text in the game originally referred to poisonous status effects for Strand that are not in the final version). Strand was originally going to be included in Witch Queen, but was cut and pushed back to Lightfall, and in its place in Witch Queen was a really half-baked mechanic called "Deepsight", which reveals hidden platforms for the player to use to progress through the stages (in places where it's clear that the player was originally expected to use the Strand grapple mechanic to progress).

To Bungie's credit, they've made some improvements to Lightfall since release, and it is in a much better state than it was when it launched. But the narrative issues are still there.

all-knight-party, (edited ) avatar

It's that sort of feeling that the game is this weird, organic beast that feeds on the "subscriber base" that caused me to leave in the first place.

Sad it worked out that way with Lightfall's release, but if Destiny wants to be such a good game that the ideal player buys everything, then it has to be that damn good to do so. And it can be, but not always.


Yeah, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic about The Final Shape. I'm still going to end up buying it, because despite a lot of the game's flaws and the poor release of Lightfall, the storytelling is still fantastic 99/100 times, and I really want to see how the story ends.

But post-Final Shape is going to be a really hard sell, even for players who are sucked into the game like myself. They've made some decent progress at fixing some of Lightfall's downfalls so far, so it's evident that Bungie does genuinely care about the game still. But they've definitely damaged our trust, and are still gonna need to work really hard to earn that back.


Wait, they finally got around to explaining what the veil was? What was it?

And yeah I 100% percent wish we had gotten poison instead of janky parkour. (I will admit that baiting the Sorrow Bearer into lunging off the map with Strand jumps was fun though.)


Wait, they finally got around to explaining what the veil was?

Well... sort of. There's still a lot of unanswered questions about it, but basically it's another cosmic entity that's somehow linked to the Traveler. We end up finding it on Neptune at the end of the Lightfall campaign, and it basically looks like a giant fungal growth. Aesthetically, there's some similarities to the Egregore that took over the Glykon and Leviathan, but I'm not too sure that they're really the same thing.

They released this cutscene which goes into a bit of the Witness's origins, and it briefly talks about the Veil.

nostalgicgamerz, (edited )

That’s the worst part to be to be frank. Incomplete story and lore with the answer of….another $12 every 3 months. ….or pay 50 more dollars to get the story that you already paid…$50 for.

Fuck. That. Also Joe Blackburn had a hard on for player engagement so almost everything got nerfed when lightfall launched… so you have to play longer and shoot things longer.

Shortly before lightfall came out, I dropped the game and haven’t been back.


The writing was bad. I played through the campaign four times (three normal, one ... whatever the hell hard mode was called) and I still have no idea what "the Veil" even is, why we cared about it, why we did literally anything that we did, etc.

The new Darkness element was fun but the way it was introduced made it REALLY OBVIOUS it was supposed to be in Witch Queen and just got delayed.

Game balance went out the window, to the point where people were getting one-shot mapped by Cabal rocket launchers in patrol zones.

They introduced a new raid that, while thematically fun and visually gorgeous, was un-fun to play.

Eh... the more I Think about it the more everything Chozo said covers it more eloquently.

Edit: I don't remember if it was with Lightfall or Witch Queen but they managed to make Gambit worse. Gambit was already neglected and damn near unplayable. They made it worse.


I quit playing when they started sunsetting planets,

I vowed never to spend another dime on Bungie products until they give me back the $60 campaign I paid for.

I don’t know how this game is still going after they consistently make unpopular decisions that turn people away. Maybe being dumbstruck by that is why Sony bought them.

Edit: Like I straight-up paid them full game price only to be treated like an F2P player because they’re apparently incapable of doing what 343 did with all of their older games in the MCC and allowing players to install specific parts of content. I’m still annoyed that I’m being punished for their incompetence.

Shadywack, avatar

Same here, I literally paid for Red War. That was a full campaign, and I want to be able to play it along with every location that was included. DCV was a big fat giant middle finger stuck right in my face, and I don’t care how cheap future expansions or season passes get. I want everything I paid money for back, in addition to access to all the new shit.

Until they do that, not another cent. I won’t even play the game until that stuff is back, even if new content is free.

WolfhoundRO, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts

This is not good news. Seems like Bioware gets to be more of a support studio for EA from now on


Kinda has been for a while tbh

Kolanaki, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts
!deleted6508 avatar

Neverwinter Nights Hordes of the Underdark and Shadows of Undrentide were peak Bioware titles, IMO. The absolute pinnacle of their writing.

Xianshi, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts

They’ll probably get an LLM to write their game plots now. 🙄


The Reapers have won.

fruitycoder, do games w AMD reveals long-awaited FSR 3 tech and frame gen for every DX11/DX12 game

Any word on Vulkan support?

Smacks, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts avatar

It’s a shame what happened to Bioware, great story tellers only to get canned because they didn’t make enough money for papa EA.

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