I don’t mean the banner ads for cookies, I’m referring to sites restricting viewable content based on your selection. Which seems to be illegal in the EU.
Who are these “they” that has admitted it’s a bad law?
It’s one of the best recent pieces of privacy legeslation. It’s not the EU’s fault that websites are scumbags insisting on making life difficult for people.
Yes it is. They completely failed to specify what would constitute compliance. They were warned repeatedly about this when the law first came out.
It has good intentions behind it but the law itself doesn’t work. They haven’t reduced privacy violations at all because everyone just clicks yes because it’s so frustrating, And it isn’t against the law to implement these dark patterns so what’s the point?
The Newscast is not the images. It’s an annoying video they embed in all articles and then floats when you scroll. I actually have set an adblock rule to block that shit.
As for the images, for now hotlinking to Twitter images is possible, so:
Seeing the Steam store lately I’m honestly surprised there isn’t a porn shooter. Imagine if someone went all in making an OW ripoff, but committed to making adult skins. Think about how much money that could make.
Calling things in OverWatch style shooter is a bit like calling every first person shooter a Doom clone. Just call it a hero shooter I know what a hero shooter is. You don’t need to compare it to another game.
It’s bad enough that the term a “roguelike” exists, I can guarantee that hardly anyone who plays them has ever actually played rogue, and fair enough since it’s ancient, so they have no idea if the game they’re playing is like it or not.
“Roguelike” has also become very watered down. I see “roguelite” used less often, though it’s more accurate, but there isn’t a good alternative term right now. Turn-based-dungeon-crawler-with-permadeath is historically accurate but there’s a tendency to lump action games like Rogue Legacy and Enter the Gungeon in that needs to be accounted for.
(And no I haven’t played Rogue but I did play a bunch of NetHack)
It might make Valve unlikely to make another game and a lot of people, including myself, would be hugely disappointed but I don’t think it would have any major negative effects beyond those two.
You also can’t MTX a Half Life 3 game to hell and back. Years ago, I knew the next Half Life game would be VR. They’ve always used the Half Life games to showcase new tech or models(the Episodes). Didn’t realize it would be VR Exclusive or a prequel.
At least the community has given up and is producing their own sequels and spinoffs.
At this point, we have some absolutely impressive Portal 2 mods that, in my opinion, definitely make up for not having Portal 3. We’ve got Tag (the paint gun mod), Thinking With Portals (a short one that gives you the ability to create a clone thing that copies recorded actions), and I’ve been playing through one I just found out about called Revolution that is pretty cool so far.
I personally like to think that the fans have done a good enough job at creating mods and maps that a Portal 3 would be redundant.
Revolution is flat out better then most AAA retail games, both in quality and length.
Portal Stories: Mel is also something to try out. There’s some small references to Mel in Revolution, but playing Mel before Revolution isn’t necessary, but recommended.
This game doesn’t look terrible going off screenshots, but I’ll wait until an actual announcement. I’m hoping this may lead into them making more games in the future though.