I’d still really like a better story evaluation than a nostalgic “It’S jUsT likE cHrOnO tRIggEr. REmemBer ChRonO trIGGer? MaN tHaT wAs a gREat gAme.”
Look, I played that game. Combat was sometimes fun. Music was great. Story did not live up to modern standards. I have other JRPG memories that are more about having a unique and impactful story, and seeing their characters grow, than about being a JRPG.
Honestly, anytime we review new games, I’d almost rather the analysis start with what the game did well on its own invention. Even allow for the possibility it’s going to be better than a classic.
Bg3 it’s not an strategy game, it’s and RPG, in fact based in the trrpg rules of d&d 5
Also BG1 and 2, weren’t grided, so it’s not like they doing it to “modernize” the game.
I really enjoyed all xcoms (from the msdos first games, so many hours wasted with xcom apocalypse…) But also enjoyed al bg (including not MMO Neverwinter, icewind Dale, etc)
I learned about this title too late to back the Kickstarter but absolutely loved The Messenger and SoS demo. I am very miffed that LRG distributed the KS but other physicals are being released by iam8bit. I'm currently waiting on Eastward CE that I purchased last July through iam8bit and they keep pushing the release back. They are claiming an early Q1 2024 release for this title but I'm VERY sceptical of that date.
Trying to get into Baldurs Gate 3. Never played the original games, never played D&D, and this is the first hardcore RPG of this sort I’ve played in awhile.
It is a bit of a struggle - the game is intimidatingly big and deep. I am also having troubles wrapping my head around the battle systems, and the random skill checks really don’t make much sense to me (am I expected to save scam in this game?)
But all that seems to be a question of habit. I went into the game for the joy of exploration and discovery, and I hope to lose myself in it very soon.
Nice! I’m not too far off that, but I have a touch of experience with DnD and played the first Divinity game for a few hours (before losing interest). REALLY enjoying BG3 so far. It’s miles beyond that first game, which was a bit jenky and not as well written.
Save scumming required? no not at all. It’s a DnD style game, so the way the quests play out will change but barring a full party wipe you shouldn’t need to reload much. But do I save scum to get better roles so I can loot the chest? absolutely.
I found this tool www.sidify.de a while ago. They have a paid solution, which you could pirate a crack for on a site of your choice. Maybe not the best solution, but it downloads the Tracks/Playlists/Albums by recording the audio and adding all the metadata.