missquote, do gaming w Does an MMO with no way to turn money into power exist? avatar

Final Fantasy XIV would fit the bill. The cash shop only has cosmetics, and you can pay to add more retainers (basically bank space), but in terms of actual gold buying or power upgrades, none of that exists.


Hmm these look sus:…/…/…/809

Maybe they’re not so popular, or in context not worth that much, but levels and money usually are no-nos for me. Because the one appears to be straight up levels and gil.

Naate, avatar

Yeah, they’re a skip to endgame content. But they’re not any kind of “instant win.”

The couple types of pvp aren’t tied to your character level, and the most difficult raid content is best run with a group that you practice with. If you’ve never played, simply grabbing the game and one of those packages isn’t going to give you an immediate edge.

XIV is sort of a single player game with a bunch of coop boss fights.

And, not to be cliche, but you can play through the entire first two arcs (A Realm Reborn and Heavensward) completely free, with no real limitations. The only things locked out of the free tier are the more social aspects, and any content above level 60. A handful of jobs are locked, but there is a ridiculous amount of content available for free.

I’ve played a few other mmos and hated them all. XIV is something weirdly different. And the overwhelming majority of the community is chill and friendly.


I’d argue that if you never played, then getting one of those packages would actually make you play worse than someone who’s played from the start.


I play FFXIV since 2014 and I honestly wouldn’t recommend anyone to buy this. You’re just paying to not play the game and skip the main quest (which locks up a bunch of content behind it).


Worth actively recommending against, even.

MacaroniLove, avatar

Leveling up in Final Fantasy XIV is easy. Just play the story and you’ll reach max level by the time you finish it.

These items are intended for players who create an alt and who wish to skip most of the stury if they already played it.

Also reaching max level is kind of where the game begins (raids, dungeons, gearing up, etc).

Also 500,000 Gil is pocket change…


Would disagree it’s where the game begins, given how story-directed it is. FFXIV is, to me, a single-player JRPG in the shell of MMO combat with a huge amount of multiplayer content. (Especially with the fulfilment of duty support allowing you to do MSQ dungeons with bots.)

forbiddenlake, avatar

Also: the included gil is a small amount. It's meant to replace the gil you'd earn from doing the story quests.

thekerker, do gaming w Gaming often fetishises the new but many great things exist in the past, so let's strap into our time machines and talk about our favourite games released before say 2010? avatar
  • Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth
  • Choplifter
  • Duke Nukem 3D
  • X-Wing
  • Quake III Arena
  • MechWarrior
  • GoldenEye 007
  • Rogue Squadron
  • Shadows of the Empire
  • Metal Gear Solid
  • Siphon Filter
  • Ein Händer
  • Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell
  • Colony Wars
  • Colony Wars II: Vengeance
  • Counter-Strike
  • Half-Life
  • Oni
  • Command & Conquer: Red Alert
  • Total Annihilation
  • Dune 2000
  • Star Control III
  • Delta Force
  • Deus Ex

So many great games from my childhood.

TheSkoomaCat, avatar

Quake III but no I or II? I see you’ve got DOOM on your list, I’m curious, did you not like the first two quake games or just didn’t play them? Otherwise you’ve got my list down pat (plus a few extras).

thekerker, avatar

Nope, I only ever played Quake III Arena.

TassieTosser, do gaming w Does an MMO with no way to turn money into power exist?


Not sure about ESO and SWTOR. I know WoW has the token market that technically counts as turning money into power by selling tokens and buying clears.


Hmm these look sus:…/804…/822…/809

Maybe they’re not so popular, or in context not worth that much, but levels and money usually are no-nos for me.


Replying 19 hours later but…

Yes, FF14 does have options to skip story or (most) character levels. They are, like others have stated, primarily targeted towards players who are levelling alts (which the game by nature doesn’t really need as much).

FF14’s story is amazing, but it’s long and not necessarily something you want to repeat.

And while this is effectively buying levels, FF14 is not designed as a pay-to-win game. The amount of experience required to reach maximum level is balanced for someone who is playing the game legitimately – unlike P2W games where requirements are artificially inflated to encourage you to spend money. You will get most or all of the experience you need to hit max level just from following the storyline and a moderate amount of side quests (on one class anyways.)

That said, many FF14 players say that fashion is the true endgame… and there are a lot of nice-looking items on the store. So I suppose it depends on what your definition of “winning” is. 🙃

shakesbeare, avatar

As others have said, the story skips are kinda awful.

Plus, I gotta say that it doesn’t really make a difference. They don’t give anyone an advantage over anyone else and don’t impact the way you experience the game at all. If you don’t like them, just don’t buy them.

At worst, you’ll run into some guys who are really bad because they skipped a huge portion of the game to get to modern content. But it doesn’t give them any edge over you by any means.

Again, I can’t stress enough how these affect other players 0%.

HatchetHaro, avatar

Some of the best gear in ESO come from their paid DLCs and Chapters. Technically locked behind a paywall, but you’ll still have to farm the gear yourself.

The microtransactions themselves only offer cosmetics, consumables (that aren’t more powerful than the craftable options), and utility stuff (race-change tokens, and skipping some of the skillpoint grind).

There is a player market for exchanging Crowns (microtransaction currency) for gold, and another player market for buying raid clears with gold. Raiding (called Trials) offer some of the best PvE gear. You don’t need to buy clears if you’re skilled enough to run those Trials and can find groups to do it with you.

If you just want to enjoy the game without worrying about min-maxing your build, all the base-game and craftable options will do you just fine.

EremesZorn, do gaming w Gaming often fetishises the new but many great things exist in the past, so let's strap into our time machines and talk about our favourite games released before say 2010?

All the old MechWarrior games, starting with MechWarrior 2. That was my childhood. PGI didn’t have what it takes to recapture that with MechWarrior Online or MechWarrior 5.
Shout out to Half-Life 1 and Team Fortress Classic (1.5). THAT was my teenage years. I played an insurmountable amount of TFC, adminned a couple servers, and took zero interest in TF2, because it just wasn’t the same without concs, throwable frag nades, etc.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl was a gamechanger though. That released when I was in college. Fell in love with the hopeless atmosphere, good gunplay, and the eurojank. I still play the various S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mods to this day and am eagerly awaiting the release of number 2 (slated for December, but we will see. Devs have been through a lot).


I played the first STALKER at uni as well and loved it. Along with Red Orchestra that a mate was a play tester for.

All games paled in comparison to how much time I sunk into WoW between 2006 and 2011 though.


I know a lot of people that played WoW back then, and their experiences were largely the same. I didn’t get much into MMOs beyond Guild Wars 1 at that time. Final Fantasy XIV was good for a time, but Elder Scrolls Online blew me away after they basically redid the game. That was obviously much later in life, though, and that’s a very different framework of MMORPG than classic WoW and its early expansions.

prole, do gaming w Gaming often fetishises the new but many great things exist in the past, so let's strap into our time machines and talk about our favourite games released before say 2010?

I just picked up Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition (the original, not the Remaster) again. Installed it on my Steam Deck along with DSFix after a year or so of scrolling past it and seeing the “unsupported” icon. Looked it up on ProtonDB and apparently it works just fine.

What a game. The level design is still unmatched imo

MayonnaiseArch, avatar

I have that edition and can’t for the life of me get my xbox controller to work with it. I swear I’ve tried ALL of the solutions people give and just gave up in the end.


Have you tried something like xpadder where it just maps the keyboard keys used in the game to your controller buttons? I’ve had to use that from time to time way back with older games before controller support got better. Not ideal, but seems to work usually when all else fails.

I’m not sure if/how it works exactly since I mostly do my “PC” gaming on Steam Deck these days, but if it’s possible to use Steam Input on Windows, you may be able to do something similar right in Steam.

MayonnaiseArch, avatar

I’ll try that, never heard about it! Steam input is an option in steam on windows, I guess it’s the same deal? Thanks for the xpadder thing, it will come in handy for sure.


Nice, I’m glad I could be of some help. Let me know if you get it to work.

Steam Input is amazing, it’s one of my favorite features of the Steam Deck that nobody really talks about. The amount of customization you can do for controller layouts for individual games is incredible. You can even create radial menus if you want.

CorrodedCranium, do gaming w Gaming often fetishises the new but many great things exist in the past, so let's strap into our time machines and talk about our favourite games released before say 2010? avatar

I played Max Payne and its sequal recently and I was surprised how well they held up. The gameplay and level design kept it consistently fun

fritata_fritato, do gaming w Gaming often fetishises the new but many great things exist in the past, so let's strap into our time machines and talk about our favourite games released before say 2010?

I still play Doom 1 & 2 most days. Nothing matches it for speed of play. Doom is fast.

Doom 2016 is a good game too, but I’m it lacks speed.


Same. Project Brutality makes the old Doom games quite enjoyable as well. It’s a bit edgy but it’s kind of a mix of modern Doom with the old ones. It’s the perfect kind of game to just turn your brain off and shoot some demons without having it be too difficult.

Doom Eternal is too much of a dance to play, you have to swap weapons all the time and carefully juggle ammo, chainsaw, dashes and a bunch of other buttons to play optimally.

GeneralRetreat, do gaming w Gaming often fetishises the new but many great things exist in the past, so let's strap into our time machines and talk about our favourite games released before say 2010?

One of my all-time favourites is Freelancer, 2003. Just a really fun arcade space sandbox with an engaging campaign and great multiplayer and modding scene.

MJBrune, do gaming w Is Gabe Newell a hardcore anarchist?

This is entirely silly. Specially when you consider they removed the flat structure at Valve recently. Also even when it was flat it was still structured as more important people’s opinions carried more weight. It made it feel like high school according to one developer where there was cliques and entourageous. That’s not anarchy.

Additionally Valve is not overall for Foss projects. Steam itself is still very closed and very restrictive. Proton was created to keep costs down and because Windows at one point threatened to enforce the windows store for outside apps. Potentially destroying steam.

Steam and Valve only contribute to open source as far as it benefits them. They are ex Microsoft employees that understand the embrace and extend side and are embracing Linux and it’s community. Extending wine. And potentially one day extinguishing the broad availability of Linux to replace it with steam os. You see this on their storefront already. Years ago when a game supported Linux on steam you’d see an icon of tux. Now you see an icon of steam os. A subtle reminder that Valve does not care about Linux but instead of being a thriving business.

Gabe is a capitalist. You don’t become a billionaire without abusing workers.

Hieracosphinx, do gaming w A recommendation pleading post (with a twist)

APICO maybe? It’s got some crafting, but is mostly pretty chill, concentrating on breeding bees.

Dorfromantik is relatively mindless. You place tiles and create landscapes. There’s nice music too. There’s a sort of strategy to it, but it’s pretty light. Unlocking new tiles is the main grind. If you wanted a bit more thought involved, just about any turn-based strategy like Civilization 6 should do.

If you want to keep to JRPGs but at a calmer pace than FF7R, False Skies might be up your alley. ARPGs like Chronicon are also low on the intense/concentration scale (although like most ARPGs, you shouldn’t expect much of a story).

But more than any of those, I think Dave the Diver is your best bet. Ocean theme, doesn’t require great concentration (besides the odd minigame), and has a bunch to be taken in at your own pace.


Just got Dave the Diver. That’s an awesome pick for the described specifications :0)

brickfrog, do piracy w Sonarr/Radarr, is this still a thing?

Automation apps have gotten more popular over the years so yes, they are still a thing.

Sonarr/Radarr are the most popular ones but there are others too. Most work with torrents and usenet but you’d need to check the individual projects to be sure.

Book Automation Link Description
LazyLibrarian Audiobooks / Books / Magazines
Mylar3 Comic Books
Readarr Audiobooks / Books
Movies/TV Automation Link Description
DuckieTV TV
Medusa TV
Nefarious Movies/TV app (using Jackett/Transmission)
Radarr Movies
SickChill TV
SickGear TV
Sonarr TV
Watcher Movies
Music Automation Link Description
Headphones Music
Lidarr Music
General Automation Link Description
Autobrr Monitor IRC announce channels and RSS feeds
FlexGet Monitor RSS feeds
RSSToolBot Monitor and aggregate RSS feeds

fucking lemmy man, wrote out awhole ass answer to this and got deleted. god fucking dammit.

welp. here goes again.

headphones is a monthly subscription and not that great, not worth it at all.

lidarr is garbage and the folks around it are assholes. you iether love it and froth at the mouth when someone says they’re having trouble with it, or you hate it. It also is a fucking resource hog like I’ve never seen. MAJOR memory leaks

I use Roon and Qobuz, and Nicotine+ for stuff that isn’t on Qobuz. qobuz-dl is really robust and awesome and can do anything you want lidarr to do: just maintain a list of artists in a document, and qobuz-dl will automatically download anything new as it keeps track of what’s already been downloaded before.

The Roon folks are just as bad as the Lidarr folks. This shit costs $7-800 for a lifetime license and it does’t even include ANY music streaming. It’s just a music server and manager. And they don’t actually have tech support. Literally if you go to their support page, they direct you to a fucking forum full of morons high on the koolaid (bc honestly you have to be if you invested $700 on a shitty music player), tell you to get lost if you don’t like a program with bugs up the ass.

I would love to make an open source offering that does what roon does but also allows you to automatically download stuff using qobuz-dl, tidal-dl, bandcamp-dl, etc.

sqrambledeggs, do piracy w Guide: The idiot proof guide to downloading ebooks off IRC. With Pictures and everything!

My girlfriend is a voracious reader, so anything that helps me find new ebooks for her is much appreciated!


I would recommend applying for MAM then, they have an extremely helpful community, and special groups for different genres of books, which have recommended me a ton of books I’ve really enjoyed.

p.s. one of the easiest private trackers to stay in, so don’t let that intimidate you!


Agreed, and I have found some things that IRC and libgen/anna’s archive didn’t have. Then again a lot of the difficult to find epubs are extremely cheap but even so I would rather own the thing than have some shitty drm version that only allows my to use kindle or whatever


It’s very easy to de-drm using calibre, but yeah, agreed.


Yes so if you can’t find it anywhere, it’s almost certainly a really cheap niche ebook that can be had for cheap, just stay away from the DRM bookstores and I’m sure you’ll be glad you did.

Though I will say, de-DRMing your ebook is not for the faint of heart. Firstly Claibre doesn’t support it anymore so you have to through some somewhat difficult to trust back channels and yeah it’s a whole thing that I’d rather avoid it altogether.

Though if you find it trivial yourself, you would do us all a great good if you made a step by step guide for your mateys

bobbo, do gaming w Stray is one of the best short games I've ever played.

I’ve been thinking about picking it up in the current Steam sale. Roughly how many hours do yo think it takes to complete at a pretty slow/casual pace? Mainly wondering if it’s worth $22.50 as I’ve read it’s a somewhat short game. Was going to wait for it to come down closer to $15 but I’m ready for a new casual/cute game now so I could be convinced to get it sooner rather than later lol


5-6 hours if you are a seasoned gamer, 10ish if its a newer realm for you.

Datas_Cat_Spot, do piracy w Third party Reddit apps just got canned. avatar

The popularity of this community might finally get me into pirating, lol. I subbed out of curiosity.


I like that this community is dedicated to the concept of piracy based on their principals. I’m not involved, but I appreciate it


I’m not involved either. I definitely would never do anything so abhorrent and inconsiderate of rights holders who purchased their copyrights fair and square.



szczur, do gaming w Is it me or are games really not fun anymore avatar

To be perfectly honest I don't feel like anything is fun anymore.


You might be depressed my guy

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