Been going through Borderlands 3. The general planet trotting is a weird way to introduce new environments instead of just saying Pandora has more than one climate. Shooting is entertaining, and the twins are somewhat amusing villains - though the story does retread the old trap of “Oh no, the big bad villains just killed [powerful named character], we can’t stop them!” too often for a game where I will only get bigger guns.
Played a little bit of Death’s Door. Its a good isometric action game and the way the world was crafted stands out very well. There’s something about the way everything looks, and how enemies stay dead after you defeated them, which makes the whole landscape eerie and unpleasant, even if overall the game doesn’t seem to be quite depressing.
Picked up Guardians of the Galaxy again, with the intent of finishing it off for real. The game is surprisingly very good, but also quite slow. They clearly wanted to give a lot of time for characters’ back and forth, which isn’t bad given that the game spends a significant amount of effort making them likable and investing in their growth but it also makes the game as chatty as your average RPG but with less interactions. Looks fantastic and has surprisingly good writing.
Considering giving Original Sin 2 a retry given all the current Larian hype.
That reminded of the shitty cam print of Iron Man 1. Started from the Humvee scene a minute before getting blown off. 20-30% was dark or pointed at floor for whatever reason. Godawful audio.
Thought it was a shitty movie halfway though and stopped. Got a good print after Iron man 2 released and faithfully watched all marvel release, many in cinemas, till Infinity war. Now its all available on Disney+ and I won’t watch the new ones after it.
You can just change .zip to .cbz either manually via a filebrowser or a script (cbz are essentially just zips).
I think .cbz can only contain images, no subfolders, so maybe you need to make a .cbz per chapter or do a lot of remaming to be able to put them in one directory.
Cbr is the same but for .rar files (which are not open source?).
I think there is a program for adding metadata to manga like Comictagger (which does not work too well for manga) but I can’t remember the name …
Looks like I was wrong about the subfolders! Just tested it and it looks like you can just zip a bunch of folders called chapter 1, 2, 3, etc, rename to .cbz and at least Komga and YACreader seem to just go through all of them when reading. Very cool!
Anything that is turn-based will work really, or doesn't rely on a real-time mechanic.
I do suggest looking at a small trackball that you can use in the meantime. It'll be useful for the times when you need a pointing device in a smaller space, for whatever reason.
If you have a tablet or a large phone, maybe board games? Some boardgame apps have excellent campaign modes. My go to for this is Galaxy Trucker, but it has a time pressure component.
If you’re willing to bend on the RTS thing, Tooth and Tail is an RTS game that is almost completely played with your left hand in keyboard mode - it’s an RTS designed for gamepads so it only uses wasd and like 6 action buttons (rally selected, rally all, cycle selection forward, cycle back, build, sell). It uses the mouse buttons to click for the rally commands but not the pointing by default, you could rebind the mouse click rally commands to like lshift and ctrl or something like that and it should work well. But the single player campaign does get difficult towards the halfway mark
FFXIV can be played with just a mouse. Free to level 60 (mmo)RPG with good story telling. But using the mouse in your left hand might feel strange tbf.
Wydziedziczeni. Bardzo dobrze wspominam i z czystym sumieniem polecam ludziom. Książka daje do myślenia, opisuje dwa światy - jeden, jak dzisiejsza planeta ziemia, drugi - w bardzo surowym stanie i z ciężkimi warunkami do życia, jednak spoleczno - polityczny różniący się od ziemi, dużo bardziej egalitarny(równościowy), na wielu płaszczyznach oryginalny.
Lewa Ręka Ciemności - tez dała mi coś do myślenia, choć nie tak bardzo, jak zapewne niektórym osobom - może dlatego, ze znam trochę osób LGBTQ+. Przeczytałem ponad polowe i zapytałem znajomego, która znał te książkę, czy „ona się w końcu zacznie”, bo mnie nudziła. Gdy powiedział, ze ta książka już taka jest, to nie męczyłem jej do końca.
„Czarnoksiężnik z Archipelagu” - na początku czytało mi się ciekawie, ale później trochę już chciałem to mieć za sobą. Sęk prawdopodobnie w tym, ze nie jestem fanem fantasy (wolę Science Fiction). Chyba jestem tez za stary - tzn. uważam, ze ludziom w wieku nastoletnim ta konkretna książka może bardzo mocno działać na wyobraźnie. Ogólnie jest niezła, ale polecałbym tylko fan_k_om Fantasy.
Hej, przepraszam, że tak późno, nie zauważyłam wiadomości. “Wracać wciąż do domu” to zbiór tekstów z różnych okresów, myślę, że wyłowisz coś dla siebie. Ja pokochałam zwł. Międzylądowania.
Czemu Międzylądowania? za różnorodność i możliwość odnajdywania wielu znaczeń i odniesień do rzeczywistości. Niektóre opisywane światy można rozumieć jako wizję tego, jak będzie wyglądała rzeczywistość, jeśli podążymy za którymś z trendów rozwoju. Miejscami przypomina w tym Black Mirror.