I tried it, found it had horrible latency, and threw it in a box.
I’ve been using the (wired) Gamesir T4 Kaleid on my desktop and loving it.
I’ve been using an XBox Elite (the one that worked, not the one I sent back because the trigger was broken) and it’s been okay, but the dead zones are much, much larger than the Kaleid. I looked at Gamesir’s wireless options, but wasn’t impressed with the reviews, so I haven’t tried any yet.
It’s less that they’re easy to get without buying them with real money and more that they’re supposed to be acquired slowly and, when relevant, used sparingly.
My frustration with the discourse is that so many who see the game’s general lack of convenience see that through the filter of these microtransactions and assume ill intent on part of the actual game design when really it’s just genuinely idiosyncratic like the original was.
The truth is, if you’re the sort to be tempted by these purchases in the first place then you’re not the sort of person who would enjoy the game even if you do buy them. I don’t know whether that makes them better or worse, honestly, but if you buy the game it at least doesn’t rub your nose in them like Assassin’s Creed.
Been playing Vanquish. The game feels like a Japanese take on then-popular cover-shooters like Gears of War, but with faster pace and mechanics like sliding that incentivize not relying on covers too much. Like with Platinum’s titles, there’s deep mechanics and really getting into the game starts when replaying the game’s missions.
There is nothing novel or revolutionary about this. Using the same engine, it tries to recreate the exact same game. They were aware that they were playing with fire, these developers. spacebar clicker
Star Citizen, I like to poke my head in every few patches to see how things have progressed. I gotta say, despite what a lot of the naysayers claim, it has become quite a fun game and their development has only sped up since I first started playing. Still, a couple months hiatus every once and a while is worth it.
Fallout 4, I get that this is one of the more controversial choices but while the main storyline was super weak the world design was phenomenal. I love just wandering through the Boston area wastelands uncovering random things and fighting ghouls and bandits.