InEnduringGrowStrong, do games w Seeking Constructive Dialogue on Mod Removals: Stereotyping Doesn't Help avatar

There’s very little constructive discussion to be had about this, if any.
Civility is one thing, but there’s not really anything to debate here. What complexities?

The mod’s only function was to hide an options menu. Its only purpose is to hide the fact that other people might wanna choose something else than the default, it literally did nothing else.
It didn’t add any option.

If it added any option at all, like to replace pronouns in dialogues with your character’s name or anything that’d be something else but it’s not.

I doubt that mod was made in good faith, but I don’t really care either way to be honest.
I’m not triggered by that mod’s existence, nor by its removal because it’s all mostly outage bait.
That other poster knew that was going to be a dumpster fire before they hit the button to post.
I honestly doubt this one is meant to do any better.


I understand your perspective on the mod and its likely intent. My original aim was not to discuss the mod per se, but to explore how moderation decisions are made. If we can’t have an open debate, it becomes difficult to understand where we draw the line on what is or isn’t acceptable content.


It should be pretty simple here.

“Does it serve any purpose other than excluding people? No? Remove it.”


Shouldn’t users have the liberty to tailor their gaming experiences according to their personal preferences, especially in a game known for its moddability? It’s also important to note that not everyone who might use such a mod is necessarily doing so with the intent of exclusion.


“Why should it be removed?”
Because it hurts real people.

“But shouldn’t people be able to modify the game as they want?”
Sure, they can do it themselves, but no one has to host content that causes real-world harm.

“But why draw the line at this mod?”
See answer 1.

Ya know, I love it when people like you use “civil discussion” as a mask, because it’s always the most transparent thing ever. Your real goals are always on your sleeve, but you just keep pushing the same things over and over again so that, in the end, you can say “Look, I was civil, they weren’t!”

Do you know what gives you away? It’s the way no answer you ever receive is satisfactory. It’s never enough. And it’s usually cyclical, too, which is exactly the behavior you’ve displayed here.


First, the mod in question is not adding a new feature to the game but removing an existing one, a fundamental difference when discussing user agency in customization. If someone finds this feature unappealing or unnecessary, they might opt for its removal via the mod, thus tailoring the game to their preferences. This is in the spirit of game moddability, which celebrates personalization.

Second, the concept that ‘no answer I ever receive is satisfactory’ misconstrues the purpose of engaging in discourse. Discussion is not a box to be checked off but a mechanism for deeper understanding. If the answers received were universally satisfactory, the discourse would be stagnant, wouldn’t it?

Lastly, if a mod does not align with one’s values, the solution is straightforward: do not download it. The presence of such a mod doesn’t mandate its use. Assigning a single motive to all users of a mod is not just an oversimplification but also an assumption that does not stand up to scrutiny. Therefore, as we engage in this dialogue, let’s not make broad generalizations but aim for a nuanced understanding.


Claim whatever motivations you want, but reading through this series of comments does a great job of showing everyone your real motivation. You are not here for rational discussion of moderation policy. Your trying to argue that bigoted materials should be allowed.

I can’t stop looking at this train wreck. But ima try.


You do you G, ain’t gonna force my views down your throat.

brihuang95, do gaming w Lies of P advice request avatar

i’ve only played the demo of it when it came out, but it felt like a blend of bloodborne/sekiro where you’ll mix up the dodge or parry tactic depending on the enemy you come across.

i will say that it’d be best to upgrade your dodge ability as soon as possible (i think you can after the second or third boss), since the default dodge is basically useless

holyshitflapjacks, do gaming w Lies of P advice request

If BB had too many RPG elements for you then you might want to skip LoP. To answer your question though, just pick Bastard at the beginning and never look at another weapon other than the rapier you start with. Don’t change your Legion Arm, just use the starter one for damage and poise breaking. Only put levels into Vigor, Vitality, and Technique when leveling for stamina, HP, and damage respectively. Eventually you will be able to buy an item called a “Technique Crank” from a guy whose name rhymes with panini. Put that on your rapier when you get it. That’s it.

Parrying is geared towards Strength builds (Strength is called Motivity in LoP). If you want to do strength pick Sweeper instead of Bastard and level Motivity instead of Technique. Put a Motivity Crank on your weapon instead of Technique.


This is exactly what I was after, thank you! I will probably parry too much coming from Sekiro so the Strength route sounds good - is the Sweeper as viable as the Bastard all the way through (with motivity levelling)?

I think if I’d asked a similar question for BB I would have loved it, but I was stubborn and tried to learn all of it by myself. Instead I learned that I just want to be mastering a few mechanics rather than having open ended options to dozens


No worries, happy to help. Yeah strength is totally viable. Just be aware that in LoP, parrying is just blocking. When you block, you take less damage and you get “rally” like in BB and get that HP back by hitting things. You can do a “perfect block” with good timing and take no damage. There is no Dark Souls or Sekiro-style parry mechanic.


Oh damn. I thought from some gameplay I’ve seen that perfect blocks also worked towards staggering an enemy? Which made me think of Sekiro, just not as pronounced / focused on


I believe perfect blocks do count towards staggering the enemy. I’ve put several larger enemies into the stagger state from perfect blocks. I’m running the Motivity build described above and it works great. I will say that dodging and blocking are both very important. Some enemies are better to dodge and some are better to block.


You should start a wiki that contains ‘How to play the game’ posts like these, something a bit like BeforeIPlay


Thanks again for your advice!

I’ve just beaten the scrapped watchman and I’m really enjoying it, and having the decisions streamlined by you is helping for sure. The only thing I’ve done differently is change the handle to the baton handle, as it’s a bit faster to deliver the charged hit (which is crucial when I’m going for stagger as often as I can).

good_girl, (edited ) do games w Seeking Constructive Dialogue on Mod Removals: Stereotyping Doesn't Help avatar

This is such a stupid ass post. Nobody has to put up with the shitty viewpoints pushed by the mod or from people that would use the mod. Nobody owes you civility if you reveal you hold similar views or are okay with those views being pushed. Do not tolerate intolerance.

Fuck off, the topic has been hot in politics for ages, if you’re still against trans people and fighting back against “pronouns” you’ve made your choice and know where you stand.


I understand that the topic at hand is emotionally charged and has been the subject of intense political debate. However, it appears that my original intent might have been misunderstood. I’m not advocating for or against the mod in question.

Instead, my focus is on the criteria that platform moderators use to decide what content should or should not be allowed. This discussion is not about endorsing intolerance but about understanding how these moderation decisions are made. I believe that it is possible to discuss this aspect without necessarily taking a stance on the mod’s content itself.

good_girl, (edited ) avatar

The topic begins and ends at “Intolerance is not tolerated”, further discussion would be a thinly veiled attempt at justifying displays of intolerance.


I appreciate your input, but I’m puzzled as to why you chose to comment on a post explicitly seeking constructive dialogue if you’re not interested in having a nuanced discussion. My original question aimed to understand the criteria behind platform moderation decisions. I believe it’s an issue that can be discussed without necessarily endorsing or disavowing the content of the mod in question. Would you be open to discussing that aspect?

good_girl, (edited ) avatar

nUaNcED dIscuSSioN

Gross dude, the criteria is whatever the site says it is, in this case it was a mod with bigoted intention. What nuance is there to this discussion? Do you want to discuss what level of bigotry should be accepted? Homosexuals are off limits but trans people are fair game? Is that the nuance you want to address?

further discussion would be a thinly veiled attempt at justifying displays of intolerance.


While I’ve already acknowledged that the mod in question was rightly removed due to bigoted comments in its description, that’s not the focal point of my inquiry. What I’m driving at is the more general issue of content moderation and what warrants removal. I’m not asking for any form of bigotry to be permitted; I’m questioning how we, as a community, decide what crosses the line. It’s curious that you label my pursuit of a nuanced dialogue as ‘gross,’ especially given the content you freely share. It seems our standards for what is acceptable differ considerably.

good_girl, (edited ) avatar

I’m questioning how we, as a community, decide what crosses the line.

thinly veiled attempt at justifying displays of intolerance

librechad, (edited )

Your accusation of a ‘thinly veiled attempt at justifying displays of intolerance’ ignores my stated objective: to foster a conversation about how platforms decide what content to remove. I’ve already acknowledged the mod’s removal was warranted due to its author’s bigoted comments. My interest lies in examining the broader principles behind such decisions.

However, as Mark Twain once said, ‘Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.’ It seems we’re unlikely to engage in the meaningful dialogue I was hoping for, so perhaps it’s best to leave it at that.

good_girl, avatar

‘Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.’

I love how unabashedly unaware you are of yourself.

BumpingFuglies, do games w Seeking Constructive Dialogue on Mod Removals: Stereotyping Doesn't Help

Personally, I think it’s absurd to remove a mod that harms nobody. As a nonbinary person, I was ecstatic to see “they/them” as a pronoun choice, but I understand that having to choose pronouns can be triggering for some people, just as much as not having the option can be triggering for others. Why not let people play the game the way they want? Isn’t that the appeal of a Bethesda game, after all?

I’m pretty sure Nexus Mods admins have the ability to lock comments on a mod - why not just do that for controversial mods like this one? People who want it could still use it, just without the hatred and vitriol that might otherwise be in the comments.


I completely agree with your perspective. The essence of a Bethesda game, and many other sandbox-style games, is the freedom to tailor the experience to one’s own preferences. Removing a mod that is essentially harmless takes away from that freedom and raises questions about the influence of ideological stances in the moderation process.

As you suggested, locking the comments could serve as a reasonable compromise. It would allow those who wish to use the mod to do so, while mitigating the potential for inflammatory discussions. This way, the community retains its diversity of choice without being subjected to a single viewpoint.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

From what people who had seen the mod page were saying when this all started blowing up, was that it was removed not for what the mod did, but for what the author of the mod put in the mod description page (basically full of racist, sexist, homo and transphobic bullshit), which was a violation of their rules. Plenty of other mods that remove the pronouns option still exist on Nexus, but without the bigotry clearly laid down in their descriptions.

librechad, (edited )

If it’s indeed the case that the mod was removed due to the author’s statements in the mod description, then the removal is justifiable based on those grounds. This would then be less about the content of the mod itself and more about adherence to platform guidelines. It also highlights the importance of understanding the complete context behind moderation decisions, rather than focusing solely on the mod’s functionality.


Ah, I didn’t realize. That is definitely good justification for removing the mod.

dan1101, (edited ) do games w whats your unconcious sign that you really really like the game you are playing

When I’m researching things about the game even when I’m not playing.

Starfield is definitely doing that for me. Before that Distant Worlds 2, X4 Foundations, Elite Dangerous, Skyrim, Space Engineers, Empyrion, GTA V, and Minecraft have all done that.

kadu, do games w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic) avatar

Very excited for this.

I really enjoyed the base game, I just waited a little after launch (like always) to play with some bug fixes updates.

I was just coming back from a gigantic period in my life where I didn’t game much, and never on PC - Cyberpunk was the first AAA I played right after coming back. This meant I wasn’t following the game for years and building a lot of expectations, and it didn’t disappoint me because “mechanic X was missing!” because I never knew I could expect X anyways.

I also wanted something a bit more linear, but still an open world, which is something this game balances pretty well.

The end result is that I really liked it. In fact, I prefer it to GTA V, which is a game that, in my opinion, struggles with balancing it’s mission structure with the actual game world.

chrisphero, do games w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic)

Dare I say it… did they really turned around the ship? I waited since the launch to finally finish playing it (or in this case, start a new game).


I read all about the bugs and problems upon release, but waited to play on the Ps5 and I had a blast. Thought it was a great game!


I’ve also heard good things about the performance and bugs!

Did you play the new DLC?


Not yet. I finished the game about 6 months ago and I’m in the middle of another game. I’ll probably give it a go though sometime in the near future

echo64, (edited )

At the end of the day, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty DLC probably won’t change your mind if you just disliked the base game

so, no. but if you were okay with how it was before you’ll probably like it more now. it’s still not the game they marketed but it’s unlikely it ever would be.


My many problem where honestly the bugs (had a game breaking one and I just saved…) and the performance…

it’s still not the game they marketed but it’s unlikely it ever would be.

I agree! It was just way too much and too big… even with their development time, I mean look how long GTA6 takes.

NOT_RICK, do games w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic) avatar

I’m hyped for this, but I’m not sure if I really want to go through all the content I already played per CDPR’s recommendation.

dingus, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread avatar

I think it would be interesting to compare these reviews to the same publications reviews of Cyberpunk 2077 in it’s pre-release review period.

Ethereal87, (edited ) avatar

Here’s kind of your easiest parallel thread from Reddit at the time to see if anyone’s interested what overlap might be there.


(go use Hot Saucerman’s link instead!)

dingus, (edited ) avatar

Pretty sure that’s an April Fools thread.

EDIT: Looks like the original CP2077 review thread got nuked. There’s a follow-up from a few days after it released.

Original megathread:…/cyberpunk_2077_review_thread/

Post-release megathread:…/cyberpunk_2077_review_thread_2_postl…

Ethereal87, avatar

Ahh nuts, you’re right. It was harder to find the right one than I expected and didn’t even realize it was an April Fools joke. Thanks for the correction!


“Hot Saucerman” is my favorite of the many. Solid reference!

dingus, (edited ) avatar

Yacht Rockerman, Shock Jockerman, and Trick Shotterman are pretty high up there, too.

Also, the one he never used because I made it up myself: Snot Flickerman.

jordanlund, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread
!deleted7836 avatar

26th? I thought it was the 21st?

AHorseWithNoNeigh, avatar

21st for the update. 26th for the DLC.

!deleted7836 avatar

Aha! Makes sense!

Iusedtobeanadventurer, do games w Weekly what have you been playing discussion - week of September, 18, 2023

I’ve been playing Prey. Just finished replaying Dishonored a few weeks ago, which led to playing dishonored 2 and death of the outsider. So, I was feeling a stealth sim and decided that after several years of owning the game I should give it a shot. It’s been fun so far.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Have you ever played Prey from 2006?


No! Didn’t even know about it even though I’ve been gaming since 85

CorrodedCranium, avatar

It’s interesting. It’s more of a linear adventure game that doesn’t really give you a ton of wiggle room but it’s got a pretty unique story that combines well with some gameplay mechanics. I also really liked the visuals.

lowleveldata, do gaming w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread

We have big reviews for DLCs now? Or is this a special case?


This is an “expansion” not a “DLC” according to CDPR. It’s a lot bigger than your normal DLC. Up to you if you think that’s enough.

I think it’s also a chance for them to try to find some redemption. Journalists have a lot to sink their teeth into with the whole meta story of the game so I think that might have added some encouragement.


How is a paid DLC any sort of redemption for shit that should’ve been in the game from the get-go? If it was free it would easier to understand but it seems like it’s 30€?

derin, avatar

It’s 30 hours of new content with a new area, story, and characters?

The actual 2.0 update is free and deploying for all players, regardless of whether you own Phantom Liberty or not.


You pay to get new content? What a true redemption arc lmao

derin, avatar

Yes, it’s new content with a price tag associated with it.

If you don’t want the new content, enjoy the fixes and new game systems got free.


It’s not a redemption arc to get (years later) fixes to stuff that should’ve worked at launch and game systens that were advertised to be there from the get-go.

Idk if I just hold those companies to higher standard but this doesn’t redeem them in my eyes. This just means they weren’t as dogshit as they could’ve been if they just bailed. But they still lied and released a shit product. That shouldn’t have happened in the first place.

derin, avatar

Sure, the fixes should have been there earlier.

Claidheamh, (edited )

If everything was there from the get-go, how would there be a redemption arc? There would be nothing to redeem.

A redemption arc is when someone or something starts bad or reviled, and eventually comes to be seen through other eyes. Looks like that applies to CDPR and Cyberpunk to me.


Redemption arc would mean from bad to good. Not dogshit to slightly less dogshit. Maybe if they had given the DLC for free as an apology or something, but just fixing some of the issues years later isn’t a redemption arc.


Well I’m having plenty of fun with it, and I haven’t even installed 2.0. If it was a release from this year it would be my second favourite after Baldur’s Gate. So I strongly disagree with your dogshit assertion. If the DLC and 2.0 make it better then it’s for sure a redemption arc. And from the looks of OpenCritic, seems like a very universal feeling.


I’m talking about the company. They’re dogshit for releasing it in the state they did and slightly less so for ultimately fixing at least some issues and giving some of the promised features.

If the DLC and 2.0 make it better then it’s for sure a redemption arc

Not even close. Especially with the DLC, how would making paid DLC in any way redeem the company?


“Slightly less dogshit”? Have you played 2.0 yet? Have you even played 1.6? Doesn’t sound like it. They put in a ton of fixes an QoL in the last two years and this latest patch is just one more FREE update. They didn’t “fix some of the issues years later”. They fixed most of the issues over the last two years and now are providing optional new content. The redemption is that after fixing all that, the new content is apparently free from the issues that plagued the original launch.

And it’s VERY clear from the way you’re talking that nothing they do could redeem them in your eyes. I’m pretty sure they didn’t shit in your breakfast cereal so you can stop acting like they did. It was one bad launch, not a pattern of bad games or anything like that. And they worked hard to remedy the issue. Just because you want MORE free stuff than the content they’ve added in the last two years, doesn’t make them a bad company. Kinda makes you sound bad tho…

RaivoKulli, (edited )

I’m just going to quote another comment I wrote about this for starters

I’m talking about the company. They’re dogshit for releasing it in the state they did and slightly less so for ultimately fixing at least some issues and giving some of the promised features.

If the DLC and 2.0 make it better then it’s for sure a redemption arc

Not even close. Especially with the DLC, how would making paid DLC in any way redeem the company?

I’m not giving them kudos for finally fixing stuff and bringing stuff they should’ve had in the first place. Much less calling bare minimum like that a “redemption arc”.

And it’s VERY clear from the way you’re talking that nothing they do could redeem them in your eyes.

They bungled the false advertising, hype and overall the state the game was in launch so bad that it sure is hard. Then again, all big gaming companies are dogshit like that and I haven’t seen anyone else coming back either. And people keep forgiving them, buying their games and nothing changes. CDPR just had a bigger fall than the rest, coming off the Witcher 3 hype and having created the massive hype for 2077.

It was one bad launch, not a pattern of bad games or anything like that.

It was a massive overhyping and misleading of customers. Then releasing the game in a such a bad state. I just don’t like it when any company does that,

Kinda makes you sound bad tho…

I’m devastated.

simple, do games w Lies of P - Discussion

I’ve been playing a lot and it’s the first soulslike that’s genuinely great. It obviously borrows a lot but the mechanics they added in like the arm, skill tree, weapon assembling etc. do a great job at expanding some ideas rather then just copy pasting.

I agree with some people that it’s deceptively more similar to Sekiro than Dark Souls. Even with the first dodge upgrade I feel like it’s a bit undertuned compared to perfect blocks. Dodging feels finnicky because it has little I-frames and many enemies and bosses have insane tracking that’s hard to dodge. Hopefully they might balance it out a little in the future.

I’m very happy the game didn’t turn out to just be puppets as the first few areas suggest. The game really gets going when you come across some real monster variety. The area I’m in now is straight out of resident evil 4.

The one other complaint I have is the dialogue. It’s so hit or miss. Like it’s trying to be Bloodborne but also a comedy? It feels bizarre to see a lot of horror and be completely taken out by Gemminy making jokes. Just doesn’t work for me.

HidingCat, do games w Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Review Thread (90/100 OpenCritic)

Feels like being a patient gamer wins again. Will pick this up at some point.

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