JokeDeity, do games w Do you find the description Live Service Game off-putting?

I find the word “service” off-putting. I want to buy things outright and own them. I do not want recurring fees.

Amphobet, do piracy w Thinking of getting a retro gaming machine. avatar

If you want a handheld, Anbernic makes some good stuff. They do tend to load the SD card up with games beforehand, but the card is cheap & likely to fail, and the games are sorted & titled strangely (and may be otherwise dodgy). So you probably want to replace it with your own card with games you sourced yourself.

Haui, avatar

This looks very cool! Which one of these do you have? How modern games are you able to play with it? Is ps3 possible or rather not?

Amphobet, avatar

I have an RG353V. I got that one for the aesthetic (looks like an old gameboy), and I do like it, but I can see why people generally suggest a model with a horizontal form factor instead, since the vertical (gameboy shaped) is not very ergonomic. I mainly stick to 8 or 16-bit games. but it should be able to handle 5th gen consoles (saturn, ps, n64) just fine, but 6th gen (dc, ps2, gamecube) will depend on what game you’re running and may require tweaking the settings. ps3 is right out, I’m afraid.

Like I said, I mainly run older stuff, so double check what I’m saying if 5th and 6th gen games are important to you. I don’t really mess with those.

Haui, avatar

Thank you very much! I will definitely check it out. 5th gen would be awesome but 6th gen is very much optional. :)

banana_meccanica, do piracy w Thinking of getting a retro gaming machine.

Whatever alternative you’re offered, I don’t think it’s worth spending more than $50 on an emulator console. (This is the maximum make sense price for any hardware that can emulate old consoles up to PS3).

Haui, avatar

I will keep that in mind. Thank you very much. Always good to get a reality check on prices.


Linus Tech Tips covered some options about a month ago. The one with the SATA drive cartridge slot got my interest a bit.

Haui, avatar

I watched this video actually. Thats how I got the idea initially. Might check it out again for details. Thanks for mentioning it.

dimkin0, do piracy w Thinking of getting a retro gaming machine.

Loving my Ayn Odin. With little effort it will handle up to PS2 and will even handle some Wii and 3DS games. Form factor is comfortable. I’m really happy with the retro experience on it.

Haui, avatar

Nice! Thanks for the suggestion.


No problem, check out RetroGameCorp on YouTube for reviews of handhelds, as well as guides. There was also a (hate to say the r word) reddit thread that had some great sources for roms too.

Haui, avatar

Thank you again. Will check the reviews out. And don’t worry, we’re slowly easing off our former favorite drug. ;)

FippleStone, do piracy w Thinking of getting a retro gaming machine.

You should be able to, ahem, find some convinent ROM collections on most torrent indexers. A standard NES game is only ~128kb, so the whole library of games is only like 750mb. It scales exponentially with every generation as data storage improved, so the SNES library is 2gb, the N64’s is 5gb, and the PS3’s is 20tb. I find that I really don’t need the full library of a consoles releases available, so I usually only choose maybe a hundred or two that I’m interested in, there’s only so much time in the day. If you don’t need a handheld device I can recommend modding your ps3, it can emulate most anything, the hombrew scene is active and there’s been a lot of support for it, plus for the majority of consoles it’s a full custom firmware solution, so it’s a pretty seemless experience once you set it up. Plus with the internal hdd there’s plenty of space for stuff. Pretty much everything up to last gen is easily pirateable, so have fun with it, it’s easy once you get the hang of it.

Haui, avatar

Thank you so much for this very informative post. I will strongly consider trying this. :)

acastcandream, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 10th

Baldur’s Gate has held a month-long vice grip on me that will finally come to a close in idk 30-40 more hours when I finish act 3 ololololol

RogbertwasmyEvename, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 10th

Palia. I saw a reference to this multiplayer online game on a news site. I’m an older player and enjoy the calm, combat-free experience. There’s a lot of grinding, though. On a different note, has anyone who is playing Starfield also played Space Engineers or Empyrion Galactic Survival? I’ve played both and wonder how it compares to them.

andrew, do piracy w Thinking of getting a retro gaming machine. avatar

A raspberry pi or steam deck will offer a generally better emulation experience than a ps3- the homebrew scene for the ps3 leaves a lot to be desired.

Haui, avatar

Interesting! Thanks for letting me know. A steam deck is a consideration since its very cool but also quite expensive. Pi, I assume put in a handheld format, would be an idea as well.

It’s interesting that your experience with the ps3 is so different from other commenters. What exactly were you disappointed with?

andrew, avatar

The ps3 provides decent ui but due to stunted interest in the ps3 for homebrew there hasn’t been as much of a focus on getting emulators running well, just to get them running, so while 2d systems will run well at native res you won’t be able to push them very far with shaders, and while n64 allegedly works decently you’ll be stuck with buggy and slow performance. The real upside to the ps3 is decent ps1 and ps2 emulation because of Sonys efforts (even on non-bc consoles) which opens the door to thousands more games.

Haui, avatar

Interesting! I never thought of the ps3 marketshare/sales. Makes a ton of sense. I will keep an eye out for sources so I can make an informed decision. :)

Xirup, do piracy w Every modded apk I install crashes

Personally I have used Mobilism for years and it is simply the best site to download apk with pay options unlocked, although sometimes there may be crashes, from my experience can I say it, but it is not the most normal.

Have you checked that the apk you are downloading is compatible with your device? For example, depending on the age of your device and the version of Android you should download apk that are armeabi-v7a (old architecture) or arm64-v8a (newer architecture), although there are also apks that bring all versions in one.


It’s not an architecture problem, as I said, I downloaded the same game from the same web and the modded one crashes while the normal one didn’t. I don’t understand…


Personally I have never used a Xiomi device to comment on whether it is a problem or not, but maybe it is, maybe it is like Windows Defender that deletes cracked .dll files when installing a pirated program or game and then the program does not start for no reason because of that.


I know that it’s been some time but I just found this. There’s an option on developer opts that allows you to see crash reports. This is what I get. I know this might not be the place to ask about this. But as it only happens with pirated / modded apks, support forms wont help me.

<span style="color:#323232;">java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to bind to service Intent { }
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService(
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at c1.b.d(Unknown Source:132)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at com.reactlibrary.RNInstallReferrerModule.getReferrer(Unknown Source:17)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaMethodWrapper.invoke(Unknown Source:148)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at com.facebook.react.bridge.JavaModuleWrapper.invoke(Unknown Source:147)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at Method)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadHandler.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at android.os.Looper.loop(
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at com.facebook.react.bridge.queue.MessageQueueThreadImpl$ Source:37)
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> at

I’m looking on Mobilism for stuff and all the forum comments make the releases seem suspicious


I use it because it is in the Megathread of FMHY, apart from that I have never had problems but obviously you have to use common sense because anyone can upload a file as in any torrent site. My setup is a firewall (RethinkDNS in my case) that blocks internet access to the application as soon as it is installed and suspicious domains, download only from known uploaders like Balatan and do not give permissions blindly, and when in doubt there is VirusTotal.


Ah ok

PorkTaco, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 10th

Undead Nightmare on PC emulated with Xenia. Had just finished the original Red Dead Redemption using the same. Finally went for it when Rockstar made it obvious there wasn’t going to be a PC remaster (and I upgraded my PC so I could play it at non potato fps since emulating is pretty intense). Had just started Cyberpunk 2077 but had stopped as I didn’t want to get too far along since the new expansion was going to add/change a lot.

Anyway it was awesome to finally play RDR. Always wanted to but never had a console (nor did I want one) to play it on. Undead Nightmare looks to be good fun too though I’m maybe just an hour into it. Just killing time til Cyberpunk expansion drops.

Seathru, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 10th

Still on a space game kick. Finished up Freelancer and started playing No Man’s Sky’s recent “Voyagers” expedition. It’s still got over a month left so I highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t played the game in a while. Just to see whats new; It’s come a long way.

And picked up Hardspace: Shipbreaker on sale for when NMS starts getting monotonous.


Ooh, was this your first time with Freelancer? It’s amazing that it’s twenty years later and it might still be the benchmark for non-HOTAS space sims.

I enjoyed Shipbreaker much more than I thought I would. Not typically my style of gameplay, but the setting is fantastic.


No, I played it at release and was HOOKED. I remember clearing a 3 day holiday weekend so I could play through the whole thing (for the second or third time) in one sitting.

I had somehow missed that a HD remaster was released a couple years ago, so I gave it a shot and got sucked right back in. Still a fantastic game, even if the cut scenes and voice acting are a little dated.

For anyone who hasn’t played it, it’s abandonware now.


HD mod:…/freelancer-hd-edition-v06

Faydaikin, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 10th avatar

Have been glued to BG3 for quite a bit now. I am thinking about booting up the old Portal games again, just as a small break.

UnfortunateTwist, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 10th

Started playing Lost Judgment, interspersed with Baldur’s Gate 3 whenever I can play with my friend.

_TK, do piracy w Thinking of getting a retro gaming machine. avatar

A raspberry Pi is a very good emulation device using the RetroPie image. A Pi 4b can go up to PSX/N64 fairly easily.

On the handheld side of things, most of them that “come with” ROM sets will have them loaded on an SD card. These manufacturers often skimp on the cards though, so expect it to die quickly. You can usually just clone the whole SD to a new one and it’s fine.

Most of these devices use RetroArch and software emulation. However, there is another option. The Mister project and devices sold by Analogue use field programmable gate arrays - chips that can change their structure according to software. This means running an NES game on one of these devices is more literally like running it on original hardware. For accurate emulation, this is the best option by far. However, it comes with a significantly higher price tag.

In general the easiest and least expensive startup for emulation is on the PC. With fairly modest hardware, emulation of everything up to PS2 is possible with some newer platforms also being very emulatable (notably everything Nintendo puts out is easy to run because their architecture is largely straightforward, their systems are lower power, and there is significantly more demand for their games)

If you specifically want something hooked up to your TV, a first generation (launch window, before they increased the battery life) Switch can happily run a fair amount of stuff, including everything up to N64/PS1. The (new)3DS/2DS is also a great emulation device and can run basically everything up to SNES/Genesis handheld.

Oh and one more option. If you have Android, you can easily install a variety of emulators and use a Bluetooth or wired controller with them utilizing a controller phone mount.

Haui, avatar

Thanks for letting me know! I‘m playing with the idea of a handheld but I‘m open to other options since I would love to balance price/experience/comfort.

Most people say rooted ps3 would work well, one said it doesn’t. I sadly only have an iphone atm so android is no option. I could technically root an old iphone if that works. Otherwise I‘d probably buy a decently priced handheld.

Building one from scratch is a bit much next to my ubuntu home server with 14 docker containers, two pcs (one linux, one windows) and 6 pets. :) But i would opt for a kit or something if it’s better than prebuilt (ie anbernic).

Its so awesome that so many people are giving good suggestions. Thank you very much.

Carighan, do games w Do you find the description Live Service Game off-putting? avatar

Very much so, because to me it openly announces that the game is centered in its design about something between:

  • Microtransactions
  • Extrinsic motivation
  • FOMO

None of those are a good story, great characters, good world building or good intrinsic gameplay design. And they don’t need to be for a live service game, but it also means it’s inherently worse as a game than the same underlying idea not developed as a money squeeze service.

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