Laneus, do gaming w Does anyone know of any kid-friendly "horror" games out there for children ~7 years old? avatar

My Friendly Neighbor hood is mascot horror, but played entirely straight. It’s resident evil 4, but with all of the zombies replaced with puppets.

cobysev, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Undertale is an indie game that promotes and encourages kindness toward others. You can play the game however you want, and there are a multitude of endings depending on how nice/mean you are in your playthrough.

But if you’re not 100% kind to everyone you meet; if you take even one unkind action toward someone, you’re locked out of the perfect good ending. And it remembers your playthrough, so you can’t ever earn it by replaying the game. I dunno if that’s been patched; I haven’t played it since about 2015, but that was the rule when I started it.

And there was no indication starting out that you had this choice. Most people default to fighting bad guys in games. There wasn’t even a hint that you could play the game as a passive, kind person and never harm anyone, despite their aggressive and harmful actions toward you.

So most gamers got locked out of that perfect good ending. Which I guess is kind of the message of the game. Every small act, whether good or bad, can affect people around you permanently. But it’s still annoying as a completionist, knowing that I could never perfectly complete a game because of a rule I wasn’t informed of when I started.


The game remembered a lot of things but you very much could do a pacifist run by starting a new game. I read about the pacifist run after about an hour into the game, decided I wanted to try it, and restarted and was able to achieve the best ending.

ditherwither, (edited )

Yeah, you’re only locked out of pacifist if you previously did a genocide run

Edit: looking at the wiki, this isn’t true, there are minor differences in the soulless pacifist run tho

M500, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

In cave story, there is a decision around the middle of the game. If you make the wrong decision you can’t upgrade to the best weapon in the game.

I forget all the details, but i was annoyed when I found out about it.


there’s several decisions like this, it’s just the way the game is

RaincoatsGeorge, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

It only kind of counts but dead rising 1 fits. You have to follow an exact sequence of events, be at exact spots at exact times, or the main story ends and you can only get bad endings.

It’s actually really hard because you end up having to run from one boss to another and if you’re late there isn’t enough time to resupply. I eventually got to a boss fight where I didn’t have enough time to do anything else and I just couldn’t get past him. It isn’t that the game ends, but it just completely scaps the main story progression and says something like ‘the truth is lost forever’ .

all-knight-party, avatar

I almost give that game a pass purely because of how much you're meant to start over again anyway. It's not like you spent the entire time on one perfect go through with no do overs, you'd probably already restarted a bunch of times by then, it's just another crazy mistake you couldn't have known you could make in that game.

Not that that really makes it better, but it's not on par with doing the same thing in a giant RPG, unless you only got one shot or something, but knowing that game I would doubt it. I never got that far, though, that game is... weird and particular


Definitely a weird game but it worked.

squarm, do gaming w Are there still any solid, updated minecraft modpacks around?

I recommend The Decursio Project if youre looking for an in depth industrial modpack (it does require magic, if thats a deal breaker). it has minecolonies too. Im running a private server on it right now and its the best mod pack ive ever played, though i did disable the “ages” mechanic and im not doing the quests, just using them as a reference.

Know_not_Scotty_does, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Kind of the flip of the question but far cry 5 was particularly infuriating when it came to bullshit plot devices that override the players choices/skills. The boss fights were rigged with fixed outcomes regardless of what you hit the boss with. The fact that you could hit an unarmored human in the head with a rpg and see the explosion but the game was just like “yeah but the story says he’s alive so he’s alive. Also he is about to wreck your shit for… reasons…” drove me crazy…

Pxtl, (edited ) avatar

This kind of stuff was what turned me off the Armored Core “Spiritual Successor” game Daemon X Machina. So many fights involved scripted foes where it wasn’t obvious they were scripted as undefeatable until I’d burned out half my ammunition.


That’s kind of normal, isn’t it? There are often immortal characters, that simply can’t be killed or lost or whatever. Like the dog companion in fallout 4.


It's not uncommon, but can be very grating depending on the circumstances. Dogmeat and the other companions are immortal because Rule of Fun - losing them would suck, which is why it's limited to the more masochistic (not that there's anything wrong with that) difficulty settings. Far Cry games generally try to seem realistic apart from some trademark trippiness, so when you blast someone with a rocket and they just ignore it, it's a bit jarring.

In-universe I think the idea is that you're tripping balls, it's a go-to excuse for "why is this boss fight behaving weird" in the Far Cry series.

amio, (edited )

Exactly this, Far Cry 5 did "ludonarrative dissonance" in a big way. Also, fake open world. 3 and 4 just had a bunch of annoyingly stupid story developments: you going into some Obviously Bad Idea or Diabolus-ex-machina shit - which is still really grating if you're otherwise playing methodically and cautiously, but they happened during missions and didn't intrude on the rest of the game. 5's stupid unwinnable kidnapping parties and stupid mandatory "drug trips" sure did, though.

Modding that shit away, it's still a reasonable game, but ye gods the story was terribly executed.


That is part of why I liked New Vegas so much, they were just like “yeah you can kill Caesar in camp, go ahead, the story is now differerent and you don’t get these quests but oh well, your choice”


I was under the impression that ludonarrative dissonance was when you purposely try to subvert the way the game “wants” to be played, rather than you trying to do what the game wants and the game failing to interpret your actions in a realistic or satisfying way. Like the people who try to be law-abiding pacifists in GTA V or people using armor stands to turn Minecraft into multiplayer chess.

Odo, (edited )

It’s when there’s a disconnect between the storytelling and the gameplay. Usual example is Uncharted or the last Tomb Raider reboot: the main character wrings their hands over the possibility of having to kill a person, but the gameplay is you mowing down an army.


Or every action movie ever


I wish I disagreed with you, the only thing I can push back on is saying the open world is fake.

It’s a damn shame, because far cry 5 has by far my favorite setting of the series. I’d love for someone to take a second stab of that kind of setting.


The open world itself is not fake, but IMO the game is "No True Open World Game" as long as it keeps hijacking you all the time. The world itself is pretty deec. If you're on PC you can try the Resistance mod, it lets you customize the game a lot including how intrusive the main quest is.


Duly noted, I’ll check that out the next time I get the itch to play. I disliked that about the game. It’s actually my main gripe. I didn’t like being careful of not blowing up too much stuff so that I didn’t hit the “main quest threshold” or whatever.

I just want to enjoy the outdoors and kill peggies.

Are there any weapon mods? I found the variety lacking, beyond the broken dlc guns.


Tons. I think some are included in Resistance, or at least you can tweak certain things to be less airsoft-y. Haven't played in a while. Nexus has a bunch of stuff anyway.


I kinda liked the airsoft feel, though. Makes me feel like Rambo. I guess I know what I’m doing once I’m done with starfield.

Assuming hades 2 doesn’t come out before then lol

InvisibleShade, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

I actually managed to soft lock a side quest in The Witcher 3 recently. If you loot a container right as a cutscene begins, the item will be removed from the container but not put into your inventory.

I managed to do this with a key (by mistake) and almost lost around 25 hours of gameplay lol.


What container is this?


Avoiding spoilers, one of the major quests has you approach and help someone fight some monsters. In that same place there is a skeleton with a key in it for a different side quest.

After you finish fighting the monsters, a dialog cutscene triggers with the person you just helped, but there is a small window of time between the combat ending and the dialog cutscene starting when you actually loot.


Is this in a garden?


No, it's on a desolate island, and you're trying to help solve the problem which makes it unlivable.


An island with a mansion full of mice?


I'll just tell you, it was Hjalmar.


Yeah, I didn’t encounter anything like that. Probably fixed in the later patch…


It actually isn't fixed because this happened to me only a couple of weeks ago (with the next gen upgrade). But it must be an incredibly rare bug because I've done the "loot before cutscene trigger" a bunch of times before but only once did it glitch.

wombatula, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

There are a LOT of these, especially from the 8/16/32 bit era.…/UnintentionallyUnwinnable

Perrin42, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If you don't give the sandwich to the small dog you can't finish the game.

Davel23, (edited )

I got bit by this one. Went over to a friend's house to spend the day playing HHGTTG. Several hours later we discovered we couldn't win the game because I had neglected to feed the dog 15 minutes in while he was up getting a drink or something.

AnyOldName3, avatar

It really shows that Douglas Adams was an author and not a game designer with how easy it is to soft-lock that game if you visit rooms in the wrong order or spend too long or short a time exploring one. Most of the possible mistakes become reasonably apparent reasonably quickly, but not always.

ADHDefy, (edited ) do gaming w Does anyone know of any kid-friendly "horror" games out there for children ~7 years old? avatar

If you're cool with emulation, the PS2 had a game called Gregory Horror Show.

chemical_cutthroat, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending? avatar

I can’t remember the exact method, and I may even be remembering the wrong game, but I think in Breath of Fire 1 there was an item that you needed that could be sold, or maybe not picked up, and if you didn’t have it, you’d get locked out of a puzzle much later in the game. It was hard to fuck up, but if you did, it was 30 hours of game down the drain.

Merwyn, (edited ) do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Tes 3: Morrowind, every NPCs can be killed and of course if you kill some of them before they got usefull to progress the main quest you are locked.

At their death there is a notification message like “you fucked up, you can reload or continue to play in this world forever doomed”. BUT, in my first playthrough some broken mod I installed was hiding this message …

Also, in the same game you could lose quest item and be unable to finish the main quest. But that kind of require you to be stupid on purpose, because it’s obvious what item are important.

EDIT: found the in game message: " With this character’s death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."


I think that’s the best way to handle it. Let me kill whoever I want as long as I know the consequences.

Steeve, (edited )

First time I played I had to load a save back in Seyda Neen because I killed some poor half naked dude in his shack in Balmora. Fuckin Caius Cosades.


😰 You killed Daddy Caius


Isn’t it like the first quest you get? 🫠


Hey man, Morrowind quests don’t hold your hand! It’s not like there’s a minimap and some big ass marker over his head saying “don’t kill and rob this half naked dude who looks like a skooma addict in his tiny studio apartment because he’s secretly the spy master for the main faction in the game”! I was young! I chose violence!


I would even check whether he even speaks to you first 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


What kind of monster uses mods on a first playthru


It was some small QoL changes in the UI and menus, recommended by my friend who recommended me the game. I don’t remember exactly the changes but there was nothing big added or changed in the gameplay


Me, more and more these days. Especially if the game has been out for a while.


If the game is made by Bethesda then it’s warranted. They’ve never been capable of making an acceptable ui it seems


Good news. You can still beat the game if the “thread of prophecy is severed”, but it is fairly challenging and generally requires stumble-luck or at LEAST knowledge of how to normally beat the game. It helps to know the identity of another character you have to kill in cold blood to get “almost back on track”. And then the location that serves no real purpose except to get back on track from that situation.

Merwyn, (edited )

Yes indeed, I know what you are talking about. But I would not really consider that the “normal” ending as described by OP. Even if the ending scene itself is exactly the same, it’s a very different path and clearly a much harder one.


Well… Yes. Not saying it doesn’t fit the topic. Just a really cool way they handled it all.


Sure ! And I discovered that only years later by reading a wiki page. But actually it make sense that it’s also feasible this way.

Gooey0210, (edited )

Marvelous morrowind I should’ve put some “morrowind joke” but I don’t remember any

queue, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending? avatar

King Kong for the PS2 had a fire puzzle, where if you dropped the torch in the last section, you couldn’t get a new source of fire. So you were stuck at a section where you had to burn away wood in the path forwards, but couldn’t go backwards to get the fire.

sandriver, do gaming w Does anyone know of any kid-friendly "horror" games out there for children ~7 years old?

If Super Metroid is on the Nintendo Switch emulator, that’s a good spooky game, including an explicitly horror-themed level, the Wrecked Ship. There’s a layer of removal since it’s 2D and zoomed out. Not all of the game is all that spooky, I think it’s mainly Wrecked Ship and the end of the game.

Metroid Fusion is much spookier, including sequences where you’re being hunted by a Samus clone. Very creepy vibes throughout too. Other M has a lot of thrills as well. And Metroid Dread is, of course, dread-inducing. Actually it was the first Metroid game I couldn’t play because the stealth sequences were too much for me, lol.

Majora’s Mask is mostly more eerie, but there are some good high tension moments as well.

simple, do games w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

I almost softlocked myself in The Evil Within (the first one). I’ve used up most of my ammo before walking into a boss fight and I just barely managed to beat him by using everything I had. It does give you ammo before the fight but it isn’t enough to win, I imagine it would be easy to softlock there. I remember spending a huge time making sure all my shots land so I don’t restart.

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