UngodlyAudrey, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th
!deleted4132 avatar

I was offered a month of PC Game Pass for $1, so I took MS up on it. I’ve mostly been playing Forza Horizon 4(my computer can’t handle 5) so far, the game’s really fun.

I’m open to suggestions on games in the PC Game Pass library, btw. I plan to cancel before Aug 26th, so I want to get my gaming in before then. I honestly do prefer straightforward action games and RPGs(and strategy as well). Things I prefer to avoid are puzzle solving and super open world stuff. I generally strongly prefer single-player experiences, too.


Forza Horizon is just a sheer joy to play. 4 or 5, you can’t go wrong. I’m not that into car games, but I have sunk hundreds of hours into both.

Silverhand, avatar

Don’t know if you’ve played/heard of these, but some good short singleplayer stuff on gamepass that might fit the types of games you like and you could easily finish before then:

A Short Hike is getting added today and is something I’d recommend to anyone if you haven’t played it. Very pleasant game, and as the name suggests it’s very short, you can complete it in an afternoon.

Celeste is on there and is one of the best 2D platformers, if you enjoy those and haven’t played it definitely try it out.

Death’s Door is a top-down zelda-like, and one of my favorite takes by indies on that type of game.

Doom 1/2 are classics that are still very much worth playing and hold up well.

Mirror’s Edge is a first person platforming/parkour game, a bit older at this point but holds up pretty well.

Monster Train is a deckbuilder roguelite, which I know is a polarizing genre, but if you’re either into those or open to the idea of trying them it’s one of the best. Might not fit as a shorter game depending on how much of the stuff in it you want to do, but you could at least get a good taste for it and see if you like it.

Both of the Ori games are good metroidvanias that are relatively short.

Prey is a great immersive sim/fps/stealth game, if you’ve tried other Arkane stuff like Dishonored, or the Deus Ex games, it’s similar to those.

Both of the Psychonauts games are great 3D platformers. 2 is especially good and a big step up in gameplay, as you might expect with the time gap between them.

Tinykin is a 3D platformer with some Pikmin inspiration, where you’re a tiny person exploring a giant house, very fun if you like platforming and collectathon type stuff.

Silverhand, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 30th avatar

I’ve been playing a couple of neat games.

Time Bandit is a really unique mix of genres focused on real time-based interactions. There’s puzzles you solve that take hours and you have to leave machines running and check back later, people you meet at certain times, stores that have different schedules. It’s a dystopian setting where you work in a factory, and there’s this guy you meet early on who’s with a rebellion group that teaches you about communism. It’s really neat, and less of a time commitment than it might sound like, most of my sessions have been like 10 minutes just checking in on stuff, sort of like a very weird animal crossing. It’s pretty cheap and getting a criminally low amount of attention for how cool it is.

The Void Rains Upon Her Heart is a roguelite boss rush shmup. Really approachable for that genre. I got interested in it because the dev got hired by the Revita team (one of my favorite games from last year) to work on the expansion for that, and it definitely has some similarities to that, also kinda reminds me of Undertale combat. It’s got a ton of content and does a great job at pacing the unlocks and stuff.

Last, Pseudoregalia is a 3D movement focused metroidvania. It’s very N64 inspired in style. You’re exploring a big castle, with a lot of platforming and interesting movement abilities. There’s no map, so it definitely requires some patience with that, but it’s a really neat game overall. Seems to allow a lot of sequence breaking. It’s looking to be fairly short as well, which is nice.

Walop, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

The Settlers games have not been Settlers games after the fourth one. Except of course the remake, but that also was a very long time ago.


I tried playing the third and fourth installment, but they couldn’t hold a candle to the second one imo.

soulsource, avatar

Fourth? The last real Settlers was Settlers 2.

naomi, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Music games that are based around a story, like Parappa the Rapper/Um Jammer Lammy, Gitaroo Man 🎵💖

Underwaterbob, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

First person on-rails shooter. Space Harrier. Sin and Punishment.

wildeaboutoskar, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often? avatar

I love this thread, so many people are recommending games to each other. Nice to see.

My answer is games like Skyrim where it’s a sandbox but you can pick up different quests. I know there’s a proper name for them but it escapes me.

I know there’s GTA which is a similar type but I want a more twee fantasy vibe


Open world RPG? They are probably the most common single player AAA experience released these days. Bethesda does work in a bit of “immersive sim” qualities to their games though, which is often what makes them feel so sand-boxy.

OfficialThunderbolt, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Simulation games, like the ones Maxis used to make (other than SimCity). SimEarth, SimAnt, SimTower, etc. Those were educational and fun.

I also once played a simulation game that realistically simulated running a shipping business where you shipped things by boat, sailing your fleet from port to port, dropping off your cargo and loading new cargo, giving the occasional bribe, etc. while avoiding bankruptcy. I think it was called “Port of Call.” It was made a long time ago, and I haven’t played anything quite like it since then.

storksforlegs, (edited ) avatar

Yes, I totally agree with this. I would play these games so much growing up. Especially SimLife.

I like sim games where you feel like you’re experimenting with a scenario, not just trying to get the highest score or some win condition.

Rozauhtuno, avatar

Not exactly educational, but Sid Meier Pirates was also a lot of fun.


Oooh, reminds me of SimFarm 😃


SimFarm was surprisingly fun.


SimAnt was awesome

mint, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?
!deleted4112 avatar

3D Platformers. We get maybe one or two every few years, and most of them are usually pretty short. last big one was probably A Hat in Time. if y’all know more beyond that let me know. just grabbed Koa and the 5 Pirates of Mara.

so desperate for one i’m considering learning how to make 3D games so i can make my own lol

chrislenz, avatar

I assume you’ve played or heard of Yooka-Laylee. There’s also Clive n Wrench. Neither of those are great though.

I haven’t heard of Koa before, but it looks interesting. I’ll have to check it out.

But I really want a new Banjo game, however I doubt that ever happens at this point. I recently started working on my own Banjo clone in the Godot game engine because I don’t see anyone making the kind of game I’m looking for.

Silverhand, avatar

There definitely is a lack of actually good ones in the modern era. Poi and Grow Home are some good ones you may not have heard of.


Hat in Time is probably the last big indie 3d platformer, but I’d say Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a decent 3d platformer, unless you meant collectathon style 3d platformer a la what Rare made on the N64 etc. since you mentioned Hat.

willeypete23, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

If you like puzzle games have you played the entropy center? Its better than portal IMO


I don’t know what kind of game entropy center is, but puzzle is IMO not a wholly useful term, since there are different kinds of puzzles and portal falls into the physics puzzle subgenre. There probably are other fpp that aren’t based around physics, but I can’t think of any right now.

Rozauhtuno, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often? avatar

God games: the whole genre basically peaked with Populous and B&W and then just went quiet.

Space adventure games like Freelancer or X are also very rare nowadays.


I’ve been thinking about the disappearance of God games. I think they didn’t disappear, but they evolved so much that we don’t recognize them anymore.

I feel some moved into the direction that we now call “simulators”, like RimWorld, the Sims, Two Point Hospital, and more. In my mind, the big difference between the God games of old and those new games is that in the older games your role as the player was explicitly defined, where in the new games it’s not. In the old games, you were “playing the role of a god in that realm”. The new games don’t bother to tell you “who” you are in this setting. You’re just the player, get on with it, play the game.

I feel like other God games moved in the direction of top down colony builders, like Against the Storm or Frostpunk. And again, I think the big difference between those games and something like Populous is that your role as the player doesn’t have an explicit name in the game world. You’re not a “God”. But most of the rest of the trappings are there, I think.

What do you think?

Rozauhtuno, avatar

Erhh…I guess?

But when I think of a God game I really mean a game where you literally play as a god and can do god stuff.

In all of your examples the player either controls what each character does or just whoever is is command of the colony. You can’t do miracles and supernatural stuff at the click of a button, you don’t control nature itself, your character is a human like anyone else.

Bear, avatar

Rise to Ruins has some god powers on top of the colony sim just as a possible suggestion for people looking for that.


Still fairly old, but newer than B&W: From Dust . Replace trainable animals with fluid physics and light hearted songs with didgeridoos, and it’s kind of similar.

Silviecat44, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

I spy games


Like, hidden object games? Alawar and Artifex Mundi still crank several of them out each year I think. They’ve gone from only having hidden object scenes to being point and click adventure games with hidden object scenes. For thr most part pure hidden object games have all but vanished.

edit: you might like hidden folks, hidden through time, and looking for aliens. I think it’s all the same company but they are true hidden object games with large areas to search.


When i typed this comment I think I just wanted to playthis game again. I played it years ago and it has a lot if nostalgia

NaoPb, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

I liked the point and click games when they were 2d hand drawn and not (3d) rendered. It seems to be a thing that has now been lost to time.




Interesting! Not exactly what I would think of but this seems right up my alley. Thank you!

Mysteriarch, avatar

Are those still playable? Loved those, great vibe!


mateusz has some on his website that you can buy for $25 in the form of the “complete collection.” He is also currently working on “submachine legacy” which combines all games into one and will be released on steam and I’m assuming will be paid.…


Wadjet Eye still makes them, no? There's still a few, they're not totally gone. I always keep an eye out for them on Steam.


Wadjet Eye games are soooo good.

empireOfLove, do gaming w What Pokémon Go could've been. avatar

It’s like a minimum viable product with a vaguely addicting gameplay loop.

You could have just stopped there. Every mass-market mobile game ends up in this trap.


Lol. Yeah, pretty much


sad that we’re at this point. when I was young I loved Pokemon and imagined where it could go in the future. was SO EXCITED to hear pokemon go announced. apart from a week or two of social interactions when everyone had got the game all at once, it had no longevity and that was that. it could have been so beautiful!

projectazar, avatar

Honestly, a minimum viable product is entirely what Pokemon Go was designed to be. It exists to extract behavioral surplus from users and convert it into valuable action by inviting users to go to certain places in a community through placement of Pokestops and Gyms. Basically a tool to drive foot traffic, which Niantic can (and does) sell to businesses that want to drive that foot traffic. It worked brilliantly for years and still is a somewhat effective method of driving advertising and sales for real world businesses.


The prequal, Ingress, was even simpler, but that probably made it better as a long run game. There were portals to harvest and a simple system to create triangles between portals to claim territories. Nothing overly complex, and no expectations to bring gameplay mechanics from an other game.

Ingress was obviously dead as soon as Niantic launched the much more popular Pokémon Go. Of course fantastic for Niantic, but I just feel like Ingress would have been a game I would have played for a lot longer if Pokémon Go didn’t happen.

birdm, do zapytajszmer w Chciałbym sobie zahostować jakiś serwis, np. Funkwhale, żeby strumieniować swoją muzykę - jak?

Możesz postawić w domu serwer i dbać o niego. Nie ma z tym aż tak wiele pracy. Zarówno system jak i dockera można aktualizować automatycznie. Do tego można robić automatyczny backup na dowolny nośnik/serwer/chmurę. Można również skorzystać z jednego z wielu VPN’ów(openpvn, wireguard) czy iść o krok dalej i użyć np. cloudflared. Wszystko łatwo do postawienia na dockerze.
No ale do muzyki możesz oczywiście wykorzystać soudcloud’a - nie lepiej tak?


No ale do muzyki możesz oczywiście wykorzystać soudcloud’a - nie lepiej tak?

Nie mogę, bo nie mam sklepu google, soundcloud w przeglądarce mobilnej to totalna porażka.

aerthel, do gaming w MMORPG NoIAP either Pay Up Front or a Subscription

Have you checked out Guild Wars 2? the whole base game (all story and maps up to lvl 80) are free to try; it does have IAP but they're exclusively cosmetics or Quality of Life items that don't give any advantages in PvP or End game PvE instances.

sabreW4K3, avatar

I was trying to look into it, but couldn’t find it on the Play Store

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