Beegzoidberg, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

I need to add to the dishonored pile here. Deathloop is a much more doom-able game. Dishonored can be played in a fast way, but you can play the entire game with killing anyone, or being seen by anyone, or both. I highly recommend it, they scratch the itch.

neshura, avatar

Adding onto that, Dishonored 2 feels way more fun when playing non-lethal. Dishonored 1 kind of handicaps you if you decide not to kill enemies, whereas Dishonored 2 gives you a few more Options.

Both are incredible games though, definitely worth playing.


Yes, Dishonored is really fun. Having a good saving system (with quick save and load) makes it even better. I love to have the option to just fool around.

bermuda, (edited ) do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?


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  • derskusmacher,

    Adding on to this I heartily recommend MGS V. It is the culmination of the MGS formula in a mostly open world. While I love Kojima's bullshit, the previous MGS games had deep mechanics that you rarely got to play with because most the games were movies with an occasional game.

    The story is kind of all over the place but the gameplay more then makes up for for it.


    MGS1 is available on GOG, but it’s definitely got that early 3D vibe that OP doesn’t seem to like. I think it’s aged pretty well, considering it’s a PS1 title.

    Kociamorda, do zapytajszmer w Dlaczego libertarianizm ma tak złą opinię? avatar

    Chyba już wszystko zostało napisane (może poza relacją libertarianizmu, jak ja go rozumiem, do odpowiedzialności osobistej - pomijając przy tym problemy systemowe + brak nacisku na pomoc wzajemną i wspólnotowość)

    Na pewno mogę polecić lekki reportarz na temat niedawnego projektu libertariańskiego w Grafton (na północy przy New Hempshire) w USA pt. “A libertarian walks into a bear” (w polskiej wersji “Niedźwiedzia przysługa”). Najbardziej uderzyły mnie w nim próby (libertariańskiego grona) zamknięcia bibliotek publicznych i zatrzymywanie projektów zwiększających dostępność do budynków dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami.

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  • Kierunkowy74, avatar

    Opublikowała Krytyka Polityczna
    Fragment i wywiad z autorem

    Kociamorda, avatar

    Z racji, że moje umiejętności z zakresu obsługi komputera zaczynają się i konczą na jego włączeniu i wylączeniu, to nie jestem w stanie podać bezoiecznego źródła do pobrania ebooka albo PDFa z książką :c W moim przypadku reportarz był wypożyczony z biblioteki.


    Brzmi ciekawie, obejrzę

    Kociamorda, avatar

    To reportarz w formie książkowej :c


    A to też może być, dodam na czytlistę

    raccoona_nongrata, do gaming w are there small sized mmorpg's? avatar


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  • Domiku,

    I’m really intrigued by this! How long do you need to play for it to feel “meaningful.” I find with a lot of MMOs, I need a few hours to really get into it.

    raccoona_nongrata, avatar


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  • Domiku,

    You answered it very well. Thank you!


    Man, I wish I could play Journey for the first time, again.

    shiveyarbles, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

    Have you considered becoming a furry


    Not everyone can afford a fursuit capable of “judiciously spraying things to maintain your territory”… or be let anywhere in one 😄

    FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?
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  • Suppoze, avatar

    +1 for Mark of the Ninja. The gameplay is so polished, great art direction, and simple but satisfying. It is a staple Klei Entertainment game. Not to mention the good story, at least as I remember. It’s not a new game, released originally in 2012, however there’s a remastered version on Steam.

    PanaX, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

    Yeah, you should reconsider Dishonored and Prey. Especially at how cheap they are on sale.


    Dishonored was the first thing that came to mind when I read the title, too. OP, if you haven’t played it, check it out!

    As for others…

    1. Skyrim and Fallout aren’t exactly deep stealth games, but stealth is hands down the most popular and arguably most fun way to play. Sneaky archer is a freaking meme.
    2. Far Cry games all favour stealth as well. While you’re totally allowed to go in guns a blazing and it’s frankly more effective sometimes, the game does reward stealth and is clearly designed with it in mind. Silencers are magic, you can distract enemies, can lure wildlife to attack, smoke bombs, knife combos, “death from above”, etc.
    3. The Metro series isn’t entirely stealth, but a lot of human enemy sections are meant to be done with stealth and I recall it being actually very difficult if you’re not stealthy (you die fast). I also recall the stealth feeling more realistic in terms of detection time. Finally, there’s something extra fun about being stealthy in a very dark post apocalyptic subway tunnel. Much better atmosphere for it!

    As a final side note, the way OP described assassin’s Creed sounds like the older games. They might like some of the “middle” games like Unity more. The games that came just before Origins (Origins and later are very fun games, but the stealth is no longer the focus).

    ZeroEchoplex, avatar

    I also thought of Dishonered first when I read the title. Love how you’re given the flexibility to complete each level however you feel like playing.


    I’m pretty sure it’s possible to completely beat the game without killing a single NPC as well.


    There’s an achievement for it.


    I don't quite remember how I played Metro 2033, but I do know that I played so much with Metro Last Light to get that stupid 'kill no humans' achievement that whenever I play it now I can practically zoom through most areas with stealth. Same way with Dishonored. Both great games, I love revisiting them from time to time.


    With dishonored I wanted to be the ultimate ninja that leave no trace and had a lot of fun doing a clean hands ghost run. So challenging though, since I didn’t know if I had been detected until the end of each stage when they show you your performance.


    I disliked Dishonored because the game tells you not to kill too many people or bad things will happen and then proceeds to make most of the items and abilities for killing people. You can kill some people, but it’s not clear exactly how many each level. I wasn’t really interested in spending tens of hours playing a game only to be told that I was a bad person who gets the bad ending. As a result I kept killing to a minimum and missed out on or barely used a huge portion of the items and abilities. Seemed like questionable game design.

    Prey was great though. Not sure if I’d call it a stealth game, however.


    The game doesn’t really want you to spare enemies. It’s just that there are 3 different ways to play the game and 3 different flavors of the story : low, mid and high chaos. I think you should feel free to massacre everyone, and then maybe start over a new game and try lower chaos !


    I felt like this was the intention. Play through it having fun learning the mechanics and then follow up with a replay to challenge yourself.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    I love Dishonored, but I agree that it’s unfortunate more fun abilities aren’t compatible with Low Chaos.

    It makes the High Chaos second playthrough more satisfying though, when you can finally unleash the whole arsenal.

    neshura, avatar

    Dishonored 2 remedies that problem significantly, playing non-Lethal is a lot more fun there than in the first game.

    romano, do gaming w Anyone else remember those giant scale maps that used to be in shooters? e.g. bathroom, kitchen, office, backyard, that made you feel so tiny? avatar

    There’s a freeware (open source but copyrighted art) shooter called World of Padman, that’s pretty much what you’re describing.

    EDIT: You wanted “modern” but, it’s slightly less so. Sorry.

    snowbell, avatar

    Wow, freeware. Now that is a blast from the past. Definitely gonna have to try that out, thanks!

    orca, avatar

    I get old school Quake vibes from this. I love it.

    llii, (edited )

    I think it’s in some way based on a quake engine.

    I played it years agon, maybe i need to try it again after all this time.

    hascat, do gaming w Anyone else remember those giant scale maps that used to be in shooters? e.g. bathroom, kitchen, office, backyard, that made you feel so tiny?

    It’s almost a decade old now, but I enjoyed playing Catlateral Damage back in the day.

    snowbell, avatar


    beforan, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games? avatar

    Highly likely Hitman World of Assassination (the whole new trilogy starting with the 2016 game) will scratch the itch for you, but yeah I appreciate the weird shambles of trying to buy that in its various forms; actually the current state is the simplest: one price for the whole thing.

    I guess you may want to wait for it to be on sale though, but I definitely rate it, it’s got many hours out of me.

    Steam deck verified too, if that’s of interest.

    CedarMadness, avatar

    There is a demo, not sure what’s in it though. Back when they were separate games, the training missions of each game served as the demo level, and I think at some point the Paris mission of the first game was free.

    beforan, avatar

    Ah yeah, there’s a demo but I also don’t know what’s in it these days.

    As for free levels, they cycle the free level monthly as per the current roadmap. I assume the demo lets you access the free level.

    Looks like Bangkok is free until August 16th.

    gk99, do gaming w are there small sized mmorpg's?

    It might not be what you’re looking for, but Temtem is listed as like 5GB on Steam. It’s basically Pokémon except built as an MMO. The entire main story can be played in co-op, but I haven’t found any of the dungeons or whatever yet as my friend and I have been doing a lot of exploration and side quests.

    If that sounds interesting at all, it’s part of this month’s Humble Choice for $12 and that’s the best deal I’ve seen on it. Just remember to cancel your subscription after redeeming the games in the bundle.

    Sentinian, avatar

    Another thing for Temtem, it just launched a f2p battle only version of the game if you just want the pvp


    I’ve been told the tutorial sucks, but I do want to say that the PvP seems really good from a competitive standpoint. I don’t think there’s any RNG, just strategy.

    Pseu, do gaming w are there small sized mmorpg's?

    Haven and Hearth is a slow base building MMO. You build up skill points exploring and finding new items, spend the skill points to unlock more stuff, build a base and start upgrading your stuff from there. It’s honestly really cool.


    Is there PVP? I’m always wary of bothering with these sorts of games if they have open PVP, as they usually turn into mass slaughter pits where the players who have built up powerful armies (or whatever the game has for units) go around murdering weaker characters just to see the inevitable forum posts. If you make it through the early stages and join some sort of alliance, they usually turn into childish playground politics and squabbling.

    I couldn’t tell from the “about” or “FAQ” pages, but the meme-filled forum doesn’t make it look particularly promising.


    There is world PvP. With the world population being so low, and the world size being so large it’s pretty rare. There’s also a lot of ways to avoid it, but whenever you’re outside your own base it’s always a risk. If you play smart, it’s almost always possible to get away from a player, even if they’re very highly geared. Most clans are pretty insular, a group of friends who have been playing for a long time. I’ve never joined a clan, personally, so I have no idea what they’re like.

    MarioSpeedWagon, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

    Shadow tactics

    Mark of the ninja

    That’s all you need. Those games literally taught me how to play stealth.


    Mark of the Ninja is the best 2d stealth I’ve played, and also better than lot of 3d ones. The way the game used visual cues made steathing feel really fun to do.

    cadeje, avatar

    I just scrolled through to see if anyone shouted out Mark of the Ninja. I hate stealth games, but absolutely loved that one.


    I’ll add Desperados III for a Western spin on Shadow Tactics.


    To add a bit more about Shadow Tactics, it is a top-down 3D game where you control a crew of characters with different abilities (ninja, samurai, sharpshooter, etc.)

    It is real time but you can plan actions to happen simultaneously, so it feels really cool to solve the stealth puzzles by combining the characters’ different abilities.

    Also good atmosphere, voices, story, etc. Just a very good game.

    dark_stang, do gaming w VR, Linux, and my Currently Unused Rift
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  • cityboundforest, avatar

    As far as I’ve read, it has some serious performance issues.

    dark_stang, do gaming w are there small sized mmorpg's?
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  • jcarax, (edited )

    Mama World

    Now I’m imagining an MMO built around an expanded Teeheeti, from Ni No Kuni.

    dark_stang, (edited )
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  • jcarax,

    But now I get to chuckle at fairy shenanigans, so it works out.

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