pelikan, do piracy w Spotify alternative has the best music streaming library, if you need underground stuff. You’ll need to register there and browser with adblock feature (i’m using Vivaldi) if you don’t want to listen to audio commercials in Russian language.

spark947, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

I hope someone corrects me but:

  • A 2d open world fantasy game like zelda
  • With really great action combat like dragons dogma or monster hunter.
  • with multi class and equipment build system like dnd or Diablo.

That’s it, just a really good 2d rpg with action combat. I have been furiously chasing this, and anything even kind of influenced by darksouls or that is a roguelute doesnt count.


Maybe Crosscode could fullfill some of your wishes? Though the theme is more on the science fiction side, you can…

  • choose between different skill trees & items
  • traverse the somewhat open world on multiple paths
  • discover hidden quests & locations
  • and experience some of the best combat systems i played in the last year.

Yeah, I have to admit, Crosscode probably comes the closest to what I want. I do have, and play the game, but I always end up dropping off due to a bunch of personal pet peeves I have with it, and also feeling like the combat system is just not on point. But I should really probably reconsider dedicating enough attention to beating it.

One of the biggest barriers for me for crosscode is that it has stuttering on the deck, but it looks like there are some work arounds that prevent that, so I will probably dedicate some time this weekend to getting it setup.


Luckily i havent experienced the stuttering issues (Played on PC), but i hope you can get them fixed!

The things that helped me to stay engaged were on the one hand the world/level design (lots of small riddles everywhere, that sometimes involve backtracking & clever Parcour, but also the gorgeous landscape & detailled environments), on the other hand the story and its cute characters! I think giving each area the time it deserved and not rushing through things also helped (Took me around 75 hours to beat the base game).


Yeah, I definitely haven’t given it its due, but mostly due to technical issues on the steamdeck. Switching to the linux native version is working very well though, so I probably will stick with it a bunch.

There are still various ways crosscode doesn’t scratch the itch I am trying to get scratched (no character builds, kind of have frustrations with the combat system) but I do want to beat it at this point.


glhf! Would love to know what you think of the whole game after completion.

Ludrol, do zapytajszmer w Chciałbym sobie zahostować jakiś serwis, np. Funkwhale, żeby strumieniować swoją muzykę - jak? avatar

Hostownie własnych rzeczy na serwerze pod biurkiem to bardziej hobby niż zrobić raz i działa.

VPS jest dość w porządku opcją bo ułatwia to papranie się z siecią, ip, domeną i tunelami.

Z bezpieczeństwem to jest tak że haker skasuje ci wszystkie pliki i będzie kopać bitcoina za twój prąd.

Jak chcesz funkwhale dla siebie to raczej nie ma problemu.

P.S ma spoko serwery po taniości


A jak to zrobić z VPNem, jesteś w stanie coś podrzucić do przeczytania albo napisać? :P

Może spróbuję z jakimś słabym VPSem, tak na próbę.
Z drugiej strony, jak mam dużo muzyki/filmów i chciałbym zrobić sobie strumieniowanie, to raczej taki zwykły vps będzie miał za mało miejsca.

Totalnie się nie znam na samohostowaniu, sorki, jeśli coś głupiego piszę.

Ludrol, (edited ) avatar

Tak na szybko jak zacząć z SelfHosting.

Bierzesz jakikolwiek komputer z ostatnich 15 lat. Instalujesz debiana bez pulpitu. Ustawiasz ssh i łączysz się przez LAN z serwerem. Instalujesz sobie dockera i jakiś kontener na przykład z torrentami.

Polecam portainer do zarządzania kontenerami.

Są też całe systemy operacyjne np. trueNAS czy proxmox.

Jak gdzieś utkniesz to pytaj na !selfhosted

P.S. Funkwhale jest jako docker do zrobienia ale trzeba mieć domenę, statyczne ip, otwarte porty i certyfikat TLS.

Jellyfin pozwala na strumień muzyki czy filmów ale bez domeny czy otwartych portów.

P.P.S VPN lub reverse proxy podłączasz pod kontener dockera i przesyłasz łącze przez tunel.

miklo, (edited ) avatar

Tu taki prosty przepis na proste reverse-proxy na nginx do selfhostowanego serwera, “wyciągnięte” tunelem ssh do jakiegoś najtańszego vpsa gdzieś na świecie, który będzie robić za publiczne wejście (i wtedy ten selfhostowany nie musi mieć nawet publicznego ani stałego ip):…/2019-01-29-self-hosted-ngrok.htmlTyle, że taki prosty “vpn” trochę komplikuje postawienie funkwhale wg jakiegoś gotowego przepisu czyli np pod younohost.
Ale jeżeli to będzie używane tylko dla siebie to chyba lepsza opcja z publicznym ip na swoim łączu bo wtedy koszt używania serwera = praktycznie koszt łącza za które i tak się płaci.
Jakby ktoś stawiał funkwhale pod dockerem (docker + traefik) to moja działająca konfiguracja:…/funkwhale

miklo, avatar

Masz na myśli te tanie serwery mikrusa bez IPv4, które wystarczy 'tylko" podłaczyć do (takie rozwiązanie podpowiada właściciel hostingu), żeby wszystko działało ? 😱 “Wszystko” mam na myśli naprawdę wszystko, również to co czego nie chcesz Ty ani odwiedzający twoją stronę:…/

cptsmidge, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

I love GORN, but you need a lot of space. It’s the only game I’ve truly lost myself in, forgetting to pay attention to the custodian boundaries.

Omegamanthethird, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

Not “made for”. But I fully recommend No Man’s Sky. Flying around in VR is quite the experience. It genuinely feels like it was made for VR.

FlashMobOfOne, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?
!deleted7243 avatar


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  • WhipperSnapper, avatar

    This is intriguing. Are we talking about 3D youtube vids here?

    !deleted7243 avatar


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  • WhipperSnapper, avatar

    Thanks a bunch!


    There’s quite a few Attenborough VR projects and the are all worth checking out. I also think the ISS stuff is really cool.

    averyminya, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    I just made a comment about this on Kbin last night! I play on the reverb G2, but you should be able to play on Steam with the Q2 no problem. It’s a copy paste, so if something seems off it’s due to the context of the other post!

    Here’s some of my favorites:

    Vertical Shift: fairly short and barebones but it’s got a full range of powers for you to play with around an open world. Fun VR mechanics worth the sale price, despite the minimal gameplay.

    You mentioned Boneworks and Phasmophobia which are also both a lot of fun, but motion sickness and multiplayer can make them not as convenient to always be ready to play. Of course, if we mention Boneworks then we have to talk about Duck Season. Blade and Sorcery should be on the list as well, it’s just too good to pass up. And well, if we’re talking about B&S we can’t ignore GORN.

    Pistol Whip is basically a rhythm John Wick simulator. Very worth the cost of the game, lots of content, multiple free content updates - just a stellar game through and through. Also much more engaging than BeatSaber IMO, never been a fan of flailing my arms to slash blocks on beat. But shooting and dodging? Give me more!

    Bonus: They just released a map creator. The life of the game is virtually infinite now, so that’s exciting :)

    Superhot VR pre-content removal. Still a great game without the ending though.

    V-Racer Hoverbike is a great VR game oriented Hoverbike Racing. Great sense of speed and feel, motion sickness is somewhat a given given the nature of the game…

    Rez Infinite for anyone who remembers Rez for the PS2.

    Pavlov VR is also a good popular fun game for your VR FPS itches. For more, there’s Into the Radius, Arizona Sunshine, ARK and ADE, Naked Sun, Bandit Point, Risk of Rain 2 VR (mod).

    Speaking of mods, Subnautica in VR…

    And one of my favorite pass-times, Holo-ball! It’s basically racquetball :)

    There’s a couple party games that are fun as well, Wii Sports style with Pure Bowl VR, NVIDIA’s VR Funhouse, Tennis Arcade VR. All pretty decent (particularly compared to others that are available). Oh, also check out VRNoid which has brickbreaker and Hyper Psychic Gauntlets for a unique game. You can also play all your NES roms in VR with 3DSenVR which is pretty awesome. While we’re here, give Metroid Prime a playthrough with Dolphin VR, or all 3 if you get it running :)

    Then there’s the whole world of productivity/not quite gaming programs.

    I love, love love SynthVR. It’s just one of the smartest uses for VR, period. Create your virtual environment and just make it a giant music setup. Absolutely stellar. Similarly, Vinyl Reality for using your own music to DJ and mix! There’s also a drumming program called Paradiddle which is awesome for the same reasons. For painting, Vermillion.

    If you’ve got a HOTAS or a racewheel there’s also a number of games that work great in tandem, Elite Dangerous for your space trucker sims (for this one, be sure to get SCRCPY for your android phone and run XS Overlay or OVR Toolkit to bring your phone with you in VR), Star Wars Squadrons, Drone Hero.

    Also check out Podracer VR on GitHub!


    What’s they remove from super hot?


    Spoilers below:

    spoilerThroughout Superhot you are slowly doing more and more egregious actions, like robbing airports and stealing planes and whatnot. As you go through the game accomplishing these tasks given to you after you put on the headset, you become very familiar with following orders. By the end of the game, the last level, you put on your headset and continue as normal. Upon finishing the game, you remove your headset. A knock comes at the door and it’s a being (either a drone or a person can’t quite recall). Your character is then at the edge of your roof. You look left, nothing. You look right, empty. You look up, sky. You look down, and you see the ledge. The only place left to go is to step off.

    It’s very powerful. It has quite an impact and I understand why they chose to remove it, however I wish it were made an option because it is such a strong story for those who feel comfortable with the subject matter. I am very glad that I played it a few months before they pushed the update removing that ending.

    For anyone interested, you can still download that version of the game on Steam.


    Also much more engaging than BeatSaber IMO, never been a fan of flailing my arms to slash blocks on beat. But shooting and dodging? Give me more!

    Personally I’m more interested in flailing my arms than shooting and dodging.

    Pistol Whip is just a much better execution of its concept than Beatsaber is of it’s own. Though Beatsaber is a pretty decent execution of Beatsaber. It just falls slightly short of its potential. Whereas Pistol Whip shoots straight past any expectations you’d have for it and finds new ways to be better than it strictly needs to be.

    Piers, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    Depends what exactly your after. I suspect you’re looking for something to parallel flatscreen AAA titles in which case there’s only a handful and I think they’ve all been mentioned already.

    On the other hand, Pistol Whip is one of the best games I’ve ever played. But it’s more the equivalent of a flatscreen hit indie genre title than a AAA blockbuster.

    theComposer, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

    I can’t believe no one has mentioned The Last Clockwinder yet. It’s a automation puzzle game in which you create clones of yourself and get them to all work together. It’s not too hard to progress in but makes it easy to try to optimize your solutions if you want. The theming and story is cozy too. Really great game!


    Came here to say this. The Last Clockwinder and The Room VR are some of my favorite recent puzzle experiences

    Clovermite, do gaming w What are you playing this week? avatar

    I binged Tunic over the past couple days. I found it extremely rewarding

    Radiant_sir_radiant, (edited ) do gaming w I finished Killer Frequency today and goddamn was it a fun game.

    Bought it, tried it out and am already hooked. Thanks for the recommendation!

    My impression after some two hours of playing:

    As a sometimes lazy/impatient puzzle solver I appreciate the painless save/load feature. For a ‘real’ adventure or horror game there are too many guidelines to keep you on the right path - I’d call it more of an interactive thriller. Still the scary atmosphere and black humour are enough to draw you in and make for an enjoyable experience. Plus the various hints at the killer’s identity and story keep you guessing. I probably should have gone to bed two hours ago but can’t quit yet.

    Thebazilly, do gaming w Pathfinder: should I start with Kingmaker or Wrath of the Righteous? Or it doesn't matter?

    I am a huge Pathfinder fan (check my home instance) and have played both games.

    Tl;dr, play Wrath. The plots of both games are standalone.

    I hated Kingmaker. Incredibly frustrating experience. The game is difficult, buggy, the writing is beautiful in places and baffling in others, and the kingdom management is balanced poorly. It’s easy to get yourself into a death spiral on kingdom management that takes 50 hours to play out (which then gives you an instant game over).

    However, Wrath of the Righteous is one of my favorite CRPGs. I have roughly 200 hours in it. The writing for companions is much better in this one and while the army management side game still isn’t good, it is a lot less frustrating and opaque than the kingdom management mini game. There are still some bugs… I had one game-breaking bug where I had to install a mod to teleport out of an inaccessible area after the game deleted an elevator. My only other complaint is that the ending was clearly rushed, but the campaign is about 100 hours and most of it is of excellent quality. Overall it’s very worth it. The different mythic paths have tons of interactivity in the world, so it really changes each playthrough when you make different choices.

    Also kudos to Wrath for well written evil companions and choices! You can be a psychopath that kills everyone you come across if you want (and there’s even a mythic path tailored exactly to that), but there are also more subtle choices that allow you to twist the crisis at the Worldwound to your advantage (try Lich!). It is still satisfying to be a big damn hero, too.

    HarvesterOfEyes, avatar

    Guess I made the right choice, then, as I went with Wrath :).

    I had one game-breaking bug where I had to install a mod to teleport out of an inaccessible area after the game deleted an elevator

    That’s good to know, in case it happens to me as well.

    And thanks for quick analysis of the writing. I didn’t actually ask but I was also curious about that.

    Chimaeratorian, do gaming w Good singleplayer games without any story?

    Lots of posts here, so maybe you won’t see this, but i think the ___ Simulator games are mindless task-oriented fun (if you enjoy that sort of thing). I have been playing House Flipper lately, which has basic task lists and skippable emails if you don’t care about the job’s context. Clean up trash, paint, build outdoor furniture. There’s just something satisfying about it for me, but it won’t be for everyone. I have heard good things about PowerWash and Gas Station Simulators as well.


    It’s think I would enjoy it for a while but got bored pretty fast. But maybe some type of this genre could surprise me.

    Shivs, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

    If Crusader Kings is ever combined with Mount & Blade, I'll never see daylight again.

    preppietechie, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet? avatar

    Demeo has become the unexpected game of choice for my friends and I.

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