Faceman2K23, do piracy w Whats your preferred codec? avatar

I dont use Tdarr because of its lack of more complex rules, but I do use fileflows to re-encode old videos on my server based on some rules considering its overall filesize, current format, and which library it is in. If the flow decides the file should be encoded it is converted to h265 10bit at a high bitrate, if it somehow ends up bigger than the original it does it again with a higher reduction factor.

teclo, avatar


Ahh… This looks like the sort of work flow I’ve been looking for, thanks for letting me know about it :)

bionicjoey, do piracy w Best place to get forced subtitles?

I wish this style of subs was just baked into the media. I had the same issue with the Dany parts of GoT and also with parts of BCS (Spanish and German are fantasy languages, don’t @ me)


I have bazaar setup to pull full subtitles (and strip cc from them) but I have never gotten a release without forced subs I’m pretty sure. Maybe check where your pulling releases from, I find Usenet releases are good for including subs in the file.

Yesat, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid? avatar

@anakin78z Also the DnD Grid kinda break when you put it in an actual 3D world. It work by convention on a TTRPG but the work around to do it are just not really sensible when you step away from the table. Diagonal movement, sphere, angled line,... All of that kinda gets more messy to apply if you are representing a 3D world.

anakin78z, avatar

Huh, I’m not sure I agree. It’s fairly straightforward to represent any volume as a 3D grid, and depending on how the game system does the math, it’s easy to count cells on any diagonal. I think the controls are a bit messy, but Solasta has a totally usable 3D grid for things like flying, and also shows how area effects like spheres or such affect surfaces on different levels.


I’ve been playing Solasta the past few weeks, great game with a grid system that makes real good use of 3d and height :)

NotGeorge, do piracy w Best place to get forced subtitles?

Check out Bazarr, it can automate finding subtitles.


I use that but still have issues…

Any tips for settings?


Depends on your issues, the more info you give the more others can help

NateSwift, do piracy w best way to watch f1 on demand

I’ve had good luck with overtakefans in the past, both for live broadcasts and archives. It’s been a minute since I’ve watched F1 but I remember them being really solid

Keeboy, (edited )

You got a link? I can’t find the site


EDIT: found the site using Bing (lol) but it is taking very long to load only video the site it self seems fine just video load speed

CheekyYoghurts, do piracy w Whats your preferred codec?

In this thread: people that think quality is based solely on the codec used.

nudnyekscentryk, do zapytajszmer w Chińskie telefony avatar

Jeśli mówisz o elektro-śmieciach marek krzak z francuskiego hipermarketu to nie są warte nawet tak niskich cen — lepiej kupić używane urządzenie z lepszymi parametrami w tym samym budżecie.

Natomiast jeżeli pytasz o urządzenia bardziej uznawanych marek, to powiem, że to zależy:

Jeśli jesteś poweruserem, który i tak sobie zainstaluje własny system (LineageOS itp) i interesuje go jedynie specyfikacja, jakość wykonania i cena — to takie urządzenia są bezbłędnym wyborem.

Natomiast jeśli jesteś userem, który chce telefon wyciągnąć z kartonika i go używać, to ja bym nie decydował się na takie urządzenie: wersje Androida używane przez producentów tego typu są niestabilne, pełne reklam i bloatwaru, rzadko aktualizowane i robią problemy ze wszystkim dla użytkownika z rynku europejskiego.


No tak, tylkp że przy chińskich markach jest ryzyko że oprogramowanie partyjne jest gdzieś w biosie lub nawet na procku

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

ale co by KPCh od Ciebie chciała wyszpiegować niby? bardziej bym się martwił o korpo sprzedające dane


Jeżeli brać pod uwagę podejście amerykańskich firm to szpiegowanie przychodzi pierwsze, powód drugi ;)


No ale chińskie korpo też mogą sprzedawać dane

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

no i właśnie dlatego defaultowo się instaluje czysty system


podobne ryzyko jak to że NSA poprosiło Samsung o backdoor albo samo go znalazło 🤷‍♂️

zeshi, do zapytajszmer w Chińskie telefony

Mam Siałomi i nie mam z nim większych problemów. Jeśli chodzi o prywatność to nie martwię się istotnie bardziej niż gdybym miał samsunga, Mi się nie chce bawić w customowe OS bo nie każde urządzenie jest wspierane, a ja sobię cenię dobry stosunek cena-jakość czyli raczej nie będą to flagowce.

Minusy na siałomi to bloatware, natomiast doszły mnie słuchy że zachodnie marki nie mają go istotnie mniej.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Minusy na siałomi to bloatware, natomiast doszły mnie słuchy że zachodnie marki nie mają go istotnie mniej.

z tym się zgodzić nie mogę, jedyną zachodnią marką, która dorównuje w ilości bloatwaru do xiaomi, czy innych oppo i vivo, to Samsung (tak, wliczam Koreę, tak samo Japonię, do krajów Zachodu). nawet Apple ma mniej zawalony system


a, no widzisz, dla mnie Samsung to “default zachodni telefon” :) Po Apple akurat bym się spodziewał ich bloatware i “bloatware” tylko gustowniej zrobionego. Na moim chińczyku nie jest aż tak źle, ale może jestem już na etapie akceptacji i przestałem zauważać, ew. zmieniło się na gorsze odkąd mam ten telefon.

Reocken, do piracy w Have you considered IRC?

Since RARBG shut down, I been using IRC more often for 2160p releases that are tougher to come by. Also, I never stopped using it for chatting. You won't ever catch me using that bloated Discord garbage.

garret, avatar

Could you tell a resourse for 2160p releases? Did not know IRC could be used also for such “big files”.

hottari, do piracy w Whats your preferred codec?

Can’t get enough of x265. The size to quality ratio is very good and all my hardware supports it.


I know right! I was confused when I first encountered x265 files because I thought it was too small lol.

hubobes, do piracy w Whats your preferred codec?

Never really thought about it. Just download whatever and Plex then transcodes it if necessary…


Valid 😄

Sandman89, do xbox w Giving away a Gamepass Ultimate code (for new accounts only)

Any chance this is still available? I would love to have it for my wife.


Yeah, seems like it still is!


How do I use it?


You find the missing letter, which is the last letter of the alphabet, and replace the asterisk with it. Then you go on and use it

Xianshi, do piracy w Whats your preferred codec?

I prefer x264 since all my devices can play it, though x265 is great for file sizes.


This. I actually went the opposite route to OP, replaced everything 265 to 264 to avoid playback issues. My content is played on many different devices so 265 simply won’t cut it.

danielquinn, avatar

What kind of devices won’t play x265? I’ve got some rather old hardware and it seems to work just fine on everything.


I sometimes stream from my 2014 ultrabook to my TV… never had a problem with x264, but some x265 encodings cut out/freeze/lag during scenes where a lot is happening (motionwise)


Same, laptop from '15, TV from '09. If you’re on linux what did you use to reencode, ffmpeg? Never even occurred to me I could do that lol.


I’ve been using Handbrake for a while now - albeit on Windows. It is available for Linux but I can’t guarantee it’s the exact same experience.


For me the math worked out that it was cheaper to get a nuc with quick sync than to pay for the extra storage h264 uses, it’s less than half the bitrate (usually ~2Mbit for 1080 compared to 8+), I have 23TB of content and my Intel nuc power efficiently transcodes to h264 on demand if the device needs it.

jessica, do piracy w I got some malware yesterday, here are the sites I visited as a warning

I didn’t get malware yesterday, here are the sites I visited:


I have firefox as it were


That’s interesting. Less than one minute after posting this, you said you used Brave.


indeed. I use both. I happen to have brave AND firefox on my laptop, as I’ve been making the transition to firefox the last few months. I’m entirely on firefox on my desktop, but I mainly use brave on my laptop. I used it to stream the aforementioned things on Saturday

mayo, do piracy w I got some malware yesterday, here are the sites I visited as a warning

This was a popup in browser only? Closing browser closed popup?


so the way it worked was that it would only open the popup when the browser was opened and it would open it in a separate window. I could close it out but upon restarting the browser the popup would come back up.

After this I performed a scan with windows defender, which found and quarantined two things it labeled as trojans, and then with malware bytes, which found a couple of other bits of malware that I can’t remember how it was labeled. Seems like it’s all cleaned up now

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