I wanted to say Outer Wilds too simply to have OP join us in our search for that high of another player experiencing this game for the first time. Nothing quite like seeing the game “click” when they finally get those big plot points.
I just want to have fun, no matter the length. I love Titanfall 2’s campaign and it only takes a couple hours to complete, even shorter than most shooters. People complain that it’s too short but I think that’s its strength. But a lot of AAA games I’ve played just feel stretched and bloated like Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry, where it’s just not fun at all between all the tedious things I have to do.
Onepace is a fan project that recuts the One Piece anime in an endeavor to bring it more in line with the pacing of the original manga by Eiichiro Oda. The team accomplishes this by removing filler scenes not present in the source material.
They have torrents for all their episodes. I can really recommend, because Onepace is not as stupidly drawn out as Onepiece can sometimes be.
It’s pretty likely that its the Deckard, because we know they’ve been working on that for years, even before the Steam Deck was announced. I don’t think that Valve has been working on any other hardware lately. It’ll be pretty hype if it actually is, though I kinda bought my Index last year so I’m not hyped about it being obselete.
To be fair, if you only bought it last year the headset already was outdated. Great refresh rate, ghastly resolution in comparison to the Vive/Pico/WMR headset. (It still looks fine, it’s just in comparison)
That said, it comes down to reliability and the software you want. I got the Reverb G2 because of the display resolution, but I wanted the Index Knuckles because those are unparalleled. But I’m also dealing with WMR, which is nice for somethings (openXR) and very annoying for others (actually using MixedVR, the G2 headset and Index Knuckles).
Also I’d be surprised if the next version just wasn’t compatible with the previous generation. So you may be able to just buy the deckard headset and you already have the rest. That’s what I’m hoping for, as I want a SteamVR headset with the resolution of my G2 :(
Yeah I know it was outdated, but people were saying it was gonna be 7 years till the next headset, and the Index is the best headset for getting into basestations these days still. Pimax has really bad headsets in most aspects besides fov, and HTC hasn’t released a good headset in years.
According to rumors the deckard should be compatible with basestations, so I should be able to get the headset standalone.
In my opinion the Index resolution is as good as the quest 2 though so it wasn’t that bad in comparison to other headsets when I got it.
Generally, I’m not into the “price per hour” reductionism… I’d rather a game was a short, remarkable (bonus: replayable) experience – 10-20 unless a longer game truly is that long without filler. Can’t put a price on having fun 100% of the time!
Sonic 3 and Knuckles takes like 3 hours for an average person to beat.
These days (I’m 37) its not about the time taken but whether a game just feels like work.
I know that would be different for everyone. But I pumped 140+ hours into Eldenring. Loved every battle and experience. But most other games after a few hours if it feels more like work than fun then I give up. Time is too precious and I’m already overworked.
I can see why easy mode exists now, I want a sense of fulfilment and experience but I dont want a game to create unnecessary work
I love RPGs. But I inevitably spend more time planning out my character class, organizing my inventory, keeping track of quests, etc. Then I actually spend “playing” the game.
It’s an enjoyable play style, I mean I’m choosing to do this. But, it means that every RPG game I see immediately becomes a massive time sink. I’m too employed to ever really enjoy an RPG. :(
Ugh this is me with D:OS2 right now. I’m still in Act 1 but I spend more time looking up class builds and reading guides online than actually playing the damn game. I’m probably only going to ever have time to play it once so it gives me major FOMO not being 100% happy with my choices before progressing further :/
Similar for me. I get maybe 2 hours on a good day that I can actually play games. I’m not wasting that grinding levels or hunting down 200 feathers. I also don’t like games that spoonfeed advancement way to slowly in the beginning, I don’t want to spend 15 hours in a game just to get to the point where the combat system is actually fleshed out fully.
Mmm i dont think its at all a static number. What matters is trimming it down to whats important. If you can keep bringing in new game mechanics, or exploring existing ones in new and interesting contexts, or keeping me engrossed in the story, it can go as long as it wants. Like, Chrono Trigger is considered a pretty short jrpg, because its very condensed for how broad of a scope it has, but boy is it a great game. Mario Odyssey got some criticism for how many moons are in the game, but i loved getting each and every one.
Basically Activation and Blizzard with their sexual misconduct, harassment, and otherwise. Their CEO defending it. The allegations of toxic work environments, etc. It’s just not a company I support, despite the fact that I was a huge fan of their games. There’s a lot more information out there, but I don’t feel like going through it all. I’ll remove my post if you want.
Maybe I’m just being salty? I don’t think so though.
Edit: Sorry Chris, if I am out of line or didn’t provide enough info in my original post.
I hear you and understand where you are coming from. If I were to dig down into every single product, that I use in my day-to-day existence, then I’d probably find dirt everywhere. I’m not sure what I’d do at that point. Throw the baby out with the bathwater? It’s a tough position to be in.
No doubt. I agree. I try to stay out of things for that reason, but this was big news for a couple years and is still going on. As a gamer, it was unavoidable. The number of reports coming out of that company is concerning. But I do try to separate art from the artist when I can.
Opus Magnum. It’s an optimization puzzle game. You have to assemble mechanical arms and other bits (that grab, swing, rotate, push, and pull) into contraptions that assemble resources that look like molecular diagrams. Optimization puzzles aren’t unique but I felt like the pieces you build the contraptions out of in this game are pretty unique, the game is on a hex grid so rotation can play a big roll. Another interesting thing the game does is that to beat a level you simply have to accomplish a proper assembly, which in itself isn’t that hard, but the game grades you on three different metrics (speed, size, cost) and gives you no overall score to tell you how much you should value each metric. In this way it is up to your preferences what you want to optimize for if anything. I had fun trying to minmax every stat separately on every level before building my “compromise” machine was not supposed to make big sacrifices in any field.
A lot of people have mentioned it but I definitely recommend Obra Dinn, haven’t played a mystery game as unique and enthralling.
I don’t think I could pin down a universal number. I really enjoy when a game understands the staying power of its gameplay loop and finishes up before it gets stale.
I’ve got 180 hours into TotK and I’m not sick of it yet because I discover something new every time I play.
Conversely I 100%-ed Dredge in 20 hours and that felt like the exact right amount of time. Any longer and I’d have been sick of it.
Or we can go even lower with something like Untitled Goose Game, which was under 10 hours and also finished up just as it got old.
So yeah. I’m all about the self awareness of a game with regards to the experience. Whatever amount of time that takes is cool with me.
I get what you are saying. I think it also depends on how the game is divided up. If it’s just one continuous romp with autosave points it can feel like it’s dragging on but if there’s clearcut levels and checkpoints I feel like it helps divide up a game into digestible chunks.
I feel like that’s not really present with a lot of open world or sandbox games