[Rock] They Crunch Skulls of Little Kids od Remusuki (songwhip.com)
The Game Awards has announced its nominees for 2023, as selected by a global jury of more than 100 media publications and influencer outlets.
Depenalizacja aborcji oraz aborcja do 12. tygodnia ciąży. To ustawy, które w pierwszym dniu nowego Sejmu, składa klub Nowej Lewicy
We got a first look at the Pax Dei alpha focusing on the PvE and more peaceful aspects of the game ahead the test.
Today, additional performance improvements for components are in progress, which I aim to implement before enabling the API to ensure Piotr has a bit of a more peaceful sleep ;-). In the coming days, there will be quite a few of these adjustments, and I will pause updates to instances for a few days to thoroughly test the...
Pegasus Game Boy istniał naprawdę. I można go było kupić w Polsce. Ale jest konsolą tak rzadką, że prawdopodobnie... mało kto z Was w ogóle o nim słyszał! W tym materiale zbieramy strzępki informacji na temat tego legendarnego urządzenia.
While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.
Znacznie zmalały wpływy, jakie Nasza Przyszłość uzyskuje z 1,5 proc. podatku. – To skutek zmian autorstwa PiS – słyszymy w fundacji....
Kod źródłowy: https://github.com/librespeed/speedtest
Today's short devlog, I'm preparing to enable the API on kbin.social - I want to improve a few performance-related elements before that. I'm also launching test environments, which takes a considerable amount of time. From visible changes, I moved the turbo mode to the sidebar, making it accessible even when logged in. This...