
Just another reddit refugee

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If it was money thing, couldn’t he just say “I needed as much coin as I could scrape up to get Sora from Disney” like he basically said with the last wave of DLC characters?

Maybe it’s my nostalgia glasses, but this is something I actually believe coming from Sakurai. The man almost hates useless ads as much as Lemmy users.


Japanese companies and doing everything via fax machines.


Wish granted: You’ll get it on Disney+


Nintendo first party IP alone can carry them through, not to mention the national pride Japan has towards their success. Western Sales are nice, but I don’t think they put as much attention into them.


Emulator on Steamdeck is unironically the best way to play Switch games. I say this as the owner of multiple Switches.


Facts sister/brother, spit your shit indeed!

Everyone knows the best games ever made belong to the King’s Quest series by Sierra.



Man, I must have picked up BotW at the exact right time, because I started playing it when Covid lockdowns started and the whole “solo in the face of a world altering event” aspect really got to me.

I don’t know if I would have enjoyed it before or after, even though I know many people did.

Twilight Princess slaps tho, and I’ll fight anyone that disrespects it.


It’s Atlus. They have a… special approach to game development.

Can’t wait for a Persona 3 ReMix: Kotone/FemC Edition, complete with upgraded and extended Ken romance route 💀

(jk Atlus doesn’t care about FemC)

sigmaklimgrindset, (edited )

Sorry homie :,)

But have fun! Kotone/FemC is great, I played her as my new game+ when I first played P3P, and it honestly made NG+ less of a chore because of how different her personality is compared to Makoto/MC. And her social links are great too (except…you know…)

The “dual protag” experience of Persona 2 and 3 is honestly so underappreciated imo. But Altus won’t do it anymore. I’m not bitter about this at all :clown emoji:


Yes the Ken romance is optional, you can max it without romancing him. But I think most of the playebase is usually disturbed at the fact that dating the 10 year old orphan is an option at all. I’ve spoke with a few Japanese fans about it, and while they’re more mild about the criticism, apparently it was still a bit “wtf” to some of them too.

But in the later games YOU get to be the adolescent dating an adult, so…uh…yay? I joke to my friends that Kenji from Persona 3 directed Persona 4 and 5.


Listen, Makoto didn’t know who he was playing his little video game with ok?? He’s just really, really dumb! Plausible deniability!


Or it’s a layoff without actually doing the layoff process because they don’t want to pay severance, and it would look bad in the headlines when they just announced GTA6.


Me playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as a huge fan of the OG.


You know how the original was on four discs? You’ll get the same experience, but spread out over 15 years, and you have to pay for each disc individually.

God, I hate this shit, but I’m such a loser when it comes to FF7 I spend money like a fucking gambling addict.


Also it’s not a “remake” in the traditional sense, the first game in this series was just called that.

Yes, I know, I was just being snarky without spoilers. The whole “remake but not” thing is kind of a big deal meta plot point the fanbase is still arguing about.

Also, we both know that SqEnix is going to release an ultimate bundle of the games when the final part releases. They’re already giving digital copies of Remake+Integrade to people for free if they pre-ordered Rebirth, which was kind of a bitter pill for the fans who paid for Remake at PS5 game prices.


I like Rebirth so far too, and the combat feels much smoother for me than Remake. Red XIII is so fun, and the character writing for our party (especially Tifa imo) is so good and exactly what I wanted from an expansion of the original’s story.

My major hate part I can’t really talk about without getting into plot spoiler territory, so I won’t. But I also don’t like the open map atm. It feels very…Ubisoft-y; busywork or empty. I know I can skip them if I want to, but I’m a completionist that doesn’t want to miss any story/lore, and the side missions are really dragging for me. It was the same with FFXVI, and I don’t know if I like this approach SqEnix seems to be gearing towards. I wonder if the new Kingdom Hearts is going to be the same way.


Persona 2 duology is better written than any other Persona game, and I think one of three games I’ve cried finishing. That’s not a “tough guy” flex, that’s just a comment on how shallow most video game writing is.

Also you can be gay and fight Hitler. Tatsuya sweep.


Well it’s the most hoped for remake in Japan after Persona 3…so here’s hoping a P2 rebuild is on top of Atlus’ list now.

I love the game too, but I even hesitate to recommend it to diehards of the genre because the gameplay is so dated. I usually say to watch a YT plot only video if anyone is ever interested.


What’s worse is that it seems like Evil Empire is going to get cut off of the revenue from Dead Cells because Motion Twins owns the IP. EE has been working on the game since after the first DLC expansion (1.5 or 6 I can’t remember), and the majority of the content and expansions are done by them at this point, not Motion Twin.

I am interested to see what Evil Empire has in store, as they announced they are working with two long dormant IP, and they did just work with Konami on the Castlevania expansion of Dead Cells…


Early spoilers for P3/Reload, but yeah this is actually how you use your powers in P3. Skip to 1:24 if the time stamp doesn’t work.

Trigger warning for anime teen shooting himself in the head, there is no blood or bits.

Anyways, I really like P3, I hope Persona 2 duology gets a remake like this (it won’t).


I mean this game is set in and made by people in Japan, gun culture is very different there. “Impressionable youths” wouldn’t even have access to a gun.

Also, the visual of teens shooting themselves in the head is very much a thematic point, as Japan’s teen suicide rate is very much a systemic issue they were (and are still) grappling with when the story was written.

sigmaklimgrindset, (edited )

I didn’t see it in the article, but when was the tournament supposed to be held? If it was during one of the Valorant majors or something, maybe that’s why?

I don’t follow Val very closely (love Boaster tho), but I thought it had a pretty active circuit.

Edit: Per the link you’re replying to, the tournament is scheduled for March 15-17. Valorant Masters Madrid is that week. That’s probably why.


Not dumb at all. The naming convention is whack.

This is indeed the next instalment of the remake, the sequel to Final Fantasy VII: Remake + Intergrade (the Yuffie DLC)


The order is actually First Part > DLC > Second part, but yes! And if you fancy getting the full experience they also re-released Crisis Core FF7 (the prequel with Zack and Sephiroth) on PS5 as well well.

SqEnix isn’t milking this at all 🤡


You will now be able to access certain quest-related items on the spot, even if they are currently in the camp chest or in the inventory of a companion who is waiting at camp.

Finally, I can send the clown to camp. That shit is so heavy.


Ok no joke, I discovered Dead Cells, one of my favourite rougelike games currently, through Netflix. I was browsing through Netflix mobile, saw that they had a gaming section, and that was one of the first suggested games.

I now own 3 copies of Dead Cells+DLCs (one for every platform I game on). However, I don’t have a Netflix subscription anymore, lol.


Every other game Riot releases outside of League is better than League.

Mageseeker is my top choice by them this year.


Didn’t they announce that they weren’t going to do anymore updates besides bug changes like…last week? Am I hallucinating that?


FFXVI’s soundtrack is pretty great tho, especially the tracks for the Eikon fights. NGL I would have honestly gone insane playing that game if not for the soundtrack and (less so) the combat. The story makes no fucking sense.

I’m more salty that people are saying AW2 didn’t deserve Best Game Direction, because I think it absolutely did. Alan Wake’s plot and the vision they went for would have been absolute nonsense in the hands of any other studio.


Yes, Cyberpunk, sorry I didn’t clarify. And I agree with the 2024 take too.

As someone who is industry adjacent and has worked with people who work on games that are actively updated and improved for years…idk the Cyberpunk win doesn’t sit right with me. I have all the sympathy for the devs at CDPR and what they went through during the initial launch of the game, but this win just shows upper management at dev companies that they can get rewarded for releasing unfinished projects and finishing them later.

It’s also funny that they won against FFXIV, an actual good example of a game that was nuked to the ground and rebuilt with continuous support because of it’s initial failure.


Lol, thanks! r/gaming did not like my take 😂


Yeah, and it all started from a lawsuit between SK Telecom and Netflix because in 2020 people watching Squid Games in Korea used an unprecedented amount of bandwidth. Reuters article

Most telecom providers make deals with the big platforms regarding payment, but I guess S. Korea really wants Afreeca to be the only player in the streaming space. It could also be chaebol shenanigans.


This’ll probably happen, anyone wanting to watch or stream on Twitch will probably just go through the Japanese servers. But Twitch isn’t that popular in Korea anyways, most of the Korea-based streamers on the platform have large foreign audiences.


Is this the…um…incest game? Is that why they’re being harassed? Or is it something else I’m ootl on?


Genuinely thank you for clarifying and yeah, I realize I’m kind of being part of the problem here, but that is literally all I know about the game because of the internet mob.

Every time I tried to ask anything about it on Reddit or Twitter I would get shouted down because of the “problematic content”, and that is all the topic would devolve into. The creator doesn’t deserve to be bullied or doxxed over it, even if the entire story WAS about incest. That really sucks.


FR, Alan Wake 2 is good, and I think it genuinely has some of the most enjoyable writing in a video game since Disco Elysium. The mix of live actors with in-engine graphics is very cool too, Remedy did great!

But people will complain about it “only” running on 4090s (I’m playing it on a 2080Ti with DLSS and RT and I am 2/3rds of the way through without any problems) or the pulpy writing (which is by design). Let’s not even get into the “woke” arguments.


This is very true, the original Alan Wake is already a niche game due to it being in the horror genre (while RE is more action oriented), while Max Payne from the same devs is beloved. I bet a lot of gamers forgot about it before the AW2 announcement trailer.

Definitely shows how the public’s attitude toward horror is changing, imo

Maybe this’ll get Konami off their asses regarding Silent Hill, but who are we kidding.

(Also, sorry for my other reply to you earlier. I realized it was kind of snarky and deleted it. If you didn’t see it, then nvm it never happened ._.)


The zoomers LOVE Spider-Man tho, I think that could also be a contender

sigmaklimgrindset, (edited )

I think this is the first year ever that I have bought, played, and genuinely enjoyed every single GotY nominee. Usually there is at least one or two games I don’t have any interest in.

Edited to add: Also, people may have gripes about RE4 Remake being on the list, but as someone who wasn’t even toilet trained when the original came out, I was so thrilled at playing the remake and getting to experience why people have called it a masterpiece for almost 20 years. I tried to play the Gamecube original but the combat felt so dated that I couldn’t get into it. This was a remake done right, imo.


Oh yes, Seperate Ways is great! And I agree with you about the soundtrack, I actually played the Remake with the original soundtrack enabled lol.

But I think I had different expectations of Re4 than most people did. When I played the original I went in to it hearing about how revolutionary the combat system was, and that was what I was focused on the most when I played it. I didn’t care about the atmosphere, or story, or how hot Leon Kennedy is (mostly).

And…it just didn’t click for me. I grew up with modern games and have a hard time going back to older titles because game mechanics have come so far. That doesn’t mean it’s a bad game, it means that I didn’t “get it”.

Then I played the Remake, and the combat is so smooth compared to a lot of shooters on the market that I finally understand what Re4 was to the market at the time, and why the original is so beloved. It made me want to go back and play the Gamecube version with a reframed perspective, and THAT is why Re4 Remake is a successful remake for me compared to like…Final Fantasy 7.

Sorry for the essay, and I hope that makes a bit of sense. I know my perspective is nowhere near the prevalent one, but I can’t help what I like haha.


Fair! I had the same experience as you (down to having a faulty disc 💀). My friend circle loves Spider-Man 2, though admittedly they are more casual gamers than the people on Lemmy probably. That is definitely biasing my outlook.

Additionally, Spider-Man 2 had the same problem as TotK for me, which is similar gameplay mechanics without fixing the flaws or significant additions/changes from the first game (though ultrahand in TotK is pretty cool…)

GotY for me personally is probably between BG3 or Alan Wake 2 from the list.


But to use a remake as a smokescreen to reimagine the original and in some strange convoluted way make it a sequel as well is so much more up my alley. In the end if you love the original it’s still there.

This is a very good point, and I know a very divisive topic in the FF7 community! Thinking on it a bit, I actually do agree with you regarding the concept of the remake, and turning a turn-based RPG into an ARPG is also a pretty interesting!

But like…the gameplay/controls for FF7 feel…not great, and a lot of dialogue/cut scene movement feel so cheesy, lol. I know the original had cheesy moments, but they weren’t fully cinematic cutscenes, so they had a less of a jarring impact on me.

I had also played DMC5 directly before it, and the combat in that game is so fluid, and the cheese worked for me! So from my perspective at the time, SqEnix had turned a great tbRPG into a kind of mid-ARPG with amazing graphics and soundtrack (seriously, everyone looks AMAZING, and the rerecorded tracks from the original game BANG). But that’s it.

Your comment made consider that maybe I should go back and give 7R another try, especially with Rebirth coming out soon. Thanks for the discussion!


Hell, Nintendo has this on their Switch online emulator. Are they going to have to remove that from NSO because Sony patented it?


They did, but that isn’t really relevant to the discussion. The Wii Virtual Console is discontinued and technically doesn’t have live support from Nintendo like the Switch and NSO currently. If Sony somehow did get a patent for save states in games, I don’t think it would retroactively apply to the Wii.


I’m playing on my 2080 TI, it’s playable and enjoyable. Just doesn’t look as nice as it clearly has the potential to look.

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