Activision is a lefty company with a lefty culture. Dear fucking lord, that has to be one of the worst takes I’ve read on lemmy. What’s next, Mark Zuckerberg is a deep cover lefty librul?
I started Elex but probably stopped around the 3 horu mark, went to play something else. The character you control is a fucking unlikable asshole during those initial hours.
Battlestar Galactica boardgame. It’s mostly cooperative, with the chance of having one or two players being traitors, but even without them, it’s very unlikely the humans win in the end. It’s expensive and needs a lot of table space to play, tho.
Captain Sonar can be an interesting choice, since it can be played turn-by-turn or in real time, with two teams of 1-4 each. If you working with your team doesn’t create a sense of connection, I don’t know what will.
2 has very interesting character development and interaction, but I agree that the final boss is a fucking joke, both as a fight and as something within the lore. Those collector praetors were much harder for me to deal with, the fuckers would easily kill off my team and fully restore barrier as soon as I started hitting its actual health
My friends actually took good care of borrowed CDs. My older brother, on the other hand… One time I handed him down a PSOne (back in 2006 i think, he was never big in videogames, but he played once in a while) - the dense fucker kept a thesaurus on top because he couldn’t figure how to close the lid (there was a small, bumpy part next to the open button, you had to press the lid there so it’d click close). That almost fucked the actual clicky thing
They move in realtime, but they finish a meal in 10 seconds. Bathroom breaks and baths also take ~10 seconds. Not to mention that clothes changing is a single spinning jump. Wish it was that easy in real life
Yeah, there were also some areas where you’d pretty much get fucked because you’d hear the digimon footsteps and, as soon as the screen faded back in, SURPRISE BATTLE. Your mon having to fight up to 3 enemies made things even harder
Battling against wild Digimon is a waste of time in the original game
And required for certain evolutions. Not fun times heh
Made a few mistakes on the way, and now you’re stuck with a Numemon, Sukamon, or another Digimon you don’t like? Just buy a Reset Radish to revert to an egg and try again (younger me would’ve loved that item).
Back in my PSX days, I would “save up” the poop so that my 'mon would evolve straight from a baby into Sukamon on the first missed potty. Since that evolution halved all stats, and a baby’s stats were super low, it was easily a net positive as training a champion had much larger gains than a baby.
providing a fix to the “bonus try” in the gym
So now it’s possible to actually hit all marks? Because I couldn’t get it with fucking save states.