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I mean...of course they have a roadmap. They had a roadmap well before the first unit. Their work and investment in Proton wasn't just for desktop Linux users.


Having a standardised hardware always meant you don’t have the heart ache of a game not performing well.

Tell that to Switch owners

ROCKSMITH 2014 LEAVING STORES - Ubisoft (www.ubisoft.com) angielski

You may want to know that Ubisoft’s Rocksmith® 2014 Edition will be de-listed from Steam after October 23rd, 2023 which is one week from this post date. This is a game that makes learning to play the guitar like Guitar Hero/Rockband, which can score you or let you slowly practice a part with scrolling fret indicators....


You do know how exploitative the record labels can be, right? Those license fees will not be small. This is part of the reason games like Guitar Hero stopped being made.


Oh no, they're interested in making money. The problem is the record labels have formed an oligopoly on a massive part of our culture, so there's nowhere else to go.


You can use the same cables. The Rocksmith cable is simply a standard guitar to USB, it isn't doing anything Linux doesn't know how to handle.


True, but a lot of people never listen to the fact that they fucked up and they should do something about it. That fact alone deserves some kudos.


but the later Minecraft games that were made after the Microsoft takeover have, for the most part, only come out for Microsoft platforms.

Today I've learned that the Nintendo Switch and PS4/5 are Microsoft platforms. Pretty much every console Minecraft game has made its way onto these systems.

Minecraft Dungeons, for instance, never came out on GNU or macOS.

Works just fine on Linux using Proton (they could totally prevent that if they wanted to) and Apple is pretty hostile to macOS gaming anyway.


Bethesda's C level doesn't threaten to seriously damage Microsoft's image. ActiBlizz's C level tolerated and encouraged sexual assault.


I would say willfully and deliberately turning a blind eye and making sure there are no negative consequences, letting him get what he wants from it is encouragement


Nah, it's an acquisition, not a merger


Right now they aren't. You do know how bad they became with their last monopoly, right?


On a console, for an offline game, sure.

I don't trust my details aren't being sent to the CCP any other way.


If it's on a console, sure.

What are they gonna sell, my play time habits?


You do realise the CCP data monitoring systems are known to be completely indiscriminate, right? They try to monitor everyone they can, as much as they can


That's why I'm fine with it on consoles. That and I don't live in China, so I don't have a social credit file that I care about being affected.

PC games though? Whole 'nother story. People often use their gaming PCs for more serious stuff too, plus it isn't nearly as big an opportunity cost to later ship a PC update granting remote code execution.


What do you expect me to be able to do about PRISM, exactly? American made software and services aren't exactly avoidable like their Chinese equivalents are.

520, (edited )

You got a FICO score here, don’t you?

Are you fucking serious? Do you know how the FICO system actually works? I mean clearly you don't because you compared it to the Chinese social credit system.

To get a good FICO score simply requires 1) paying for things with a credit card and 2) paying off that credit card asap. That's it. The consequence of a bad FICO score means you cannot get decent loans because you've already proven yourself to be a risk.

The Chines social credit system is a WHOLE different scenario. Basically EVERYTHING you do can affect it. If what you do conforms to the CCPs dictates, it goes up. If you go against the CCP, it goes down. Buying too many video games can decrease your score, for instance. And the penalties are much harsher too. Low social credit scores means you get barred from high end jobs and your kids can't go to good schools. Your ability to travel is limited, no-fly-list style. They can even straight up take your pets away over a low score.

So how the fuck does that sound anything close to FICO?


I mean, the new Spiderman games were made by a Sony studio and funded by Sony, so I can definitely see why those are exclusive.

520, (edited )

Spiderman is a licensed property. Marvel sold time-limited video game licenses. The Activision games were never exclusive to any console because Activision had no particular stake in any one console. Then a video game license, a non-exclusive one, mind you (which means that other people can get the license and make games) was granted to Sony, who obviously does.

Thus, for the same reason 007 Goldeneye never came to playstation, Insomniac's Spiderman games aren't coming to Nintendo or Xbox.

520, (edited )

I'm sorry, a mainline entry to one of the most important multiplayer games in gaming history isn't a 'real game'?


Why does nobody question the price tag in general? 60 USD for a remake, sounds outrageous, no matter what platform.

Would you expect a discount on a Disney live action remake because it was based on one of their older films?


Depends. Do you have a Blu-ray player?


It's a remake, sure, but it's a fucking good remake. Whether or not you played or have the original, this is worth picking up.


While we're at it, let's remember that this version allows for portable play that can also be plugged into a TV with nothing more than a cable and Bluetooth controller. Or if you really want to play on a PC setup and have a Mac (hint: if you're in the market for an iPhone 15 Pro, it's likely that you do) you can switch to that at no extra cost.

You may not pay an extra $30 for that, but plenty of people would consider that reasonable.


That was as expensive as it was back then because the game released on what is effectively a PCB. Which was expensive to make.

520, (edited )

Are you talking about RE4? Because they were actually talking about an Apple port (iPhone, iPad and Mac, with people being able to play on all platforms with one purchase) of the recent remake, which is a 2023 game that only really borrows the story and some layouts from the 2005 game.

520, (edited )

The expense was probably quite considerable. Not only do you have to have the game ROM on a chip, you would also need Nintendo's lockout chip too. If your game had a battery save system (DKC did) you would also need to buy a RAM chip and watch battery too. That's ignoring any enhancement chips as DKC didn't use any (but many other late generation games did).

And all that before you get to the fact that the only who could officially make these boards was Nintendo. Meaning there isn't exactly much competition driving prices down. Sure, Nintendo couldn't quite take the piss the way they could in the NES days, as Sega was all too eager to try and attract new games for its console, but unless you wanted to completely remake your game, you're dealing with the big N's bullshit.

The boards could probably have been made much cheaper today than in the 90s, as ROM memory was expensive AF, even the couple-of-MB ones used in the consoles of the day.

There's a reason PS1 and Saturn games were massively cheaper to buy than N64 games.


As an avid gamer myself.


The people who make our games deserve to be recognised, deserve fair treatment and deserve a life away from the keyboard.



I still say go for it! These people get a raw fucking deal compared to equivalent performers for CGI films.


They're targeting known hardware. They can optimise right down to the specific card in use. They don't need to consider hardware that doesn't support these optimisations.


One of those companies is partly owned and heavily influenced by a publicly traded Chinese company.


No I am referring to Tencent Holdings Limited



Nah, that game is over 20 years old. Patents expire after 20 years.


And Oblivion was a big fucking game, and it takes a lot of work to get it into Skyrim's engine and modifying it so that it looks like it fits.


And even then, did not release in a completed state until later (some of the alien world levels were missing)

520, (edited )

I get that, but the Oblivion and Skyrim engines are not compatible with one another. Meaning that every single little event in Oblivion has to be manually reimplemented in Skyrim's engine.

When you're talking about a game the size of Oblivion, that's a big fucking task. And they're relying on volunteers to get this done.


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, it was everything a faithful remake should be!


Don't apologise, this is great insight. Thank you for your comment.


Switch games never at any point looked current gen. They could support some games with current gen mechanics, in a handheld form factor.

What are you talking about? One of the first games they brought out on the system was Doom 2016, a VERY good looking game at the time. The fact that a handheld could run it was mind-blowing, even at half the framerate.


Random game suggestion: Luigi's Mansion 3 is a great coop game that I'm sure you and your daughter would love


All that applies to Nintendo titles, especially the latter. If they don't manage it for the titles they already have for which they already did the technical work, Nintendo on PC seems even more unlikely.

True, but Nintendo's consoles already had working FOSS emulators out there they can study. We're still working on the 'working' part when it comes to Xbox OG emulation

520, (edited )

It could on hardware that they don't legally allow me to run it on! And that they don't let me do so is bad.

If Nintendo games weren't trying to sell you on a console, do you really think they'd be trying so hard?

I'm old enough to remember the Dreamcast era Sega and their output after that. Sega's software teams went fucking hard trying to create awesome new experiences that you could only get on Sega's console. Their output quality dropped considerably and they played it boringly safe after they dropped out of the console market.


Kind of. A big part of Sega's situation is that they shot their reputation in the ass with a 12 gauge in the mid 90s. They were pumping out platforms left, right and center only to discontinue them within a year or two (Sega CD, 32X, Saturn).

Nintendo have been very careful not to make the same mistakes, but even then a lot of people initially had little faith in the Switch because of the WiiU. Even Gamefreak didn't want to release Pokémon games for Switch initially.

As for other companies, their goal is to make titles that sell well on the platforms it releases on. They can afford to rely almost completely on what has come before, all they need to do is do it well.

The goal of a first party game is to sell itself and the platform. So they need to be doing things that other games aren't, in order to sell the idea of 'you can only get this experience with platform X'.

520, (edited )

Phil Spencer of Microsoft thinks this idea doesn't make sense because they haven't been doing it well in years. The big innovation with Halo Infinite is live services and an open world. Their exclusives aren't doing anything other games aren't.

Sony is a bit better and covers a few more genres, and if you're into heavily-cinematic games, Playstation is your no-brainer choice, they've got you covered in all sorts of genres. And they've got the Spiderman games.

Nintendo, meanwhile practically owns the kart racing genre. There is literally no other AAA effort that isn't cash in crap or loaded up with so much MTX crap that even Fortnite would blush.

Mario Oddesey might have a bit more competition nowadays but in 2017, your only options were Oddesey, a (very good) indie game, and a neutered reboot of Ratchet and Clank.

Breath of the Wild came at a time when most open world games were very rigid when it came to how players dealt with tasks and enemies. BoTW gave players a lot more options thank simply going in quiet or loud, and ToTK took it much further. They practically changed how other companies look at open world games.

Nintendo puts AAA efforts into entire game genres that most other companies ignore entirely, even if the audiences do not. This is how they've maintained crazy Switch sales.


Sony's games are on PC now

Years after their playstation debut. Because they know that people who want to play AAA games on a PC do so for reasons the PlayStation platform just doesn't cater to, thus they aren't exactly competing. That and porting costs are reasonably minimal, so it's money on the table.

Games that those platforms use to sell their platforms also come out on PC because they just cost too much to make, and there are too few of them because of how long they take to make now.

Do you really think the PC market is that big that it'll plug a shortfall like that?

Xbox initially only did it because both platforms were controlled and toll-collected by Microsoft (I'm talking specifically about Windows Store, they only put their stuff on Steam much later).

Final Fantasy restricted itself to PS5 and underperformed.

That's not what Square's been saying.

Nintendo generally spends less, but they're still running into the same problem with development time, and that means their exclusive offerings will dwindle as they have to ramp up fidelity on more powerful hardware.

The switch has about 98 first party games, and isn't exactly slowing down. That's not counting third party exclusives, either.

Nintendo generally gets around this by having certain third parties develop its first party games. It also acquires some of these studios to develop these titles. Smash was a Bandai Namco game. Mario + Rabbids is a Ubisoft game. Hyrule and Fire Emblem warriors were made by Team Ninja and Omega Force.

Nintendo also has one more reason not to port: there is much less customer mutual exclusivity between switch and other platforms as there is between Xbox, PS and gaming PC. That is, a person who has one of the three is unlikely to have one of the other two, but may have a Switch for portable gaming.


Hmmm. I did some research on a few games and you are surprisingly correct. However, I did notice something else too.

Nintendo doesn't need extra sales numbers from PC. Their games sell record breaking amounts while being exclusive. Of the top 50 best selling games of all time, 7 are Nintendo games that are either Switch exclusives or WiiU ports, where they did much better on the Switch. Sony, in total, has 1, and Microsoft, in total, also has 1 (2 if you count Minecraft, as they bought Mojang during the latter's heyday). Half of that list is Nintendo.

520, (edited )

Those Wii U ports had the benefit of being ports, which is a situation that will never happen again.

True, but they still had to develop these games initially for WiiU, only for them to bomb there. And the WiiU was an eighth gen console.

Since basically no one played the Wii U, it was more like a machine gun fire of games for the Switch that already had the hardest part done.

If the rumours of backwards compatibility are to be believed, the Switch 2 could just straight up sell Switch games with Switch 2 enhancement patches. Something very similar was shown to developers with BoTW running at 60fps at 4k on Switch 2, and such a patch is known to exist for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

It won't have the same newness factor of the WiiU ports, but it will allow Nintendo's evergreen titles to keep that status until the Switch 2 iteration.

Also, unlike any time in history except for the lifespan of the PSP, there are real alternative options for handheld gaming now as we head into this new Switch successor,

You mean the Steam Deck and clones? I don't mean to burst your bubble, but the least janky of these units has you scouring ProtonDB to check a games compatibility with the unit, and community notes on what to enter into the advanced run commands section or on rare occasions, even what Linux commands to run.

And that's the least janky option. The Steam Deck clones are worse, as at least the SD had the good grace to use an operating system designed for that specific hardware and form factor. Yeah. Switch 2 is pretty safe.

but it will have an impact on the buyer who just wants to play Hades or Doom in bed or on a road trip and now has that many fewer reasons to buy Nintendo's console over a more open platform.

You honestly think they're going to put up with any kind of SD/clone jank?

520, (edited )

I've sat just about the most technically unsavvy people I know in front of a Steam Deck and told them to stick to verified games,

That's the problem. You have to tell people to stick to a currently small selection of possible games on the system to ensure a console-like experience. Or, you can just pick up a Switch 2 and not have to worry about any of that shit.

I'm a Linux gamer, so I know how powerful and impressive Proton is. But a console like experience, it is not. Many of my Steam games need advanced commands just to run acceptably.

Steam Decks hit their real potential in the hands of someone who is not afraid to fuck around.

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