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I mean personally I think it's closer to those point and click adventure games, just shrunk down to be appropriate for a handheld of the day


Not really. It was initially called the Quinnspiracy, after Zoe Quinn, author of Depression Quest, an e-choose-your-own-adventure-book that got some coverage in videogame journals.

Shit blew up when her ex made massive accusations about sleeping with the journalists in question. Then some actor coined the term Gamergate, and their targets expanded to then-journalist Anita Sarkeesian (I think she works more as a DEI advisor now) and indie game developer Brianna Wu.

Make no mistake, the games journalism industry was not spotless, far from it. But the rampant misogyny in Gamergate cannot be ignored.


Here's the thing though, KIA was only created after the banwaves and mass-deletions that happened across all social media (even 4chan). KiA was created long after everything started kicking off.


I don't see why we can't take a look at it now. No one cares about GG anymore, and IGN has practically become the punching bag of the industry for their... interesting choices

Since no upvotes are possible, the 'Hot' and 'New' pages of Kbin should show the same content. That's kinda awesome (kbin.social) angielski

Browsing by new was great in the early days of the first Kbin expansion, right after the reddit migration. I got to see all sorts of posts from interesting communities. Things you wouldn't normally see browsing under 'Hot'. Eventually, as thread numbers increase, I found myself using 'Hot' almost exclusively because it delivered...


What are you talking about? Upvotes are plenty possible on kbin.


What are you talking about? Upvotes are plenty possible on kbin.


I call them id-style shooters myself, but there is a bit of word play I like in the term 'boomer shooter'. On top of referencing the age of the audience when they first arrived (albeit incorrectly), it is also a reference to the fact that the optimal strategy for these games is simply to blow things the fuck up. There is very little tactical play beyond what weapons to use for a given situation, and these games really love their explosive barrels and rocket launchers.


Totk can barely run on the Switch. It is pretty much up against the limits of what can be done on that hardware.


AAA simply means a huge ass budget. Most AAA games stick to tried and true formulas because they are less risky


Deus Ex

True about Deus Ex. But then the original was very much an early 2000s PC shooter (which do not work on consoles) and Invisible War was a disappointment.

Mortal Kombat

The first reboot didn't change the gameplay all that much. It was more of a story-necessity to do a reboot: Armageddon ended with all the fighters dead. Ditto with MK11 but MK1 did change up the gameplay a bit more.


Mario? Mario as a franchise never really has been rebooted. Certain genres of Mario have though, like New Super Mario Brothers on DS.


Oh boy...are you talking about 06 or Boom? Actually it doesn't matter... Both are examples of how not to reboot a franchise.

Tomb Raider

The tomb raider reboots (both of them) do kinda make sense as all three eras are completely different gameplay styles.

Can't comment on NFS, never really paid attention to the franchise.


Zelda is the better game. Problem is (sales wise) the Zelda franchise isn't nearly as popular outside of gaming circles, and access to this game is locked to those that own a Switch, whereas HL is on all platforms

520, (edited )

Mario + Rabbids

There's a bit of a tonal difference between an unrealistic, brightly coloured cartoony hand cannon not unlike mega man and an AK47. Just saying.

And let’s not pretend that Pokemon isn’t a glorification of actual fighting to solve things and go up the ladder…

The thing is, Nintendo puts a hell of a lot of effort into pretending exactly this. Not to mention the similarities to IRL various animal fighting tournaments that are absolutely fucking barbaric.

edit: changed comparison slightly. The Rabbids guns are even more cartoony than I remembered.


Machine Games are pretty well known for their first person shooters (they made the modern Wolfenstein games), so it is kinda reassuring they're sticking to first person, even if they're clearly not going for a Wolfenstein feel.


It wasn't stuck on Apple Arcade. There was an Android release well before.


They tried this and found it didn't work.


And the Wii wiped the floor with both PS3 and 360


I mean, no shit.

These days we are expected to be subscribed to tons of shit, including stuff that simply doesn't justify subscriptions. We know it's not a benefit to us, but to the companies that dish them out.


This too! So many genuinely good games at genuinely good prices. This is true even on Switch, where Nintendo is known to put AAA efforts into genres otherwise filled entirely with indie games (not to mention the Nintendo tax)


Jesus fucking Christ, why not charge a subscription for notepad.exe while you're at it.

The worst I've personally seen was a subscription for an Android launcher. No actual cloud services attached and no way to pay outright. They wanted for a subscription for an app that launches other apps.


No, they aren't garbage.

Can't speak for their Jade Empire port but their KOTOR port is actually pretty good. Might be something wrong with your handset.

Their general output is pretty good.


Why would valve fear Nintendo suddenly when it becomes clear that ab official Nintendo SDK is used?

Because the SDK inserts Nintendo code (think the CPU microcode) into the compiled product in order to get it working.

Why could Nintendo sue in such a case and why would they?

Because the official microcode and other such bits needed to get games running from the N64 are copyrighted by Nintendo.

Would they sue? Surprisingly, I don't think they would. Nintendo is very protective of their IP, but much less so when it comes to technical code for their retro systems. There are several reasons for this.

First, obviously they're not gonna see financial harm from this. When's the last time Nintendo sold an N64 cart?

Second, a lawsuit might not go their way, and might create a precedent they don't like. This is exactly what happened with the Gameboy, after Nintendo made games literally require a Nintendo logo on the chip data in order to function, so they could sue unlicensed cart distributors for trademark infringement. That didn't go their way and created a precedent that trademark infringement is okay as long as the company in question made it a necessary step in order to run code on it. Suing over this could also go that way and widen the precedent.

Suing the project over 25 year old contract terms that they didn't sign can also potentially lead to unfavorable precedents.

Thirdly, lawsuits can damage their reputation. While Nintendo lives and breathes by its IP, the value of basic technical code for a retro system is negligible. All they would achieve is killing the N64 homebrew community, which doesn't really do Nintendo any harm any more.


If Valve license the Portal IP for this project and Nintendo can prove they knowingly distributed infringing content (these kinds of projects with valve's IP usually end up on Steam), that does put a target on Valve's back. DMCA does not protect against knowingly distributing and aiding in the creation of an infringing product.

Also, Valve just doesn't want their IP to be associated with running roughshod over other people's IP.


But valve didn’t license portal for this

That's the thing, they were going to. This project was very much on Valve's radar, and the guy was in contact with Valve, who only pulled the plug when it came to light that they were using second-hand official SDKs.

It's not like Valve were ignoring the project like most companies do, they were in contact with the guy and trying to work something out in the same vein as Hunt Down The Freeman and Black Mesa.

nor are they distributing content.

There might have been a plan to, as has been the case with other projects they've officially licensed.

I’m sure valve doesn’t want their IP associated with that, but that’s not what the quote said. What the quote said doesn’t actually make logical sense, which is why I’m saying that’s stupid.

It makes a ton of sense. Valve wasn't simply ignoring the project, they were in contact with each other about how to make it work as an official licensed product. If Nintendo caught wind of that kind of sponsorship on an infringing work, they absolutely can come after Valve.

Valve is the bad guy here, trying to make it Nintendo is ridiculous.

You say that like Nintendo is not a massively litigious company when it comes to copyrights. Would you pick that fight?


Minecraft is pretty good for this kind of stuff, especially Java Edition (has mods, and loooooads of servers, some of which also use mods to drastically alter the gameplay. You can also host your own, free of charge).


Roblox is a money-grubbing cesspit filled with manipulation. Even if you do close off the MTX route, it opens the door for someone to send a virus and say it'll get you free Robux (the Roblox in-game currency)

520, (edited )

I don't think you quite understand how bad Roblox is.

Think of the most predatory games you can imagine.

Roblox is far fucking worse.

Not only is it a money grubbing game like the worst of mobile free-to-play games, it encourages content creators to exhibit the same behaviours and does nothing about blatant fraud on the platform. Something it's money obsessed nature actually encourages and rewards.

If the shit that goes on in Roblox went on in Facebook to nearly the same degree, Meta would be raked over the coals for it; even Meta haven't stooped so low.


It would probably just autoban a few days later.

The players who lost their accounts aren't hanging around on unranked matches to stomp newbies. They'll want to go into ranked matches to get their level back up. Also, activity on both the new account and the old one would sus out deliberate smurfers


No, but they are just as litigious when it comes to their IP


Consider installing a Linux distro and trying WINE.

Sounds incredibly stupid, I know, but WINE has far better backwards compatibility than modern Windows.


Yeah, not gonna lie, screwing around with WINE can be an aneurysm unto itself.

Maybe there's a decent QEMU setup available? One that can emulate a decent GPU for the time?

520, (edited )

People aren't against them. They are against pointless remakes like the PS5 version of The Last of Us 1 (not the remaster, they fully remade the game), which changes...fuck all. Like seriously, what does it change of significance?

Like, sure, if the game isn't otherwise playable on the platform then by all means, but otherwise why waste all that time?

Then there is the confusion as to the categorisation of returning games and what label to put them under. In my book, you've got:

  1. Emulation: literally the same game from the old console running in an interpreter program. Examples: NSO Collections, MGS 1 from MGS Master Collection
  2. Port: Same game, more or less, but running natively on the console/PC.
  3. Remaster: As above but with updated textures, models, FMVs, etc
  4. Faithful Remake: The game code, assets, etc are completely re-done but the game strictly adheres to the source material, save for a few modern amenities like auto save, ironing out bugs and maybe some things they wanted to do but couldn't because of hardware limitations. Examples include Spyro Reignited, Resident Evil 1, Halo Anniversary and Kingdom Hearts 1+2 on all consoles except the PS2.
  5. Interpretive Remakes: Basically a completely new game using the old game's basic plot points and designs. Examples include: the Resident Evil Remakes (except 1) and the Final Fantasy 7 remake.

But my list isn't industry standard. There is no industry standard. FF7R and the REmakes are considered as much a remake as Spyro Reignited or Crash N'sane trilogy. The version of MGS 1 in MGS Master collection is sold as a remaster despite being blatant emulation. It makes it very hard to know what you're gonna get.


I mean, indie games do exist that scratch that itch, so you do still have options


Ah. I think the problem there is that pure vectors can be much harder to work with. it's hard to make something that looks good with purely vector based approaches, especially as your scenes get more complex.

520, (edited )

None of what I wrote contradicts that. Like I said, they are against pointless remakes and remasters. That's what's being discussed in the article.

While PS1, PS2 and even PS3 games could do with a fresh lick of paint if released today, it's not exactly uncontroversial to say that PS4 games don't need it. PS4 games don't even have the argument of simply making it available to modern consoles because PS5s can play PS4 games directly.

The law of diminishing returns has hit this generation pretty damn hard, to the point where most people are hard pressed to tell a PS4 game from a PS5 game. So when the differences are that miniscule, you aren't really meeting the objectives of a remaster. Just do a straight port with better FPS and/or resolution support.


I mean of course they're free to, and I don't take any any sort of umbrage against those who do but... How does it make more sense than something like a paid compatibility patch? (Tbf that's what TLoU2 is doing with its 'remaster')


you can’t do a ‘patch’ for a new platform, you have to release a new SKU.

Tell that to Microsoft and Sony. Xbox Series X and PS5 have been enabling exactly this for X1 and PS4 games respectively.

The consoles not only have native backward compatibility, but they allow developers to make patches for 8th gen games to specifically target 9th gen hardware.

520, (edited )

They aren't limited to unlocked framerates and higher resolutions though. Some games also add additional graphics effects.

it does not give you access to most of the graphical and audio capabilities of the modern platform

Except where it clearly can. For example, Witcher 3's next gen update adds features like ray tracing.

And also about how it’s petty to go and press the downvote button on someone’s posts when you’re having a conversation with them.

Im not the one pressing the downvote button, heck my client doesn't even register you as having downvotes (I'm on Kbin) but I presume someone else is doing it because you are demonstrably incorrect. Go look at Witcher 3. Go look at Cyberpunk 2077. These developers are doing what you deem to be impossible.


No, it is a patch:


A free next-gen patch for The Witcher 3 launches on December 14th, giving the aging open-world a boost if you’re playing on a PS5, Xbox Series X/S, or high-end PC.

520, (edited )

You're the one mixing your terminology, bud.

SKU is a shipping and retail thing. It's a unique identifier for products shipped. It has nothing to do with software versions and so forth.

Witcher 3 has a seperate entry for PS5 because they also ship a separate PS5 version.

Thing is, if I put the PS4 version of the game into the drive, and download the updates, the game I have is exactly the same as the PS5 physical. And no, it's not downloading the entire game again.

It is a patch. Not a completely different version of the game.

520, (edited )

3D vectors can work well, but as an artist you are often better suited by going with the N64 approach. Due to technical limitations, textures were often used quite sparsely, with vertex shading providing the main colour and textures providing details. It was especially prevalent in games with cartoon art styles such as Mario 64 and Banjo Kazooie, but even games like GoldenEye used this trick to a degree.

The problem with pure vertex is, the more detail you add to stuff, the more calculations you are doing, and they can really add up. The same is kinda true of bitmap (in terms of resolution) but the problem doesn't scale the same way. With that said, it will work well for a cartoony/anime art style where massive amounts of detail isn't necessarily needed, and shaders can be used to complete the look.


Yeah, we are definitely on the same page. What they did with classic Crash with minimal textures on the character, they also did the same thing with Mario in 64 and Banjo in Banjo-Kazooie.

You could do a similar approach to environmentals for a decent effect too, such as having the texture essentially act as a very restricted form of bump map for the vertex shaded polygon. Goldeneye did this a fair bit.

I would be interested in seeing this kind of art style make a return.


True, but they got discontinued because they weren't selling, long after the market itself had given up on the product. It's not exactly like Sega where they came up with a bunch of platforms only to cancel them after a few years.


Valve also sold a bunch of accessories, including a rather innovative controller.


Steam games presumably.

But Steam's discounts are already crazy steep.


On a generic PC? No.

On a Steam Deck, it has useful hardware related features that are easy to access, like global frame rate limiting and seamless sleep/resume


So basically dying light minus the platforming?


Open world zombie FPS.

bit wait, I do remember another differentiator. Dying light heavily discouraged frequent use of guns, preferring you to use melee. If you used guns too much, it would spawn in a bunch of 28-day-later zombies that would absolutely fuck your shit up in groups.

520, (edited )

It does have multiplayer co-op but it was designed to also work as a single player game.

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