#GoodMorning#Urban#Gravel! What a shit of a weather!💀 1°C and it’s automatically #rain and #wind… My hands are painfully numb, as my “winter” gloves were like a soaking wet sponge…😳 British gloves reviews should be a part of #MontyPython’s…🥹
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower I'd recommend lobster style XC skiing mittens. Those usually keep most fingers dry for a fair amount of time. Potential problems are always in thumb sections of the mittens due to skiing poles usually being held slightly differently compared to drop bars and brifter lever hoods.
#GoodMorning#Gravel! I guess I’m finally getting used to the bad weather. The transition is always painful, but it was surprisingly ok in 2°C and strong wind… #KidsOnBikes - pure love!❤️
@ssamulczyk yeah, rain and headwind, my favourite combo.
My only mistake today was leaving my gloves outside when I made a short stop to pop into a shop for a few minutes. @cycling@rower
#GoodMorning#NewKitDay! Yesterday I’ve got a new #winter long bibs, jacket and merino balaclava from #Decathlon. I was sceptical about the jacket but I was wrong! It’s toasty as hell, I’m very happy with it!😂
#drogiBlipie ma ktoś może sprawdzone, ciepłe rękawiczki rowerowe na bieżącą pogodę? Mam Endura Strike, testuję też Eyen Vern i nadal zimno, nawet jak pod spód założę takie cieniutkie rękawiczki z Decathlonu. Macie jakieś swoje typy? Najchętniej nie za miliony monet :D
Swoją drogą - tak jak kocham ciuchy Endury to Strike to jakaś pomyłka - mam wrażenie, że w cieńszych Windchill byłoby mi równie zimno/ciepło a przynajmniej łatwiej się zakładają i człowiek nie jest w nich manualnie upośledzony ;) #rower@rower
#GoodMorning#Gravel! What a beautiful set of colours in the #Cybina valley #forest! Also, that’s the 3rd day in a row I set out into the rain forecast and I get nothing…😂
@ssamulczyk thanks, decathlon sportswear is like lidl sportwear, sometimes you find really good and lasting basic pieces, you only have to look and wait for them.
@ssamulczyk I was trying to be funny, which often fails with written text (and it always sound hilarious in my mind).
I find this time of year a much more pleasant period for cycling, the temperature is down, there are fewer cyclists and I like working against the wind. Obviously rain, snow, storm etc are the downsides.
I usually avoid weekend cycling unless it’s early morning (before 8 am is perfect) to avoid crowded Komoot routes and bar racers.
#GoodMorning#Gravel! 2°C and #fog so thick it instantly condensed on everything. I could have used some wipers on my shades… No wind, though, so I was having so much fun!🥰🫣
#GoodMorning from the #rain shithole!😂 Surprisingly, I’ve managed to squeeze myself into a weather window with almost no precipitation…🙈😁 I’ve taught #KidsOnBikes well, they’re not afraid to get wet!💪🏻
It was unbelievably cold today. 5°C felt like winter and I regretted I didn’t wear the winter jacket… I also started looking for some heated gloves, because I have no idea how I’m gonna survive the real winter…🤡
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower I could recommend "lobster" or "split mitt" style country skiing mittens/gloves. Better than gloves because your adjacent fingers warm each other but your middle and index fingers aren't tied to each other. Maybe get a size larger than normal and you can wear thin merino wool gloves underneath if it's really cold. YMMV but heated gloves never ever seemed worth it even at -15°C.
This is what I mean https://varuste.net/en/p100526/swix-endure-split-mitt
W temacie rowerowego oświetlenia na sezon 2024/2025
Nie da się ukryć, że w moich stronach Jesień zagościła na dobre. Krótsze dni, niższe temperatury o wschodzie i po zachodzie słońca, więc trzeba myśleć o dodatkowych warstwach ubioru oraz stale naładowanych lampkach rowerowych.
Mam lekkiego fioła na punkcie oświetlenia rowerowego, a to tylko dlatego, że staram się być widocznym na drodze i czerpać przyjemność z nocnych przygód.