@arkd szczerze mówiąc to nie tyle, ile wynikaloby z marketingowego zachwalania. Odkopałem jedną z sierpniowych jazd, czas jazdy 4:33, zysk z ładowania to ~27 minut. Czyli (jak dla mnie) lepiej mieć niż nie mieć, zwłaszcza że cena nie-solar była taka sama. @ssamulczyk@rower
Zimno, mokro, z tej okazji przednia tarcza postanowiła przekwalifikować sie na śpiewaczkę operową XD Dziś niepotrzebny mi dzwonek, wystarczy przyhamować #rower@rower
Rocket Bags has been supplying UK businesses with premium custom corporate bags for over 30 years. Their collection includes an array of styles, from totes to messenger bags, all designed to be branded and customized for a unique corporate identity.
#GoodMorning#Cycling was pretty much impossible today. Straight up dangerous, so I just took the #KidsOnBikes to school and called it a day… Kids had fun, though…😂💀
A bit of #snow never hurt anyone. Except I’ve almost fell on the tramway tracks I didn’t see! But… My friend has joined me, so it cancels all the bad stuff!🥹🥰
#GoodMorning#Gravel! After very cold yesterday, today has been a warm and comfy summer, except for the #snow and #ice…😂💀 A bit slippery, but actually 8°C warmer than the last ride…😂🙈
#GoodMorning#Bicycle! It’s been -8°C this morning and look at them brave #KidsOnBikes go! What’s your excuse again?😂🙈 Took them to school, then I’ve done my usual 30km comfort loop…💀 It did hurt only a little…🥶🥹
My friend wasn’t overly excited I’ve dragged him out but in the end it has been quite a nice #night#cycling adventure! After all, it’s been only -4°C, so not that bad!😂🙈
#GoodMorning#Gravel! Game changing sweatbox of a vest made me so warm, my circulation must have improved significantly, because somehow my hands stayed warmer and I didn’t need snowboarding gloves!🥹🙈
#Night#cycling with a friend has been done!🥰 I must say my over the top warm clothes did surprisingly well. Especially I love that vest with a rescue blanket like lining…🤣