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GreenMario, w Epic Launches Program to Pay Devs to Bring Old Games to Epic Games Store - IGN

I feel like EGS is a wash for anyone older than the elder Z generation. They might get the Fortnite kids to stick with em if said kids grow up and want to play anything else. Giving out free games is a way to solve the “all my games in one place” problem. If I started PC gaming 2 years ago on Fortnite and collected every free game I’d have about a hundred games in my library now., whereas I may not even have a Steam account.

The one true way to beat Steam would be to undercut them in price across the board but from what I hear Valve will ban your ass if you sell a game there for $70 but EGS at $50. (Full price, not on sale), so that’s not an option at all which leaves it to exclusives, which wouldn’t been as hated if Epic was publishing/funding them.

ampersandrew, avatar

I get the sense that people still won't take kindly to exclusives that they publish, which we'll see when Alan Wake 2 comes out. For me, they still don't answer the question of why I should shop with them instead of Steam if the same game is on both stores. There are answers to that question, but they think the problem is that we need to get all of our games on the same launcher.


Fortunately there’s GOG Galaxy and Playnite that does a decent job consolidating all PC stores into one app.


Of course we won't. It's too late.

The day they stole games that already had a steam page and had sold steam copies to be Epic exclusive, there was no path to any Epic exclusive for any reason ever being forgivable again.

thingsiplay, avatar

And yet the games on EGS are not cheaper, even if they are exclusive, taking the exclusivity deal and have less to pay to Epic Games. They still cost as much as on other platforms. So no, publishers would not sell the games for less, even if they could, even if it's a viable option. So exclusives does not solve this issue with pricing at all. The thing people "hate" is, that Epic forces exclusivity, taking the option to buy on their favorite platform/store, without giving the player anything in return. It's the same price. These deals incentives the publisher, not the player to sell/buy the games on the Epic Games store.

In example Epic does not even support Linux. Why would I pay money on their store then? On the other hand Valve actively developed and improves gaming on Linux; improving the situation against he Windows gaming monopoly. I would have supported Epic Games to build an alternative, but if the alternative they provide is like this, then I am not interested into it. I want to buy and play on Steam, because it is better. From my perspective, another game goes exclusive to Epic and I have to wait. If the game does not come to Steam, well, there is plenty other to buy and play for me. My money and time is limited anyway.


What’s sad is Epic used to consider Linux a top tier support. My copy of Unreal Tournament 2004 has a tux logo on it and the Linux installer is on Disc 1. I never even played that game on Windows. Valve was very anti-Linux back then too.

Solution for Linux: look into Heroic Game Launcher. It’ll solve all your EGS Linux issues by not even using EGS client. It’s great I use it for GOG as well.

thingsiplay, avatar

I know about Heroic, but I refuse to support a company that is so much against Linux. They purchased Rocket League and took away the perfectly functioning Linux version back then (and made it unplayable for a while for me). Why would I pay Epic Games money, if they don't support Linux, while Valve actively pays developers to program and help the Linux world of sides?

I'm not interested into Heroic Game Launcher. It does not address the problems I have with Epic and does not support everything Steam has, when I purchase it on Epic Games.

resketreke, avatar

Just so you know, Heroic also supports GOG and Prime Gaming, you can still find some good use for it.

thingsiplay, avatar

In the past I have used Lutris for and Humble Bundle (and GOG), plus the additional games provided through Lutris scripts itself. So I would use Lutris over Heroic, as it supports and Humble and for the familiarity I already have with the software.

resketreke, avatar

For some reason Lutris gives me trouble when downloading GOG games quite often, so I was forced to look for alternatives and that's when I found about Heroic


Yes, Valve requires price parity across platforms. Sales may or may not matter. The wording is vague enough that sales would in fact need to be paritied too but they don’t seem to go after people for it.


sales are supposed to matter. You aren't supposed to offer a bigger sale on another site than you will offer on steam in a reasonable time frame. Funny that never applied to the makers of the Witcher when they gave that away for free. I never saw valve force them to make it free on steam. What you'll find is a lot of steam's policies only apply to smaller indie devs, not big companies.

finickydesert, w Valve warns Counter-Strike 2 players: use AMD's Anti-Lag feature, get banned avatar

So lag is officially part of counter strike?

thingsiplay, avatar

The Anti-Lag software from AMD seems to get flagged as some sort of cheating from the Anti Cheat software by Valve, as it tempers the Counter Strike code. In other words, its not compatible. AMD should have tested and worked together with Valve, before shipping the update. It's not to blame Valve, because the Anti Cheat software works as intended, but AMD, because they did not work with Valve before launching their software.

Midnitte, avatar

Anti-lag has been in the amd drivers for a long time. This seems more to be caused by Valve rushing CS2 out the door so the drivers couldn't be thoroughly tested.

NOTE! The content contained in this article is based on Radeon™ Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.12.1 and earlier Adrenalin Edition drivers.


No, it's caused by AMD deciding hijacking CS's execution was acceptable.

It's more standard than standard that you can't do that in a competitive game.


If you inject code, they ban you. Seems pretty straight forward.

They said they'll unban when they can identify them correctly, but it's not their fault.

jeebus, w Microsoft Plans to Close The Activision Blizzard Acquisition Next Week, Says Report avatar

Blizzard is dead, time to move on

Autumn, w Final Fantasy 14's Story Can Now Be Played Entirely Solo - IGN avatar

This article isn’t entirely accurate. Trials will still require playing with other characters, and the three 24-person Crystal Tower raids that are a requirement for progressing the story also must be played with other people.

harmonea, w Final Fantasy 14's Story Can Now Be Played Entirely Solo - IGN avatar

Article only mentions dungeons. Did they add it for story trials too? As far as I know that's only available for early 4-player trials and a couple of very recent additions. The Chrysalis, Steps of Faith, etc can still wipe a group of human players easily if their mechanics are ignored.


Nothing for 8-man trials. The only trial that has trusts is one in Endwalker that I’ll avoid mentioning for very obvious story spoilers.

harmonea, avatar

Mhm, that's one of the "very recent additions" I meant. The other being Memoria, but that's a sidequest.

Bit of a sensationalized headline, then. They're almost there, but not "entirely."

terrrmus, w Insiders Say PlayStation’s Live Service Pivot May Not Be Going Well avatar

This and Square still charging forward with crypto/NFT bullshit is wild.

Eggyhead, w Insiders Say PlayStation’s Live Service Pivot May Not Be Going Well avatar

Even the best live-service games end up a confusing, convoluted mess of menus and currencies that are hard to navigate. And that's before you even try actually play it.

blazera, w Epic Games laying off 16% of staff, divesting from assets including Bandcamp, and generally hemorrhaging money avatar

The heck is going on, youd think theyd be making bank now with Unity driving out so many developers.


They’ve been doing pretty much everything wrong except Unreal and that one time they got lucky with a failed-game-turned-BR-giant.

Imagine having 2 money printing machines and still being unable to come out with anything good.

blazera, avatar

Can i get some specifics?

JelloBrains, avatar

The giant BR is likely Fortnite, the Battle Royale part that is the game most people know wasn't supposed to be the big deal, what is now Save The World was supposed to be the game and BR was just going to be tacked on.

blazera, avatar

Specifics on the "everything wrong" part. I know about their huge successes with fortnite and unreal, i dont know any specific failures

xNIBx, (edited )

Their reboot of Unreal Tournament failed. And so did their moba named Paragon. Arguably, their Fortnite Save the World also failed. Gears of War Judgement had poor sales for a Gears game though that may have been mostly developed by People Can Fly.

Generally if we ignore Fortnite and Infinite Blade(a mobile game), their last successful game was Gears 3, from 12 years ago. They basically only have Fortnite, Unreal Engine and the Epic store.


They cancelled a bunch of games like Paragon and Unreal tournament to feed the Fortnite machine, abandoned the main Fortnite mode they had already sold and then started funneling money at the epic store.

The epic store at this point has been such a huge loss, exclusivity deals alone are worth millions and not even those managed to get them a user base.

A company with Fortnite’s and Unreal’s income should not be struggling to make a profit.

donuts, avatar

I'd venture a wild guess that the revenue split business model behind Unreal Engine, and the strategy around spending tons of money to bring people over to the Epic Games Store, are not sustainable. They probably have been generally subsidized by the huge amount of cash that Fortnite has brought in.

Maybe the Fortnite well has dried up? 2023 has been a strong year for news game releases, and it's possible that Fortnite has lost some of players' attention?

Hard to say, but it's looking like Unity are not the only ones struggling to keep their business afloat.

JelloBrains, avatar

I only have played Fortnite because my nephew was big into it for a long time, now that he and his friends are in high school they have quit playing, I don't know if that's a big trend, but he tells me it is just not cool to play anymore.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

They keep giving away free games each week (they have to pay to the publishers of the games to give away games) yet nobody spend money in the store (I think the average was each user spend like $10 or $15 per year)

They also keep buying exclusives, a thing that cost money...

And we cannot forget all the studios and company they have bought, the purchase cost money and their maintenance too

Seigest, w Timberborn - Update 5 is now on the Experimental Branch! - Steam News avatar

I passed on this game a because it looked like a generic city builder. But having finally played it it had some surprising mechanics.

  • building up. Your space is fairly limited and you’ll want the good land for growing food. So you need to build up. Buildings ontop of buildings and you’ll need to account for efficient pathing and scaffolding. I thought this was a really cool mechanic.
  • power, the power mechanic is also pretty interesting. Everything that needs power is either attached to a powered building or connected via a big spinning log. Power sources are water wheels and windmills neither of wich is consistent so you also need gravity batteries. These are cool because the higher up you make them the better they are which encourages you to use mountains and scaffolds to make huge structures.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this game continues to grow

Kaldo, avatar

It's definitely a recommendation from me for all basebuilder/colony management enjoyers out there, maybe its not as deep or complex with its mechanics as I'd prefer at times but it's a very unique, charming game that only keeps getting better with updates like these. Badwater seems like it could really spice up the game and change it drastically in the later phases which is just what I hoped for!

canis_majoris, w Starfield enemy ships used to be too smart, so Bethesda had to make them "really stupid" avatar

This is the second article today where I saw Todd Howard talking about severely nerfing aspects of the game. Earlier this morning I read an article saying similar things about the space suit system - initially they were going to be a lot more punitive on what you can and can’t wear based on environmental conditions, so you’d need a suit for cold, a suit for toxicity, a suit for radiation, etc.


Turns out people wanted a fun game not a real life simulator!

Quentinp, avatar

Also read about the spacesuit thing just today. The planet thing at least would’ve made more sense to all the spacesuit bits. It’s pointless and a bit confusing now, I just ignore it and repair whatever damage I receive which the spacesuit article made it sound like that is intended. The little hazard UI thing is so bad, and why doesn’t the aid section use the same icons as the status section. Hate having to dig around to find the right treatment in my inventory (slowly just grabbing snake oil whenever i find it)

Ah well still enjoying it at around 100 hours played, but you can see where they’ve had to cut back on systems all over the place.

canis_majoris, avatar

Yeah the hazard warnings are pretty useless now, because they’re not actually that dangerous or meaningful. I didn’t even know that it caused damage, I guess I haven’t been on a severe enough planet.

Quentinp, avatar

The annoying one is Frostbite, especially on some story missions where you keep getting it while the characters blab on and on. Other than that i’ve either run thru a steam vent, broken my lags boosting wrong, or sometimes sandstorm lung damage.

candle_lighter, w VR still makes 40-70% of players want to throw up, and that's a huge problem for the companies behind it avatar

Where does that statistic come from and why is the range so broad? I also don’t think it’s a big deal because even if you do get motion sick, after playing enough you don’t get motion sick anymore. (people in the vr community call it getting your vr legs)

Fogle, w ESports makes debut as Asian Games medal event but women left behind

Things like this aren’t always discrimination. The article said one woman believes that men have better reflexes than women. I’m not sure if that’s true but if it isn’t there’s not really any physical differences between men and women that should affect their ability in eSports.

I feel like this disparity is a cultural thing where women generally don’t play video games as much or as early in life.

This happened in league of legends many years ago. There was some all girl team, even though there was nothing about league of legends that required men only teams, that many people were championing as a great thing about women being given equal ground. I’m sure they were better than me and a lot of the millions of people that play league of legends but the second they got to the “big leagues” they honestly got wiped the floor with.

elouboub, avatar

I feel like this disparity is a cultural thing where women generally don’t play video games as much or as early in life.

And that the stats are off. Probably they count mobile games as "gaming". Candycrush isn't gaming. And honestly, ESports is a euphemism. It isn't sports.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

ESports is a euphemism. It isn't sports

What qualifies an activity to be classified as sport? Chess is a sport, so physical activity is not a requirement

Contemporary chess is an organized sport with structured international and national leagues, tournaments, and congresses. Thousands of chess tournaments, matches, and festivals are held around the world every year catering to players of all levels.

elouboub, avatar

In that I'm consistent: chess isn't a sport either. Sure, you feel wrecked after hours of concentration, but if that's the only criteria, then office jobs would be sport. If it has to be a game, then office politics could be treated as a game with rules and it would still be a sport.

So no, it has to have physical activity and the physical activity has to be significant enough to tire out muscles. Lifting a beer for a few minutes would be more of a sport than esports, chess or anything else majorly mental. The brain isn't a muscle.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

In that I'm consistent: chess isn't a sport either.

The thing is chess IS a sport, that's the fact, like it or not.

elouboub, avatar

It's not a fact. Gravity is fact. Chess being declared a sport by a bunch of old men, is widely accepted opinion.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

Thank for us you are here, oh! Holder of the absolute truth

elouboub, avatar

Lol, I state that seeing chess as a sport is relative, and all you read is "he holds the absolute truth". Quite ironic.

Gordon_Freeman, avatar

fact: a piece of information presented as having objective reality

Chess has tournament, leagues, championships, federation and all that like other sports and is accepted by the society (except for you, it seems) as an sport, so the objective reality is chess is a sport. That's the reality you live in, like it or not.

jeremy_sylvis, w Payday 3. I knew it... avatar

Put that makeup on my face.

I 100% have earned it.

jeremy_sylvis, avatar

My local friend group is right there with you. You’d think we’d have learned from the open beta…


I bought the whole season pass thing

Didn't get to pay on release day.

Complete abject failure on the part of the developers. I hope they are feeling the shame.

It's hope money though. I hope they sort their shit out and give us a good game.

CarlsIII, w Microsoft would buy Valve 'if opportunity arises,' said Phil Spencer in leaked email

What a coincidence, me too!

Kory, w I have two old Mass Effect 2 Editions in my Steam and don't know the difference avatar

I think the first review on the second page explains it:…/2362420/

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