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brsrklf, (edited )

The game is a financial failure… after a week of early access? And it was supposed to stay in early access for at least 6 months?

What did they expect exactly?

Valve needs to step up on Anti-Cheat angielski

So yeah, I want to discuss or point out why I think Valve needs to fix Anti-Cheat issues. They have VAC but apparently its doing jackshit, be it Counter Strike 2 (any previous iterations) or something like Hunt: Showdown the prevalence of cheating players is non deniable. For me personally it has come to a point that I am not...


Yeah, I agree with that. Installing freaking rootkits on people’s personal device, with the express purpose of identifying them and knowing what their machine contains, is not OK. A multiplayer client should be as lightweight as possible and shouldn’t be able to fuck with a game.

Even if they agree not using your data for anything else, the next security breach on their servers will make that promise useless.

And I am not sure why one would trust big publishers to have any kind of ethics anyway. Do you remember Activision’s patent to manipulate matchmaking? That would specifically match players to reward those who buy microtransactions and create pressure on those who don’t?

Yeah, totally trusting those manipulative snakes with my private data with a big “do not watch” sticker on it.


That actually sounds like a good way to do this. Not sure how practical it is.


Wow, this is complete bullshit.

And I am saying that even though I have zero love for the mobile gaming market, while I do own and like consoles. There is just no reason to consider they’re doing things any differently on this matter.

30% seems quite a lot, no matter the platform, especially for small indie studios. I’d care more about these than whatever the Fortnite machine has to pay.


Someone linked to it already, but yeah, about that…

Note that it was 1 year ago. So the hardware is probably less expensive now and the exceptions are at the very least not as marked.

And of course, it was never true for the Switch to begin with.

brsrklf, (edited )

Not an excuse in any way, but the x360 had its share of tearing too. I was surprised when I saw that, it’s something I had only encountered in PC games before (my only other 3D-capable console were a GameCube and a Wii).

Very noticeable on Bayonetta, and I am not sure which but I remember others had some too (maybe Darksiders?).


A bunch of cryptobros who don’t really have an interest in playing video games started to think “what if everything in a game was a cryptocurrency, and what if instead of playing for fun, you invested in the game to earn more money?”

Seriously, “play-to-earn” is the thing they want to make happen. They took all those boring trends that make shitty microtransaction-fests feel like a job, and they saw a future where stuff like this would actually be your job.


Difference I can see with traditional gambling (e.g. Texas Hold’em) is that it’s not in the instant, they actually want you to speculate on virtual “ownership” and spend now while it’s “cheap” to earn later in a totally happening glorious metaverse future. Yes, it’s very pyramid-y in nature.

Some of these “games” are empty shells of of a virtual world where you buy plots of land and then expect it to become more valuable, maybe build a virtual store or boring asset-flipped “resort” on it, rent part of it to someone to do the same, etc. They’re landlord fantasy. Except some may really believe in it.

If you’ve got the time, Dan Olson made a pretty good video about that stuff :


They kind of had their store. Wolfire games created Humble Bundle, then it became its own company and now belongs to IGN.

If they kept going for the initial spirit of HB instead of letting it become just another way to buy on Steam, maybe they’d be that competition.


Good news if you ever spend Thanksgiving in Hyrule, they have actually edible (and mostly harmless) birds, including big juicy Eldin and forest ostriches.

Also, if they’re not extinct and you’re looking for very big game, you could always try loftwing.


Don’t forget “political”.

If it means that it’s talking about society, every story ever written is political in some way. But we all know in this context it means “stuff I don’t like”.

Anyone knows about calm Windows games with 1-finger touch screen support? angielski

What I am searching for is for games that support touch screens and can be played with 1 finger / one hand. No action games with fake joysticks on the screen, just games that work with a single finger or at least one hand while lying in bed and trying to wind down. One very good example is Civilization V, which has a dedicated...


It was either in the first two or in the second one.

I am not sure because I know I got it from the second bundle, but that one included the games from the first humble bundle too.

Though I already had it on the Wii for quite some time at that point. I knew the original flash game, Tower of Goo, and I’d spent so much time messing around with that thing, I was pretty excited that they made a whole game around it.


Which version, PC? I did that one a while ago and I liked it. But then I was like “Wait, how?” when I saw it was being ported to Switch, because I am not sure how the weird stuff it does would work on it.

In any case it has interesting themes, and it’s very good at making the player connect with them.


I tried to just buy them new in store and they told me they “don’t carry rare games like that anymore.”

Wait, was that bullshit, or was that game still a ridiculously limited release in America? Does NoA really hate this game that much?

In Europe physical XCDE doesn’t really look that rare.


What problem, you don’t think bees should be able to flip a horse carriage over?

Can’t stand the sight of a strong Nord insect?


Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii (I have yet to play the Switch version).

It’s as awesome a game as it was back then, and the QoL changes are definitely welcome. The new chapter… Exists, I guess. It’s fun to play, and it’s nice to get more Melia, but the story really feels like filler content.

I was so disappointed by XC2’s direction that it mostly made me want to replay the first one again. I had started replaying Wii version, then they announced DE, so I waited and played that one instead. No regrets.

Nowadays, it would be very hard for me to choose between XC1 and 3 for my favourite though. 3 hits right in the feels in so many places, and its main cast is so good.


2 has… problems. It looks like a bingo of bad anime tropes and terrible character designs. It’s almost pervy comedy harem anime territory at times. You’ve probably heard cringe as a complaint, and yeah, it has that, quite a bit of it. It’s not all that bad, but when it is, it’s terrible.

It also has a pseudo-gatcha system (no actual microtransactions, thank you for that) to unlock optional characters. These all have side quests tied to them. Some are absurdly rare, hundreds of hours of farming and opening random capsules kind of rare. I hate it.

Mechanically, fights are fun at least, and of course it brings a bit of context that is a bit important to 3, so it’s hard to recommend skipping it if you want the full story.

Weird thing, the XC2 DLC episode, a prequel of sort, was very good. It’s short, but focused on a small group of likeable characters, and it’s like they concentrated the good parts of the main game in a neat, fun package.

rubikx107, do gaming angielski avatar

Legend of Zelda game art , old but gold @gaming


Melancholic Hinox lost in thoughts is now my favourite Hinox.

(Though modern goofy piglike Hinoxes are cool too, I guess)


So, they’re still using their own frankenstein monster reanimated from the corpse of Gamebryo I presume?

There are definitely more problems at Bethesda than their engine of choice, but yeah, it certainly still is a big one. It’s been creaking at the seams forever.

brsrklf, (edited )

This stuff is why “it’s optional” and “it’s just cosmetic” are bullshit arguments.

If you can resist the urge, you’re not the intended target. They don’t make record profits from people who can spend somewhat rationally, even though those are the vast majority of users their contribution to profits is a drop in an ocean.

No, the only reason this model works so well is because it’s exploiting the vulnerabilities of a small percent of big spenders.


So, do you consider paying for more rolls part of the fun?

Because the rest, including the hit of endorphin you get for a stroke of luck, could very well exist without it. But of course on EA’s side getting people addicted has no point if they don’t pay virtually unlimited amounts of money for more.


That doesn’t make any of this okay.

I’ve spent €45 for a Mario game yesterday. Last I’ve checked that game costs roughly the same for everyone (except understandable variations in regional pricing). Not €45 once for me and $2,000 per week for some guy with an addiction problem.

Yet that game was made, and thousands more that didn’t rely on gacha, lootboxes or whatever.


3D Ultra Pinball

Come on, how can they list that and not the masterpiece that is 3D Ultra Minigolf?

Seriously though, they’re at least missing quite a bit of Sierra stuff there. Like Impressions Games city builders, or The Incredible Machine.


Probably the least important of all these problems, but really, the publisher issuing a blanket chatGPT-generated apology, in the name of the studio without their knowledge, not even getting the name of the fucking game right.

Dude, maybe try to take your job a bit seriously?


Oh look, it’s EA’s gambling simulator disguised as a sports game again.


“Also, employees of that other telltale that we are definitely not can go fuck themselves.

They’re free to try and come back as expendable, independent contractors if they want.”


I never used steam spy either, so I had that image of a guy at Epic whose whole job was spying on Steam.

Probably in a trenchcoat and a hat, mainly acting shady around Valve headquarters.


I was barely aware of GameSpy while it was still a thing. It was just some service I’d never used.

…or so I thought, until Nintendo killed all its DS and Wii online functions because they were using GameSpy and the service was being shut down.


I don’t think you need to. The series is turning to something else entirely, with a completely different focus. I already think any previous episode is more fun than 4.

The folks who loved the old games probably won’t think 5 is a free replacement for these. They’ll just think, it’s okay, I’m going to spend a dozen hours trying to make the old one kinda run.


And that part of the prize was to play Godus early and they got bored pretty quickly of it.

The guy didn’t even look like he had any interest in that kind of game to begin with. And, really, why would he? He’s just a random bloke who tried playing a brainless clicker game, and won the jackpot. There’s nothing that predestined the prize winner to be into any of this. Even Molyneux’s greatest hits in the god game/management genre are still *very" niche games.

Also yeah, Godus was a disaster on many, many levels and very far from those.

The whole thing was very flawed from the beginning.


New Vegas uses Bethesda’s Fallout 3 engine, but it was made by Obsidian. It’s not the most representative of what Bethesda does (well, except the part where it’s very buggy, I guess. That part mostly comes with the engine).


To be confirmed, but this sounds a bit like how Disney decided they didn’t need to pay any more royalties to people who wrote Star Wars novelizations and original novels.

Like, “you don’t have a contract with us, you had one with George Lucas before we bought Star Wars, it didn’t transfer.” Very shady, and probably a lot easier to pull when you’re a huge corporation against a small creator.


Yeah, that’s how I feel about that too, of course. But somehow, looks like Disney got to have the cake and eat it too.

LoL players rebel against “disgusting” prices with new Prestige TFT skin - Dexerto ( angielski

Teamfight Tactics is introducing a new Collector’s Bounties system that is aimed at the wealthiest of players. To roll the Collector’s Bounties, you’ll need to cough up 450 Treasure Tokens (approximately $17 USD). In order to guarantee you hit the Prestige skin you’ll need to roll at least 30 times.


If that was the only reason, nobody would care about vulnerable people as long as they’re not dirt poor to begin with.

Decent gambling laws are supposed to protect people with addiction problems.


Well that’s a surprise for sure.

Not too worried for the future of Platinum Games though, he was credited as supervising director lately, while others directed, so it’s not like he’s the only creator there.

brsrklf, (edited )

What a PR joke.

Words have meaning. If they want to convince people removing the ToS was an honest mistake (almost unbelievable bad timing, but whatever), they shouldn’t make a non-apology beginning with “genuinely disappointed” and saying they’ve been “framed”.

Because they get to never say in whom they’re disappointed, and I choose to interpret it as “disappointed in all of you people for being meanies and assuming the worst”.


I’ll be honest, I still can’t see this as anything else than an elaborate shitpost and I don’t think I will, ever.

I might have taken it slightly more seriously if not for most of their creature designs being very obvious pokémon ripoffs. Mayyybe.


Definitely more so in the last one. Dual Destinies was mostly Phoenix and Athena, and yeah, a small bit of Apollo. and Apollo kinda got his limelight stolen in his own game anyway

Funny how they called the collection “Apollo Justice : Ace Attorney” when two games in it literally put “Phoenix Wright” back in the title.


I liked Apollo Justice. Yeah, it was very disjointed and barely consistent at times, but it was still very fun to me.

The weirdest part of it was discovering how absolutely crazy Phoenix looks to anyone not in his head. Someone described it as talking to the version of Phoenix who chose all the stupidest answers in previous games, and yeah, it’s kinda like that.

brsrklf, (edited )

I love my switch and most of what I got for it. But I try to get stuff I know will run well, and to this day I still can’t understand people who played Bloodstained switch and consider it “fine”.

Even with all patches, it’s still an unstable mess with terrible input lag, second-long freezes and constant loading that sucks all the fun out of it. I don’t care much about compromises in the graphics area, but that shit is practically unplayable.

When I backed that game, it was supposed to run on Wii U, what a joke. I am still convinced the reason they delayed the switch version one week at launch was just so it would not tarnish their glowing reviews.


Or, you know, supervillain.


Doesn’t even take a change of service provider to get there.

Replika had what had very obviously become a virtual mate service too, until they decided “love” wasn’t part of their system anymore. Probably because it looked bad for investors, as happened for a lot of AI-based services people used for smut.

So a bunch of lonely people had their “virtual companion” suddenly lobotomized, and there’s nothing they could do about it.


It’s… complicated.

At first the idea was it’d be training an actual “replica” of yourself, that could reflect your own personality. Then when they realized their was a demand for companionship they converted it into virtual friend. Then of course there was a demand for “more than friends”, and yeah, they made it possible to create a custom mate for a while.

Then suddenly it became a problem for them to be seen as a light porn generator. Probably because investors don’t want to touch that, or maybe because of a terms of servce change with their AI service provider.

At that point they started to censor lewd interactions and pretend replika was never supposed to be more than a friendly bot you can talk to. Which is, depending on how you interpret what services they proposed and how they advertized them until then, kind of a blatant lie.

brsrklf, (edited )

Slight tangent.

Maximum score (4 stars, 5 stars, 10/10, 100%, whatever they’re calling it) not meaning the game is perfect is not at all a problem to me. There are games I absolutely love and would recommend to just about anyone and even then I don’t think they’re “perfect”.

The thing that bothers me most is how average scores specifically for games are basically never used, and below average scores are just a handful of the most broken things ever.

It’s so absurd that on metacritic for games, “average” goes from 50 to 74%. In movies it goes from 40 to 64. I don’t know for everyone else, but I don’t consider 7 out of 10 an “average” mark. And a game so broken it almost doesn’t run at all doesn’t deserve 5/10 (really, I’ve seen some).

Anyway, review scores are silly. Read the guys’ opinions, see why they like it and why they don’t. Someone’s absolute favorite masterpiece is someone else’s most unplayable shit.


I know there are workarounds, but this is true. There are very little games I buy (at least directly) through steam nowadays, because I didn’t like what it became after the Greenlight/Direct debacle and I didn’t want my library to be that dependent of them anymore.

I have playnite as a unified game library launcher (with GoG,, humble, Ubi, EA, even Amazon Prime and freaking EGS just for the free games), so where I get my games from doesn’t matter much for me now.

But workshop integration is basically the only thing that makes me want a Steam copy for a game.

Though among the games in that case, there were Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress, and for both if you get a copy directly from the developers, you get DRM-free and a Steam key. So, that’s what I did.


Out of the loop. What’s the change?

From context it seems Unity is asking for a new fee per installed game, instead of using what the studio actually earned from the game?

If so, yeah, I get how it would be terrible if your game got a sudden huge install base from gamepass or such.


I guess it really depends how it’s done. I don’t think an actual cut of the proceeds is fair either, but stuff like having a low entry point and scaling your tool’s cost a bit according to the project success can be a good idea.

That said after they’d try to pull a stunt like they did I definitely wouldn’t trust them anymore.


It’ll have a new t-shirt for Link to wear, with the new system’s logo on it.

You’ll find it in an equally lore-friendly purple chest with big “EX” letters on it, of course.

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