#GoodMorning#Gravel! Cold, but manageable! #KidsOnBikes got there with no complaints and we even had a moment of fun in the process!😂 #Forest of #Cybina is a gift that keeps on giving!🥰
Czytanie to wspaniałe hobby, a rynek literacki jest bogaty. Pomaga w tym oprogramowanie, które daje nowe możliwości wszystkim uczestnikom tego zjawiska. W artykule przyglądamy się, jak to dokładnie wygląda.
Nachdem ich beide Ori Spiele gespielt habe und noch ein paar Stunden in Deadcells geflossen sind, habe ich versucht kurz Hollow Knight zu spielen. Keine Chance, die Steuerung ist nicht mehr in meinem Musclememory.
new to this world. I am into some wonderland? what is this platform for? sorry this is my first time to here? what the magazine options is for? sb help me pls!
#GoodMorning#Gravel! It was a cold start, with #KidsOnBikes complaining. In the end, when I started pushing it a bit, it was quite pleasant! Even the sun came out for a moment…🤡🤣
#GoodMorning#Gravel! What a beautiful set of colours in the #Cybina valley #forest! Also, that’s the 3rd day in a row I set out into the rain forecast and I get nothing…😂
@ssamulczyk thanks, decathlon sportswear is like lidl sportwear, sometimes you find really good and lasting basic pieces, you only have to look and wait for them.
@Jay23Jay I have a few pieces from them and I was always happy. I really don’t like their cycling shoes.
Never owned a thing from Lidl, though. I’ve seen some nice things sold in there in the UK, but cycling is only mildly popular in Poland, so they rarely bother.
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I’ve expected the clouds to rain on us, but nothing like that has happened. I’ve had to yet again lie to my friend it’s going to be dry, and it really was…😂🙈
@elieuw Mine are still young (8, 5, 1) and unspoiled by modern "technology". They don't know what a shithole internet is and they actually prefer and enjoy outdoors.
We will try to avoid screens as long as possible, while building awareness how useful but also dangerous it might be.
For the time being they enjoy climbing, ice skating, cycling, Lego and playgrounds. In a few years the oldest one will destroy me on a bicycle (he can already maintain ~20km/h), the middle on is building up!😅
At the moment, my #cycljng is mainly limited by my cardiovascular system and energy. All of that time sick from respiratory illness was not kind to my fitness. :blobfoxgooglycry: