moon, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide


I mean both were good games, but Zelda is just legendary status and on another level. It holds a special place for me, and they somehow nailed it out of the park yet again with TOTK. I don’t know how they keep doing it! They have some geniuses over there.

_sideffect, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

Zelda was more fun though


I only played the unpatched version with the dupe glitches, that was super fun.



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  • Fedizen,

    its not insane unless you’re doing completionist stuff, you can easily cap a few sets of armor for key purposes just with chest loot and some monster mashing. I created a second game on another user account after my first game (with duped gems, etc) and its not really grindy until you try to max out like a third set of armor.



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  • Fedizen,

    you can get most of the battery cell upgrades by opening chests from exploring (and where the chests are becomes obvious if you collected a few old maps) and following the main story. The problem is exploring the depths isn’t all that fun. I never even used duping to get battery in my original game- by the time I explored the depths fully I was maxed out.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Genuinely curious which game has more “Hours Played”. I’m willing to put money down on it being Zelda.


    Zelda would have been even more fun if it was available on every platform instead of just Nintendo.

    Obi, avatar

    That’s it, I never played Nintendo games because I never had their hardware. For me personally it’s just not worth getting into their closed ecosystem. Basically same reason I never had anything apple.


    The same can be said for many games over the years then, but I don’t like thinking that way.

    If there’s a game I want to play, I’ll get the hardware needed to play it


    It’s available on PC.

    PC gamers even got it before nintendo ones.

    books, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    I bought it and was hoping for more leveling up and more RPG elements but it wasn’t.


    I really liked the side quests though. It felt like every single one involved going to a cave, finding out the NPC’s friend/relative was dead, and then report back. It definitely didn’t get old after the first dozen or so.

    Also, the Merlin trials were great. Hundreds of locations, but only like 6 different puzzles.

    I haven’t played a game where the devs copy/pasted that much in a while.


    I really liked the side quests though. It felt like every single one involved going to a cave, finding out the NPC’s friend/relative was dead, and then report back. It definitely didn’t get old after the first dozen or so.

    Sounds exactly like Skyrim tbh…

    Haha, (edited ) do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    Oh just now?… wow they had to work real hard to top a game that released on a single console.

    arc, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    I thought it was a great game that captured the spirit of the books & movies so well. Thankfully all the mock outrage and virtue signaling didn’t affect its sales and probably boosted them.




    Considering one of the main hubs for outrage was /r/GamingCirclejerk who themselves use the defense of “lmao this list of streamers playing wizard game totally isn’t an invite to harass them. This is a joke subreddit why are you taking it seriously?!”.

    I can hardly blame people for thinking the outrage was fake. Some of it was so over the top it was insane

    That said, fuck J.K Rowling, and fuck her opinions


    I bought the game only because of the obnoxious virtue signaling cunts screaming about boycott.

    Ended up enjoying it tremendously and playing it way too much.

    So, thanks to obnoxious virtue signaling lynch mob I guess.


    There is something to be said about voting with your wallet and boycotting people who actively donate to anti-lgbt organisations.

    But christ was that particular boycott super fucking obnoxious.

    I thought the game was kinda mid. The first part in Hogwarts was amazing, the rest of the game turned into the standard open world grind a bit too quickly for me.

    I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I can see how you did 😁


    Yes. Some game “reviews” were such absurd, performative straw man attacks at JK Rowling that they bordered on parody. I’m thinking of the Wired one in particular but others were equally bad. The irony is these diatribes clearly helped the game, or rather, this really good game sold well in spite of that crap. Ultimately these websites just undermined their own reputations.

    LucidBoi, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    I pirated it and played for maybe two hours. It was boring and the controls didn’t feel good. Uninstalled shortly after.

    Napain, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    poped in to say transrights! that’ll be all


    fuck harry potter, read terry pratchett

    Carighan, avatar

    Bit unfair, because when compared to Terry Pratchett, just about everything else gets tossed to read more Pratchett. 😅

    (not that I disagree, Pratchett is best)


    Imagine if JK Rowling had even a 1/1000th the artistry and intuitive empathy Pratchett had for the world, there would be millions upon millions of people out there with a life long love of a series who didn’t feel betrayed and forced to make a choice between being part of a community that textually hates them or continuing to love their childhood nostalgia.

    <3 trans people <3 granny weatherwax and I really wanna get drunk with nanny og.


    Careful, Nanny will make you do chores.


    Does Nanny NOT make you do the chores?? She told me everyone else was very studious about doing them and that only I was slacking off.

    Wait a minute….

    She had me convinced SHE was the one being fooled this whole time, she even told me so


    I just wish there was more media of the Discworld other than the books, a handful of movies and some games of the 90’s. It is such a big universe that has so much room for stories.

    Obi, avatar

    I’m sure the studios will get around to it and then we’ll get a million sequels. Maybe the estate owning the rights is not keen on authorizing works.

    Carighan, avatar

    Yeah I don’t think his daughter is that hot on allowing a lot of people to do stuff with it. Last year’s animated Maurice movie was about the only thing in a long time, I think?

    Silentiea, (edited )

    Can I just read Pratchett without fucking anyone? I’m ace and it’s just really smelly and uncomfortable.

    dumpsterlid, (edited )

    Absolutely but I do recommend whispering to yourself “get fucked JK rowling” before reading a book as it is good luck. You can substitute “eat shit” or whatever else feels right to you and it should still work fine.

    UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

    Can I just read Pratchett without fucking anyone?

    You can, but you’re missing out. Getting to the climax of Guards! Guards! is really something else.



    AFC1886VCC, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    I pirated the game. The first part in the actual school was really fun. But once you get out into the world, you quickly realise that it’s just another generic open world game with outposts, collectibles, and general busywork that you’ve seen in every other open world game. It got boring very quickly for me and I never finished it.

    Eccitaze, avatar

    I also pirated it, and yeah, I definitely got my money’s worth from it. I tried to have fun, but it’s the poster child for “mile wide, inch deep.”

    Maybe they can reuse the environment for a better game in the future.

    yamanii, avatar

    I was very interested in mods for this game, people found all kinds of fun cut stuff that would’ve elevated this game so much like companions having commentary for several quests when you used a mod to bring them, and having actual consequences for using the dark arts. But it’s impossible to implement.

    KairuByte, avatar

    Technically it’s possible, but you’d have to reply on the cooperation of empress and that’s… not gonna happen.


    I loved the mod that turned all those animated paintings into anime vtubers, so goofy


    I agree. The magical feeling of being a student at Hogwarts soon evaporated as soon as you got a broom and didn’t really need to visit Hogwarts again and instead just fight endless random enemies, which gets pretty easy as you level up.

    I was also disappointed by the endless voice acting. There was so much pointless talking and you couldn’t really control the outcome, all options seemed to result in a positive outcome when I just wanted to be a badass Malfoy but you’re not allowed, you jave to be a goody goody Hermione, juat in Slytherin clothes.

    Grass, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    The open world Zeldazes were over hyped but still, really? I haven’t played it myself but watching others play, it didn’t seem all that great.

    ThatWeirdGuy1001, (edited ) avatar

    It really isn’t. They want you to play through each house but it’s literally the same story regardless of which house you choose.

    The game is only fun until the hype of exploring Hogwarts fades. Then it’s just your average mid tier adventure game.

    It only survived because it’s Harry Potter.

    Edit: The broom flying was cool af though I’ll give them that

    Edit 2: Something I’ve always brought up about this game is, once you get petrificus totalus it turns into Harry Potter and the Assassin’s Creed


    Edit 2 is what I needed to hear to know that this is definitely not for me.

    ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

    I only say that because it’s like the stealth archer build from Skyrim. Once you unlock the ability you just naturally move to a stealthy approach.

    That and you can unlock an upgrade that allows you to take out a bunch of people at once if they’re grouped up

    AceTKen, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

    Never got into Harry Potter since I was too old. This game was really fun to just explore and I constantly felt a forward momentum. Some of the stories were good, and some were awful.

    I would absolutely play a sequel just based on the well done sense of discovery alone. I just wish more of what you found was impactful instead of cosmetic.


    On the one hand, I agree about wishing there was more to find than a new color cloak, but on the other hand I think it’s a neat way to keep the game approachable to more casual gamers (and to try and get as many Harry Potter fans to get it as possible). That being said, I would have liked if there were more challenge, and something other than just flat stat improvements could have been a way to keep that interesting if they had higher difficulties.

    AceTKen, avatar

    I get it, but it doesn’t have to be just pure stats. Could have been mild ability improvements or something or maybe changed some of the effects or visual things that occurred around you. Hell, even walking speed improvement or something like a tone to help you locate hidden items.

    There’s a lot they could have done considering we’re dealing with magical items! Still had a pretty good time with it overall though.

    HerbalGamer, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

    If you have nothing else to play and want a simple open world game set in and around Hogwarts, it’s perfectly servicable as long as you pirate it. Don’t expect to be blown away by it though.


    I assumed that after literally nobody or any media outlets have talked about it since release. Telltale sign of bang on average game. Probably great for potter fans and boring for those who don’t care or haven’t seen the films/read the books.

    Carighan, avatar

    I would - and I hate my saying this - rather recommend Avatar then. Yeah it’s a Ubisoft game. I know. Yeah, it needs a beefier machine to actually look really pretty.

    But oh my fucking hell is it pretty when cranked up. And it helps the generic open world gameplay a lot to be this awesome looking. Fun to just wander around and take in the scenery, even when you leave the jungle areas and go to the plains and see the wind-swept grass and all.

    hal_5700X, (edited ) do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide avatar

    Hogwarts Legacy is a 7.5 of 10. It’s a fun game. But it’s not revolutionary or break new ground. I hadn’t played Tears of the Kingdom.

    The two things the boycott did is to make the trans community look bad and made people hate them. The final thing was to give the game free advertising.

    Here’s a video about the Harry Potter IP. Like who owns the rights to the games, books, plays, and so on.


    …boycott did is to make the trans community look bad and made people hate them.

    I was talking about the harassment and doxing of people who played/streamed Hogwarts Legacy during the boycott.


    If you hated trans people because some people online told you to boycott the product of a piece of shit celeb, not gonna lie dude you were a shit person and it had nothing to do with seeing the backlash to the game.

    No joke, if this drama in any way altered your opinion of “trans folk” as a concept, you need to sit yourself down in front of a mirror and not get back up until youve fixed the rot in your personality. Utterly brainless take.

    hal_5700X, avatar

    I was talking about the harassment and doxing of people who played/streamed Hogwarts Legacy during the boycott.


    If some completely anonymous random strangers doxxing people you dont know made you hate trans folk as a concept, it had literally nothing to do with the doxxing and you know it.

    What a stupid thing to say. Invest in therapy asap.

    hal_5700X, (edited ) avatar

    When did I say I hate trans people? All I did is to point out an problem with the boycott. You had a group of people who harass and dox people. That group made trans people look bad. Keep on looking the other way. That will totally help the trans community. /s


    It didnt make trans people look bad, because trans people arent a hive mind.

    If this made trans people look bad to you, you are just a bigot looking for an excuse. You already hated them, this did not magically change anything

    hal_5700X, avatar
    cottonmon, avatar

    Honestly surprised that people seem to have forgotten about the harassment. It was really bad for some streamers and was inexcusable. It’s like how gamingcirclejerk tried to deny that the harassment even happened.

    hal_5700X, avatar

    They didn’t forgot about the harassment. They’re playing dumb.

    dangblingus, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    Culture wars sell games. If not for all of the noise surrounding JK Rowling, the right wing contingent of the internet probably would have passed it over as “a game for kids”. If comment sections are any metric to go by, everyone that played it either thought it was completely mid or bought it to own the libs.


    Why you downvoted? You’re right. They’re mean fucking trolls with the character of a child. They’re obsessed with triggering others. This is their MO.

    I came here to write something along the lines of “fuck that Nazi terf piece of shit” but saw your comment first.


    What’s hilarious to me is that, while the downvotes mean nothing in the long run, I’m hardly sharing a unique opinion, even on this thread.

    yamanii, avatar

    Because they are wrong? You don’t actually think everyone that bought it is a trumptard do you? Please touch grass, twitter drama isn’t relevant to the real world.


    I don’t get the whole “this game isn’t even good, there’s no way it was the best selling game of the year without rightoids overwhelmingly buying it simply to own the libs” idea when year after year after year the best selling games are Call of Duty X+1, Madden X+1, and FIFA X+1

    A game doesn’t need to be good to be popular, and I’d bet probably 99% of the owners are just normal people who aren’t even aware of the controversy


    Right, but COD is good. Good in the sense that it’s been refined over the years to give gamers the ultimate fast paced arcade FPS experience. The controls are tight and responsive, and the game is easy to understand. It’s essentially one of the hallmarks of the genre. But yes, the political controversy surrounding the game was above and beyond the controversy surrounding yearly COD releases. The sales numbers speak for themselves.


    Correct. I’ve never bought a video game in my life and I ain’t about to start but everyone had a take on that shit, it was so tiresome, I imagine for a lot of babytrans/babylgbt it might’ve been a shock that people will choose a game of their beloved childhood corporate intellectual property over being allies and that being allies was to a lot of people always virtue signaling, but I was far too cynical to let that bother me at that point.

    Harbinger01173430, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    Serious question. Who’d win, wizard trying to cast a spell or sovereign citizen with a gun?


    If the sovereign citizen’s gun is as real as their documents, then the Wizard.

    thorbot, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    Very curious. I played for about 10-15 hours and was just bored, but I’ve never been a huge potter head. Glad people like it though

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