Paying for the resources you consume instead of paying for capacity you’re not using isn’t a bad pricing model. Although I prefer HP Greenlake’s model over AWS.
But in the context of consumer product pricing it’s wildly anti-consumer to bill a software running largely on your own hardware consuming your own electricity based on how long you run said software. It’s expecting consumers to accurately project and plan their usage which consumers are pretty famously bad at. It’s also expecting consumers software running on consumer hardware on consumer home networks to function as expected, and all of the three are famously unreliable and janky
The AWS model works so well because of intense automation in horizontal and vertical scaling plus technologies like Kubernetes, Ansible and the entire automated build pipeline. But most importantly it relies on a full team carefully designing the automatic deployment and scaling to maximize benefits and minimize costs
The healer is constantly respawning and there will be a huge crowd you have to fight through and the tall one will occasionally cast spell that will instant kill you when it fill up the status bar.
Star Wars KotOR did this really well with the final boss. He heals himself but it makes sense why he can and you can prevent him from doing it if you know how.
It depends on who’s got the stocks, in my opinion. I personally don’t like when the 4-player 5-stock casual game turns into the sweatiest 2-stock 1v1 that lasts 10 minutes.
I honestly don’t get why people are so obsessed with proving that they are morally correct in piracy.
Like, does it genuinely bother you to think that people out there are looking down on you for this? Is it really upsetting if somebody tells you you’re wrong and for doing it? Why do you feel like you have to prove something to them?
Just do what you’re going to do.
The world is absolute shit, every single one of us is getting poorer and poorer everyday despite making more money, the economy thrives while we get price gouged for everything including basic necessities like homes and healthcare, and we’re all going to spend the rest of our lives in a world actually on fire because some boardrooms wouldn’t let us stop it. I’ve long since stopped feeling guilty for wanting access to some free media.
No, that’s not a justification. The point is there are so many more important matters to be stressed about than whether or not some people don’t like that I pirate things.
It’s about companies that are against piracy for games they don’t sell anymore and don’t provide a way to play them. If they gave us a way to play them piracy wouldn’t be only option.
But even new games can have similar problem because of the price. Main reason why I don’t have any current gen console is because I need to pay hundreds of $ for it plus 80$ per game (they cost that much in my country). That’s insane in my opinion. Two years ago I got second hand moded Wii with 200 games and paid it less than I would pay for just 1 AAA game. I can’t afford (or justify) spending so much money on games when emulation exists.
It’s not about literally proving that piracy is morally correct - it’s about getting your average person to rethink their gut reaction to the idea of piracy. It’s the same as pointing out how it’s estimated that more than 50% of all games are now lost forever because the companies who made them never bothered to keep the source code. Or how many early BBC recordings only exist because of people who taped them at home and sent copies to them after a public request campaign because the BBC reused the tape reels for newer programming over the years.
The more people who reconsider their first opinion of piracy as a bad thing, the more people who support it and actively participate in that kind of preservation there will be.
Even back in 1999 we could tell the difference between in-game graphics and pre-rendered cutscenes. Nobody thought that the blocky model shown here was as good as it got.
Toy Story came out in 1995 but nobody then expected we would have graphics like that in real time for a long time to come. There were claims made at the time comparing the graphical abilities of the PS2 and Xbox generation to films like Toy Story and they were widely derided at that time.
These days, I often can’t tell if cutscenes are pre-rendered or rendered by the game engine (or another real-time renderer packaged with the game).
Though that some of the old Blizzard cutscenes that impressed me a lot at the time stopped being so impressive even a decade ago. Like the Diablo 2 ones are on the far side of the uncanny valley still, but I remember being awestruck by them back in the day.
It might actually - more cells = more mitochondria = more power! So better do the watermelon first, then miniaturize the whole thing and take on a grape later.:-D