Nope, and it’s awesome. I2P works similarly to tor except instead of being discouraged, there’s a torrent client built in. Only down side is as it’s an entirely P2P network with alot of hops (more than tor) it’s quite slow.
I’ll also add Urbek City Builder. It’s a city building game but it’s a more simplified one. Resource management is very easy and you can build your city as fast or as slow as you need.
spoilerIts Prince of Persia The Sands of Time. Princess Farah, who you escort, always find a conventient crack only she can fit through whenever the game needed her gone. This got kind of memed.
I hate it I try to always avoid always online drm but sometimes it’s really impossible, i’m gonna be honest and say that i got some issue with my steamdeck for them. (f u ubisoft btw) So if i find that a singleplayer game needs an always online drm i just don’t buy it.
I like Metal Gear Solid a lot. Metal Gear Solid 2 was okay but the bait and switch from Solid Snake to Raiden was just aggravating and the plot started getting more crazy than I cared for. By the time Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater came out I was just done. I know I’m in the minority here but it just isn’t for me. The first Metal Gear Solid for the PS1 was about the right balance of game play and funky off the wall story for me.
Hideo Kojima needs someone to tell him when enough is enough.
My main wish after P5R soundtrack was released… is that I wish there was a definitive playlist of the order once both soundtracks are merged. As of right now, there is a set list for P5 and then a separate one for P5R…
Maybe I need to keep looking, or generate it myself (it’s harder than it seems though).
Check out J-music Ensemble’s Persona 5 cover album Metagroove! It’s really well made, I couldn’t go back to listening the vanilla soundtrack without thinking of it.
RDR2 suffers heavily from the same problem as GTAV’s single player mode: it’s a movie posing as a video game and both aspects suffer for it.
RDR2 would have been great if it was just the part where you wander around tracking critters and collecting flowers and playing cowboy dress-up, but the game really doesn’t want you to do that. Not to belabor the point, but between how unpredictable the connection between “interact with item/character X” and “start mission with character Y” can be and the game’s tendency to fail missions the second you go off-script, RDR2 often felt like it was directed by someone who actively resented the concept of player agency.
You articulated my issue with it perfectly. In theory it was this amazing open world with tons of player freedom, but the minute you engage with the actual story at all you have no choice in anything. There was one quest where I HAD to rescue Micah and kill a butt load of people which really annoyed me given I was going for a white hat run.
Stardew Valley. I don’t find it relaxing at all but a chore and stressful due to the day/night cycle. I feel like Terraria is handling day/night much better.
If you’re on PC, there’s mods to help with the time (even stopping it altogether). I haven’t tried them out myself, but this mod would solve the time management issue:
Tears of the Kingdom. I’m going to be here for awhile, but this game has made me want to play some other Switch games in my collection that I’ve been putting off, like Xenoblade Chronicles.
I’ve seen OpenMW mentioned (and it’s fantastic), but you might want to check out Daggerfall Unity as well. The game’s available at no cost, and you can find a zip of the necessary game files on the install guide in the dfworkshop forums.
It’s way better than the old DOS version, and it supports mods, too.
Alright so I was a little confused on OpenMW but it appears that it is, in fact, complete enough to play? Nice. I now finally have an excuse to play.
I completely forgot about Daggerfall existing. I’m just reading through the wikipedia article. “Daggerfall consists of 15,000 cities, towns, villages, and dungeons for the character to explore.” I am intimidated, yet intrigued.
I decided a few years ago that I play games to have fun and if a game isn’t fun, I don’t play it. I don’t have much time these days to dedicate gaming, so I want to enjoy the time I do.
I’ve had a few I’ve really enjoyed until I hit some really terrible game mechanic or even a boss encounter I can’t get past. I’ll usually give it a few days/tries, but I’ll flat out just bail and uninstall a game if it is causing me too much stress.
Creative allowance. Even if it makes the game “unbalanced”.
Just Cause 2 with the grappling hook you could attach one end to a statue and one to a truck.
Grand Theft Auto 3 was the first game where I realized I could complete an assassination by stealing a police car, use the swarm of police cars following me as a “net” to trap my target’s car so he couldn’t drive away, and then blowing up the pile of cars with a grenade.
Rimworld where I can create a settlement of nudist vampires trading beautiful wooden sculptures for slaves to feed on.
The Sims 3 of course.
From the Depths, Minecraft, Space Engineers, Valheim also to a large degree.
BOTW for sure. The expansive open world is just great to get lost in. Not to mention the soundtrack can be calming when you’re out riding your horse in the fields.
XCOM 2 on the lowest difficulty. Sacrilege, I know, but there’s just no better feeling than waltzing through some aliens with my whole squad intact at the end while feeling like a tactical genius. And even the weird Chimera Squad is just fun at times for a bit of a changeup.
You play however is the most fun to you! Gaming can become so much more fun when you realize that different difficulty levels are there to serve you and your enjoyment of the game, not the other way around!