BlackSpasmodic, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th

I’m playing Palia. It’s a cozy single/multiplayer survival-ish game. I love that it has very low friction. So far I’m having a great time playing while I listen to podcasts or YouTube

R1dley2, do piracy w Any sites or torrent sites to download mac apps?

I like macbed

FastEddieB, do piracy w 5th Edition D&D books?

Soulseek is typically for music but I’ve found D&D pdfs there too.

riley0, do piracy w Is movie-web down for anyone else? avatar

A ct vi d dot o r g uses a server called netu, based in Romania. It seldom goes down.

zeshi, do zapytajszmer w Chińskie telefony

Mam Siałomi i nie mam z nim większych problemów. Jeśli chodzi o prywatność to nie martwię się istotnie bardziej niż gdybym miał samsunga, Mi się nie chce bawić w customowe OS bo nie każde urządzenie jest wspierane, a ja sobię cenię dobry stosunek cena-jakość czyli raczej nie będą to flagowce.

Minusy na siałomi to bloatware, natomiast doszły mnie słuchy że zachodnie marki nie mają go istotnie mniej.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Minusy na siałomi to bloatware, natomiast doszły mnie słuchy że zachodnie marki nie mają go istotnie mniej.

z tym się zgodzić nie mogę, jedyną zachodnią marką, która dorównuje w ilości bloatwaru do xiaomi, czy innych oppo i vivo, to Samsung (tak, wliczam Koreę, tak samo Japonię, do krajów Zachodu). nawet Apple ma mniej zawalony system


a, no widzisz, dla mnie Samsung to “default zachodni telefon” :) Po Apple akurat bym się spodziewał ich bloatware i “bloatware” tylko gustowniej zrobionego. Na moim chińczyku nie jest aż tak źle, ale może jestem już na etapie akceptacji i przestałem zauważać, ew. zmieniło się na gorsze odkąd mam ten telefon.

burgersc12, do piracy w Any sites or torrent sites to download mac apps?

Maybe a site on the megathread like

MrGerrit, do gaming w Sea of Stars (2023) review thread

Got my steam and switch codes in my email box and the physical is on the way. Can’t wait to get home and start playing! I’m so hyped right now!

Maximilious, do gaming w Sea of Stars (2023) review thread avatar

I learned about this title too late to back the Kickstarter but absolutely loved The Messenger and SoS demo. I am very miffed that LRG distributed the KS but other physicals are being released by iam8bit. I'm currently waiting on Eastward CE that I purchased last July through iam8bit and they keep pushing the release back. They are claiming an early Q1 2024 release for this title but I'm VERY sceptical of that date.

whyNotSquirrel, do piracy w Where might I get German (mostly tv) content? avatar

maybe but it’s private also

You have exemple of content you’re looking for, I could check if it is there?

CookieJarObserver, do piracy w Where might I get German (mostly tv) content? avatar

s. to, you may need to use the IP so go over Aniworld. to and use their directory. Its streaming.

Lord_Logjam, do xbox w What have you played on Gamepass last week? Any recommendations?

Hollow Knight. I replayed it over the last couple of weeks and it is such a masterpiece.


I’ve tried it a couple of times based on all the raving reviews, but couldn’t stand the lack of checkpoints. Died against a boss about 5 times and had to walk all the way back from town was just very annoying and not relaxing to me. I don’t mind dying, eg I love Ori and don’t mind dying in hard section, as long as there are checkpoints.


The benches are checkpoints. Some of the bosses are quite far from a bench though admittedly.

Fleecer74, do piracy w Has anyone tried MovieBoxPro in Chromecast?

It has a android tv app, it’s like $20 a year for vip. I have an invite code if you want it


Yes sure, is there a free trial?

indite, do piracy w Easy and safe linux piracy with jc141 avatar

Stupid question, but how do I go about updating dwarFS?


If the distro you’re on doesn’t have packages for a new version I would start with .

Veraxus, do games w Sea of Stars Review Thread | (90/100 OpenCritic) avatar

Huh. Never heard of this before.

But if I'm being honest, crappy indie pixel art games are a dime a dozen, so it takes a lot to overcome my general resistance to games like this. It can happen, though... Dave the Diver, Blasphemous... it's just a much steeper uphill battle for pixel art games than other styles.

averyminya, do gaming w Need some local coop recommendations

Surprised to not see Castle Crashers mentioned yet!

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