Blxter, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of?
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  • Ashe,

    Told someone I played rust and they asked if I was racist or suicidal because those are apparently the qualifiers.

    It really does bring the worst out of humanity, but at the same time I’ve met and known people for years who were my neighbors or even rivals

    Zikeji, avatar

    Was looking for this lol.

    I bought a Rust ages ago, back when the development basically had it turning into a new game every year. Maybe I just got lucky back then, but never had a toxic interaction.

    Cut to last year, when a group of guild members went to Rust so I redownloaded it after 5 years. Most of us only lasted a few hours and we tried half a dozen servers lol.

    !deleted4407 avatar


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  • Zikeji, avatar

    Those people just have not had the misfortune of playing Rust.

    ascagnel, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of?

    Rainbow Six Siege is up there — there’s six dimensions of assholery in the game by my count.

    • Tom Clancy games tend to attract right-wing assholes because they’re Tom Clancy
    • competitive FPS
    • one-shot one-kill gameplay
    • friendly fire on by default
    • character picks
    • you need to play to a specific meta

    Not sure if this still happens, but for groups of 4 that used to want to play together, there was no way to lock the team or kick from lobby. So what would happen is you’d get match-maked in as the 5th player, and as soon as the game started, your team would kill you. This would happen about 25% of the time with random matchmaking.

    I ended up quitting R6 Siege because of the toxicity and constant slurs on voice chat. It’s a shame because it was otherwise my favourite competitive FPS.

    Xariphon, do gaming w Why do video game devs tie game mechanics to framerate?

    At least it's not Destiny 2 where incoming damage is tied to frame rate such that the higher yours is the more damage you take.


    wait, for real? why? 🤨


    Damned if I know. It's possibly the stupidest decision I've ever seen in a big name game. But yeah sometimes you'll be walking around and just all of a sudden get obliterated out of nowhere and it was because you got mapped by an NPC rocket with damage tied to frame rate. There's YouTube videos of people proving it works this way iirc; I know people used to post testing videos on R.

    shakesbeare, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

    Man FFXIV is no ray of sunshine but I can’t imagine it’s anyway near as bad as literally any competitive game. I’ve never been called a slur in FFXIV before and it feels like it happens once a session for things like Dota, LoL, Overwatch, Siege, etc.

    troyunrau, avatar

    Yeah, I kind of disagree with FFXIV. My whole experience there last year was entirely pleasant.

    skulblaka, avatar

    Second this, you'll get a couple sweatlords every now and then especially if you're running end game content but the first 100 or more hours of gameplay are absolutely pleasant. I only interacted with the reddit group outside of game but those guys were also nice.

    bezier-curve, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of?

    Easily Rocket League. It's always been toxic but it's been much worse since becoming free to play.

    • Rage quitting
    • Malicious compliance (AFK, accidental own-goals)
    • Team mates playing for the opposing team entire games
    • Passive aggressive quick chats
    • Overtly aggressive free-form chats (being chastised over every tiny mistake)

    The game's competitive ranking systems makes it so each win and loss matters, and people often take their vitriol out on their own team before looking inwards.

    mifan, avatar

    I turned the chat off a long time ago. Instantly made the game better. I don’t need a kid to show off his NSFW vocabulary.

    cupcakezealot, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

    Haven’t played in a while but Warcraft all day unless you’re on an established RP server.

    shnizmuffin, do gaming w What side content should I do after finishing TOTK? avatar

    Go get Majora’s Mask. Hardest fight in the game.

    gogosempai, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

    CS:Go has some pretty unwelcoming and newbie-haters out there.


    Reminds me of valorant ( Indian server )

    Montagge, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

    Dark Souls

    Caligvla, avatar

    Anything FromSoftware really. Any question is answered with a variation of “git gud”. Not to mention the elitism.

    Gork, avatar

    The only appropriate response to that is

    <pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
    <span style="color:#323232;">git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
    Caligvla, avatar


    Eavolution, avatar

    tbh I've always found the community to be very helpful when I've needed a hand with anything

    Montagge, avatar

    And I play offline because all online play did was waste my time with trolls

    TwilightKiddy, (edited )

    Ah, sadness…

    But behold, cramped area!

    SuiXi3D, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

    Cyberpunk, easily. Everyone loves to hate it for some reason, and shit all over everyone that dares to enjoy it.

    pacoboyd, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of?

    What I think is weird about folks hatin on the Genshin Community is it’s essentially a single player game. There is no community really outside of social media. I would say social media is the problem.

    kehtea, avatar

    This! I've always had super friendly interactions with Genshin co-op, even when searching through the co-op tab rather than looking online (aside from one kid I had to kick because I was not going to buy them a welkin lol). The only time I've come across problematic behavior is through social media. It's also very popular so of course on twitter and reddit there is going to be a large loud volume of immature people, but that's most games. In game people are usually good.

    pixel, avatar

    even around the game people are good provided you aren’t broadly exposed to it via tiktok/twitter/reddit/twitch. Some of the smaller genshin discords have been really helpful and sweet and full of good people. But honestly I think there’s just a critical mass where communities like that kinda blow up so that’s not a genshin problem so much as that’s a “so many people in one place at one time” kind of problem lol

    Pegatron, avatar

    It tells me they are used to cuddly friendly fandoms. They've definitely never played real toxic games like Mordhau or anything Paradox has made. There are games that are legit >50% neonazis and avowed racists.

    evilviper, do gaming w Phil Spencer announces Call of Duty deal with PlayStation

    I doubt any company would want to give their competitor 20-30% of their profits, so in my mind it isn’t a matter of if, but a matter of when they start locking all their franchises off from PS. What will be most interesting to me will be how will they do it. Will they just drop franchises so they don’t have to face the backlash for turning a franchise into an exclusive? Will they just make up a new “franchise” with a new name but similar gameplay? Will they just slowly one by one exclusive them off to try and reduce blowback? Do it all at once to get it out of the way?

    This generation has already been mostly played out and I don’t see large changes making a large difference, but once the next generation comes around in another 3-5 years I imagine they will want to be in a place where they can leverage all these franchises to get people excited to buy their new box over their competitors. And you do that with exclusives.


    Pull a Titanfall to Apex(bad example but you know what I mean) now you don’t really have a CoD franchise. It’s like Battlefield is no longer the Battlefield we remember, just the names. They can just spin up another franchise “from the legendary CoD developers, blah blah…”, BUT it’s not CoD.


    Honestly the franchise is probably due for a shakeup at this point anyway. You can only release the same game over again each year for so long. I used to be a diehard Battlefield fan but have only played maybe 10 minutes worth of 2142 after owning it for 6 months or more.


    Meanwhile, Minecraft trundles on as a multiplatform title 9 years after its acquisition. 🤷


    minecraft also a large number of things going for it.

    1. It was(is) a single game
    2. It was already multiplatform, and only the most suicidal company would take a game that was multiplatform and make it exclusive. Not including the backlash as players lost access to a game they paid for, but there would also be untold number of refunds that would need to be done, lawsuits (most likely) to handle, etc.
    3. It already had a very large (and most importantly) young userbase that they could monetize on dozens of platforms.
    4. If you followed the proceedings of everything that is going on you’ll have read that they actually wanted to make the new minecraft legends xbox exclusive. While the emails didn’t say what ended up making them change their mind, I would imagine being in a certain legal fight might have played a large role in it.
    5. Exceptions happen, but I imagine that exception would be the appropriate word rather than norm. But I’d love to be proven wrong.
    moon_matter, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

    Genshin community,

    I get that communities for popular games can be a bit hit or miss, but communities for single player games are pretty chill. Competitive team games like the Source games you mentioned, League of Legends etc. are on a whole different level of toxic. They can't even be compared.

    For something like Genshin the real problem is content creators. Much of the so called toxicity has little to nothing to do with the game itself and is more an issue with huge cults of personality clashing with each other. I think every popular game is going to fall victim to this going forward and you just have to learn to ignore it.

    Lichtblitz, do gaming w Why do video game devs tie game mechanics to framerate?

    This video might give you a good idea of what’s going on behind the scenes and why things are not trivial to get right:

    dQw4w9WgXcQ, do gaming w What side content should I do after finishing TOTK?

    I got all the shrines and all light roots. Then I started messing around with building combat vehicles to mess with bokoblins. I’m not a big side quester or story liner, so I haven’t done a lot of them.

    I got bored at some point since the objectives were completed. It’s sad, but a game is over when it’s over. While it’s possible to continue through speed running or going real 100%, it’s fine to just be done and move on to another game.

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