Venicon, do games w Where to find help for a game name avatar

Second Sight


Not> Second Sight but I will see if I can get it.

Venicon, avatar

I didn’t see the expanded post. Was it Montezumas Revenge? I played it on Atari


No it wasn’t > Montezumas Revenge Someone suggested Aztec.

TootSweet, do games w Where to find help for a game name

Lessee. Username’s a reference to Snow Crash, which is a cyberpunk book. Played the game “years ago”. The game must have a name not so connected to the content that OP would have already remembered the name before posting.

I’m going to guess Shadowrun for the SNES.


Are you sure it’s not a reference to the tv show Heroes (tm) (R) (CC) (CCP) (CCCP) (littleoldladywho), and thus he has an unhealthy obsession with savior-figures that transcend the physical boundaries set by the unbreakable rules off reality? The game must be Superman 64, known for its trendsetting skyfall imagery and fast gameplay.


check my edit for description.


Good catch on the book but the game is from the 80’s

EbenezerScrew, do games w Where to find help for a game name

Faxanadu, or Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest.


Much earlier. check my edit for description.


Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest Not those games but it was an 80’s game. I edited my question for description.

kmartburrito, do games w Where to find help for a game name

Raptor: Call of the Shadows?

Voyajer, do games w Where to find help for a game name avatar

Temple of Apshai?


Temple of Apshai? No but thanks.

donuts, do games w Where to find help for a game name

In the same genre but must have come after this because it was much better quality.


I’m wondering if there was an Aztec2 cause the name rings a bell. Thanks, I’m going to check who developed this but it looks abandoned.


Okay I’ve watched a couple of vids and it might be this.

Rhynoplaz, do games w Where to find help for a game name

Could it be Aztec?


Yes, someone else suggested that, I think it was. I just remember it being way better than it looks today. Cutting edge in the 80’s.


That’s usually how these things play out.

Same thing happened to me when I tried watching Thundercats again. Oh boy.


Sometimes it better to just keep the memory.

Rachelhazideas, do gaming w Art imitates life

The male-hunter female gatherer dichotomy is an anthropological myth used to reinforce gender stereotypes.


Interesting read, still leaves a lot of stuff unanswered but some aspects were crazy, like when they said that they found remains buried with weapons and just assumed it was a male, until someone looked at the bones and found the opposite. Like isn’t that your job to check things before making assumptions?


The field of Anthropology has gone through some WILDLY problematic periods. So-called “scientific racism” is a big one but shallow assumptions about historical cultures based on current-day social norms was very common.

Shanmugha, do gaming w Art imitates life

Just came by to say hello and kudos to WoW players. Raiding has been most fun part of the game for me (the “interact with humans” part, story and lore aside)

asudox, do games w Where to find help for a game name avatar

I think there is no specific community for that yet, but I’m pretty sure you can ask it in here or in something like !ask


Yes I did thanks.

otacon239, do gaming w Sorry little one. *clicks 'kick puppy' button*

I just replayed GTA V after the update and I forgot how bad I feel on the torture mission. But then I remembered what the guy looked like and only had to deal with two cutscenes worth. Also got a great line of dialogue if you shout the target early.

“What the fuck, Michael!?”

“It just felt like that was the guy.”

“How do you know.”

“I had a hunch. It’ll check out.”


I absolutely hate that mission. Even for GTA it sticks out as especially mean-spirited. I always use the battery as few times as needed to get it over with, because it seems like the least horrible thing to do to him.


Spoken like someone who never trapped a sim in a room and burned them alive


No, but even if I did it would be optional, not something the game is forcing me to do to advance.


Trevor’s speech following the mission actually has a decent amount of meat to it. He makes a valid point and the mission is used to demonstrate his point.

He points out how the guy was completely willing to give info, but because everyone is so torture happy, they make a game out of it the whole time (yes, I’m aware), cracking jokes and totally enjoying the guy’s pain.

I really hope the social commentary that permeates Los Santos is still there in GTA VI. Based on what we got in RDR2, I have no reason to doubt this game is going to be scathing on the current political climate. Time will tell.


The problem is that the game forces the player to engage in what is obviously pointless torture. It’s in character for Trevor to do this, but we should be able to choose not to be involved in it. All the same points can still be made if Trevor does it on his own.

With VI, Rockstar is going to have an Onion problem of trying to be satirical in an age when the US government has fully embraced fascism. In Florida, no less! I really hope the game is all anti-authority and there is NO cooperation with any government agencies, only killing them.

BuboScandiacus, do gaming w Sorry little one. *clicks 'kick puppy' button*

I still don’t get why they put them in games

Being a psychopathic murder machine is way too specific of a playstyle to be in every rpg with multiple action choices


I think, it’s a combination of things.

To some degree, it may make the player choice seem broader, as you can go full hero or full villain. In some sense, you can also go into the middle by kicking a puppy at one point and then helping an elderly lady at another.

But then, it’s also just hard to portray nuance. If the options are “pet kitty” and “punch kitty”, you know what’s what. But if it says “pet kitty” and “ignore kitty”, it becomes a lot less clear. Maybe the kitty does not want to get pet by a random stranger. You probably won’t be able to gauge its reaction from the character model to know what’s the right choice.
But you also won’t know what “pet kitty” really means. Will your character be gentle and back off, if the kitty does not appreciate the gesture? Or will they stroke that kitty until it bites them?

LIFEFORM, do gaming w Sorry little one. *clicks 'kick puppy' button*

All I can see is “Is he trying to pull the trigger with his thumb?!”


AI-generated shit.

HiroProtagonist, do games w Day 246 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots

Do I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is.

SharkAttak, do games w Steam Deck / Gaming News #6 avatar

I must say, this is an interesting collection of news!

Q: So, using Heroic I could launch Epic games without installing their launcher?

PerfectDark, avatar

Yes! That’s exactly how Heroic works!

Check their website if you want to look at the FAQ, its extensive in what it covers there!

But, it definitely bypasses the need for Epic’s launcher. As with Amazon Games titles, and GOG as well! An all-in-one :)

SharkAttak, avatar

That's good! (although I shouldn't really try to make my backlog longer than it already is) I asked caused the FAQ wasn't very clear about it.

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