Hehe yeah, I played rogue in the fresh classic release, peak gameplay. Ended up quitting due to the economy though unfortunately; Don’t wanna spend real life money on gold to buy the consumables needed to stand a chance in both pve and pvp.
And also don’t fancy competing for devilsaurs against people who literally have no life hahah
Agreed. The sweet spot was ten man raids. You know everyone is pulling their weight. With 40 half the raid was slacking since those bosses didn’t need a lot of coordination.
Fair, but I think the analogy is closer to saying like “a car can go 120mph.” But also my reply was a bit tongue-in-cheek as evidenced by the fact that I pulled the 90% number out of nothing more than my anecdotal feeling.
But if we are going to take this post seriously, I find it highly suspect as WoW never even had any serious content where more than 40 players are acting simultaneously. And if the limit is 50, they would have had to have data even higher than that. Im not sure how they could collect such data when you would only have 40 players you put in a raid. Maybe for things where multiple raids try to work together? But then youre putting two groups that dont normally play together and comparing them to one that has been hand selected to be cohesive. Doesnt really make sense.
FFXIV added 24 player hard raids called “chaotic raids” that’s absolutely a nightmare. They have a few 48 player raids that are more midcore content that works well, but 24 is super common and works well for other casual content. But most midcore/hardcore raids are 8 player, and that feels like a good spot.
Studentki i studenci serbskich uczelni zablokowali wstęp na niektóre zajęcia na dziesiątkach państwowych wydziałów w całym kraju i zbojkotowali inne, domagając się m.in. ścigania odpowiedzialnych za zawalenie się dachu dworca kolejowego, które skutkowało śmiercią. Odezwa serbskich protestujących trafiła do studiujących na całym świecie, w tym do tych zrzeszonych w Inicjatywie Pracowniczej.
A self-perpetuating meme where the objective is to forget you're playing it. By remembering it, you have lost the game, and by custom, must announce it aloud.