SteposVenzny, do gaming w Suikoden US vs JPN Box Art

You’ve unlocked a childhood memory. I was like twelve browsing used video games, guy at the store asked me what I liked and I said RPGs. He handed me a copy of Suikoden and said “I know it looks like absolute garbage but I promise it’s actually really good.”

At the time, my taste hadn’t developed enough to understand what was wrong with the American box art but I didn’t say anything.

vasus, do games w What is your favorite mod?

Enderal, a whole new game built ontop of Skyrim. Offers an entirely different setting, map, class system, enemies, spells, and has an actual story that you will not soon forget.


Just started that recently, very good so far.

Jeffool, avatar

I had genuinely forgotten about it without playing it. Thanks for mentioning it.


Enderal and also its predecessor Nehrim are absolutely amazing! They’re so fantastic, I don’t even consider them mods, I see them as full games.

PS: Yes, I know Arkwend exists. But I’ve never played it because I personally dislike Morrowind and its gameplay systems. Especially the god aweful random hit chance system Oblivion got me into RPGs so that will forever be my gold standard for RPG games.

HubertManne, do games w What is your favorite mod?

definitely dremor and close second is shitpostpolice. oh boy my lips are so tired.

Gutek8134, do games w What is your favorite mod? avatar
Feyter, do gaming w Suikoden US vs JPN Box Art

I mean the JPN cover is much more true to the original game ascetic and is more artistically pleasing…

But c’mon the US cover looks like a frickin 80s fantasy trash movie poster. Retrospectively that’s so iconic.

VerilyFemme, do games w What is your favorite mod?

This was a tough one. But I’m probably going to have to say JSawyer Ultimate for Fallout: New Vegas. A continuation of the game director’s own rebalance mod, it makes the game hard in a way that feels fresh and fair (unlike the baked-in Hardcore mode).

I like to pair it with my runner-up: JAM - Just Assorted Mods, for a more modern HUD and a sprint feature. Of course then you need the NPCs Sprint mod to rebalance combat and- you know what, all of the Viva New Vegas modlist while you’re at it ;)

neons, do games w What is your favorite mod?

Hoi4 player-led peace conferences. Because the game is literally unplayable without it

P.S: I know this isn’t the type of mod you meant, but often the small fixes are the most important


I wasn’t excluding this type of mod when I asked my question. Small fixes definitely count!

Coelacanth, do games w What is your favorite mod? avatar

I want to highlight two mod makers, instead of single mods. lStewieAl and WallSoGB for their efforts unfucking New Vegas. Being forced to pick a single effort, the engine optimizations is probably the most impressive. Honorable mention to all the various script extenders that make so many fantastic mods possible in the first place.

villainy, do games w Favourite Metroid game?

If we’re allowing Trilogy as one game then I’m going to step out a bit and go with AM2R. It’s extremely good and not “for a fan remake”, just straight up good.

If we’re talking single games made/published by Nintendo I’d go with Dread for 2D. I played through that 3-4 times back to back when it came out which was a totally new behavior for me. For 3D it’s Prime 1, still the best 3D example of the genre.

TachyonTele, do games w Favourite Metroid game?

Absolutely Super.
Right now I’m playing through a new run of Super Metroid+A Link to the Past. The game is so perfectly made that it’s just as good with a randomizer.


The super + alttp rando is so fun


I love going through most of the game and then finally realizing i don’t have a shield lol

missingno, avatar

It's super cool that SMZ3 is a thing that even exists, but beyond the novelty of it I felt it was dragged down by the fact that ALttP is so much bigger than SM, to the point where it kinda drowns SM out.

Charred, do games w Favourite Metroid game?

I started with Fusion and I love it, but Super is a tiny tiny bit over it in my personal list.

sheridan, do games w Favourite Metroid game? avatar

It’s really hard for me to name a single favorite Metroid; I love most of them. In terms of non-linear open exploration, Super Metroid is probably my favorite, followed by AM2R. But I also really enjoyed the boss fights in Metroid Dread; they were really challenging…for me at least.

toomanypancakes, do games w Favourite Metroid game? avatar

Super Metroid is my favorite game period, so definitely that one. Dread was really good too though, I played through that one a bunch.

missingno, do games w Favourite Metroid game? avatar

Dread. I wasn't sure if it could live up to the high expectations set for it, but they hit it out of the park. Hits all the highs of Super and Zero Mission, then goes on to outdo those games in terms of combat and boss fights. Had a blast going back to speedrun it again and again.

ampersandrew, avatar

I know a lot of people, myself included, got frustrated with the EMMI sections. Unless we all missed something about how they work, that the game could stand to explain better, you could end up walking into the room with bad RNG and the thing could be right on top of you. If you’re speedrunning the game, presumably you have a trick to avoid that scenario, but it was quite common and brought down my opinion on the game, for sure.

missingno, avatar

Been a while and I don't remember the routing details at all, but I was surprised to find that they weren't much of an obstacle at all for the speedrun. They're designed to scare you on a first playthrough, but on subsequent replays you just go fast and they won't catch you.

ampersandrew, avatar

Well, what I meant was that you could enter the door and immediately be stuck in that quick time event that you usually fail because the window is so small, and you couldn’t see where the EMMI would be before you crossed the door’s threshold.

missingno, avatar

I could be wrong, but I think that only happens if you repeatedly enter and exit the EMMI Zone, allowing it to wander around too much. Which is something you might get scared into doing on a first playthrough!

icecreamtaco, avatar

If you ever get into a EMMI QTE you’ve done something wrong. The QTE is a glorified game over screen, the 1% chance of escaping is only there to make it scarier with false hope

ampersandrew, avatar

But that’s what I’m saying. It’s so unlikely you’ll make it out of it that when you walk into the room and the EMMI is already occupying the space you walked into blindly, it’s a frustrating unavoidable fail state.

ampersandrew, do games w Favourite Metroid game? avatar

Mine is probably the oddball pick with Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. I know it’s hardly the first game with a light and dark world mechanic, but I really appreciated the way you traversed in and out of them, and how each world replenished the opposite ammo type. The multiplayer in that game is also underrated, but probably not as good as in the DS game.


When ya said oddball pick I was half expecting metroid prime pinball to be it haha


That was an objectively good game. Small and short, but good.

Hunters, on the other hand, not great.

ampersandrew, avatar

Okay, but did you ever play Hunters multiplayer?

LunarLoony, avatar

MPP is glorious

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