aphonefriend, do games w Are there any games like Starfield?

Haven’t seen anyone mention Starpoint Gemini. Warlords was probably the best iteration. Kinda like Eve but single player and a half way decent story.

DdCno1, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 12th

Wreckfest has been big for the last week or so. The only reason why I picked it up again in the first place (after having only played about an hour of it before, mostly on the Steam Deck) was that I got a new controller (from 8bitdo), more or less replacing my worn out Xbone controller, and the idea was that I wanted to test it properly with a proper racing game - and proper racing it is! Hard and punishing, but not really unfair. I’ve been a fan of Finish developer Bugbear ever since the first Flatout (which this is a clear spiritual successor to), so it’s not exactly surprising that it finally clicked with me.

Driving physics in particular are sublime. Even with just a controller, you can feel the mass of the vehicle shifting around, you notice tires losing grip as springs are decompressed on top of a hill. Add to that the second best crash physics after BeamNG and delightfully aggressive AI drivers and the end result is pure carnage. There is some frustration (most races are decided in the first three corners and a single mistake can eliminate any chance of victory at the second highest and highest difficulty), later races are getting too long (since it’s not particularly interesting to lead for five laps after having basically won the race in the first lap) and the gameplay surrounding the races themselves is bare-bones to say the least, with a very basic campaign, upgrade and leveling system and some live service (ultra)lite challenges sprinkled on top, but it does the job.

There are destruction derbies (fun, but laughably easy, all of them) and wacky events like racing a tiny three wheeler against a field of school buses, but the majority of those are really more fun in theory than actually playing them, since most of these unusual vehicles are just slow, fragile and control purely. Worst example so far: RV racing. Nothing fun or interesting about that and the Top Gear segment they copied this from wasn’t exactly a high point in the series either. Normal racing is downright exhilarating though at the best of times, when you just edge out a victory on a slippery, brilliantly designed dirt track, worn out tires barely holding on, opponents trying to spin you out in every corner. I hope there’s more of that in the upcoming sequel. I have not tried the multiplayer yet, but I might in the future. Graphics are excellent - save for the complete lack of driver animations - and there’s a banging soundtrack that would be perfect if it had less screamo, but that’s just my taste. The soundtrack doesn’t quite reach the same heights as Flatout 1 and 2’s, but it’s close.

This really applies to the whole game. It’s not just nostalgia, since I replayed both relatively recently. Wreckfest has better driving physics than its predecessors (or really most other racing games), but that’s about it. The wackiness is more grounded, with plausible or almost plausible and no strictly unrealistic events that involve the driver being hurled into targets anymore, but this also means that, since there is really no “innovation” outside of ultra-basic leveling and daily events compared to the predecessors that it feels like they didn’t really have any ideas and were just doing it by the numbers. Bugbear are masters at the craft of designing tracks, vehicles and the physics that tie it all together, but outside of the immediate racing action, there really is nothing of note there. A campaign system that was below average 21 years ago is now hopelessly outdated. I’m not saying that they should try and make a dirty, ratty version of Forza Horizon with more of those lovely banged up real cars that handle so brilliantly, but… - okay, they totally should, that would be amazing! Anyway, 10/10 racing, 6/10 other events, 3/10 surrounding stuff for a weighed average of 7.99999/10. Don’t check if my math is correct.

Okay, and I also played a few more hours of Balatro (more hours than Wreckfest, I mean), because, well, I was forced to. Yup. I didn’t do it willingly, I swear! Is there a “Balatro players anonymous”? Asking for a friend.

The controller I mentioned (8BitDo Ultimate 2C Wired) is great, by the way. It’s a simple wired-only thing (there’s also a Bluetooth variant) that closely mimics the Xbone controller, except for two additional small shoulder buttons that I haven’t found any use for yet, as well as a turbo and remap feature that allegedly works without any software (don’t care about either, so I haven’t tried them). PC and Android only, just FYI. It has the best sticks and triggers I’ve ever used (both Hall effect, so I hope they’ll last) and the buttons and d-pad are also outstanding, despite this thing costing less than half as much as a first party controller. It feels exactly as solid as an original controller, even down to the plastic making the same noises at precisely the same level of grip strength when some hick from outta town spins ya out in the last corner of tha race for some goddarn reason, which is one hell of an achievement for the price. I’ve already had a Super Famicon style Bluetooth controller from the same company for a few years, so I knew their stuff was high quality. The only aspect about it that might put some people off is that for some reason, it’s only available in bright, almost garish pastel colors, but I quickly got over that. There is a branded Black Myth Wukong version with more muted colors, but it didn’t mention having vibration on any of the spec sheets on any site, so I avoided that one.

fadingembers, do games w Are there any games like Starfield? avatar

It’s loosely in the same genre but you may like Rebel Galaxy. It takes a slightly different approach to space combat making it closer to naval warfare. Very enjoyable soundtrack.


Love this game! Just reinstalled yesterday after years to start a replay of it. I just hope if they make a third they go back to this style (more capital/naval ship feeling) and not the smaller fighter style the second one adopted.

setsneedtofeed, do games w Are there any games like Starfield? avatar

I’m commenting late, but there is The Precursors which does require Slavjank tolerance, but if you have it, it provides an interesting flavor on a space opera adventure.

I also haven’t tried The Tomorrow War which seemingly requires even higher Slavjank tolerance, and probably isn’t a top of all time game, but seems interesting if you like peering into strange forgotten games. Warlockracy did a video of this one.


I’ve actually heard of The Precursors before. It was featured in Tehsnakerer’s Playing series. I don’t know what my tolerance of slavjank is. I’ve played Operation Flashpoint a lot when I was a kid. Does that qualify as slavjank?

setsneedtofeed, avatar

Really it just means the sorts of bugs you find with minimal QA testing combined with stilted voice acting, potentially untranslated audio or text, cultural beats that don’t quite cross over, and some game design choices that are different than how a game developed alongside western games might do things.

If you can stand this lack of polish, these sorts of games can at least give amusement for their price point.

harcesz, do wiadomosci w Operator płatnych parkingów wprowadzał klientów w błąd. Stanowisko UOKiK
!deleted269 avatar

Chyba zabrakło linka?


Nie w to okienko się wkleił 😉

tal, do games w Favorite retro games? avatar

I think that Tetris is probably the oldest game that I’ll play some implementation of occasionally. I don’t know if I’d call it my favorite, but it’s aged very gracefully over the decades.

TokenEffort, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games? avatar

That would be an awesome feature but finance bros will find a way to abuse it in milliseconds.


I think there is a digital games storefront that lets you sell your games (robot cache maybe?) and it seems pretty NFT-ish, so yeah


I just had a look at their offer and it has a few issues.

  • Customers can’t resell a game license until 90 days after its release day and 7 days after their purchase (whichever is later).
  • The option to list a license for sale may be revoked if the publisher delists the title
  • The resale price is 100% of the current store price for the title but the reseller recieves only a 25% “resale commission”.
  • This commission can be paid as store currency “IRON” or credited to your original payment method for a fee. If your original payment method has expired then only IRON is available.…/360029179691-Resale-Policy

So they keep 75% of resale revenue, the purchaser doesn’t see any discounts, and it can’t be used to access delisted games?

Its a bit of a monkey paw.


I imagine that’s the only thing they could get the publishers to agree to. Still, it’s better than nothing!


If that's what it has to take - go for it.


This is exactly my worry.

Suppose that on some level, this was possible. You wouldn’t see nice, cozy instances of people who’ve finished their old collection selling them to low-income folks that just got their first Steam Deck. You’d put some games on sale for $10, and an automated Python script would automatically buy them and put them back up for sale for $49.98, one cent less than the new copies being sold.

When literally every single digital copy of a game is “equivalent”, the used games market just doesn’t make sense - although there’s a hundred third-party sites that would like it to work that way so they can take their un-earned cut.

psx_crab, do games w Favorite retro games?

I just started my nostalgia hunt lately, and firstly it’s Digimon World after watching some content about it. It’s still hold up quite well tbh, even though it does show its age with its system.


When I was a kid I didn’t have my own memory card so I just played the first 2 hours of Digimon World every few days or so LOL. Good game.


Definitely worth trying it now with emulator, savestate and speeding up helps with a lot of tedious stuff and risk-taking, i emulate it with my phone and it sure helps that i don’t have to stick to the front of my pc to play it. I love the mystery the world bring, and it encourage you to explore. Difficulty is wonky though.

Aielman15, (edited ) avatar

I replay it every other year. It was one of my first games ever, started playing it when I was 5 or so and kept grinding on the same save file for more than 10 years.

For those interested, the Maeson patch fixes all the bugs that afflicted the game on release and adds a lot of QoL improvements, including persistent music across screens (in the original game, the music resets every time you change screen), diversified evolution lines, and rebalanced progression.
I replayed it last summer with the Maeson patch and it was very enjoyable while still keeping the “core” experience intact.

ICastFist, avatar

Damn, I’ll have to give that a try. I’ve tried to get back into DW via emulation and man, the game is ruthless! The enemies you fight on the first screen (after beating Agumon) will wipe you if don’t bother training at least one entire day first.

Aielman15, avatar

It may be surprising, but most of the difficulty of the game comes from it being very cryptic. Once you understand the underlying mechanics, the game is not hard. You are thrown into a completely foreign world and are asked to just figure it out; and most people go in expecting Pokémon mechanics, which doesn’t help at all.

What it’s worth remembering when playing it, is that the game encourages you to fail and try again. Your Digimon dies of old age and reverts to an egg every few in-game days anyways, and while it’s technically possible to complete the game with your starter Digimon, new players will probably repeat the cycle a few times at minimum.
It can be off putting at first, but it does provide the advantage that it doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make, you can just retry next time, and you actually have it easier each time, because you keep all your items and progression, some of the Digimon’s stats, and of course the knowledge you’ve gathered up to that point.

The Maeson patch doesn’t fundamentally change any of that, but it does remove some of the bloat. Just a few of my favourite changes:

  • Battling against wild Digimon is a waste of time in the original game, but with the patch is a perfectly viable way to farm money and learn new techs.
  • Exploring in the original has you filling your bag with mushrooms, but the patch allows you to find actual useful items that will help you raise your current or next Digimon.
  • Made a few mistakes on the way, and now you’re stuck with a Numemon, Sukamon, or another Digimon you don’t like? Just buy a Reset Radish to revert to an egg and try again (younger me would’ve loved that item).
  • Removed “trap” options, such as providing a fix to the “bonus try” in the gym and making evolution items useful, thus encouraging the player to try out things instead of punishing them for doing so.
ICastFist, avatar

Battling against wild Digimon is a waste of time in the original game

And required for certain evolutions. Not fun times heh

Made a few mistakes on the way, and now you’re stuck with a Numemon, Sukamon, or another Digimon you don’t like? Just buy a Reset Radish to revert to an egg and try again (younger me would’ve loved that item).

Back in my PSX days, I would “save up” the poop so that my 'mon would evolve straight from a baby into Sukamon on the first missed potty. Since that evolution halved all stats, and a baby’s stats were super low, it was easily a net positive as training a champion had much larger gains than a baby.

providing a fix to the “bonus try” in the gym

So now it’s possible to actually hit all marks? Because I couldn’t get it with fucking save states.

Aielman15, avatar

it was easily a net positive as training a champion had much larger gains than a baby.

As long as you don’t do it for the first few generations! All training stations get silently upgraded if you train a Baby I or Baby II digimon there a few times each.

So now it’s possible to actually hit all marks? Because I couldn’t get it with fucking save states.

Yeah. In the original game, the slots are rigged so that you have a set chance to either hit three symbols in a row (40%) or three jackpots (10%), and if the guaranteed chance doesn’t trigger, you automatically fail.

With the Maeson patch, you still have the rigged chances to win, but you can also attempt to win the minigame manually if the rigged chance doesn’t trigger. Imo it’s a bit too good (I liked it better the way the Randomizer handled it, by removing the rigged chances altogether and only allowing the player to win the minigame manually), but it’s still an improvement on the original.


My Leomon lose to a caterpillar haha

I think the dev intended you to avoid most fight, but it’s kinda lame since a lot of time enemy will just place right beside you when you enter the area and then rush toward you, and since fighting is not rewarding it’s kinda pointless.

ICastFist, avatar

Yeah, there were also some areas where you’d pretty much get fucked because you’d hear the digimon footsteps and, as soon as the screen faded back in, SURPRISE BATTLE. Your mon having to fight up to 3 enemies made things even harder


Nice, that’s an interesting patch. Can it be done with existing save file?

Also does it patch the monochromon notorious item shop minigame 🙈

Aielman15, avatar

I don’t know about the existing save file. It should be compatible, though. It’s worth a try.

As for Monochromon, yes! It’s a lot less frustrating now.


Great! Gotta try it after work

nyctre, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games?

There’s nothing to gain from this for the publishers and such. They will however miss out on sales. So I don’t see this happening. The feature would be cool to have as a customer, ofc.


Any platform that offers transferable digital licenses will get a lot of customer loyalty but is likely to have mainstream publishers boycott it.

It could be structured so that everybody wins e.g. the purchaser pays less than the “new” price, with their payment then split as cash for the original publisher and store credit for the seller.

That way:

  1. the purchaser gets a discount
  2. the publisher gets a cut of the sale
  3. the seller gets credit to spend on new games,
  4. the platform gets that credit spent on their store (plus any additional money that might be required to complete a purchase)

As a customer I would find that attractive but I think most publishers would consider it a slippery slope.

Excrubulent, (edited ) do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? avatar

I said Noita is my favourite roguelite, but actually Heat Signature is probably tied with it. It has a completely different philosophy of soft failure.

If your character dies in space, they’re dead, but they can also be captured, then another character can rescue them. And if a mission is going sideways, you can huck a wrench through a window and fling yourself into space, as long as you’re confident you can pick yourself up with your space pod before you pass out.

It’s very fast-paced with quick runs. Each character that comes along has different traits, and you can have 4 different people on the go at once. Each character has their individual quest - which can be rescuing another character - and when that’s done you can retire them or keep them going.

It’s very open to how you want to play.

Oh! Also, if you’re trying to do your character’s big final mission and it goes wrong, usually you can bail and try again. I lost quite a few characters before I realised that.

Valmond, do games w Favorite retro games?

Grandia 2 is a magnificent game IMO.

JRaccoon, do games w Favorite retro games? avatar

The original Super Mario Bros. and SMB 3. The first console I got to play as a child was the NES at my grandparents’ house. Every couple of years I get a nostalgic craving and it’s usually those two games I return to. Also, there are many great rom hacks available if getting bored of the originals.


That’s awesome! I was born after the NES era, so I’m just now going back and checking out more 8-bit and 16-bit era games. I did of course play Super Mario Bros. and SMB 3 on my 3ds though, the platforming on SMB3 is still solid today.


Smb3 is definitely my favorite classic mario, it’s simple and fun, smw seems much more complicated tbh.

Still haven’t beat it though.


…can’t help but notice you didn’t mention everyones favorite turnip throwing mario game!

Diddlydee, do games w Favorite retro games?

Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Shinobi, Gunstar Heroes, Splatterhouse 3.


Gunstar fucking Heroes. You’re a gentleperson and a scholar.

JRaccoon, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games? avatar

I’ve learned that over in the EU, people can actually re-sell their games on Steam.

Unless I’ve totally missed something, this is (sadly) not true.

ShellMonkey, do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games? avatar

Little free digital libraries if you like. It’d be possible to do once the DRM is gone, if only there was a platform that made selling without the locks a major part of the pitch…

Functionally though it is possible, ebook lending exists already, but from what I gather proper libraries pay some sizable fee for the right to do so. There’s no reason other digital media couldn’t do the same.

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